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    1、48 个国际音标课程讲义元音和辅音的定义:发音时声带振动,呼出的气流通过口腔时不受阻碍,这样形成的语音称为元音。不论声带振动与否,发音时呼出的气流通过口腔或鼻腔时受到一定的阻碍,这样形成的语音称为辅音。发音时声带不振动的辅音称为清辅音。发音声带振动的辅音称为浊辅音一、元音1、/i:/ /i/ / /e/(1 )/i:/ 长元音 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,流出微笑的表情 与字母 e 的发音相同. 发这个音的字母组合有 e ea eee: me be she he we eveningee: sweet bee sweep sheep see sleep three green e

    2、a: meat leaf sea pea teach eat clean 绕口令练习: the teacher repeated the speech to please the people.I can see the sea, the deep green sea(2)/i/ 短元音,嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,嘴型扁平。中间放一个小指尖,这个音是顺口即来的啊哈。 字母和字母组合 I e y ey ayPig fish lorry happy money chin绕口令练习:why does Lily go out with Jim and not him?If I assist

    3、 a sister-assistant, will the sisters sister-assistant assist me?(3 )梅花音 / 嘴型比较怪异,嘴巴要长大,尽量拉向两边,既要大又要呈扁平形,舌尖抵下齿。听起来向鸭子叫。很干。dad flag hand rabbit ant cap apple family绕口令练习:apple, apple, apple. An apple is good after a napCan you can a can as a canner can can a can(4)短原因 /e/唇形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍微隆起,张嘴即来,跟打招呼“

    4、哎”的声音相似 a e ai ue ea ie 等字母和字母组合发该音Egg bell bread said head desk elephant 绕口令练习:my hen likes to lay ten fresh eggs every day.Lets get together when the weather is better.2、中元音 /:/, /, /(1 )长元音 /:/ 三部曲 嘴型扁平,上下齿微微张开,舌身放平,舌中部微微抬起。稍微紧张一点 发这个音的字母组合有 er ir or ur ear our Her girl skirt bird purse nurse pea

    5、rl 绕口令练习: where is the pearl? The nurse put her pearl in her nurse.The early birds catches the worm(2 )短元音 / 嘴唇微微张开,舌头自然放松,舌中部微微隆起 a e I o u ar er or ou re 等字母容易发 /Picture camera teacher doctor sugar panda绕口令练习: my mother and my sister like the new shopping centerReaders are supposed to keep silent

    6、in the library. (3 )短元音 / 嘴唇微微张开,伸向两边,舌尖轻触下齿,舌后部稍微抬起。张开两指高度。O u oo ou 等字母和字母组合发该音bus sun son gum jump nut umbrella butterfly mushroom绕口令练习:Father and son have fun, flying their kite in the sun3、后元音/:/,/:/, /, /u:/, /(1 )长元音 /:/ 口腔打开,嘴长大,舌身自然放松,下巴收低,舌头不要抵下齿,在感叹祖国大好河山“啊”一样,下巴稍微收低。字母 a ar al au ear 等通常

    7、发该音。Car star laugh aunt palm heart grass plant shark绕口令练习:no parking here, no parking here, our game of darts is starting.Barbara and Char,les are dancing in a large garden.(2 )长元音 /:/ 双唇收的小而圆,向前突出,舌身往后缩。常见 a au aw ar al or ore oor ou our 等组合会发这个音ball wall water horse door corn绕口令练习: basketball, bas

    8、ketball ,Paul plays basketballShe thought she ought to take a walk before four oclock(3 )短元音 / 口腔打开,嘴巴张大,舌头向后缩,嘴唇稍微的收圆fox coffee watch dog shop mop绕口令练习:my mom likes to shop, she shops until she stopsLots and lots of clocks and watches are on sale in the shops(4 )长元音 /u:/ 嘴型小而圆,微微的外凸,舌头尽量后缩。喉咙有点紧张感,

    9、想想火车响的时候“呜呜”的声音。 常见 o u oo oe ou ew Flute fruit food shoes moon juice绕口令:Cool, cool, cool ,you look so coolThe news is too good to be true(5 )短元音 / 嘴唇张开,略向前凸出,嘴型收圆,放松点,不要紧张,嘴巴的形状会影响发音的效果。 O u oo oul 等字母发该音。Wolf wood bull bullet book cook good绕口令练习:cook! Cook! Where is the cook book? Please take a lo

    10、okGood cookies could be cooked by a good cook if a good cook could cook good cookies.4、双元音/e/, /a/, /, /, /a/, /, /e/, /(1 )/ei/半开到合,A 的发音。由 e 向 i 过度,字母 a ai ay ey ei ea 等字母或字母组合发这个音Cake gate rain train may tray potato steak tomato绕口令练习:Rain, rain, rain, its a rainy dayThey say tha rain came every e

    11、ight days in May(2 )/嘴巴由圆到扁,oi oy 等字母组合经常发该音Oil coin boy soy(酱油 黄豆) poison boil oyster(牡蛎) toy绕口令练习:the boy was annoyed because his toy was destroyed.Boys and girls like new toys, they will bring many joys .(3 )/a/口型由大到小,ou ow 等字母组合经常发该音House mouse flower cow blouse bow owl 绕口令练习:I got a cat to chas

    12、e the mouse, now I hear meow, meow around the house.Brown was proud of his house, which faced the south of the country.(4 )/与字母 o 发音是一样,o oa ou ow 等发该音nose rose boat snow bowl old roach (蟑螂) notebook绕口令练习:Rose likes ice-cream in a cone, but never when shes home alone/ ea eo ear eer ier 等经常发该音Tear ea

    13、r theater deer beer hear 绕口令练习: Tom has one bad ear, you must speak loud and clear.I see clearly an idea struck him and threw him into great fear.(5 )/e/ 一样是先舌尖抵下齿,air are ear ere eir 常发该音hair stair square glare pear chair airport bear绕口令练习:Beware of the hare in the yard. He stares and glares very h

    14、ard.Mary stares carefully at the hairy bear(6 )/由收圆到半开,ur oor our ure 等都发该音Tour gourd(葫芦) poor Europe pure February 绕口令练习:tour, tour, tour , I love tours of European placesThe poor man was assured that his child could be cured/a/口型由开到合,与字母 I 发音相同,发这个音的字母和字母组合 i y ie uyby cry fly my sky try why tie p

    15、ie eye spider child绕口令练习: time and time again I tried to hold back my sad feeling二:辅音辅音不能独立自主成音,所以只能配合别人。1、 爆破音/ p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/(1 )清辅音 /p/ 双唇紧闭,然后快速张开,让气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,但声带不振动。piano parrot pet ship sheep pig stop apple happy绕口令练习: pony, pony, pony, Polly wants a pony.Do you want pepper or p

    16、aper? Which is cheaper? I want pepper, not paper, if pepper is cheaper than paper.(2 )浊辅音 /b/ 双唇紧闭,然后快速张开,让气,流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,声带振动。book ball bird big boy bag banana cabbage book ball bird big boy ba 绕口令练习:baby birds, baby birds , look at the baby birds on the beach.Bill was beaten black and blue by a bad

    17、 boy with a bag on his back(3 )/t/舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后憋住气,突然弹开舌尖,让气流从口腔喷出来,声带不振动,发音短促有力。table tea taxi cat rat fat ticket butter matter绕口令练习:Timmys cat is keeping fit, but she likes to chase fat ratsHe took his ticket from his pocket and passed it to the ticket-collector.(4 )/d/舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后憋住气,突然弹开舌尖,让气流从口腔喷出来,

    18、声带振动,发音短促有力。duck seed door desk day red head bed read cold绕口令练习:Lets dance, Mr. Donald, Miss Daisy is dancing on the desk.The lady in red was beating the mad dog to death from dawn till dusk.(5 )/K/ 舌后部抵住软腭,憋住气,然后突然离开,将气送出来,像咳嗽一样,声带不振动。cap cook cup car can class cook milk key desk kite cake clock so

    19、ck cock neck绕口令练习:Kelly has a cute cat, she calls it Kammy Koo(6 )/g/舌后部抵住软腭,憋住气,然后突然离开,将气送出来,像咳嗽一样,声带不振动。绕口令练习: glass golf get girl bag goat flag eggThe garden with grass is no good for guests2、 摩擦音:/f/, /v/, /s/, /z/,/ /,/ /, /h/, /r/ , /, /3 /, /t/, /d3/, /tr/, /dr/ ,/ts/, /dz/(1 )/f/ 上齿轻轻的接触下唇,然

    20、后吹气,使气流从唇齿间通过,形成摩擦,声带不振动。five fan flower fish four leaf giraffe phone elephant photo laugh绕口令练习:Fanny picked our yellow flowers for her father Frank.The folk(民族) found a farm full of fine food.(2 )/V/ 口型与 f 相似,但是声带不振动 video vase vest five love violin move vote van volcano绕口令练习:Mom loves you, we all

    21、love you very much.Forgive me for leaving your gloves there.(3 )/s /双唇微微张开,舌端靠近上齿龈,舌头自然放松,气流从齿间送出,声带不振动。star sun snake sea see pencil city cedar ceiling celebrate grass glass class boss face race rice nice绕口令练习:My name is snake, my skin is smooth and nice.Pass me the cups and books on the desk.(4 )/

    22、z/双唇微微张开,舌端靠近上齿龈,舌头自然放松,气流从齿间送出 ,声带振动 。跟”ci”很像zero zebra zoo bags photos sisters nose rose绕口令练习:zzz, zzz, zzz, I am a busy bee.(5 )/ / 舌尖微微伸出,上下齿微微咬住舌尖,不要咬着不放,送气,身带不振动.three thin third teeth mouth 绕口令练习:I think the thin cat is thirty-three, maybe he thinks we are thirsty too.The third Thursday of th

    23、is month is the sixteenth.(6 )/ / 舌尖微微伸出,上下齿微微咬住舌尖,不要咬着不放,送气,身带振动.father mother brother clothes than weather绕口令练习:My father told my mother ”this way to the bay”My father and my mother visited my brother with those teachers.(7 )/h/ 嘴唇自然张开,自然呵气,很放松的发声即可。he her head heart hair ham who whose 绕口令练习:Heavy

    24、 Henry has a house, happy Harry is a mouse.I heard you have heard from home.(8 )/r/ 舌尖向上卷起,舌头不接触任何部位,双唇稍微突出,声带振动。绕口令练习:Mr. Rat, Mr. Rat, I am near the riverWe have fresh bread for breakfast(9 )/ 双唇稍收圆,微微突出,舌头稍微上卷,舌尖接近上齿龈,送气,声带不振动。跟“屎”很相似。sugar sure ship sheep wash cash shop she绕口令练习:Shelly went shop

    25、ping to find a pair of shoesShe showed me a fresh fish.(10) /3 /双唇稍收圆,微微突出,舌头稍微上卷,舌尖接近上齿龈,送气,声带不振动.跟“日”有点相似。teacher peach cherry chair watch match 绕口令练习:pleasure, pleasure, whats your pleasure?Measure your garage at your leisure.(11) /t/ 双唇略微张开突出,舌尖抵住下齿龈,跟“齿”很相似,声带不振动。teacher peach cherry chair watc

    26、h match chalk(粉笔)绕口令练习:cheese? Cheese? Where is the cheese? The children have it on the beach.Teach the children to fetch the chicken from the kitchen.(12) /d3/ 双唇略微张开突出,舌尖抵住下齿龈,跟“ 只”很像,声带振动Ginger(姜) giraffe cage(笼子) jump job jam(果酱) orange cabbage绕口令练习:when Jack and Jill get a new toy, they jump an

    27、d jump.James enjoyed the strawberry jam very much.(13) /tr/ 双唇收圆,向前突出,舌尖上翘抵住上齿龈,采取发/r/的姿势,声带不振动。tree truck trousers strawberry trick train trash 绕口令练习:she tried and tried to catch the train.The children tried to trim(修剪) the tree.(14) /dr/ 双唇收圆,向前突出,舌尖上翘抵住上齿龈,采取发/r/的姿势,声带振动。draw drink driver dragon

    28、dry drum dream dress绕口令练习:Are you dreaming? Are you dreaming? brother dragon. Brother dragon.Her son Drayton drew a large dragon on the wall in the drawing room.(15) /ts/ 舌尖先抵住上齿,堵住气流,使气流从舌尖和齿龈间送出,声带不振动,一般复数名词或者动词第三人称单数发这个音。声带 振动。有”此”的感觉。seats goats coats cats pets eats gates kites dates tastes 绕口令练

    29、习:My dad sells coats and boats. He said he might sell boots.I saw lots and lots of kites and cats.(16) /dz/舌尖先抵住上齿,堵住气流,使气流从舌尖和齿龈间送出,声带不振动,一般复数名词或者动词第三人称单数发这个音,声带振动。有“子”的感觉.seeds woods friends birds beds rides swords spades(铁锹)绕口令练习:Birds , birds, birds, where are you going?A man of words but not ne

    30、eds is like a garden full of weeds.3、 鼻音/m/, /n/, /(1 )/m/ 双唇紧闭,舌头平放,气流从鼻腔出来,声带振动。mouth mouse milk monkey moon money mum climb comb(梳子) thumb绕口令练习:Mother, mother, mother , may I go down to the market?He climbed the mountain with me in the autumn.(2 )/n/ 双唇微开,舌尖抵住上齿龈,舌头放平,气流从鼻腔发出。nose net nut banana

    31、noodles train rain plane down nail(指甲)绕口令练习:nose, nose, nose ,I have a sensitive nose.Nancy knows the funny nickname of her naughty nephew.(3 )/ 双唇张开,舌尖抵下齿龈,舌后部自然往上顶,气流从鼻腔送出,声带振动。ink bank tank finger sing hang song king reading running绕口令练习:My angry uncle is singing a song.Spring, spring, spring is

    32、coming.4、 舌边音/l/(1 )/l/的清晰音, 舌尖抵住上齿龈,舌前部向硬腭抬起,形成气流阻碍,气流从舌的两侧通过,所以叫做舌边音。一般单词开头发清晰音。跟”了”有点相似。look light lock lucky lion tail (2 )/l/的模糊音,舌尖抵住上齿龈,舌后部微微抬起,气流在舌面形成的凹形中产生共鸣发声。一般单词的末尾发模糊音。 跟“尔”有点相似。ball pull Bill tell绕口令练习:laugh, laugh, laugh, cry, cry, cry, the little Lilly loves laughing and crying.5、半元音

    33、/w/、/j/(1 )/w/双唇缩小并向前突出,舌后部抬起,嘴慢慢向两旁划开。声带振动winter window watch water well would where which when why wheel whale绕口令练习:white rose, white rose, Willy bought Wilma a white rose.(2 )/j/嘴角形成微笑状态,舌尖抵住下齿,舌面贴住上鄂,声带振动,一般位于单词开头的 y 中间发这个音yogurt yard yes you yellow yell yard yip(犬吠) yolk(蛋黄)绕口令练习:the yellow yolk moon cake is yours.

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