1、.外研版(一起)二年级英语下册教案Module 7 Unit 1 Its Childrens Day today.Teaching Aims Talking about a festival.Teaching important pointsDaming is doi ng a play with some children.Lingling is singing a song.Teaching difficult pointsIts Childrens Day today. Daming is doing a play with some children.Students Analysis
2、Childrens Day, play, some, say, poem, class, dragon dance, picnicTeaching Aids来源:学科网 CAI, tape recorder, pictures, cardsTeaching ProceduresStep 1 GreetingStep 2 Warmer 1. On the board write the following sentence beginning and complements(sentence ending)Daming is doingLingling is sinningSam is sayi
3、ngAmy is a poema playdancinga song来源 :学#科#网2. Tell the students to work in pairs. Have them look at the sentence beginning and ending and guess which beginnings go with which ending. These are clues in the sentence structures if they look carefully. Step 3 Activity 1 Listen point and find-ing.1. Ask
4、 the children to look at the page. Elicit as much information about the story as you can in Chinese by asking questions. For example, point to the telephone and ask Whats this? Point to each picture and ask them what the people are doing.T: What is he/she doing?Ss: Hes/Shes 2.Play the cassette or re
5、ad the dialogue. The children listen an d follow in their books.S1: Im learning a poem.来源:Z.xx.k.ComS2: Im rehearsing a play.S3: Im 3.Play the cassette again, pausing after each utterance for the children to point at the .corresponding picture. Perform a simple gesture to indicate the meaning. For e
6、xample, drinking gestures for “are you drinking?”, dancing movements for “is he dancing?”.T: What is Daming doing now?Ss: Hes learning a poem.T: What is Lingling doing, now?Ss: Shes rehearsing a play with Amy.T: What is Sam doing now?Ss: Hes practicing a song for Childrens Day.4.Play the cassette ag
7、ain. This time pause for the class to repeat each utterance. Encourage the class to perform actions as they repeat. 5.Repeat this activity, asking individual students to repeat the utterances. Alternatively, divide the class into groups.Step 4 Activity 2 Practise.1.Ask the students about the things
8、they do on Childrens Day and write their ideas on the borad.2.Invite five students to the front. Tell them to imagine it is Childrens Day. Have them mime an activity that they might do on Childrens Day.Now ask the question about other children in the picture. Ask the class to answer as a whole. Then ask individuals.来源:学&科&网.