1、1Revision2 Lets Spell 教学设计【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)四年级上册 Revision2【课 时】Lets Spell一、教学目标1. 能够比较准确地辨识字母组合 ur,ir 的发音,并能够根据发音规律,拼读、拼写单词。2. 能够在教师指导下,制作与字母组合 ur, ir 有关的单词书(wordbook)。二、教学建议A. Look, listen and circle.1. 热身活动播放第四至六单元 Lets Spell 中 D 项的小韵文,让学生有节奏地读一读。2. 复习巩固(1) 教师在黑板上出示 ir, ur 两种字母组合。(2) 激活旧知识:教师示范 i
2、r-/:/-bird,后学生四人一组列举出一些含有字母组合ir, ur 的单词。3. 看一看,读一读(1) 教师引导学生观察 A 项图片,可以使用问题:What can you see?引导学生简单描述图片。(2) 学生尝试逐一读出 A 项词框中的单词。4. 听一听,圈一圈(1) 教师播放 A 项录音,学生在词框中圈出所听到的含有字母组合 ir, ur 的单词。(2) 再次播放录音,核对答案,进行自评。Tip:在录音材料中,还有 short 一词。教师也可以提醒学生,借以复习字母组合 or 的发音。B. Listen and write.1. 观察图片,作好准备教师引导学生观察 B 项图片,猜
3、一猜是什么词。2. 听一听,补全单词(1) 教师播放录音,示范前两个单词的填写。2(2) 教师继续播放录音,学生根据听到的发音,将单词补充完整。(3) 教师再次播放录音,核对答案。(4) 两人一组,读一读,评一评。C. Lets make a word book.1. 观察范例教师引导学生观察书中的学生作品,说一说每张彩页展示的是哪组字母组合的发音。2. 朗读单词学生按照发音规律,尝试朗读每张彩页上的单词。3. 结对讨论学生结对讨论,说出其他含有这两组字母组合且发音相同的单词。4. 制作单词书学生自己制作含有字母组合 ir, ur 的单词书。5. 合订成集教师指导学生将本册中制作的两本单词书装
4、订在一起,进行创意装饰,合成一本书。6. 传阅交流组织学生传阅,相互学习和交流。Tip:教师可将不同班级学生制作的单词书进行传阅,以增加学生的自豪感和成就感。有条件的学校还可以在年级文化墙上进行展示、交流。三、备选活动1. 摆卡片,练拼读建议教师为学生准备一套单独的辅音字母卡和字母组合卡,让学生根据发音规律自主摆一摆,读一读,尝试拼出更多的词汇,为制作单词书提供更多的素材,不认识的单词可以借助工具书确认词义。慢慢培养学生见词能读的能力。2. 读故事,练拼读建议教师为学生提供符合发音规律的韵文或者绘本小故事,鼓励学生尝试运用所学拼读知识自主朗读、学习,进行小竞赛,让学生体会成功的快乐。Tips:
5、1. Top 10 Childrens Dream Jobs(1) Astronaut: Many children dream of going into space when they grow up. They want to see the moon and stars. They also want to take a spaceship.3(2) Rock star: Many children dream of being rock stars. They want to sing and dance with fans screaming.(3) Film star: Many
6、 children dream of being famous actors or actresses on screen.(4) Dancer: Many girls dream of being ballerinas, or modern and jazz dancers.(5) Firefighter: Some boys dream of being firefighters. They think the job exciting. They can be very brave and help people.(6) Athlete: Some children want to be
7、 famous sports stars, e.g. NBA players, football stars, etc.(7) Police: Some children dream of being police officers. They want to catch thieves and protect people.(8) Scientist: Some children dream of becoming scientists. They want to workout puzzles.(9) Pilot: Some boys want to fly airplanes or he
8、licopters.(10) Doctor: Some children want to become doctors in order to help sick people.2. The Super Ten, Play-It-Safe Rules for Kids and Grownups! (http:/ /tenrules.html)(1) I am the boss of my body!(2) I know my name, address, phone number and my parents names too.(3) Safe grownups dont ask kids
9、 for help! (They go to other grownups if they need assistance).(4) I never go ANYWHERE or take ANYTHING from someone I dont know.(5) I must “CHECK FIRST” with my safe-smarts grownup for permission: before I go anywhere, change my plans, or get into a car even if its with someone I know. If I cant ch
10、eck first, then the answer is NO!(6) Everybodys bathing suit areas are PRIVATE.(7) I dont have to be POLITE, if someone makes me feel scared or uncomfortable. Its okay to say NO . even to a grownup, if I have to.4(8) I dont keep SECRETS . especially if they make me feel scared or uneasy. (No adult should tell a child to keep a secret).(9) If I ever get LOST in a public place, I can FREEZE & YELL or go to a Mum with Kids and ask for help.(10) I will always pay attention to my Special Inner Voice, especially if I get an “uh-oh” feeling.【板书设计】Revision2【教学反思】