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1、* SATURDAY/SUNDAY, JULY 6 - 7, 2019 VOL. CCLXXIV NO. 5 WSJ.com HHHH $5.00WSJTHEWALLSTREETJOURNALWEEKENDbounded in the past two yearsor so, with several buyers re-turning to the market in early2019.Consumer advocates saidthe use of some aggressivecollection tactics is also on therise, including the p

2、ursuit of“zombie” debts, or debts thatare years and sometimes de-cades old.“Our courts are inundated,”said Laura Smith, an attorneyfor Community Legal Servicesof Philadelphia. Collection fil-ings at the Philadelphia Mu-nicipal Court nearly doubledto 16,200 cases last year from2016, she said.No natio

3、nal-level data existfor debt-collection cases, andmany states dont publish suchPleaseturntopageA4sporting eventand four weeksafter the tournament beganthe country still cant agree onwhat to call the players or man-agers.As a romance language withmasculine and feminine gendersfor nouns, French takes

4、differ-ent turns depending on who orwhat is being discussed. Mostjobs are constructed with mas-culine endings by default, withlittle guidance on how to referto women in the profession. Sowhat happens when that profes-sion is international womenssoccer defender?The language offers at leastPleaseturnt

5、opageA10PARISIn all of his years asa player for the French nationalsoccer team, followed by all ofhis years as a soccer announcerfor Frances national TV station,Bixente Lizarazu never gavemuch thought to how he namedthe positions on the field.Then came this yearsWomens World Cup, held inFrance for t

6、he first time, andMr. Lizarazu ran into the Byzan-tine rules of the French lan-guage.More than five years afterFrance was chosen to host theworlds biggest women-onlyBY JOSHUA ROBINSONHost of Womens World CupFinds Itself Lost for WordsiiiFrench renders most professions asmasculine, including soccer p

7、layersTRANSPORTRichardAndersonusedtorunDelta;nowsomegrumblethatheisrunningAmtraklikeanairline.B1Debt-Collecting SurgesAs Regulation EasesPHILADELPHIADebt col-lectors are making a come-back.Debt-collection lawsuitshave increased in some stateand municipal courts, follow-ing a decline during a regula-

8、tory tightening after the finan-cial crisis. Debt purchases bycollectors are also rising, ac-cording to data by large pub-licly traded debt-collectioncompanies.“There was some fear. Nowthere is more clarity in themarket,” said Jan Stieger, ex-ecutive director of ReceivablesManagement Association In-

9、ternational, a trade group ofdebt buyers. She said industrydebt purchases have re-BY YUKA HAYASHIFor decades, most drugs for critical illnessespassed through a standard battery of tests be-fore regulators allowed them onto the market.A smaller portion were “fast tracked” to makethem available to pat

10、ients sooner.Now that dynamic has flipped. Most drugsare released faster than ever through federalprograms expediting their approval.The new normal is transforming medical de-cision-making for the seriously ill, especiallythose who are out of other options. Familiesand doctors are thrust into a new

11、world oftrade-offs, raising complex questions about themedical and financial value of drugs with lim-ited track records.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ap-proved a record 43 new drugs last yearthrough fast-track programs that skip orshorten major steps other drugs must pass, or73% of total new

12、 drugs. That compares with 10expedited drugs, or 38% of the total, approved10 years ago.The proportion of new drugs receiving expe-dited approvals has been at least 60% for eachof the past five years. It was below 60% in theprevious five.These programs clear drugs for patients thatthe FDA considers

13、to be in high need, often fordeadly or debilitating diseases with few or notreatments. Regulators are typically respondingto pressure from drugmakers, doctors, patientsand policy makers to get drugs to market morequickly. The approvals often hinge on signs ofPleaseturntopageA10BY PETER LOFTUSEXCHANG

14、EWe HoldThese TruthsREVIEWGrill Stars: ChefsFavorite CutsOFFDUTYDANIELLEAL-OLIVAS/AGENCEFRANCE-PRESSE/GETTYIMAGESWASHINGTONRobust Junehiring suggests a decade of do-mestic growth is poweringahead despite global headwinds.U.S. employers added224,000 jobs to payrolls inJune, the Labor Departmentsaid F

15、riday. Meanwhile, thejobless rate last month tickedup from a 50-year low to 3.7%in part because more Ameri-cans said they were lookingfor work.The latest data, which comesafter uneven gains this yearand a surprisingly weak Maythat stoked fears of a strongerslowdown, confirms that hiringis trending a

16、long the samelines as an economy that iscooling from better than 3% an-nual growth toward the 2%pace maintained during mostof the decadelong expansion.“This number providescomfort that while job growthmay be slowing, its not plum-meting off a cliff,” said MarthaGimbel, economist at job-search site I

17、.The Federal Reserve ismonitoring that slowingagainst a backdrop of still-PleaseturntopageA2BY ERIC MORATHAND SARAH CHANEYJobs Report Allays Fears of Slowdown15-Year-Old Thrills WimbledonFLYING HIGH: Cori Coco Gauff of the U.S. beat Slovenias PolonaHercog on Friday, becoming the youngest player to r

18、each the tennistournaments fourth round since Jennifer Capriati in 1991. A14Fast-TrackDrugs,OnceforEmergencies,BecomeNormSpeedy approvals help needy but come with less proof of efficacyWASHINGTONPresidentTrump indicated he might seekan executive order to place acitizenship question on the cen-sus, o

19、ne of several options theadministration is considering inthe wake of a Supreme Courtdecision that stymied its pushto do so.Meanwhile, a federal judgerejected the Trump administra-tions request to freeze a law-suit alleging the White Houseintended to discriminate againstHispanics with its drive to ad

20、dthe citizenship question. Thejudges order Friday followed aJustice Department filing in thecase saying it was still exploringwhether and how to continuefighting to add the question.Administration lawyersworked over the July Fourthholiday to try to come up with apath for getting the questiononto the

21、 census forms, whichare already being printed with-out it.“The Departments of Justiceand Commerce have been askedto re-evaluate all available op-tions following the SupremeCourts decision and whetherthe Supreme Courts decisionin a separate census casewould allow for a new decisionto include the citi

22、zenship ques-tion,” the lawyers wrote in acourt filing.The judges order, in a Mary-land case, potentially added topressure on the Justice Depart-ment, which now may have toturn over reams of documentsto plaintiffs seeking evidencethat disputes the administra-tions claims that it didnt havea discrimi

23、natory motive inwanting to add the question.Material found on a computerthat belonged to a now-de-ceased Republican consultant inNorth Carolina raised questionsabout the origins of the effort.The government had askedU.S. District Judge George Ha-zel, in Greenbelt, Md., to putthe discrimination case

24、on iceuntil the administration decideswhether to renew its legal cam-paign to add the question fol-PleaseturntopageA5BY JESS BRAVINAND VIVIAN SALAMAAdministration Presses Bid on Census Questiondingbat.diamondReport weakens case forlarger rate cut. A2Annualwagegrowthandinflation312%16 17 18 19*100=1Q

25、 1966 Aggregate hoursNote: Payrolls, unemployment, wages, inflation and participation rate are seaonally adjusted. Inflation is annual change in personal-consumption price index excluding food and energy.Sources: Labor Dept. (payrolls, unemployment, wages, hours, participation rate), University of M

26、ichigan (sentiment), Commerce Dept. via Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (inflation)Unemploymentishistoricallylowandconsumersareconfidentbutwagegainsarelevelingoffandthemanufacturingsectorisslowing.Itsunclearhowmanymoreworkerscanbedrawninoffthesidelines.Monthlychangeinnonfarmpayrolls020015010050300

27、250thousand2016 17 18 19InflationWagesSix-monthaverageUnemploymentrate345%16 17 18 19Consumersentiment*85909516 17 18 19Labor-forceparticipationrate616263%16 17 18 19Annualchangeinmanufacturinghours234%17 18 1916dingbat.diamondU.S. employers added224,000 jobs to payrolls inJune, suggesting a decadeo

28、f domestic growth isntunder threat despiteglobal headwinds. The job-less rate ticked up from a50-year low to 3.7%. A1dingbat.diamondStocks stumbled andTreasuryyieldsjumpedafterthejobsreportcloudedex-pectationsofanimminentin-terest-ratecutbytheFed. B13dingbat.diamondDebt-collection lawsuitshave incre

29、ased in somestate and municipal courts,following a decline duringa regulatory tightening af-ter the financial crisis. A1dingbat.diamondNew drugs to treat criti-cal illnesses are coming tomarket at a record clipthrough federal programsexpeditingtheirapproval. A1dingbat.diamondDeutsche Banks invest-me

30、nt-banking chief reachedan agreement toleavethelenderasitpreparestounveilarevampofthedivision. B1dingbat.diamond Apples operating chiefwill face a critical test inassuming responsibility forcreating the iconic gadgetsthat make the firm hum. B1dingbat.diamondBMW CEO Krger planstostepdownincomingmonth

31、s,handingofftoayet-to-be-namedsuccessor. B3dingbat.diamondBritains competition reg-ulatorisreviewingAmazonsinvestmentinU.K.food-de-liverystartupDeliveroo. B3WhatsNewsCONTENTSBanking email: Need assistance with your subscription?By web: ; By email: By phone: 1-800-JOURNAL (1-800-568-7625)Reprints rec

32、alling hismothers words, he refrained fromspeaking to anyone on the train.He settled into the modest Chi-cago home of an uncle who had ajob in the stockyards and an auntwho worked as a babysitter. Beforeand after school, he deliverednewspapers.He enrolled at the University ofIllinois in 1942 but bef

33、ore complet-ing his first year was drafted intothe Army. Late in the war, duringthe Battle of the Bulge, he sawcombat action in the Netherlandsand France. He was awarded aBronze Star.Only after the war did he learnthat his mother and sister died ina concentration camp at Stutthof,near Danzig.He resu

34、med his education at Roo-sevelt University in Chicago andgraduated in 1948 with a businessdegree. In January 1949, he met FernGoldman, a graduate of Northwest-ern Universitys journalism school.They married 10 months later.After further military serviceduring the Korean War, he workedas an accountant

35、 for Sam Horwitz,who supplied furnishings to res-taurants. Mr. Horwitz bought theassets of a failed chair maker for$10,000 and renamed it ShelbyWilliams. He put Mr. Steinfeld incharge of the new company andlater sold him a controlling stake.Mr. Steinfeld steered the companythrough numerous ownership

36、changes, including a spell in theearly 1970s when it was owned byRCA Corp. He moved much of themanufacturing to Morristown, Tenn.,and became a major donor to theUniversity of Tennessee in Knoxville,where he funded more than 500scholarships. Other organizations hesupported included the Art Instituteo

37、f Chicago, the U.S. Holocaust Me-morial Museum and the WeizmannInstitute of Science in Israel.He is survived by his wife of 70years, three children and 10 grand-children. On Sunday mornings, heliked to make chocolate-chip pan-cakes for his children and grand-children. He was known to be gen-erous wi

38、th the chocolate chips.dingbat.diamondRead a collection of in-depthprofiles at WSJ.com/ObituariesOBITUARIESthey not citizens? You need itfor many reasons.”The creation of political dis-tricts historically has beenbased on total population,rather than citizen population,and the Constitution requires“

39、counting the whole number ofpersons in each State.”Separately, plaintiffs in aNew York case asked a judgethere to block the Trump ad-ministration from adding thequestion because the JusticeDepartment had previously saidJune 30 was the deadline forfinishing the census form. Themotion, filed by the Am

40、ericanCivil Liberties Union on behalfof immigrant-rights groups,says the government invokedthat deadline to persuadecourts to expedite the case,forcing the plaintiffs to foregodiscovery they believe couldhave helped prove a discrimina-tory motive behind the policy.At the White House beforeleaving fo

41、r New Jersey, Mr.Trump said he had four or fiveoptions on the question butdidnt say what they were.Conservative lawyers, how-ever, have been floating ideason the matter in opinion col-umns. One approach, laid outThegovernmenthasntclarifiedhowitwouldjustifyacitizenshipquestion.President Trump speakin

42、g to the media on Friday on the WhiteHouse lawn before his departure for Bedminster, N.J.lowing the Supreme Court deci-sion on June 27 that CommerceSecretary Wilbur Ross gave“contrived” rationales for theplan that flouted policy-makingrequirements.Judge Hazel was having noneof it, saying discovery r

43、elated tothe origins of the questionshould begin without delay.Fridays developments werethe latest turns in the WhiteHouse drive to get the citizen-ship question added to the cen-sus form. But the governmentdid little to clarify how it is go-ing to respond to the SupremeCourts requirement for a legi

44、t-imate rationale; the administra-tion had said the question wasneeded to improve enforcementof the Voting Rights Act.On Tuesday the Commerceand Justice departments an-nounced the fight was over andthe forms were being sent tothe printer without the ques-tion.But Mr. Trump, in tweetsthat night and W

45、ednesday,called the accurate reports ofadministration statements infederal court “fake news,” add-ing that all possibilities werestill being explored. In urgingthe Supreme Court to take thecase before an appeals courtcompleted its review, the ad-ministration claimed the censusform had to be final by

46、 June 30.Mr. Trump speculated Fridaythe administration could“maybe do an addendum afterwe get a positive decision.”“I have a lot of respect forJustice Roberts,” Mr. Trumpsaid, referring to the chief jus-tice. “But he didnt like it, buthe did say come back.”Asked Friday why a citizenquestion is neede

47、d, Mr. Trumpdidnt mention the VotingRights Act. “Well you need itfor many reasons,” he said. “No.1, you need it for Congress, fordistricting, you need it for ap-propriations, where are thefunds going. How many peopleare there? Are they citizens, areContinuedfromPageOneCensusPushContinuesMICHAELREYNO

48、LDS/SHUTTERSTOCKMANFRED STEINFELD1924 2019If You Ate Out, You LikelySat in One of His ChairsIn July 1938, Manfred Stein-felds mother put him on atrain that would carry him toHamburg on the first leg of a jour-ney delivering him to Chicago, safefrom the Nazi menace facing Jewsin Germany.He was 14 yea

49、rs old. He had a$10 bill sewn inside a pocket. Hismother said, “Be quiet and do notdraw attention to yourself.” As thetrain pulled away, she sobbed.They never saw each other again.Mr. Steinfeld, who died June30 at age 95, never became fa-mous but it is safe to assumeyou have sat in chairs made bythe Chicago-based company hebuilt, Shelby Williams IndustriesInc. It became the largest makerof hotel and restaurant seatingin the U.S., with customers in


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