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1、Post colonialism,Content,Definition of PostcolonialismRepresentatives:Edward W. Said & OrientalismHomi K. Bhabha & Hybridity Textual Analysis: Slumdog Millionaire,What is colonialism?,Colonialism: one countrys domination of another country or peopleusually achieved through aggressive, often military

2、, actionsand the territory acquired in this manner.“殖民主义首先是指帝国主义国家从经济上与政治上对殖民地国家进行的侵略;但同时它还体现为意识形态上和文化上的侵略,即殖民者将自己的世界观、价值观渗透到殖民统治中去,迫使殖民地人民接受。”“马克思、恩格斯曾指出,“欧洲殖民主义的一个最显著的特征就是迫使所有殖民地采纳资本主义生产方式,进而接受资本主义文明”。,Post-colonialism,Postcolonialism is continuation of decolonization, carried on in the Western ac

3、ademy, often termed as Postcolonial Studies.It is a specifically post-modern intellectual discourse that consists of reactions to, and analysis of, the cultural legacy of colonialism.It broadly concerns with a set of theories about philosophy, film, political science, sociology, feminism, religious

4、and theological studies, and literature.,The Historical Development of Post-Colonialism,1.酝酿期:20世纪初至70年代。代表人物法农,其著作批判地分析了殖民主义意识形态对受殖民者造成的文化心理创伤。2.形成和发展期:70年代至90年代。代表人物是萨义德、斯皮瓦克和巴巴。萨义德东方主义的发表则标志着后殖民主义的形成,他被认为是后殖民民主义文论的开创者;斯皮瓦克提出了后殖民状况下受殖民者的“自我表征”问题;巴巴则提出了“受殖民者的身份构建”问题,他们三人共同促成了后殖民主义文论的广泛影响。他们被称之为后殖民理

5、论的“圣三位一体”。3.反思期:90年代至今。代表人物德里克,他对上述三位学者的学术立场及其理论自身的矛盾进行了深入分析,着重指出他们理论的盲点。作为一种晚近形成的理论话语,后殖民主义文论仍处在继续发展的过程中。,思想来源:非洲的殖民主义批评话语20世纪20年代兴起于非洲大陆。 此时的非洲正处在民族解放运动、反对西方殖民统治、追求民族独立的过程中。 本土知识分子对西方的“同化”政策展开激烈批判,以呼吁非洲民族意识的觉醒,维护非洲本土文化的尊严。于此,形成了一股殖民主义批评话语。马克思主义的民族国家理论后殖民主义的大多数理论家都研究过马克思主义,有些还信仰马克思主义。马克思的两篇文章对他们影响很

6、大,这就是不列颠在印度的统治和不列颠在印度统治的未来结果。 另外,在后殖民主义理论家看来,列宁的帝国主义是资本主义的最高阶段是迄今对帝国主义阐释的最为透彻的经典著作。,Theoretical basis:,Antonio Gramsci (葛兰西)cultural hegemony It is used to describe the dominance relationship between various classes in the society .Frantz Fanon (法侬) He discusses the relationship between the traditio

7、nal nationalism and imperialism.,Back,葛兰西的文化霸权思想西方马克思主义者葛兰西认为:所谓文化霸权就是指在资本主义统治中,文化领域的控制具有重要地位;统治者对文化和思想观念的全面控制,不是通过外在强制而是通过被统治者的自觉认同来实现的。 后殖民主义者由此认为文化霸权贯穿于殖民主义的整个过程,在后殖民时代,文化控制仍然是帝国主义在当今的重要表现形式。 福柯的权力话语理论福柯在知识考古学等著作中提出,不存在绝对客观知识,知识的生产、传播和消费始终与权力纠葛在一起。纯粹的真理是不存在的,所有知识的目的都在于确证统治结构的合法性。任何话语都有虚构的成分。 这些思想

8、构成了后殖民主义理论的方法论前提。,Post-colonialism Studies: Scope of Theoretical Inquiries,Generally speaking, post-colonial studies covers at least four distinct areas:imperial culture;cultures of the colonized;cultures of resistance that opposed imperialismrelationship between First World metropolitan and Third W

9、orld peripheral cultures,Post-Colonialism and Literature,重点关注殖民地作家的作品:宗主国给殖民地人民带来的经济上的灾难,社会的纷争和文化上的“殖民”。英美文学中的“经典”,帝国中心-殖民属地的关系。全球化语境中文化身份定位问题:亚裔美国文学/华裔美国文学(白人中心的文化和少数族裔的关系构成了内部文化殖民的现象)。第三世界妇女文学:他们如何深受种族歧视和男性统治的“双重”压迫。文化研究中的“后殖民”视角:西方文化实践中的“东方化”现象和内化了“东方主义”的东方文化人的艺术实践。,Representatives,Edward Said(萨义

10、德) Gayatri C. Spivak(斯皮瓦克) Homi K. Bhabha(霍米巴巴 )一起被誉为后殖民理论的“圣三位一体”,Edward W . Said (1935-2003),A founding figure in postcolonialism, known best for his book Orientalism, which presented his influential ideas on Orientalism. He was a Palestinian-American literary theorist, a professor of English and

11、Comparative Literature at Columbia University.,Edward W Said,Edward W Said wrote extensively on the subject of cultural imperialism. His work attempts to highlight the inaccuracies of many assumptions about cultures and societies, and is largely informed by Michel Foucaults concepts of discourse and

12、 power. (“话语”与“权力”理论),Orientalism - A Western study of Eastern Culture,Orientalism is a constellation of false assumptions underlying Western attitudes toward the Middle East. It is an authoritative discourse based on dualism of opposites and essentialism.It expresses and represents European culture

13、 and material civilization culturally and even ideologically as a mode of discourse with supporting institutions vocabulary, scholarship, imagery, doctrines, even colonial bureaucracies and colonial styles,What is Orientalism?,Orientalism is an academic discipline or corporate institution, but basic

14、ally it is the way the colonizer thinks about, talks about and represents the colonized, based on a division of two parts (West and East) in general terms (despotism专制独裁/ democracy民主制, sensuality好色淫荡/ self-control自制, mystical神秘的/ sensible明白的, intrigue阴谋/ straightforwardness率真, etc.),他者?他者“东方”,即被殖民的一

15、方,是“在西方人对熟悉的事物的藐视和对新奇事物的狂喜或恐惧之间摇曳不定的存在”。(赛义德) Orientalism is a style of thought based upon an ontological and epistemological distinction made between “the Orient” and (most of the time) “the Occident.: poets, novelists, philosophers, political theorists, economists, and imperial administrators, hav

16、e accepted the basic distinction between East and West” Orientalism is something more historically and materially defined than either of the other two. .In short, Orientalism as a Western style for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient.,Binary Oppositions Diagram: Deconstru

17、cting the Center,The Occident,The Orient,文明的,理性的,先进的,基督教的,强大的 /神秘的,落后的,迷信的,异教的,柔懦的,The Occident/The Orient,Dualism,Occident Orient (西方) (东方) Strong Weak (强壮) (弱小)Self Other (自我) (他者),斯皮瓦克的其他观点:她更多地从“第三世界妇女”的立场,揭露了西方帝国主义文化霸权对第三世界妇女的压迫、奴役和扭曲,力图恢复她们的主体地位与话语权,使世界能重新听到她们的“失去了的声音”。 斯皮娃克指出:作为“属下”的“属下”、“边缘”

18、之“边缘”的第三世界妇女是“默沉的他者”,是完全丧失了话语权的“失语者”,是“缺席世界”中的缺席者,是“盲点”中的“盲点”。 斯皮娃克认为妇女是世界历史的真正创造者。第三世界妇女是当今世界历史的真正创造者。然而她们失去了话语权,成了“默默无声”任人摆布的“他者”。,Homi K. Bhabha(霍米巴巴 ),He is one of the most important figures in contemporary post-colonial studies, and has coined a number of the fields neologisms and key concepts,

19、 such as hybridity, mimicry, difference, ambivalence. Such terms describe ways in which colonized peoples(被殖民者) have resisted the power of the colonizer(殖民者), according to Bhabhas theory.,Hybridity,Hybridity, originating from the Latin hybrida, refers in its most basic sense to mixture. The term ori

20、ginates from biology and was subsequently employed in linguistics and in racial theory in the nineteenth century. Homi Bhabha developed the hybridity theory in The Location of Culture (1994) (文化的定位) which analyses the liminality of hybridity as a paradigm of colonial anxiety. His key argument is tha

21、t colonial hybridity, as a cultural form, produced ambivalence in the colonial masters and as such altered the authority of power.,Hybridity,Bhabhas arguments have become key in the discussion of hybridity. While he originally developed his thesis with respect to narratives of cultural imperialism,

22、his work also develops the concept with respect to the cultural politics of migrancy in the contemporary metropolis. This critique of cultural imperialist hybridity meant that the rhetoric of hybridity became more concerned with challenging essentialism and has been applied to sociological theories

23、of identity, multiculturalism, and racism.,Hybridity,霍米巴巴最早将混杂性的概念借用到了后殖民理论对殖民者和被殖民者之间的关系的研究中。 在后殖民研究中,巴巴认为殖民者对被殖民者的统治与压迫并不仅仅是权力的单向运作,实际上它们之间的关系是彼此交织、难以严格划界和区分的。被殖民者通过带有差异的重复模拟殖民话语,使之变得不纯,从而进一步解构、颠覆殖民话语。,Slumdog Millionaire,The movie Slumdog Millionaire tells us a story of a former street child from

24、 the Dharavi slums, Jamal Malik, who took part in a quiz show and became a millionaire overnight. The movie opens with Jamal participating an Indian quiz show named Who wants to be a millionaire while there remains only one question preventing him from winning a million. However, the show ceases in

25、a flash, Jamal was arrested by the policeman, being accused of deceiving, for they insisted that a street child from a slum has no possibility to correctly answer so many questions. In order to prove his innocence, Jamal was forced to tell his history of growing up in the slum.,Textual Analysis: Slu

26、mdog Millionaire,Cultural Imperialism : Duplicity (双重性) Dreamy love(爱情梦幻化)The discourse power (话语权) :the First World V.S. the Third WorldDualism,Content,Cultural imperialism is the practice of promoting a more powerful culture over a least known or desirable culture. It is usually the case that the

27、former belongs to a large, economically or militarily powerful nation and the latter belongs to a smaller, less powerful one.,Textual Analysis: Slumdog Millionaire,Cultural imperialism can take the form of an active, formal policy or a general attitude. A metaphor of colonialism is used: the cultura

28、l products of the first world “invade“ the third-world and “conquer“ local culture.,Textual Analysis: Slumdog Millionaire,-Firstly, it is embodied in the Oriental cultural hegemony between Chinese and western during the national culture communication. (第一重体现为民族文化交流中 西方对东方的文化霸权。),At the beginning of

29、Slumdog Millionaire, there was an astonishing picture which is full of oriental imagine in the eyes of the Westerners: the slum was dirty and in a mess; piles of stink garbage; children are in rags and running around; the violence; the police torturing people and so on.,Cultural Imperialism - Duplic

30、ity (双重性),The director seems to send us a message that being savage and being saved are the theme of the movie. He shot the film in a position of the Westerner rather than the Oriental. The attitude towards India is a very serious distortion to Indian culture.,Duplicity (双重性),In the film, the father

31、 is absent, while mother is also early dead. The important culture storage ,such as the environment for the characters growth, the education, the family love , were intentionally formatting.In addition, the Indias poverty was isolated and magnified . In the film, we cant find the colonial history of

32、 Indian humiliation, what we saw here is ubiquitous poverty rather than a long extension of Indian civilization .,Duplicity (双重性),-Secondly, it is embodied in cultural control of the western capitalist society between the ruling class and the affiliated class. (第二重体现为西方资本主义社会内部的统治阶级对从属阶级的文化控制。)As fo

33、r an occidental, there still exists prejudice towards Indian people - just like Said criticized it as “strange“ “backward“ “silent indifferent“ “laziness compliance “.,Duplicity (双重性),The film uses a metaphor- “The Three Musketeers” (三个火枪手)by Alexander Dumas to put a dreamy love above poverty. Here

34、, in the film, it is narrated in an untraditional way far away from truth and reality, it creates a beautiful dream or an illusion for people so as to meet their psychological needs.,Dreamy love (爱情梦幻化),Occident(西方) Orient(东方)Civilization(文明) Barbarism(野蛮)Advanced(先进) Backward(落后),Dualism,Textual An

35、alysis: Slumdog Millionaire,Civilization V.S. Barbarism,The real circumstance in slumdogBrutal policemenFrightful implement Brutal sinister gang,Barbaric,When Jamal was being beat by a policeman, an American couple spent hundred dollars to save him. Well, here is a bit of the real America, son. (one of the American visitor said),Civilized,Advanced V.S. Backward,Rich district (Peal Street)Javeds luxurious and dissipated life Slumdog,Poor Shantytowns Dirty Disorder,Prosperous Luxurious,Thank you !,


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