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    1、 主要看点:中国建筑风格的西式迷宫展园介绍:走廊宽度不同,大部分只有 2 米宽,每两堵墙之间留用空隙,种植翠绿的垂柳。在垂柳的枝条上,系了 1000 多个小铜铃,每当微风吹过,它们就能发出叮咚声。走进园中,游客可以很方便地通过拱门,穿行于不同走廊。有的走廊是互相平行的,有的走廊间隔宽窄不一。在走廊的末端,还设有一个 3 米高的大镜子;在镜子中,这些走廊的长度无限延伸下去你通常能够走进相邻的走廊,但有时又会闯入一个小的周围布满镜子的房间或是遇见其他意想不到的情景,迷宫带给你的神秘感会突然降临。在穿过 6 条走廊之后,细心的游客可能会感觉到空间在微妙地拓展和收缩,走廊也在迂回曲折中变化。迷宫园 迷

    2、宫园由 3 米高的西安传统青砖墙构成,游人从园外只能看见一个 3 米高的青砖“大匣子”。花园中的空间被分成一系列狭长的走廊,游客可以通过拱门穿行于不同走廊。这些走廊上空没有封顶,抬头可见蓝天白云。有的走廊是互相平行的,有的走廊间隔宽窄不一。在走廊的末端设有 3 米高的大镜子,透过镜子,这些走廊的长度得到了无限延伸游人能够走进相邻的走廊,但又会误入另一房间,或是遇见其他意想不到的情景,让你感觉到空间在微妙地拓展和收缩,走廊也在迂回曲折中变化,神秘感随时会突然降临。平面图 1平面构成 2你喜欢自然吗?我想绝大多数人都会说喜欢。然而真正的自然只存在于遥远的原始森林、广阔的原始草原和大海的无底深渊中。

    3、人类的生存环境里(城镇和乡村)已经不存在所谓纯粹的自然。人类对自然资源的每一步开采都在使我们的自然一天天地消失。许多人梦想着自己生活在自然之中,周围都是软质的绿色植物,鸟语花香。于是人们试图在城市里模拟遥远而不可及的自然。在景观发展的初期阶段,景观成为自然的代言人和象征。一个公园、一盆小花、街边行道树都成为人们脑海中自然的幻影。Do you love nature?I bet most people would say“yes“.However,thereal nature only exists in remote primeval forests,vast natural grasslan

    4、d anddeep abyss.There is no so-called pure/real nature in human livingenvironment ranging from cities to villages.Human beingsactivities isexploiting more and more natural resource and making our so-called naturevanishing day by day.Many people have a dream that they are living innature where surrou

    5、nded by soft green plants with birdstwitterand fragrance of flowers.So people try to imitate remote naturewithin urban environment.In the early phase of landscape designindustry,landscape architecture became the representative orsymbol of nature.A park,a potted flower and a line of streettrees becam

    6、e illusion of nature deep in mind.在美国,人们认为景观和自然是同一种事物,所以在精神层面上,景观必须代表自然。美国人有一种观点:看不见人的景观就是好的景观(麦克哈格)。于是,景观师设计的看上去“不自然”的景观就成为一个孤儿,他不属于自然的范畴,沦为一个建筑的容器。In the USA,landscape and nature are understood to be thesame thing,so that the general notion is that any built landscapehas a moral imperative to repr

    7、esent nature.Most Americansbelieve that“A Good Landscape is One Where You Cannot Seethe hand of Man“(Ian McHarg).As a result,the works done bylandscape architects but doesnt look like nature tumble out of thenature category and into a nether-world where it becomes emptyspacea repository for our buil

    8、dings and services.一个缺乏想法和个性的景观不能称之为设计的景观。与其他设计行业相比,景观设计还有很长一段路要走。人们在着装上追求个性,希望给人留下过目不忘的印象:优雅、华贵、迷人、朴素、低调、激进、张扬等。服装设计是人们辨别和认识品牌的重要依据,不同的服装设计还能体现特定的文化内涵和表达喜好感和厌恶感。在重要场合,嘉宾的着装需要深思熟虑和仔细挑选,尽量使自己区别于其他人,体现自身独特的身份地位、喜好和个性,女士撞衫还被认为是件十分尴尬的事情。然而目前在景观界里,还缺少体现自我的设计氛围,缺少吸引人们眼球的设计。设计师往往着重于体现自然而忽视了个性设计成分的存在,于是“撞衫”

    9、的情况也时有发生。如同其他设计行业一样,景观设计需要设计师勇敢地表达新奇的想法和突出的个性。A landscape lack of thoughts andindividuality shouldnt be called designedlandscape.Compared with other designindustries,landscape architecture is still inpremature stage.People want to expressthemselves and make impression(graceful,charming,noble,simple,

    10、low-key,radical and etc.)by wearingdesigned clothes.Costume design helpspeople to recognize brand names.Different dress can let people know yourculture background,educationbackground,personality,favor and etc.On special occasions,guests have tocarefully think about their dress and pickthe ones can d

    11、istinguish them fromothers.It even is a seriousembarrassment if lady guests dress upthe same as others.However,inlandscape design industry,designerssometimes feel reluctant to expresspersonality to attract eye balls.Landscapedesigners usually emphasis on makingthings looked natural rather than creat

    12、ivelydesigned.Thats why,when people visitparks,gardens or city plazas,they mayfeel that they have seen very similarthings somewhere else before.Just likedesigners in other design industries,landscape architects have to fearlesslyexpress their creative ideas and distinctiveidentity.剖面效果西安世界园艺博览会的 6 号


    14、e design of Plot 6 of Xian 2011 IHE aims to expressdesigners identity.What Mrs.Martha Schwarz wants to exhibitin the garden is not traditional American gardens,butAmericans consistent ideologies:freedom and innovation.Through long exploration of variety of ideas,Martha chooses thevery distinctive id

    15、ea:the Maze Garden.She was inspired bytraditional European maze garden and artist Monica Bonvicinispublic art“Transparent Public Toilet“.Xians local grey brick wallis the modern interpretation of the hedge of traditional Europeanmaze garden.Martha wants to let visitors understand thatimportant lands

    16、cape elements dont have to be soft.They canalso be hard architectural elements.The one-way mirror ofMonica Bonvicinis public art is another Marthas innovativedecision.A transparent mirror has a mirror side which appearedfully reflective,and a glass side which provide a transparent viewing window,wit

    17、h littledistraction from reflections.Visitors in the dark corridor can observe people in thegarden without being noticed.迷宫的“树篱”由一系列 3m 高,1.4m 厚的青砖墙组成,它们把这个 35m35m 的小花园分割成 6 个狭长的小空间。由于每个“树篱”在平面上的角度都有所不同,所以围合空间的大小和形状也各不相同。青砖墙每隔 5m 有个 1m 宽的拱门,且列阵完美。方便游客从自选的角度穿行于不同走廊。每个走廊的 2 个末端都有 3m 高的大镜子,无限延伸走廊的长度。游人

    18、能够走进相邻的走廊,但有时会闯入一个周围布满镜子的小房间,于是奇妙的事情发生了:无数个自己出现在面前,你甚至会分不清方向和出口。也许这个时候,某个镜子后面就有游人正在观察着你,你的不知所措和迷茫完全呈现在他们的面前。The hedges of maze garden consist of a series of brick archways 1 meter wideby 1.4 meter deep x 2.25 meters high.These hedges break this 35m35m gardendown to 6 linear small corridor spaces.The

    19、 archways occur every 5 meters and arein perfect alignment between adjacent walls so that one can walk from corridor tocorridor at approximately right angles.The ends of corridors are fitted with 3 meterhigh mirrors,creating an illusion of endless length.Usually visitors can pass into anadjacent cor

    20、ridor,but sometimes they may be confronted with a little mirrored room orother aberration to the rule.Then magical things happen.You will see endlessreflection of yourselves and be confused and lost in the mirror room.Meanwhile,theremay be some visitors behind the one-way mirror are watching you.Any

    21、 of yourreaction in the mirror room and your confusion will be clearly seen by them.人们看到的 1.4m 厚的墙其实是由 2 堵薄墙共同组成的,墙与墙之间留有 1.1m 宽的空隙,让垂柳的树冠伸展出来,游人从墙外看到的只是 3m 高墙上柔软下垂的绿油油的柳枝。109 棵垂柳均等地分布在园子中,每棵垂柳的枝条上都系了许多大小不等的铜铃,每当微风拂过,柳枝摇曳,优美的铃声随之响起。不经意间,游人也许会摘根低垂的柳条以留作游园的纪念。The 1.4m thick wall is actually made up of

    22、 two pieces of thin walls with 1.1mcavity between them allowing willow crown showing up on the top.Visitors will onlysee green soft willow branches hanging down from 3m high wall.There are 109willow trees planted evenly in the garden with over 1 000 small tuned bronze bellshung on their branches.Onc

    23、e there is wind blowing off the site,branches will swaygently with lovely chime.Visitors may also pluck willow branches as souvenir.空间微妙地变化着,伸展或者收缩,变宽或者变窄。镜子的反射更加夸大了空间变化的效果。在镜子反射的幻境中,游人也许会迷失而不知所措,也许会停留欣赏片刻。游人在经过最后一道拱门后进入一道封顶的黑暗走廊,走廊的北面立着约 17.5m 长,3m 高的单向镜面。通过单向镜面,游客看到的是一个大的三角形镜面空间,这里种有常绿的地被植物,还有垂柳相伴

    24、。虽然三角形空间内只有几棵垂柳,但是经过无穷尽次镜子的反射,游客看到的是一个变幻多样、没有尽头的绿色森林。While walking in the garden,spaces will subtlyexpand,contract,and go into and out of alignment.The mirror reflection even enhances and exaggeratesthe space changes.In the illusion created by reflection,visitors may be lost or stay for a while to e

    25、njoy thescene.Across the last corridor,one enters a dark,roofed-over corridor at the back.There is 17.5 meterlong x 3 meter high panel of one-way mirror to thenorth of the dark corridor.Through one-way mirror,people will see a large,mirrored triangular space filledwith a grid of willow trees on a lu

    26、sh green plane of anevergreen groundcover.Due to the multiple reflectivesurfaces,although there are only a few trees within thetriangle little space,visitors are confronted with acomplex and perhaps bewildering vision of an endlessgreen forest just beyond the glass.游客随后经过两旁的暗走廊走出花园。不经意间,游人会发现之前走廊尽端的

    27、镜子其实是单向镜。离开的游人能够在探索穿行的同时,通过单向镜面秘密地观察正在园内游园的游人的行为。迷宫里人们的各种活动和窘境,真实、原始、全面地展示在即将出园的游人面前。在即将结束游园之际,游人终于明白了镜子在迷宫园中的奥妙:一种真实反映自己的仪器。Visitors leave via one of two flanking darkroofed-over exit corridors.One discovers along the waythat the mirrored end-walls of all the corridors one hadjust walked through ar

    28、e actually also one-way mirrors,and that one had been surreptitiously observed byothers from the way out all the while whilst exploringthe piece on the way in.Peoples activities,embarrassment and any real reactions will be clearlyshown to other people walking off from the darkcorridors.Just before v

    29、isitors leave the maze garden,they will finally realize secrete of this maze garden:This garden is a devise to reveal your true self.迷宫园的游园过程就像在看一部电影,人们把自己喜怒哀乐的真实情感毫无保留地在游园过程中展现出来。The experience of the tour in the Maze Garden isjust like watching a movie that people reveal their trueemotion and reaction to others during the garden visit.设计团队(Design Team):玛莎施瓦茨、唐夏普、周梁俊、詹姆斯菲可西罗、玛缇娅加姆巴德拉、克丽斯特贝尔李、杰克沃克和丹葛斯Martha SCHWARTZ,Don SHARP,Liangjun ZHOU,James FICOCIELLO,Mattia GAMBARDELLA,ChristabelLEE,Jake WALKER and Dan GASS

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