1、study hard, work hard, Do better every day. 好好学习,天天向上,授课目的:为提高项目部有一定英语基础的 技术人员的现场施工口语交流能力。 课程编写依据:充分征求每个工程师的意见,根据 大家的意见决定每节课的学习内容。 期望:通过学习和练习,使大部分坚持听课的工程 师能够在现场和监理就各种技术问题自由的和监理 进行沟通。,工程技术人员希望学习的例句,单词学习:Safety meeting 安全会议 Present 出席的 Weekly progress meeting 周进度会 Concrete placing 砼浇注 Through night 通宵
2、 Curing 养护 Construction period 工期 Master plan 总规划图 Reserve the right of claim 保留索赔权利 Inspection procedure 验收程序 Mix design 配合比 Comply with 符合 Existing 现有的 Landform / topography 地形,地貌 Walling masonry 砌墙 Mock-up building 样板楼 Complete 完成,今天上午10点开安全会,请准时到会。The safety meeting will be held at 10 oclock in
3、the morning today, please be present (attend) on time.,Eg: 今天下午3点召开质量控制会,请按时参加。 Quality control meeting will be held at 3 oclock in the afternoon today, please attend the meeting on time.,Eg.:每周五晚上8点召开周例会,请按时参加。Weekly progress meeting is held at 8 o clock in the evening every Friday, please be prese
4、nt on time.,2. 我们从明天开始通宵打灰,以便于砼的养护。We shall start concrete placing (casting) through night from tomorrow to be easy for curing.,Eg: 由于工期紧,部分工人需要通宵工作。Partial workers are required to work through night due to stressed construction period.,我们希望总规划图不要再有什么变更,否则我们保留索赔的权利。 We hope that there is no more cha
5、nge to the Master Plan, otherwise, we shall reserve the right of claim. We hope that no change will take place to the Master Plan, or we shall reserve the right of claim.,Eg: 我们希望验收程序不要再有什么变化以免延误施工进度。We hope that there is no more change to the inspection procedures to avoid any delay of the construc
6、tion progress.,4. 监理要求重新做符合夏天施工的砼配合比。The consultant requests to re-make new concrete mix design complying with the construction in summer season.,Eg: 业主要求根据现有地形重新对E区进行设计。 The Client requests to re-do the design for zone E according to existing Landform (topography).,5. 样板楼墙体施工已经完成,符合设计要求。The constru
7、ction of walling masonry for mock-up building has been completed and meets the requirement of the design.,Eg: 样板楼的屋面施工已经完成,符合设计要求。 The construction of roof for mock-up building has been completed and meets the requirement of the design.,单词复习:Safety meeting Present Weekly progress meeting Concrete placing Through night Curing Construction period Master plan Reserve the right of claim Inspection procedure Mix design Comply with Existing Landform / topography Walling masonry Mock-up building Complete,Thank you !,