1、16 1 2010 M3空 间 结 构SPATIAL STRUCTURESVol.16 No.1Mar.2010l :2009-02-11. “:SE1 S “(50708092); 81 S “(1080363).Te: o(1977), 3, ,p V,V Y bW、 %T.E-mail:% . ZEZ苏 波1, 钱若军2, 袁行飞3(1. v , 212013;2.6vr !, Z200092;3.vy,s310058)K 1: r .ZE LC %(FSI)s1o, % . ZE.B , % . N : Hq、 Hq# ? .|.ZE9 E8E v . E E、F E、8EZE,i #
2、 E;8E “Hf E、ShepardZE、_f E.K 5 CSD、CFDW HW T.V ZE % % .54 .1oM: %; .; ? ; E;8Ems |:TU311.3;O242.2 DS :A cI|:1006-6578(2010)01-0003-08Advancesinresearchontheoryandmethodofdataexchangeoncouplinginterface forFSIanalysisSU Bo1, QIAN Ruo-jun2, YUAN Xing-fei3(1.Faculty of Science, JiangsuUniversity, Zhenj
3、iang 212013, China;2.Collegeof Civil Engineering, TongjiUniversity, Shanghai 200092, China;3.Collegeof Civil Engineering and Architecture, ZhejiangUniversity, Hangzhou 310058, China)Abstract:It is a key step to find a proper and effective dataexchangeapproach forFSIanalysis.The theoryand method of d
4、ata exchange on fluid-structureinteraction is studied.The basic principle for data exchangeis deduced including kinematics continuity condition, dynamics continuity condition and energy conserva-tion.The data exchange methods can be classified into two main categories:localinterpolation method andgl
5、obal interpolation method.Mapping point interpolation, weight residual method, Constant Volume Tet-rahedron(CVT)are studied in local interpolation method.The search algorithm forhost element and map-ping point is also given.Splines method, Shepard method and radial based function(RBF)are studied ing
6、lobal interpolation method.The time interpolation modes between CSD、CFD for transient problems arealso given.The paper can be a direction in theory and method of data exchange on coupling interface forFSI computation.Keywords:fluid-structure interaction;data exchange;energy conservation;local interp
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