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    2016(冀教版 三起)三年级英语下册 unit 2 lesson10 where do they live教案.doc

    1、-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-Lesson 10 Where Do They Live?学情分析:学生已经有了一定量的动物词汇积累,并且也学过了不少的动物词汇,只要加以引导,应该能顺利掌握今天的内容。教学目标:1、知识目标:能听、说、读、写新单词 forest river tree grass do/does.能运用句型 Where does a _ live? In a _.并能熟练的做出口头应答。2、能力目标:熟练运用所学新单词,能用新句型做出口头交际。3、情感目标: 让学生了解动物的居住环境,培养学生爱护动物,保护环境的情感

    2、意识。教学重点难点:重点:1、能听、说、读、写新单词 forest river tree grass。2、掌握句型 Where does a _ live? In a _.难点:学生能灵活运用句型 Where does a _ live ?讨论各种动物的栖息地。教学过程:一、Class opening and review1、Greeting: 用学生熟悉的用语问候学生。2、 Review:(1)把全班学生分为两组,其中一组用英语数另外一组学生数目。然后两组反过来数。(用以英文数字)(2)说谜语,猜动物” 复习前面所学动物名称。教师说,学生猜,两组学生竞-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:

    3、010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-赛,说对的一组在黑板上标注奖励小红旗。a. It has a long tail and short ears. It likes bananas(香蕉). What is it? (monkey)b. It lives on the farm. It can say: “moo moo”. What is it? (cow)c. It can swim. It has no wings (翅膀) What is it? (fish)d. It has feathers(羽毛)and wings(翅膀). It can fly. What

    4、is it? ( bird)e. It is black and white, it likes bamboo(竹子). What is it? (panda)f. It has stripes (条纹) ,it looks like (长得像) cat. What is it? (tiger)g. Its ears are long. Its tail is short. What is it? (rabbit)h. Its nose is long. Its tail is short. What is it? (elephant)同学们都知道这些动物生活在哪里吗?接下来咱们就来看看这些动

    5、物都生活在哪里?Where do they live ?(3)利用拍手歌谣练习。 (用上面谜语中的动物名称做替换练习)x x x x x | x x x x | x x x x x | x x x xI walk to the zoo. What did I see? I see a _ looking at x |me.二、New concepts1. Whats this?Step1 看图片学单词。出示河流图片,读出单词 river。讨论水里有什么,学生-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-回答出来。同样步骤教授其他三个单词:fore

    6、st、tree、grass。讨论树和草的颜色,讲授森林的知识。问学生在森林里会看到哪些动物?Step2 lets do it!图片和单词搭配练习。(课件展示)2. Where does it live?问学生有哪些动物分别生活在 forest、river、tree。利用问题引出新句型。展示课件图片学习 Where does it live?In a _.(解释第三人称单数“does”的用法)3. Lets do it! 出示图片,连线。继续前面的分组比赛形式做句型问答练习,并奖励小红旗。Where does it live?In a _.三、Class closing.板书设计:Lesson 10 Where Do They Live?forest river tree grassWhere does a(an)_ live?In a _.

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    本文标题:2016(冀教版 三起)三年级英语下册 unit 2 lesson10 where do they live教案.doc
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