1、 pH 223800 2005 2 15 pH ISO 10390:2005 pH ISO 10390:2005 pH S153.4 2005 2 15 pH ISO 10390:2005 1 5 pH ( H 2 O pH) 1 mol/L KCl ( KCl pH) 0.01 mol/L CaCl 2 ( CaCl 2 pH) 1 pH pH LY/T1239 1999 (HJ/T66 2004) 2 3 pH 4 7 8 ISO 11464 40 2 mm (HJ/T66 2004) 0.25 mm (60 ) 3 pH pH pH 9 2 mm pH 5 KCl c = 1mol/L
2、CaCl 2 c = 0.01 mol/L pH LY/T1239 1999 10 g 25 ml pH 1 mol/L KCl 0.01 mol/L CaCl 2 5 g 50 ml 1,10 pH pH pH 1976 E-mail: (Soils), 2007, 39 (3): 488491 DOI:10.13758/ki.tr.2007.03.030 3 pH 489 pH 1,11 pH pH 10 pH ( ) 60 min 10 min 1 h 3 h 1 min 30 min pH pH 20 2 pH pH pH H + pH 6,12 a. b. c. KCl CaCl
3、2 pH d. pH 0.1 pH e. f. pH 5 pH pH pH ISO 10390:2005(E) 2 2005-2-15 1 5 pH ( H 2 O pH) 1 mol/L KCl ( KCl pH) 0.01 mol/LCaCl 2 ( CaCl 2 pH) ISO 11464 ISO 1770:1981 ISO 3696:1987 5 KCl , c = 1 mol/L CaCl 2 , c = 0.01 mol/l 490 39 pH pH 4.1 25 0.2mS/m pH 5.6 ISO 3696:1987 4.2 KCl c = 1 mol/L 74.5 g KCl
4、 1000 ml 4.3 CaCl 2 c = 0.01 mol/L 1.47 g (CaCl 2 2H 2 O) 1000 ml 4.4 pH pH pH 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.1 20 pH 4.00 10.21 g C 8 H 5 O 4 K 1000 ml 4.1 4.4.2 20 pH 6.88 3.39gKH 2 PO 4 3.53 g Na 2 HPO 4 1000 ml 4.1 4.4.3 20 pH 9.22 3.80 g Na 2 B 4 O 7 10H 2 O 1000 ml 4.1 Na 2 B 4 O 7 10H 2 O 5.1 5.2 pH 5
5、.3 pH 10 5.4 1 ISO 1770:1981 C 5.5 50 ml 5.6 5 ml 40 2 mm ISO 11464 pH pH 7.1 7.1.1 (5.6) 5 ml 7.1.2 5.5 5 4.1 KCl 4.2 CaCl 2 4.3 7.1.3 60 min 10 min 1 h 3 h 7.2 pH pH 20 2 4.4 pH 30 s 7.3 pH 20 2 pH pH pH 1 pH 5 s 0.02 pH 1 min pH pH pH KCl CaCl 2 pH 2 CO 2 3 pH 491 pH , pH 1 pH A a. b. c. KCl CaCl
6、 2 pH d. pH 0.1 pH e. f. 1 ISO. Soil Quality Determination of pH (ISO 10390: 2005). 2005 2 . pH (LY/T1239-1999). , 1999 3 . (HJ/T66-2004). : , 2005 4 , . . : , 1992. 183 185 5 , , , . pH . . 2005, 37 (1): 69 73 6 , , . pH . , 2000, 37(4): 521 528 7 Zhang MK, Wang MQ, Liu XM, Jiang H, Xu JM. Characte
7、rization of soil quality under vegetable production along an urben-rural gradient. Pedosphere, 2003, 13 (2): 173 180 8 Eswaran H, Kimble J. Land quality assessment and monitoring: The next challenge for soil science. Pedosphere, 2003,13 (1): 1 10 9 , , , . . , 2003, 40 (3): 408 413 10 . . : , 1988:
8、225 261 11 , , . . , 2005, 42 (2): 69 73 12 , . . , 2004, 41 (4): 577 583 Difference Between International and Domestic Methods in Determining Soil pH LI Qiang, WEN Huan-cheng, HU Cai-rong ( Suqian Environmental Monitoring Center Station, Suqian Jiangsu 223800, China ) Abstract: The International Or
9、ganization for Standardization issued an international criteria Soil Quality Determination of Soil pH ISO 10390:2005 on Feb. 15, 2005. A comparison was conducted of the international method with the one used in the country to find out differences between the two in preparation of soil samples and so
10、il suspensions, selection of electrodes, control of temperature and duration of shaking, compilation of test report. Findings of the study could be used as reference in improving the method for determining soil pH. Key words: ISO 10390:2005, Soil quality, pH, Difference in method Fig. 1 Acceptable precision in determing soil pH pH pH 7.00 0.15 7.00 pH 7.50 0.20 7.50 pH 8.00 0.30 PH 8.00 0.40