1、-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-Lesson15 Lets make soup!教学目标:1、知识目标:理解并会说句子 May I borrow _? We need _. Lets borrow _.2、能力目标:能听说认写单词 borrow 和 need. 学会向别人借东西。3、情感目标:通过向别人借东西,培养学生大胆交流、团结友爱、互相帮助的精神。教学重难点:1、重点:会说句子 May I borrow _? We need _.2、难点:进行借东西的对话。教学过程:一、复习1、chant2、Choose a game to
2、review all the foods the students have learned in Unit1 and Unit2. 3、以在商店买东西为内容表演对话。二、新授1、老师当买家,说出 shop 里没有的东西。 如 pencil.T: I need a pencil. Do you have any pencils?-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-S: No.老师走到学生中间,T:I want to draw a picture. But I have no pencil. May I borrow a pencil,
3、please? (伸出手去借 )S:Yes.T: Now I can draw a picture. (做动作) 用完后再还回去,并说 Thanks.S: Youre welcome. (引出了 borrow, need)2、Lead individual students through a dialogue, working from phrases they know to a new phrase. Use actions to make my meaning clear. For example:T: Do you have any pencils/books/markers?S:
4、Yes. T: I want a _. /I need a _. May I borrow one, please? May I have a _, please?/ May I borrow it/them?S: Yes/Sure.T: Thanks.S: Youre welcome.3、板书:I need a pencil. May I borrow a _? (领读)4、教师再做几个类似的示范。-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-5、Ask the students to find partners and take tures
5、practicing a dialogue that requires them to borrow things from each other. Make sure they know to give the object back after borrowing it and use the phrase Thanks and Youre welcome.6、演示做汤的过程(一盆水,菜,盐,胡椒粉等)T: I want to make soup. Lets make soup. What do I need?S: You need water/salt/ (遇到不会说的,教师引导)7、读课文8、小组以做汤为内容编排对话。板书设计:Lesson15 Lets make soup!I need a pencil. May I borrow a pencil?NeedBorrow