1、 医院英语 English In Hospital 1Part A : :常用语句 常用语句常用语句常用语句 cuspopen 1. 医务人员常用句医务人员常用句医务人员常用句医务人员常用句 ( ( Asking) ) Whats the matter? Whats your complaint? Whats the trouble? Is there anything wrong? What exactly is wrong? Is there anything particularly unusual? What symptoms simptmdo you have? When did i
2、t happen? Since when has it hurt? When did this start? When did you start having this problem? How long has it been bothering you? Do you have a fever? Do you have severe headaches? Do you have a sore s: throat? Do you feel chilly tili? Do you feel nauseous n:zis? Do you have diarrhea ,dairi? Are yo
3、u taking any medicine regularly? Do you have any allergies ldi? How is your appetite pitait? Do you often drink alcohol? Can you walk? Have you had any pain? ( (询问篇 询问篇询问篇询问篇 ) ) 怎么了 ? 哪里不舒服 ? 什么事 ? 有什么不舒服的 ? 到底有什么不对劲呢 ? 有什么特别不一样的吗 ? 有什么症状 ? 什么时候发生的 ? 受伤多久了 ? 从什么时候开始的 ? 什么时候开始有这毛病的 ? 困扰你有多久了 ? 发烧吗 ?
4、 头痛得厉害吗 ? 喉咙痛吗 ? 觉得冷吗 ? 想吐吗 ? 拉肚子 吗? 通常 有吃什么药吗 ? 有什么过敏反应吗 ? 食欲 怎么样 ? 常喝酒吗 ? 能走 吗? 有没有哪儿感到疼 ? 内容要览内容要览内容要览内容要览 Part A 常用语句常用语句常用语句常用语句 -医生常用句 (询问 、诊断 、医嘱 ), 病人常用句 (询问 、描述症状 ) Part B 情景对话情景对话情景对话情景对话 -挂号 ,感冒 ,发烧 ,肠胃 Part C 词汇编整词汇编整词汇编整词汇编整 -医院 ,科室 ,人员 ,医学常用词 医院英语 English In Hospital 2( ( Diagnosing) )
5、 Let me take a look in your ears, first. Now let me examine your nose. Now open your mouth. Open it just as wide as you can. Lift your tongue up to the roof ru:f of your mouth. Now let your tongue down. Please say Ah . Now I want to look in your throat with my mirror. Would you come toward me just a
6、 little? Look at the ceiling si:li. Please take off your shoes and lie down. Please lie on your back (stomach, right side, left side). Please bend bend your knees. Please breathe deeply (normally). Let me take your blood pressure. Please lift your left leg (right leg). It is normal (essentially isen
7、li normal). Have you ever received any treatment before? Has it gotten worse? Has it happened before? Are you feeling better? Is the pain getting less? Does it still hurt? Please tell me something of your past illnesses. A smear smi should be taken. Complete recovery will take a rather long time. Im
8、 going to make arrangements for your admission. Have you ever had (low grade fever, any chronic krnik ailments eilmnt, cold sweats at night, attacks of asthma sm)? ( (诊断篇 诊断篇诊断篇诊断篇 ) ) 先看一下你的 耳朵 。 现在 要检查 一下 你的鼻子 。 现在张开 嘴。尽量把嘴张大 。 把你的舌头 抬到上腭 。 现在把你的舌头放下来 。 请说 啊“。 现在我要用喉镜检查你的咽喉 。 稍向我靠近一点好吗 ? 看天花板 。 请脱
9、鞋 ,躺下 。 请仰卧 (俯卧 、右侧卧 、左侧卧 )。 请屈膝 。 请深呼吸 (正常呼吸 )。 我给你量一下血压 。 抬左腿 (右腿 ) 结果正常 (基本正常 ) 以前治过吗 ? 情况变坏了吗 ? 这种情况以前发生过吗 ? 觉得好些了吗 ? 疼痛减轻些了吗 ? 还疼吗 ? 请告诉我你过去的病史 。 需要做个涂片 。 彻底恢复需要一段 时间 。 我去给你安排住院 。 有过 (发低烧 ,任何慢性病 ,夜间出冷汗 ,哮喘发作 )吗? 医院英语 English In Hospital 3 Do you suffer from heartburn h:tb:n stomachaches stmkeik
10、 (loose bowel baul movements, chest pains)? Do you want to have your tooth extracted ikstrkt (tooth filled, dressing changed, blood pressure checked)? This kind of illness usually occurs among people whose work requires a lot of concentration (who undergo a lot of stress). Shall I explain it again?
11、Nothing serious, but well take an x-ray just to be certain. Please wait until we get the result of the x-ray / blood test. 你的胃有过烧心感 (有过 稀便 、胸痛 )吗? 你要拔牙 (补牙 、换药 、量血压 )吗? 这种病通常发生在工作需要 精神高度集中的 (高压下的 )人群当中 。 需要我再解释一遍吗 ? 没有什么严重情况 ,但还是要拍张 X 片确认一下 。 等一下 ,需要看一下 X 片/验血的结果 。 ( ( Advising) ) Dont worry. It is
12、not serious. You need a thorough examination. You will have to stay in hospital for several days. Youd better be hospitalized. You should stay in bed for a few days. You can keep on working. You should be very careful for a week or two. Try to relax and keep calm. Youll soon be OK. Im sure this medi
13、cine will help you a lot. You need come here for periodical ,piridikl check-ups. If you feel worse, please come back to the hospital right away. If you feel worried, go to the hospital anytime, day or night. If the trouble persistspsist, come back again. I suggest you do some light exercises. I sugg
14、est you have a course of acupuncture kju,pkt. As a rule, oral medication is sufficient, 1 or 2 tablets being given 3 times daily preferably prefrbli after meals. Please dont eat anything tomorrow morning before blood test. ( (医嘱篇 医嘱篇医嘱篇医嘱篇 ) ) 别担心 ,病情并不严 重。 需要做一个全面检查 。 需要在医院里住几天 。 最好还是住院 。 需要卧床几天 。
15、你可以继续工作 。 一两周内要特别小心 。 尽量放松保持镇静 。 你很快就会好起来 。 这药对你肯定很有效的 。 需要定期来门诊检查 。 要是你觉得更严重了 ,马上过来医院 。 你要觉得难受 ,无论白天黑夜都赶紧上医院来看 。 要是情况还不见好 ,再过来这里一趟吧 。 我建议你做些轻微的锻炼 。 我建议你做一个疗程的针灸 。 通常口服即可 ,每日三次 ,一次一至两片 ,最好饭后服用 。 明早查血以前不要吃东西 。 医院英语 English In Hospital 4cuspopen 2. 看病看病看病看病 人员常用句人员常用句人员常用句人员常用句 ( ( Asking) ) Im not fe
16、eling well. I dont feel myself lately. Should I stay in the hospital? The pain seems less. Will it go away by itself soon? Will there be a recurrence rikrns? Does this medicine have any side-effects? How about the food? Should I have a special diet? Will surgery s:dri be necessary? Will it take long
17、 to recover? Is it OK to move around and do some exercises? Is it serious? Is there any danger? What could be the cause? What should I do if I have another attack? Isnt there any good medicine for it? What kind of medicine is this? I hate injectionsindekn.Can I take the medicine orally? Can it be cu
18、red? kju Will it get worse? What could it be? Can anything be done for the pain?. About when? Is it contagious? knteids ( (询问篇 询问篇询问篇询问篇 ) ) 我觉得不舒服 。 最近感到不舒服 。 需要住院吗 ? 疼痛有些减轻 。它能 很快 痊愈吗 ? 这病会复发吗 ? 这药有副作用吗 ? 饮食要注意吗 ?我需要吃特别的饮食吗 ? 需要做手术吗 ? 很久才能恢复吗 ? 可以在地上走走 ,锻炼锻炼吗 ? 情况严重吗 ? 有危险吗 ? 可能是什么原因呢 ? 若是再犯 ,该怎么办
19、呢 ? 没有什么好药吗 ? 这是一种什么药呢 ? 我不喜欢打针 ,能吃些口服药吗 ? 能治好么 ? 会变坏吗 ? 可能是什么病呢 ? 对于这种疼痛 ,有没有 什么 办法呢 ? 大约在什么时间 ? 这病传染吗 ? ( ( Symptoms) ) simptm The tooth hurts only when I bite down on it. My gums m are red and swollen swuln. My tongue is red and sore s: all over. I have some sore swellingssweli on my jaw d:. I ha
20、ve sore places on or around the lip. There are cracks krk at the corners of my mouth. ( (症状描述篇 症状描述篇症状描述篇症状描述篇 ) ) 我咬东西时 ,牙齿就痛 。 我的牙床红肿 。 我的舌头到处又红又痛 。 我的下巴肿痛 。 我的嘴唇和周围都很痛 。 我的嘴角破了 。 医院英语 English In Hospital 5 I feel bloated blutid after eating. I have bouts baut of abdominal bdminl pain. It is diffi
21、cult or painful for me to swallow. I have been constipated knsti,peit for a few days. My bowel baul movements are grey or black in color. I have trouble with diarrhea. ,dairi My blood pressure is really up. The chest pain gets worse when I bend over or lie down. Ive noticed excessive sweating and un
22、explained tiredness. I have a sharp pain in one area of my spine. spain I have pain in other joints including hip, knee and ankle. Ive noticed frequent urination ,jurinein, increased thirst and unexpected tiredness. My eyes seem to be bulging. bld I have double vision. I feel there is a film over my
23、 eyes. My vision in the right eye blurred. bl: I have had some earaches ireik lately. I have a repeated buzzing bzor other noises in my ears. I feel dizzydizi(feverish, shivery ivri, sleepy, nauseous n:zis, itching iti, weak, irritated iriteitid) 饭后肚子觉得胀胀的 ,很不舒服 。 有一阵阵的肚痛 。 吞下食物时会痛 。 便秘了好几天 。 大便呈灰白色
24、 。 拉肚子 。 血压很高 。 弯腰或躺下时 ,胸部更痛 。 感到 到过度的出汗和难以解释的疲倦 。 脊椎某部位 感到 刺痛 。 其它关节疼痛 ,包括臀部 、膝盖和脚踝 。 发觉常常小便 ,非常口渴和更加疲倦 。 眼睛觉得有点肿胀 。 视线有双重影子 。 觉得眼里有种薄膜似的东西 ,挡住视线 。 右眼视线模糊不清 。 近来耳朵有点痛 。 耳朵常有嗡嗡的声音 。 我感到头晕 (发烧 ,发冷 ,发困 ,想吐 ,恶心 ,痒,虚弱 ,急躁 )。 Part B 情景对话情景对话情景对话情景对话 cuspopen 1. 挂号挂号挂号挂号 (N: Nurse P: Patient) N: Do you wa
25、nt to see a doctor? P: Yes. N: Have you ever been here before? P: No, this is my first visit. N: Have you a registration ,redistrein card? P: Yes, I have. N: Do you remember your card number? P: No, I cant. 护士 :要看病吗 ? 患者 :是的 。 护士 :以前来过这里吗 ? 患者 :没有 ,这是第 一次来 。 护士 :有挂号证吗 ? 患者 :有的 。 护士 :记得你的挂号证号码吗 ? 患者
26、:记不得了 。 医院英语 English In Hospital 6N: Ill make a file for you. P: Thank you. N: Which department do you want to register with? P: I want to see a surgeon. s:dn N: I think you should see a dermatologist ,d:mtldist first. If necessary well transfer you to the physician. P: Oh, I see. N: This is your re
27、gistration card. Please dont lose it and bring it whenever you come. P: Yes, I will. But can you tell me how to get to the Consulting Room? N: Go down this road until you come to the drugstore. Turn left and its just there. 护士:那我给你一份病历 。 患者 :谢谢 。 护士 :要挂哪科的号 ? 患者 :我要看外科 。 护士 :你应当先看皮肤科大夫 。需要的话再转内科 。 患
28、者 :好的 ,我知道了 。 护士 :这是挂号证 。不要弄丢了 。每次来时 记得带 。 患者 :好的 ,我会的 。请问到诊疗室 怎么 走? 护士 :沿这条路走到药房再向左拐就到了 。 cuspopen 2. 感冒感冒感冒感冒 (D: Doctor P: Patient ) D: Whats wrong? P: I think I have a cold. D: How long have you been sick? P: From yesterday. D: What symptoms simptm do you have? P: I have a runny nose and I ache
29、eik all over. D: Do you have a fever? P: I havent taken my temperature yet, but I feel feverish. D: Do you have a cough? P: No, I dont D: Do you have a sore s: throat? P: Yes, my throat feels swollen swuln. Its sore. D: I want to look at your throat. Open your mouth. Please say “Ah“. D: Its only a c
30、ommon cold. Nothing to worry about. You should rest for a few days; Ill write you a certificate stifikeit for three days leave. Here is some aspirin. It is very effective for treating colds. Youll be fine in a few days. D: 有什么问题吗 ? P:我想是 感冒了 。 D:感冒多久了 ? P:昨天开始的 。 D:都有些什么症状 ? P:流鼻涕 ,全身都 痛。 D:发烧吗 ? P:
31、还没量体温 ,感觉有一点发烧 。 D:咳嗽吗 ? P:不咳 。 D:嗓子痛吗 ? P:是的 ,感觉嗓子都肿了 ,很痛 。 D:我检查一下你的嗓子 ,请张开口说 “啊”。 D:只不过是普通的感冒 。不要紧的 。你需要好好休息几天 ,我给您开个三天的假条 。这是阿司匹林 ,治感冒很有效 。我看用不了几天你就会好的 。 医院英语 English In Hospital 7cuspopen 3 发烧发烧发烧发烧 (D: Doctor P: Patient ) P: My child is coughing and has a running nose. D: How long has he been
32、ill? P: For two days. D: Does he have a temperature? P: Yes, its 38 D: How much has he been coughing? Has he any sputum spju:tm? P: He has a bad, dry cough, especially at night. He hasnt been sleeping well. Sometimes, he has vomited vmi:r after coughing. D: Has he a sore throat? P: Yes. He has diffi
33、culty in eating solid foods. He can drink only water. D: Is any one else also ill in your family? P: His sister had it few days ago. D: Most likely its a virus vairs infection infekn. D: Ill give you a prescription priskripn. The white tablet tblit is for his fever. Give him one table when his tempe
34、rature is above 38, but not more than once every four hours. The other medicine is for his cough. Give him one teaspoonful ti:spu:n,ful three times a day. If he is worse, bring him back anytime. P:我这孩子咳嗽 ,流鼻涕 。 D:有几天了 ? P:两天了 。 D:发烧吗 ? P:发烧 ,38 度呢。 D:咳得厉害吗 ?有痰吗 ? P:咳得厉害 ,而且 是干咳 ,尤其在晚上 ,他睡不好 ,有时咳后就吐
35、。 D:嗓子疼痛吗 ? P:嗓子疼 ,吃东西困难 ,只能喝水 。 D:家里还有其他人有相同情况的 吗? P:前几天他妹妹也有点 。 D:很可能是病毒感染 。 D:我给你开个处方 。白色药片是退热的 。若体温超过 38,就给他吃一片 ,但必须隔 4 个小时以上才能再吃一次 。另一种是止咳药水 ,每次一茶匙 ,一天三次 。如果没有好转 ,随时带他过来 。 cuspopen 4 肠胃肠胃肠胃肠胃 (D: Doctor P: Patient ) P: I have a pain in my stomach D: How long have you had it? P: I have had it of
36、f and on for past one week. It has been really bad the past two days. D: Do you feel it only when your stomach is empty? P: Yes. After I eat, it goes away for a while. D: When do you get it? P: Usually when I get very nervous. Sometimes it wakes me up in the middle of the night. P:我胃疼 。 D:疼了多久 ? P:断
37、断续续已经疼了一星期 ,近两天来疼的很厉害 。 D:是在肚子空的时候才觉得疼痛吗 ? P:是的 ,吃了东西以后疼痛缓解一会儿 。 D:什么时候才疼呢 ? P:通常是在我兴奋激动时 ,有时半夜把我疼醒了 。 医院英语 English In Hospital 8 D: What kind of pain do you have? P: It gives me a burning sensation sensein. D: How did you get relief? P: After I take some sodium bicarbonate baik:bnit, the pain goes
38、away temporarily. D: Have you had any nausea n:zi or vomiting? vmit P: Yes, occasionally. D: Are your bowels baulz regular? Have you observed your stools stu:l? P: I usually have to go once every other day. I was very worried because last night I went twice and the color was black(tarry tri). D: Let
39、 me examine your abdomen bdumen. Lie down on your bak and bend your knees up please. D: It sounds like a duodenal ,dju:udi:nl ulcer ls, but we have to do some tests, and take an x-ray first, before we can be certain. D: You should have a complete rest and give your stomach as little work as possible
40、. Take only fluidsflu:id. There is nothing better than boiled tepid tepid milk taken regularly in small quantities. In addition, I will give you some medicine. If the black stools persist or your condition gets worse, come back to the hospital at once. P: Thank you. Ill follow your advice. D:是怎样一种疼痛
41、 ? P:像烧灼一样地疼 。 D:你是怎么 止的痛 ? P:在服小苏打后 ,疼痛可暂时缓解 。 D:有没有恶心呕吐 吗? P:是的 ,有时候有 。 D:大便正常吗 ?你注意过你的粪便吗 ? P:平常我隔日大便一次 。昨晚 两次 ,颜色还是黑的(像柏油 ),我很担心 。 D:让我检查一下你 的肚子 ,请仰躺 ,把腿卷起来 。 D:看起来像 十二指肠溃疡 ,但需做一些化验和拍张 X线片才能确诊 。 D:你要 彻底休息并尽量减轻胃的工作 ,应当吃流食 。按时少量吃些煮过的温牛奶是最好不过了 。另外 ,我还要给你 一些药 。如果持续有黑便或病情有恶化 ,就马上来看 。 P:谢谢您 ,我会照办的 。 P
42、art C 词汇词汇词汇词汇 编编编 编整 整整 整 cuspopen 1. 医院医院医院医院 general hospital 综合医院 stomatological ,stumtldikl hospital 口腔医院 tuberculosis tju:,b:kjulusis hospital 结核病医院 tumor tju:m hospital 肿瘤医院 plastic plstik surgery s:dri hospital 整形外科医院 first-aid eid station 急救站 clinic klinik 诊所 polyclinic ,pliklinik 联合诊疗所 qua
43、rantine kwrnti:n station 防疫站 sanatorium snt:rim 疗养院 医院英语 English In Hospital 9cuspopen 2. 科室科室科室科室 medical medikl department dip:tmnt 内科 surgical s:dikl department 外科 dental dentl department 牙科 dermatological ,d:mtldikl department 皮肤科 ophthalmology ,flmldi department 眼科 orthopedics .:pi:diks departm
44、ent 骨科 pathology pldi department 病理科 urology jurldi department 泌尿科 out-patient peint department 门诊部 in-patient department 住院部 nursing n:si department 护理部 registration ,redistrein office 挂号处 consulting knslti room 诊室 waiting room 候诊室 admitting dmiti office 住院处 emergency im:dnsi room 急诊室 operation roo
45、m 手术室 laboratory lbrtri化验室 pharmacy f:msi药房 ward w:d病房 isolation aislein ward 隔离病房 observation ,bz:vein ward 观察室 cuspopen 3. 医务人员医务人员医务人员医务人员 director of the hospital 院长 head of the department of medical administration 医务部主任 head of the nursing n:sidepartment 护理部主任 head of out-patient department 门诊部主任 doctor 医生 physician in charge / surgeon in charge, 主治医生 interne int:n 实习医生 laboratory technician teknin 化验员 nurse 护士 head nurse 护士长 anesthetist ni:stist 麻醉师 pharmacist f:msist 药剂师 phys