1、第六轮六方会谈团长会新闻公报(2007 年 7 月 20 日,北京)一、2007 年 7 月 18 日至 20 日,第六轮六方会谈团长会在北京举行。中国外交部副部长武大伟、朝鲜外务省副相金桂冠、日本外务省亚洲大洋洲局局长佐佐江贤一郎、韩国外交通商部朝鲜半岛和平交涉本部长千英宇、美国国务院东亚和太平洋事务助理国务卿希尔、俄罗斯外交部大使罗满宁分别率团与会。武大伟副部长主持会议。二、会议回顾了第六轮六方会谈第一阶段会议以来的工作和进展,对各方为推进六方会谈进程所作出建设性努力表示满意,对各方就增进相互信任和改善相互关系进行富有成效的双边磋商和协调表示欢迎。Press Communiqu of th
2、e Head of Delegation Meeting of the Sixth Round of the Six-Party Talks Beijing, 20 July 2007 I. The Head of Delegation Meeting of the Sixth Round of the Six-Party Talks was held in Beijing from 18 to 20 July 2007. Mr. Wu Dawei, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC; Mr. Kim Gye Gwan, Vice Mini
3、ster of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK; Mr. Kenichiro Sasae, Director-General for Asian and Oceanian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan; Mr. Chun Yung-woo, Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs of the ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade; Mr. Christopher
4、 Hill, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Department of State of the United States; and Mr. Vladimir Rakhmanin, Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation attended the talks as heads of their respective delegations. Vice Foreign Minister Wu Daw
5、ei chaired the meeting. II. The Parties reviewed the work and progress since the First Session of the Sixth Round of the Six-Party Talks, expressed satisfaction with the constructive efforts made by all parties to advance the Six-Party Talks process, and welcomed that productive bilateral consultations and coordination were conducted to enhance their mutual trust and improve relations with each other.