1、Chapter 3 第二部分 参考面、参考轴,1,Learning Objectives,创建参考面.,创建参考轴.,创建参考坐标系.,通过其他选项建模.,通过轮廓选项建模.,创建剪切特征.,Create multiple disjoint bodies.,创建参考点.,Chapter 3,草图基准面的作用,许多机械模型的包含一些特征,如:草图特征、基准、放样特征等.为了创建这些特征要有基准面或者平面或者一个新的平面,以创建草图等.图A模型的基本特征是图B所示模型,显然图C所指的特征并不是都基于特征,而是基于其他基准面.,Figure A A multifeatured model,Figur
2、e B Base feature for the model,Figure C Model after adding other features,Chapter 3,链接,链接,参考几何特征,参考几何特征充当绘制草图的参考面、定义草图面,定义装配面, 包括: 参考面 参考轴 参考系统.,参考面,缺省面或者新平面都可以作为参考面.,缺省平面有:,Chapter 3,创建新基准面,按下“基准面”按键,跳出参考几何管理器,如图 A. 该管理器中的可选项包括:,Figure A The Plane PropertyManager,Creating a Plane Using Through Line
3、s/Points,Selecting the edge and vertex,Resulting plane,a),Chapter 3,链接,Creating a Plane Parallel to an Existing Plane or Planar Face and Passing Through a Point,Resulting plane,b),Selecting the planar face and edge,Resulting plane,Selecting the vertices,Chapter 3,链接,Creating a Plane at an Angle to a
4、n Existing Plane or a Planar Face,To create a plane at an angle, choose the At Angle button from the Plane PropertyManager as shown in Figure A.,Figure A The Plane PropertyManager with At Angle option selected,Resulting plane,Selecting the edge and planar face,Chapter 3,链接,Creating a Plane at Some O
5、ffset From an Existing Plane or a Planar Face,Resulting plane,Selecting the plane,Creating a Plane Normal to Curve,Edge to be selected,Resulting plane,Chapter 3,链接,链接,Creating a Plane On Surface,References to be selected,Resulting plane,Chapter 3,链接,创建参考轴,参考轴实际上就是贯穿模型、特征或者参考实体的直线. 按”参考轴”按键,跳出参考轴管理器,
6、如图.,Figure A The Axis PropertyManager,Creating a Reference Axis Using One Line/Edge/Axis,Line to be selected,Resulting reference axis,Chapter 3,该管理器中的可选项包括:,链接,Creating a Reference Axis Using Two Planes,Planes to be selected,Creating a Reference Axis Using Two Points or Vertices,Vertices to be selec
7、ted,Resulting reference axis,Resulting reference axis,Chapter 3,链接,链接,Creating a Reference Axis Using Cylindrical or a Conical Surface,Cylindrical surface to be selected,Resulting reference axis,Creating a Reference Axis on a Surface Passing Through a Point,Point and Surface to be selected,Resulting
8、 reference axis,Chapter 3,链接,链接,创建参考点,参考点可以协助创建另外一个参考几何或者特征. 创建参考点时按“参考点”按键跳出参考点对话框,如图A.,Figure A The Point PropertyManager,Reference point at the center of a curved edge,有五种创建参考点的方法:,Creating a Reference Point at the Center of an Arc or a Curved Edge,Chapter 3,链接,Creating a Reference Point at the C
9、enter of a Face,Creating a Reference Point at the Intersection of Two Edges, Sketched Segments, or Reference Axes,Creating a Reference Point by Projecting an Existing Point,Creating Single or Multiple Reference Points Along the Distance of a Sketched Curve or an Edge,Enter the distance/percentage va
10、lue according to distanceDistancePercentageEvenly DistributeEnter number of reference points to be created along the selected entity,Chapter 3,创建参考坐标系,选择“参考坐标系”按键,跳出参考坐标系对话框,如图A.,Figure A The Coordinate System PropertyManager,创建参考坐标系时需要: (1)选择一个点作为原点。 (2)定义X,Y坐标或者Y,Z坐标或者Z,X坐标。 第三个坐标自动产生. 可以选择边、点或者参考
11、轴来定义他们的方向.,Chapter 3,其他拉伸选项,这些选项有:,从FROM,该项用于定义拉伸的开始特征,如图A,Figure A The From rollout of the Extrude PropertyManager,Chapter 3,可选项有:,草图平面,表面/面/平面,顶点,等距(偏移),Figure B Sketch and the reference face to be selected,Figure C Resulting extruded feature,Surface/Face/Plane,Figure B shows the sketch to be extr
12、uded and the face selected as reference for starting the extrude feature. Figure C shows the resulting feature extruded from the selected face up to a specified depth.,Chapter 3,链接,链接,Chapter 3,Vertex,Sketch and the vertex to be selected,Offset,Resulting extruded feature,Sketch and the vertex to be
13、selected,Resulting extruded feature,链接,链接,链接,结束条件(孔),可选项有:,Through All,Up To Next,A sketch extruded using Up To Next option,A sketch extruded using Through All option,Chapter 3,链接,链接,Up To Vertex,A sketch extruded using Up To Vertex option,Up To Surface,A sketch extruded using Up To Surface option,C
14、hapter 3,Up To Body,A sketch extruded using Up To Body option,链接,链接,链接,Offset From Surface,Sketch extruded using Offset From Surface option with Translate surface check box cleared,Sketch extruded using Offset From Surface option with Translate surface check box selected,Chapter 3,Surfaces with true
15、 projection and translation,链接,可以通过用草图线、边或者参考轴来定义拉伸的方向. Note that the entity that you want to use for defining the direction of extrusion should not be drawn on the sketch plane parallel to the plane on which the sketch to be extruded is drawn.,拉伸的方向,To define the direction of extrusion, click in th
16、e Direction of Extrusion selection box in the Direction 1 area of the Extrude PropertyManager. Next, select an edge, a sketched line segment, or an axis. Figure A shows a sketch drawn on the top face of a rectangular block and a line sketched on the left face of the block to define the direction of
17、extrusion. Figure B shows the resulting extruded feature.,Figure A,Figure B,Chapter 3,链接,“有选择”轮廓的方法建模,就是选择草图的部分轮廓建模. To understand this concept, consider the example shown below,Aim: To create a Multi-featured solid model,Sketch for the solid model,Contour selection for 1st extrusion,Isometric view
18、after 1st extrusion,Contour selection for 2nd extrusion,Final model,Chapter 3,链接,You can also select the model edges as a part of the contour. For example, consider Figure A. This figure shows a line drawn on the top face of a rectangular block. You can use the edges of the top face of the rectangul
19、ar block that form a contour with the line as a sketch to be extruded, see Figure B. Figure C shows the resulting extruded feature.,Figure A Line drawn on the top face of a rectangular model,Figure B Selecting the contour formed by the line and the model edges,Figure C Extruded feature created using
20、 the model edges as a part of the contour,Chapter 3,链接,拉伸切除成型,The cut is a material removal process. The cut feature can be created only if a base feature exists. The cut operation using the extrude and revolve features is:,创建拉伸的切槽,To create an extruded cut feature, create a sketch for the cut featu
21、re and then choose the Extruded Cut button from the Features CommandManager. The Cut-Extrude PropertyManager is displayed, as shown in Figure A.,Figure A The Cut-Extrude PropertyManager,Figure B shows the preview of the cut feature. Figure C shows the model after adding the cut feature.,Figure B,Fig
22、ure C,Chapter 3,链接,拉伸切除成型对话框的选项:,Chapter 3,从,与拉伸凸台的“从”的选项一样.,Sketch to be extruded and the reference face,Resulting extruded cut feature,链接,方向 1,用于定义方向1的结束条件,可选项包括:,End Condition,Flip Side to Cut,Thin Feature,Draft On/Off,Cut feature with Flip side to cut check box cleared,Cut feature with Flip side
23、 to cut check box selected,Cut feature with Draft outward check box cleared,Cut feature with Draft outward check box selected,Chapter 3,链接,链接,在剪切特征中处理多实体,Figure A shows a sketch created to create a cut feature. Figure B shows the cut feature created with the end condition as Through All. As multiple
24、 bodies are created, the Bodies to Keep dialog box is displayed, see Figure C. As selection is made for the Selected bodies radio button, a selection and display area will be displayed as shown in Figure D.,Figure A,Figure B,Chapter 3,Figure C,Figure D,链接,You can select the check box provided on the
25、 left of the name of the body to keep that body. The selected body is displayed in green in temporary graphics. Select the bodies to keep and choose the OK button from the Bodies to Keep dialog box. Figure E shows a sketch created for the cut feature. Figure F shows the cut feature created using the
26、 thin option and the All bodies option selected from the Bodies to Keep dialog box.,Figure E Sketch to create a cut feature using the thin option,Figure F A thin cut feature created with all the resulting bodies retained,Chapter 3,链接,创建“旋转切除”特征,“旋转切除” 用于通过绕某一轴旋转草图以去除材料.When you invoke the Revolved C
27、ut tool, the Cut-Revolve PropertyManager is displayed, as shown in Figure A. Figure B shows a sketch for a revolved cut feature and Figure C shows the resulting cut feature. Note that in Figure C, a texture is applied to the cut feature.,Figure A The Cut-Revolve PropertyManager,Figure B Sketch for t
28、he revolved cut feature,Figure C Resulting cut feature with a texture,Chapter 3,链接,特征区域的概念,After creating two or more than two disjoint bodies, when creating another feature, a Feature Scope rollout is displayed in the PropertyManager. This rollout is used to define the bodies that will be affected
29、by the creation of the feature. 在以下特征建模中有“特征区域的概念”:,Chapter 3,例 1,In this tutorial you will create the model shown in Figure A. You will create the model by drawing the sketch of the front view of the model and then select the contours to extrude them. As a result, in this tutorial you will learn th
30、e procedure of modeling using the contours selection method. The dimensions of the model are shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 30 min),Figure A Solid model for Tutorial 1,Figure B Dimension and views for Tutorial 1,Chapter 3,链接,Start SolidWorks and start a new part document. Invoke the sketcher env
31、ironment. Draw the sketch of the front view of the model using the automatic mirroring option to capture the design intent of the model. Add the required relations and dimensions to the sketch as shown in Figure C.,Figure C Fully defined sketch for creating the model,Use the contour selection method
32、 to create the model. Select one of the contours from the given sketch and extrude it, see Figure D and E shown below.,Figure D Lower rectangle selected,Figure E Base feature of the model,Chapter 3,Select the middle contour, see Figure F. Now, extrude the selected contour using the Extrude Boss/Base
33、 tool as shown in Figure G.,Figure F Middle contour is selected,Figure G Second feature is created,Invoke the Contour Select tool and select the right and left contours, see Figure H and extrude the selected contours using the Extrude Boss/Base tool. The final model is shown in Figure I.,Figure H Ri
34、ght and left contours are selected,Figure I Final model of Tutorial 1,Chapter 3,The FeatureManager Design Tree of the model is shown in Figure J.,Choose the Save button from the Standard toolbar and save the model with the name given below.My DocumentsSolidWorksc05c05tut1.sldprt Choose File Close fr
35、om the menu bar to close the document.,Figure J The FeatureManager Design Tree,Chapter 3,Tutorial 2,In this tutorial you will create a model for which the dimensions are shown in Figure A. You will use a combination of the conventional modeling method and the contour selection method to create this
36、model. The solid model is shown in Figure B. (Expected time: 30 min),Figure A Solid model for Tutorial 2,Figure B Dimensions and views for Tutorial 2,Chapter 3,链接,Start SolidWorks and start a new part document. Draw the sketch and add the required relations and dimensions to the sketch as shown in F
37、igure C.,Figure C Fully defined sketch,Use the contour selection method to create the model. Select one of the contours from the given sketch and extrude it, see Figure D and E.,Figure D Lower rectangle selected as contour,Figure E Base feature of the model,Chapter 3,Select the remaining contours an
38、d extrude the selected contours using the Extrude Boss/Base tool as shown in Figure F.,Figure F Model created after extruding the contours,Create the recess provided at the base of the model by extruding a sketch using the cut option created at the right planar face of the model, see Figure G and Fi
39、gure H.,Figure G Sketch for cut feature,Figure H Cut feature added to the model,Chapter 3,Use the Linear Sketch Step and Repeat option to create the circles. After that use the cut option to complete the hole feature, see Figure I and Figure J.,Figure I Holes sketched for cut feature,Figure J Final
40、solid model of Tutorial 2,The FeatureManager Design Tree of the model is shown in Figure K.,Figure K The FeatureManager Design Tree,Save the document as /My Documents/SolidWorks/c05/c05tut2.sldprt. Close the file by choosing File Close from the menu bar.,Chapter 3,Tutorial 3,In this tutorial, you wi
41、ll create the model shown in Figure B whose dimensions are shown in Figure A. (Expected time: 30 min),Figure A Solid model for Tutorial 3,Figure B Dimensions and views for Tutorial 3,Chapter 3,链接,Start SolidWorks and start a new part document. Invoke the sketcher environment. Draw the sketch and add
42、 the required relations and dimensions to the sketch as shown in Figure C. Extrude the sketch using the Extrude Boss/Base tool, see Figure D.,Figure C Sketch for base feature,Figure D Base feature,Invoke the Plane PropertyManager and select the upper curved face of the existing feature. Move the cur
43、sor close to the midpoint of the curved edge of the upper curved face. The point is highlighted in red, see Figure E. Select this point. Choose OK to create the reference plane.,Figure E Point to be selected,Chapter 3,Create a sketch on the top plane and then create a cut feature using that sketch,
44、see Figure D for the sketch and Figure E for the model after cut feature.,Figure D Sketch for cut feature,Figure E Cut feature added to the base feature,After creating the base of the model you will create a plane at an offset of 150 mm from the Top plane. This newly created plane will be used as a
45、sketching plane for the next feature.,Chapter 3,The sketch of the next feature is created on the newly created plane and the sketch is extruded up to a selected surface, see Figure F for the sketch and Figure G for the model after extrude feature is created.,Figure F Sketch created on the newly crea
46、ted plane,Figure G Sketch extruded up to a selected surface,Create the counterbore hole by revolving a sketch created on the front plane using the cut option. The sketch is shown in Figure H. Figure I shows the model after cut feature is added to the model.,Figure H Fully defined sketch for counterb
47、ore,Figure I Cut feature added,Chapter 3,Create the holes using the cut feature to complete the model. The sketch for the cut feature is shown in Figure J and Figure K shows the final model.,Figure J Fully define sketch for the cut feature,Figure K Final model,The FeatureManager Design Tree of the m
48、odel is shown in Figure L.,Figure L The FeatureManager Design Tree,Save the document as /My Documents/SolidWorks/c05/c05tut3.sldprt. Close the file by choosing File Close from the menu bar.,Chapter 3,Exercise 1,Create the model shown in Figure A. The dimensions of the model are given in Figure B. (E
49、xpected time: 30 min),Figure A Solid Model for Exercise 1,Figure B Dimensions of the model,Chapter 3,链接,Exercise 2,Figure A Solid Model for Exercise 2,Figure B Dimensions for Exercise 2,Create the model shown in Figure A. The dimensions of the model are given in Figure B. (Expected time: 30 min),Chapter 3,链接,