1、口语基础音标,学习英语的自信心; 培养一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础;形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,为进一步学习打下基础.语音有区别词义的重要作用 (Sounds differentiate the words.),语音有区别词义的重要作用,如: bed-bad; cart-cut; seat-sit; saidsad; dug-duck; kitchenkitten; father(farther)further; mouthmouse; potport; cat-kite; leave-live。 - How old are you? Im dirty (thirty ). -
2、And you? Im dirty, too( thirty-two ).,由于其历史原因, 英语语音问题 比较复杂, 主要是单词的拼写形式 与发音虽有一定的规律可循, 但是 例外情况太多 (如have), 而且字母 的名称音与其发音有很大不同,如: 元音字母 a 至少有6种发音: cake /ei /; cat / /; talk / : /; banana / : /; again / /; many / e /,国际音标是国际语音学协会(IPA-International Phonetic Association) 于1888年拟定的一套为各国语言注音的语音符号。我们这里所说的国际音标是
3、专门为英语注音的那一部分标音符号。目前我国通用的国际音标共有48个, 其中, 元音音标20个,辅音音标28个。,英国通用发音(Received pronunciation-RP)“标准的语音是不存在的。”“通用发音”(简称RP)。,发音器官 1 上唇 2 上齿 3 上齿背 4 上齿龈 5 硬腭 6 软腭 7 悬雍垂 8 鼻腔 9 咽部 10 声带 11 下唇 12 舌尖 13 舌前 14 口腔 15 舌中 16 舌后,前元音 Front vowels,前元音:/ i: /, / i /, / e /, / /前元音的特点就是前舌在活动, 舌尖都抵下齿背, 前舌都向硬颚抬起, 只是高度不同。,/
4、 i: / 试读:eat, read, bee, tree发音技巧: 舌尖抵下齿 舌前部向硬颚抬起没有摩擦 嘴唇做微笑状,上下齿仅容纳火柴棍,/ i / 试读:it, pig, give, his发音技巧: 舌前部向硬颚抬起 舌尖放在上下齿之间 下颚稍稍下降 上下齿间仅容纳小指尖,/ e / 试读:egg, bed, get, ten 发音技巧: 舌尖抵下齿 舌前部稍抬起 上下齿间距离能容纳食指,/ / 试读:at, fat, cap, gas 发音技巧: 舌尖抵下齿 上下齿尖可容纳食指和中指,发/ i: /的字母组合,e在重读开音节中: meter, even, legal ea: read
5、, peace ee: need, feel ei在字母c或s后:seize, ceiling, deceit ie: field, piece, thief听写 lesson 2, 00-01:50,Sit down, please! Keep up with Seeing is believing. Do you see the key on the seat? The peace-keeping truce try to keep peace at that place. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream,熟读,并标出下列
6、读i: 的字母,发/ i /的字母组合,ai, ay在非重读音节中:captain, mountain Sunday e 在非重读音节中:enjoy, jacket, coffee i 在重读闭音节或非重读音节:big, fish, English y 在闭音节和词尾: system, city, gymnasium 听写lesson 1, 00- 01:48,Give up Stick to Put into practice Be interested in We should try to put the principle into practice. The little did w
7、ill fix his little ship. If I assist a sister assistant, will the sisters sister assistants assist me? In India, innocent infants are thrown into the river.,熟读,并标出下列读i 的字母,发/e/的字母组合,e 在重读闭音节中:bed, desk, dress ea: heavy, death, ready听写lesson 5, 00-01:45,熟读,并标出下列读e 的字母,Get together Get ready for Never
8、 mind Check out Make a dead-set at Step by step I will never forget the splendid time we spend together. Lets get together when the weather is better. He sent ten men to mend the vent in the engine of the tender. Ted sent Fred ten hens yesterday, so Freds fresh bread is ready already.,发/ /的字母组合,a 在重
9、读闭音节中: man, hand, happy 听写lesson 5 , 03:35-04:50,As a matter of fact hand in hand Catch up with Its very bad of you to talk back to your dad. That black man has taken my jacked. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can.,中元音 central vowels,/, / : /, / /, 中元音的特点就是舌的中部稍稍隆起(不太容易感觉到), 舌平放口中, 不抵下齿背;口腔各
10、部分都很自然, 肌肉松弛。,/ 试读:luck, cut, love, rough发音技巧: 舌后部的靠前部分稍抬起,舌尖和舌端两侧触下齿,开口程度和/相似,双唇向两旁平伸. 从元音/出发,将圆唇改为扁唇,即可发出此音,/ 试读:water, forget, autumn, again 发音技巧: 1. 口型不大不小,双唇不收圆,不拉扁,舌头不往前推,不必抬起,完全放平. 2. 和汉语普通话轻声的 “么” “了”的e相似,但/在词尾发音稍长. Lesson 1 01:50,/ : / 试读:work, bird, dirty, sir发音技巧: 1. 舌尖平放,舌中部稍抬起,比/ /稍高;牙床
11、开得比较窄,双唇和发/ i: /时相似. 2. 注意长度,不要发得太短.,1. 字母o发/的情况不多,主要见于在字母m, n, v及字母th之前 come, money, love 2. 字母u在闭音节中发/ duck, luck, sun 3. 字母组合ou有时也发/ young, enough, touch Lesson 5 01:4503:35,发 / / 的 字 母 组 合,such as cut down in a hurry in public suffer from I am not accustomed to making the speech in public. We he
12、ard the occasional rumble of a passing truck. Several provinces in the south of China are suffering from flood. The spunky skunk slumped and stinky slug slouched, soon they switched and the spunky skunk slouched and the stinky slug slumped,1. 字母a一般发/ / assistant, camera, machine 2. 字母e在l, n之前发/ / st
13、udent, president, travel 3. 字母o一般发/ / today, consider, London 4. 字母u, ar, er, or,一般发/ / abacus, omnibus, calendar, particular, teacher, dancer, doctor, conductor,发 / / 的 字 母 组 合,5.字母组合ou在非重读的ous中发/ / famous, humorous, nervous 6.字母组合ough, our, ur, ure, ir中发/ /thorough, borough, colour, neighbour, mur
14、mur, pursue, tapir, affirmation 7.字母组合ure(主要是字母组合sure, ture)里发/ closure, future, texture Lesson1 01:50,发 / / 的 字 母 组 合,be famous for by accident in danger of in somebodys opinion once upon a time Birds of a feather flock together. I am afraid that the colour is unsuitable for my mother. Readers are
15、supposed to keep silent in the library. Peter Piper picked up a pack of pickled peppers. A pack of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked If Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled pepper where is the pack of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked,1. 字母组合er, ur在重读闭音节中通常发/:/ term, herb, verb 特例:clerk /:/ 2. 字母组
16、合ear, or, ur可以发/ :/ earth, search, work, word, world, burn, nurse 3. 字母组合ir在重读音节中通常发/ :/ bird, shirt, third Lesson 2 01:55,发 /:/ 的 字 母 组 合,in search of first of all turn away from to ones surprise The early bird catches the worm. I would like to have a word with you when you finish your work at hand
17、. He cursed the nurse for the bad service. He searched and searched for the bird he heard in the church.,后元音 ( Back vowels ),/ : /, / /, / :/, / u /, / u: /, 1. 后元音的特点就是后舌在活动。2. 发后元音时舌不抵下齿背, 而是平放在口中, 只是后舌抬起的高度不同。3./ /, / :/, / u /, / u:/ 是圆唇音, 发 / / 音时是 大圆唇, 发 / :/, / u /, / u: / 音时, 唇依次缩小, 发/ u: /
18、音时就成了小圆唇了。4.发 / : / 音时牙床开得最大, 依次缩小, 到发 / u: / 音时牙床开得最小。,/ : / 试读:arm, far, park, class发音技巧: 口张大,舌身平放后缩,舌尖离开下齿. 不要发得太短,1.字母a在ss, st, sk, sp, th, ff, nt之前 bath, staff, plant 2.关于字母a的字母组合的发音规则: 1) ar发/a:/: card 2)ass发/a:s/: class, glass, passport 3)ask发/a:sk/: ask, task, mask 4)alm发/a:m/: calm, balm, p
19、alm Lesson 5 04:52-06:12,far away start out pass by ask for It will do a lot of harm to the heart. Barbra and Charles are dancing in the large garden. Martin is an artist who occupies the opposite apartment. After class, Mike drove his car fast to the park, and get there after dark.,/ / 试读:hot, cloc
20、k, what, pot发音技巧: 口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩,双唇稍微收圆. 先发/ : / 音,然后将舌身稍微后缩,双唇稍微收圆(不要突出),1. 字母a在w, wh之后发/ want, wash, what 2. 字母o在重读闭音节中发/ hot, soft, possible Lesson 1 04:30,belong to drop in in honor of in common She is eating a hot dog in the door way. Bob has lofty job and lot of hobbies. Modeling became a profe
21、ssion only in modern times. When a doctor doctors a doctor, does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as the doctor been doctored want to be doctored or does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as he wants to doctor.,/ :/ 试读:all, horse, door, floor发音技巧: 舌后部抬得比略高,双唇也收得更圆更小,并须用力向前突出. 注意长度,不要发得太短. L
22、esson 2 05:19,1. 字母组合al通常发/:/ all, fall, tall, walk, talk, chalk 2. 字母组合ar在重读音节中,前面有qu, w时, 发/:/ quarter, war, warm 3. 字母组合au, aw通常发/:/ author, cause, paw, draw 4. 字母组合oar通常发/:/ roar, board, coarse 5. 字母组合or在重读音节中通常发/:/ for, sport, port Lesson 2 05:15,Talk about according to Before long aught to She
23、 thought she ought to take a walk before four oclock. When the storm is coming the ship has to call at a port. The man walking on the lawn is my boss. Mr. Sea on the saw and Mr. Saw on the seashore, and now seashore saw the saw seashore before saw saw sea.,/ u / 试读:full, took, good, look发音技巧: 舌后部向软颚
24、抬起,舌身收缩,舌尖离开下齿. 双唇收圆,稍向前突出.,1. 字母组合oo后面是d, k,发/u/ good, wood, cook 例外:blood, flood 2. 字母组合ou在下列词中发/u/ could, would, should 3. 字母u在闭音节中发/u/ put, push, pull Lesson 1 03:37,Put off look at Pull through The cook took some sugar and put it in the soup. He understood what the woman wanted. Good cookies co
25、uld be cooked by a good cook if a good cook can cook good cookies.,/ u: / 试读:do, who, food, blue发音技巧: 双唇较/收得更圆更小,向前突出,舌后部比/抬得更高. 注意长度,口腔肌肉始终保持紧张状态. Lesson 2 03:32,1. 字母o, 以及字母oo在l, m, n, th之前发/u:/ who, zoo, booth, moon, cool 2. 字母组合ou发/u:/ you, soup, group 3. 字母组合ui在j, r后面通常发/u:/ cruise, fruit, juic
26、e,As soon as be used to Quite a few in the future I am not in the mood to argue with you. What he said is proved to be true. The news is too good to be true. A tutor who tutored a flute tried to tutor two tutors to tute, said the two to their tutor its hard to tute or to tutor two tutors to tute.,双元
27、音,ei u ai i i au u,ei,请拼读以下单词: 1. cake make name game snake gate lazy 2. rain train wait 3. day may play today way -Summary: 你能总结出哪些字母或字母组合发ei吗? Lesson 4 01:45,be able to by the way make faces wait for make a mistake No pains, no gains. I hate waiting, and I also hate to keep others waiting. I dont
28、like speaking in a round-about way. I always call a spade spade. They say that rain came every eight days in May. I know a boy named Tate who dine with his girl at eight eight. I am unable to state what Tate ate at eight eight or what take Tate at eight eight.,ai,请拼读以下单词: 1. kite bike nice tiger wri
29、te knife 2. by cry fly my sky try why 3. tie pie 4. buy -Summary: 你能总结出哪些字母或字母组合发ai吗? Lesson 4 00:00,right away fight back white lie at the side of Mike is flying a kite in the sky by the river side. Time and time again I tried to hold back my sad feeling. Id like to read in the bright light at nigh
30、t. There is no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight, for a bright night light is just like a slide light. The sun shines on the shop signs,i,Beard near ear California Canadian idea medium Lesson 3 00:00,hear from here and there all the year around be all ears clear away There is
31、 nothing to fear in the world. I tried to hear but I cant hear clearly what he said. Last year, I could not hear either ear.,u,请拼读以下单词: 1. nose rose over 2. boat coat soap goat 3. show window snow bowl -Summary: 你能总结出哪些字母或字母组合发u吗? Lesson 3 00:55,on the road go over at the most close to go home No no
32、tice was given at the closing of the show. He is nobody and holds no post here. My home is very close to my school. we have to follow them since only one third of the whole class goes against the plan. Moses supposes his toes are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously for nobodys toes are supposed ro
33、ses as Moses supposes his toes to be.,u,1. tour 2. pure sure 3. poor 4. cruel rural FebruaryLesson 3 03:02,The doctor is sure to be able to cure the poor girl. The tourists were curious to know the story behind the mirror. The poor man was assured that his child could be cured,i,请拼读以下单词: 1. oil boil
34、 coin 2. boy toy -Summary: 你能总结出哪些字母或字母组合发i吗? Lesson 3 03:49,point out enjoy oneself have no choice join in The boy was annoyed because his toy was destroyed. His answer is not to the point. I hope you will come again and join again next year. How much oil boil can a gum boiled boil if a gum boil ca
35、n boil oil. A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more.,请拼读以下单词 1. wear bear 2. Fair upstairs air chair pair 3. where there 4. dare care -Summary: 你能总结出哪些字母或字母组合发吗? Lesson 4 03:44,wear of stare at tear off take good care of I dare not say he is not fair in the square. Mary sta
36、res carefully at huge hairy bear. Take good care of the hair, it is very rare. Please prepare the paired pears near the unprepared pears near the pool. Be aware, that is the bear there. I would not go in there on a dare. In there is where the bear scared Pierre. Pierre was not aware of the bear in a
37、 layer, until the bear give a glare and Pierre ran from there.,au,请拼读以下单词: 1. house mouse mouth trousers 2. flower cow how now down -Summary: 你能总结出哪些字母或字母组合发au吗?Lesson 4 05:21,shout out without doubt round out How about going out for a walk? The rumor spread out like a wild fire from mouth to mouth. Without doubt, he is the best student in our class. Now I have to doubt he can pronounce the word aloud.,