1、提高听力,学好英语的必由之路 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:1592 更新时间:2004-8-14 文章录入:admin 当年考研究生的时候听力得了 18 分总分 20 分,成绩本身没有什么好炫耀的。但听力的方法还是很重要。转载一篇东东,和大家探讨。If you want to improve your language skills, youd better listen up.(你想改善自己的语言技巧,那你最好细心多听。) 美国学者 Professor Brongham 接受某电台访问时说了上述这句话。 节目主持问:Why is listening so important?(听为
2、什么这么重要呢?) Well, listening is a useful source of language input, and it serves as a foundation for other language skills like speaking, reading and writing.(嗯,听是输入语文的一种有用来源,也是其他语文技巧如讲、读、写的基础。) 过去的英文学习法,较侧重阅读与写作,相信读友都知之甚详。 不少读友来信问为什么读了这么多年英文,不看中文字幕就听不懂银幕英语。 大家都知道要多听了。 怎样听呢? 现在继续引述给读友观摩。 So, all you ha
3、ve to do is open your ears, and your English listening skills will improve, right?(那么,你要做的是张开自己的耳朵,你的英语听力就会改善了,对吗?) Not exactly.(不见得。) 提高听解力,进而增强表达力又有什么秘诀呢? 我们继续听下去: First of all, you have to pay attention.(首先,你得集中注意力。) Sometimes when youre “listening”, your mind is a million miles away.(有时,你“听”的时候心
4、思会飞到九霄云外。) 同学们有没有这种体验啊? 好,我们现在继续听 Prodessor Brongham 条分缕析。 The words you hear just go in one ear and out the other.(你所听到的字词都只是左耳进,右耳出。) 原来谚语“左耳进右耳出”也有一句很类似的地道英语表达法。现在大家都晓得活学活用这种惯用语(idiomatic expression)了。 那么,怎样进一步掌握听的方法呢? 下周再继续给大家观摩研习。(寄自香港)上周看了美国学者 Professor Brongham 阐释学好英语的办法,知道聆听时精神不集中,就会左耳进,右耳出(
5、go in one ear and out the other)。因此,大家要把英语的根基打稳,记得先练“听力”,不然纵使学了数十年英语,还是会听不懂银幕英语、听不懂电视台的英美时事节目,甚至听不懂外籍朋友讲的地道英语。现在我们继续观摩 Professor Brongham 的卓识高见。But when you concentrate, your mind can process the message. If you want to be a good listener-especially in a foreign language-youve got to stay focused.(但
6、你集中精神时,你的心思可以处理信息,如果你想善于聆听特别是外语时你一定要聚精会神。)此时节目主持问:Could you tell us how to pay attention?(你可以告诉我们怎样集中精神吗?)Professor Brongham 接着答道。First, listen to anything and everything you can in English. This will help you absorb the rhythm and sounds of the language.(首先,尽可能听英语的东西,这能帮助你吸收语言的韵律与声调。)Second, think
7、of your purpose in listening. Do you need specific information, like an address? Or do you just want to know the gist of a news story? Or are you listening to understand how someone is feeling?(其次,想一想你听的目的是什么。你是否需要详细的信息,例如地址?或者你是否只想知道新闻报道的要点?还是你想明白某人的感受?)听解力弱的主要原因不外是:(1) 没有积存足够的五语(五语包括习语(idiom)、口语(c
8、olloquialism)、谚语(proverb)、片语(phrase)、俚语(slang)。(2) 没有掌握语音音标(phonetic alphabet)与连音讲法(linking)。现在听美国著名学者 Professor Brongham 最后说的话。Third, record English programs off the radio or television. First play the cassette through without stopping, listening for the main ideas. Then rewind and replay the secti
9、on you dont understand.(第三,录下电台电视的英语节目,先不停地听卡式带,只求听出要点,然后回带再播你听不懂的部分。)大家须坐言起行,用这些方法实习!听力完全攻略 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:2513 更新时间:2004-8-14 文章录入:admin 听力可以说是我们中国学生英语学习的最大障碍.我问过很多顺利通过六级考试的本科生,听力部分能真正听懂的实在是寥寥无几.很多人都是根据听懂的只言片语,再利用推理,排除一些的考试策略选择答案的.(国内有些听力教材还提出了只看答案就能选出正确答案的系统 “理论“.)这样做考试是有可能通过的,但实际掌握,运用英语的能力就只
10、有自己知道了. 在很长一段时间内,我所选的听力资料将会是 voa 的 special 级别的慢速英语.这主要是出于两个目的:一是打好基本功;二是从慢速英语入手是科学的方法,是实现标准英语听力突破的有效途径.先说第一点.关于听力基本功的认识问题我建议大家去买一本钟道隆编的逆向法巧学英语一书仔细看看,里面很多道理也说的很清楚了.我这里只想以我的亲身体验 “斩钉截铁“的告诉大家:开始 “真正“练习听力的时候(我这里所提到的 “真正“ 不是指那些考试技巧,而是发自内心的想要掌握,运用,享受英语的源动力),千万不可操之过急,一开始就去听那些原版的标准速度的听力资料,一方面这样的方法极不科学;另一方面也会
11、给自己刚刚培养起来的自信心带来巨大的重创.十有八九(也可以说是所有的人)都会很快放弃的.我自己当初也是这样,感觉简直是在听天书,十几分钟的录音下来能够把 topic 听准确已经是很不错了,当中的细节部分根本没有时间反应就一闪而过了.这种过程简直就是一种 “煎熬“. 当然也有少数意志力惊人的朋友坚持了下来,但是由于方法的失策,造成自己把大量的时间精力(有时可以说是青春)投入其中,可是回报却难以和付出平衡,收效甚微.说到这儿叫我想起以前我们有一位上外的听力老师讲的真人真事:一位研究生深知自己听力不过关,决心发奋苦读.于是他每天早上都坚持听广播电台里的标准英语,这样一听就是五年的时间.这种苦行僧似的
12、磨炼并没有使他的听力水平真正得以提高.后来我们这位老师在了解了他的情况以后,告诉他之所以到现在他的听力还未真正突破最主要的原因就是他的基础没有打好,总是泛泛而听,而且总是听些已经有中文背景知识的广播,就会造成一种错觉,好象什么都听懂了,又好象什么也没听懂.大意能够抓住(其实是有背景知识的原故),真正精确到每一句话,每一个单词却总是丢三落四的,不能准确的传情达意.这种沙上建塔的 “辛劳“永远也不会建成坚固的大厦,而总是在进行建了倒下,倒下了再建的重复劳动.再说第二点.从慢速英语入手是真正科学的听力突破方法.而且在我自己的实践过程中摸索出一些听力带动口语,锻炼口译的好方法.下面我想结合我给大家提供
13、的听力资料具体谈一谈练习的方法:1.下载完相关的听力资料后,用 realplayer g2 进行播放,我这里暂时不想给大家提供原文,尤其对那些本来就很清晰的听力资料.(不是很清楚的资料我回加入原文的),这主要是希望大家不要依赖原文,自己一定要一个单词一个单词的完全听懂.有的同学说我有那么几个单词实在听不懂怎么办?大家想一想,慢速英语的单词量是 1500 到 2000,也就是说一个比较好的高中生的单词量已经超过了许多,更何况四六级都已通过的你.听不懂的唯一原因绝对不是生词的问题,(这种问题只有在听标准英语的时候才会产生,以后我会和大家专门讨论的)只能是你对这个单词的发音极其陌生,大脑根本没有反映
14、.如果让你看一看原文,你会不屑一顾的.但在听的时候却不知所云.起初我练习的时候有时为了一个单词可以想上正正一天,嘴里老是念道着这个单词的发音.我知道这个单词我一定认识,直到某一刻恍然大悟:咳!不就是这么简单的一个单词嘛!这时我总是猛拍自己的脑袋骂道 “真是愚蠢“.:-) 当然如果有些同学说这段录音我已经听了十遍了,当中的几个单词你就是打死我我也听不出来.如果真的到了这个地步,你可以把你的问题发表在世博英语论坛里,我会告诉你答案的.2.接下来要做的就是要保证这一段录音你是完完全全的听懂了.什么是完完全全的听懂了呢?就是每听完一句话,你都能准确的复述出来,包括每一个单词.这里在语音上不是很好的朋友
15、要注意了,由于是慢速英语,所以只要你有正常的听力能力再加上一定的毅力,就完全可以把自己的发音模仿的和 voa 的播音员没什么两样,正如李阳老师所指出的:发音是一个人的英语门面.的确是这样的!如果你按照这样的方法用心练习,不出一两个月,你的发音就会有长足的进步.其实我们大多数中国人的模仿发音天赋都是很好的,随便叫出一名大学四级通过的大学生,他(她)的发音就要比我所见到的意大利人,日本人,菲律宾人.的发音不知要好多少倍.其实我们中国学生在口语和听力上缺陷主要有两个原因:一是缺乏练习.这也是传统教学方法的遗憾.包括我自己,也是这种只注重书面的“分析英语“的受害者.二是缺乏勇气.老是害怕自己会说错,害
16、怕丢脸.除非你是在国外长大,英语就是母语,你可以“自豪“的说:我就是说错了那也是对的,因为英语是我的母语.而我们把英语作为第二语言的学习是不可能不犯错误的,多犯错误是为了少犯错误.每当我缺乏勇气的时候,我就会用“i enjoy losing face!“这句话来激励自己.噢!还是说听力吧.这样一句一句直到把每一句话完全“吃掉“,已经基本上可以保证你已听懂了这段文章.要达到什么样的标准呢?我对自己的要求是在落后一两个单词的同步复述.很多同学到这里就到此为止了.我却以为这样太可惜了.如果说上面这一点是练习了语音的话,下面的两个重要工作才是我们利用听力材料练习口语和口译的重要.3.现在大家已经把这段
20、“的真正含义.当然你也可以把这种方法推广到你现在所应试的听力教材中去,我自己现在特喜欢用这种方法拿托福的听力对话开刀,练过一段时间后就开始“喜欢“上托福的听力考试题了,虽然自己从没有参加过正式的考试,但是做做那些市面上的全真试题感觉就好象在玩文字游戏,很多题目觉得答案上写的都是废话,这是把对话完全听懂的必然结果.好了,我已经把自己最好的听力练习经验和大家分享了,剩下的就是看各位的“功力“了.我现在每天还在加强听力训练,下个目标就是 voa 的标准英语,要达到象我们听中文广播一样的水平是我梦寐以求的事.有些地方已经有了些眉目,等以后我会专门写一篇有关标准英语听力的文章和大家交流吧.最后我想祝愿大
21、家能够早日突破听力障碍,享受到听英语的真正意义和乐趣!Act1. 视频下载 Richard: Excuse me. My name is Richard Stewart. Im a photographer. May take a pictureand your little boy?Mrs.Vann: Whats it for?Richard: Its for a book.Mrs.Vann: Youre writing a book?Richard: Its a book of pictures. I call it Family Album,U.S.A.Mrs.Vann: Oh, tha
22、ts a nice idea.Well, its fine if you take our picture. Im Martha Vann.Richard: Thank you. I appreciate your help. Im Richard.Whats your name?Gerald:Gerald.Richard: How old are you,Gerald?Gerald:Five.Richard: And where do you live?Mrs.Vann: We live in California.Richard: Well, welcome to New York.OK,
23、 just a second. Im almost ready here.Alexadra: Can I help you?Richard: Oh, please.Hold Geralds hand, please.Great! Now point to the buildings. Terrific! Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald. Nice! Thank you, Gerald. And thank you, Mrs Vann.Mrs.Vann: Oh, my pleasure.Well be looking for your book.Richard: Thank
24、you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald.Thanks again.Alexandra: Oh, youre welcome.Richard: Hey, let me take your picture!Alexandra: Wonderful. Please.Richard: Are you from New York?Alexandra: No, Im from Greece. Im an exchange student.Richard: When did you come here?Alexandra: Three months ago.Richard: Your Engl
25、ish is very good.Alexandra: Thanks. I studied English in school.Richard: Would you like some coffee?Alexandra: No, thank you. Tell me about your book.Richard: Oh, its not finished yet, but I have some of the pictures. Would you like to see them?Alexandra: Yes, Id like that.Richard: Here they are. Fa
26、mily Album, U.S.A. Its an album of pictures of the United States: the cities, the special places, and the people. And these are pictures of people working:steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors, ambulance drivers, doctors. Oh, this is my father. Hes a doctor. This is my mother.Alexandra: What
27、s her name?Richard: Ellen. My younger brother, Robbie. He goes to high school. This is my sister Susan. She works for a toy company.Heres my grandfather. He lives in Florida. And this is my wife Marilyn.Alexandra: Oh, shes very pretty.Richard: Thanks.And what about your family?Alexandra: Theyre in T
28、hessaloniki. Thats a large city in northem Greece. But now Im living in the Bronx.Richard: With a Greek-American family?Alexandra: No. Hispanic.Richard: Oh no! Its thirty.Will you excuse me? I have to meet my wife.Alexandra: It was nice meeting you.Richard: It was a pleasure meeting you, too. Thanks
29、 for your help. And good luck! Ive got to go. By the way. Im Richard. Whats your name?Alexandra: Alexandra.Richard: Bye-bye, Alexandra.Thanks.Alexandra: Bye-bye. Richard! Richard! You left your bag.Act2. 视频下载 Alexandra: Excuse me, officer. Can you help me?Policeman: Sure.Alexandra: Can you tell me h
30、ow to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale?Policeman: “Richard Stewart, 46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York.“ You should take the number 1 subway.Alexandra: Is there a station near here?Policeman: Yes. The stations that way. You should take the number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park.Alexandra: Number
31、1 train to Van Cortlandt park. Thank you.Policeman: Anytime. Good luck. Remember, ther number 1 train. The uptown platform.Alexandra: Thank you.Policeman: Youre welcome.Customer: Is this pink too bright for me?Marilyn: Mmm-hmm. It is a very bright pink. Try this. Its size eight.Customer: But I wear
32、size ten.Marilyn: How about green? Its size ten.Customer: Let me try it on.Customer: Im taking too much of your time.Marilyn: Its six 0clock. Wheres my husband? I was expecting him here at five forty-five.Customer. Dont worry. The were going to be late for dinner.Marilyn: I know. But were going to b
33、e late for dinner.Customer: Ill take this green sweater. I like the color on me, dont you?Marilyn: I think it looks terrific on you.Richard: Im sorry Im so late. I had a really bad day.Marilyn: Its ten after six. Were late. Robbies cooking tonight,and dinners at six thirty.Richard: I know. I know.Im
34、 really sorry. I left my bag of film on the ferry. I went back for it, but the ferry was gone. I lost a whole days work. Marilyn: Ill call the Staten lsland Ferry lost-and-found office.Richard: I didnt think of that. Thanks.Marilyn: Hello, Yes. The number, please, of the Staten lsland Ferry lost-and
35、-found office. Five five five.zero eight zero eight. Thank you.Richard: I really appreciate it, Marilyn.Marilyn: Hello. Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon, a small canvas bag, on the J.F.Kennedy Ferry?.No? Maybe someone will find it. The name is Stewart, Richard Stewart. And the telephone n
36、umber is five five five.three oh nine oh. Thank you.Sorry, Richard. They dont have it.Richard: Thanks,anyway. There was a girl on the ferry. Now maybe.Marilyn: Tell me about it on the way home.Act3 视频下载 Philip:And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal.Dont worry. Shell be fine. Youre
37、welcome. Good-bye.Ellen: How are you?Philip:Im tired and hungry.Ellen: Well, Marilyn and Richard called. Theyll be here soon, and then well eat. Philip: All right. Is.is Susan coming?Ellen: Well, shell be here later. She has to work late tonight.Philip:And whats Robbie cooking for dinner?Ellen: Its
38、a surprise.Philip:I hope its pasta.Philip:Robbie, the dinner was terrific.Susan: Yes, it was delicious.Marilyn: Whats for dessert?Robbie: Oh, I forgot dessert.Philip: Robbie!Ellen: Dont worry. Weve got lots of ice cream.Richard: Oh, Id love some ice cream.Ellen: Well, theres chocolate and coffee and
39、 a little vanilla.Robbie: Ill have vanilla. Is that all right with everyone?Philip:Ill have chocolate.Marllyn: Me, too.Richard: Uh, one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me.Ellen: Robbie, will you help me serve?Richard: I keep thinking about that bag of film. Eight rolls. a whole days w
40、ork. And good stuff,too.Ellen: Ill get it. Hello.Alexandra: Hello. Does Richard Stewart live here?Robbie:Yes, hes my brother. Im Robbie.Robbie Stewart.Alexandra: Im Alexandra Pappas. How do you do? Your brother left his bag of film on the ferryboat. I found it.Robbie:Im really glad to see you. I mea
41、n.my brotherll be really glad to see you!Ellen: Robbie! Who is it?Robbie:Its Richards film! I mean, Alexandra Pappas. Come in, please.Richard: Alexandra!Alexandra: Hello, Richard. I found your bag!Richard: Oh, thank you! Thank you! Um.Alexandra, let me introduce you. This is my wife Marilyn.Alexandr
42、a: Richard showed me your photo. How do you do ?Marilyn: Oh yes. Richard told us all about you. Its nice to meet you.Richard: And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart.Alexandra: How do you do?Richard: And my father, Dr.Philip Stewart.Philip:Nice to meet you, Alexandra.Richard: Andahyou met RobbieAlexanr
43、a: Yes. And you must be Susan.Hi.Susan: Hi.Welcome.Richard: Im so glad you found the bag and took the time and trouble to return it.Alexandra: Oh,it was no trouble. I just took the wrong train.Ellen: Would you like something to eat?Alexandra: Thank you, no.Im late for dinner at my house. I really ha
44、ve to go.Richard: Would you like to call home?Alexandra: Id appreciate that.Ellen: Please, use the phone.Alexandra: Thanks. Excuse me.Richard: Alexandras a high-school exchange student from Greece.Robbie:Where does she live?Richard: With a family in the Bronx.Robbie:Oh, thats not too far from here!R
45、ichard: Take it easy, Robbie.Alexandra: Thank you. I can only stay a few minutes.Ellen: Have some iced tea.Alexandra: Thanks, Mrs. Stewart.Robbie: Please sit down, Alexandra.Philip:So, youre an exchange student. Where do you go to school?Alexandra: At the Bronx High School of Science.Philip: Oh, tha
46、ts a very good school. What are your favorite subjects?Alexandra: Biology and mathematics. Richard tells me youre a doctor.Philip:Yes, a pediatrician.And what does your father do?Alexandra: Hes a lawyer, in Thessaloniki.Robbie:Would you like some pasta? I made it myself. It might be a little cold.Al
47、exandra: Thanks, no. I do have to go. It was nice meeting you all.Marilyn: Well, maybe youll come for lunch some Sunday, so we can really thank you for bringing Richards bag back.Alexandra: Maybe.Ellen: Youre welcome anytime.Philip:Good-bye.Richard: Can I drive you home?Alexandra: No,thanks. The tra
48、in is just up the street. It wont take me long at all.Richard: Well, you really saved the day for me, Alexandra.Alexandra: Bye.Richard: Bye-bye.Ellen: Good night.Philip:Shes a smart young lady, and very nice.Robbie:Very! Hey, she forgot her bag!Ellen: I guess well be seeing Alexandra again, Right, R
49、obbie?EPISODE 2 The Blind DateAct 1. 视频下载 Harry: Excue me. Can you help me?Vendor:Sure, what do you want?Harry: Where is 83 Wooster Street?Vendor:Thats easy. Walk to the comer. Then make a left turn. Then walk two blocks to the traffic light.Make another left to Wooster.Harry: Thank you. To the comer and then a left?Vendor:Yeah. A left. Hot dog? Only seventy-five cents.Harry: No. Thank you. I have a dinner date.Harry: 555-9470.and its busyTry again. 555-94