1、解释误会必备英语口语生活中,因为一句话而被人误会的事情时有发生。可能你本意并非如此,但听的人却已经觉得气愤或者受伤了。这个时候,赶紧补上几句解释吧。或许能帮你平息一场风波。下面就是英语(论坛)中解释误会常用的句子,一起来学学吧。1. I had meant to say that.我之前想说的是2. Please give me a chance to explain.请给我机会让我解释一下3. What I really wanted to tell you was that.我真正希望告诉你的是4. I just want to make one point clear.我只想把这一点解释
2、清楚。5. I want to clarify a point I had made.我希望就我之前所说的那点做一下澄清。6. Perhaps, I wasnt too clear about what I had meant. Let me try and clear this up a bit.可能我没讲清楚我想说的内容,请让我试着更好地解释一下吧。7. You have misunderstood me. I hadnt meant for it to sound that way. Let me explain.你误会我了。我没想到这句话会被这么误解,请让我解释一下。8. Please allow me to explain this better. I dont want any misunderstandings.请允许我再做一下解释,我不希望有任何的误会。9. Please dont doubt my intentions, as I only want whats best for both of us.请不要怀疑我的动机,我是为我们俩好。10. Perhaps we can then put this whole misunderstanding behind us?我们能不能把误会忘掉,重新开始呢?