1、新形势下高校图书馆的 组织机构重组 Reorganization of Academic Libraries in New Era - A Chinese perspective,燕今伟 谭明君 Yan Jinwei & Tan Mingjun April 2007. Hong Kong,1. 传统的高校图书馆组织机构设置模式Traditional organization model in academic libraries 2. 图书馆组织机构重组的动因Motivation of library reorganization 3. 高校图书馆在组织机构重组方面的研究和发展动态Resear
2、ch and development in library reorganization 对组织重组的理论方面的研究 Theoretical research 组织机构重组的实践探索 Practice and development,1. 传统的高校图书馆组织机构设置模式 Traditional organization model in academic libraries,传统的高校图书馆组织机构设置模式 Traditional organization model in academic libraries,文献收藏是图书馆一切活动的出发点Collection is the beginn
3、ing of all library works 传统图书馆的组织机构是围绕着纸质文献的处理流程和读者服务方式设置的Traditional organization structure of libraries is based on work flow of printed materials 随着图书馆事业的发展,传统高校图书馆的组织机构设置形成了一个相对固定的模式,并以政府法规的形式予以确认Along with the development of libraries, the organization structure of academic libraries has become
4、 a fixed model, and is confirmed by government rules,传统的高校图书馆组织机构设置模式 Traditional organization model in academic libraries,1956年教育部颁布中华人民共和国高等学校图书馆试行条例(草案)Ministry of Education issued “PRC Academic Library Trial Rule “ in 1956高等学校图书馆一般应设立采录部(组)、编目部(组)、流通管理部(组)Generally, acquisition, cataloging and c
5、irculation departments should be set up in an academic library 可根据具体情况和发展规模增设办公室和参考阅览、期刊、方法研究、特藏等部(组)According to the scale of a library, it could set up administrative office as well as reference, periodicals, research, special collection departments and etc 规模较大的图书馆还可以再设立专业分馆Large libraries could
6、set up branches in special subjects 成为传统高校图书馆机构设置的经典模式This is the classic organization model of traditional academic libraries,传统的高校图书馆组织机构设置模式 Traditional organization model in academic libraries,1981年教育部颁布中华人民共和国高等学校图书馆工作条例Ministry of Education issued “PRC Academic Library Rule “ in 1981在部门的名称上采用了
7、更时代化的语言The title of departments was up to date 提出了情报服务部、技术部等新的部门设置New departments were set up, such as information service, technical department, and so on,传统的高校图书馆组织机构设置模式 Traditional organization model in academic libraries,1987年国家教育委员会颁布普通高等学校图书馆规程State Education Committee issued “PRC Ordinary Ac
8、ademic Library Regulation “ in 1987取消了对图书馆内部组织机构设置的规定Provisions for organization setting were omitted “高等学校图书馆应从实际出发,以有利于科学管理和便利读者为原则,确定本馆部(组)、室的设置,并确定各机构的相应职责”“Academic libraries should determine the organization setting and the duties of each department for benefit to scientific management and use
9、r convenience “,传统的高校图书馆组织机构设置模式 Traditional organization model in academic libraries,2002年教育部颁布普通高等学校图书馆规程(修订)Ministry of Education issued “PRC Ordinary Academic Library Regulation (revised)“ in 2002沿用了1987年规程的做法,没有规定图书馆内部的部门设置Following the regulation of 1987, there were no provisions for organizat
10、ion setting in libraries 把“以有利于科学管理和便利读者为原则”改成了“以方便读者和有利于科学管理为原则”“ for benefit to scientific management and user convenience“ became “for benefit to user convenience and scientific management“,传统的高校图书馆组织机构设置模式 Traditional organization model in academic libraries,目前大多数图书馆工作人员还在纸质文献的采集、整序和流通服务流程上工作At
11、present, most librarians and library staff are engaged in the work flow based on printed materials 大多数读者还离不开纸质文献Most readers rely on printed materials 传统的图书馆组织机构设置模式仍然具有顽强的生命力Organization model of traditional libraries are still with great vitality,2. 图书馆组织机构重组的动因 Motivation of library reorganizatio
12、n,图书馆组织机构重组的动因 Motivation of library reorganization,文献资源的巨大变化和网络的飞速发展Great change of information resources and rapid development of network 学术信息交流的模式发生着变化The change of scholarly communication 读者利用文献的方式发生着前所未有的变化The change of the manners by which readers use literature 图书馆之间的合作成为图书馆赖以生存的必要条件Cooperati
13、on between libraries has become the basic conditions of existence for libraries 图书馆需要做的是,认真研究新形势下图书馆工作的规律,形成新的建设、管理和服务理念,进行业务流程和组织机构的重组It is necessary for libraries to research the work pattern in new situation, form new idea for library management and services, and perform business process reengine
14、ering and reorganization,3. 高校图书馆在组织机构重组方面的 研究和发展动态 Research and development in library reorganization,对组织重组的理论方面的研究 Theoretical research,业务流程重组 Business Process Reengineering 业务流程重组概念的引进Input of concept of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) 探索如何克服基于纸质文献工作流程的传统组织机构设置模式的弊端,提出处理多种文献载体形态的业务流程以及与之相适应的
15、组织机构设置的原则Exploring how to overcome the disadvantages of traditional organization structure based on work flow of printed materials, and provide principles of reorganization to fit the work flow dealing with multiple types of literature media 探索如何改变原来按业务功能划分机构的做法,如采访、编目、典藏、流通、阅览、参考咨询等,建立更为便捷的内部业务工作流线
16、和读者服务工作流线Exploring how to change the way of dividing library departments by their function, and create fluent inner work flow and user service work flow,对组织重组的理论方面的研究 Theoretical research,组织结构 Organization structure (1/3)层级式的组织结构 Hierarchical structure 根据职能划分部门,按照文献的加工管理流程设置机构Dividing department by
17、functions in literature processing flow 从纸质文献的工作流程中产生Come from work flow of printed materials 各部门职责明确,分工细致,工作流程比较严谨,条理清晰,对下级管理和控制的能力比较强The duty of departments is clear and the control power to subordinates is strong 部门与部门之间信息传递不畅,缺乏交流与沟通Information may not be transmitted between departments unobstru
18、ctedly 纸本图书、纸本期刊、电子文献、声像资料的采访工作可能分属不同的部门管理,对组织重组的理论方面的研究 Theoretical research,组织结构 Organization structure (2/3)矩阵式的组织结构 Matrix structure 按职能划分的职能部门为纵向排列,按项目划分的工作组为横向排列Arranging vertically: dividing departments by functionsArranging horizontally: dividing departments by projects 纵向上维持原先的职能分工Verticall
19、y dividing the work by functions as before 通过横向工作组,加强各个部门之间的联系Creating horizontal work teams to enhance the connection between departments 可以根据需要随时组建新的工作组A new team could be created when it is necessary,对组织重组的理论方面的研究 Theoretical research,组织结构 Organization structure (3/3)扁平化的组织结构 Flatten structure 将层
20、级式结构的管理层次予以压缩,减少管理层次,扩大中间层的管理幅度Reducing the managing layers in hierarchical structure and enlarging the managing scope of middle levels 下放决策权限,以形成一些能够独立处理某一专门工作的组织单元Transferring power to a lower level to form some work units which could deal with a certain task 克服按职能划分部门所带来的横向信息沟通不畅的问题,以适应图书馆各类文献信息和
21、管理信息快速流动的发展趋势To solve the problem that Information may not be transmitted between departments unobstructedly 设立能集中采购、整理某一学科的各类型文献,并向读者提供全方位服务的部门,对组织重组的理论方面的研究 Theoretical research,机构设置的理想模式 Ideal models of organization (1/3) 按学科和按功能设立两个机构系列Setting up two organization series, one by subjects and anot
22、her one by functions 按学科设立的专业部(馆、组),集馆藏、流通、阅览、参考咨询、课题研究等功能于一身Setting up departments by subjects to integrate multiple functions, such as acquisition, cataloging, reference, project research and etc 按功能设立的职能部(组),包括采编部、技术部、借阅部、信息咨询部、培训部和办公室等,负责处理某一方面的业务Setting up departments by functions to deal with
23、certain business, such as acquisition, cataloging, technical support, circulation, reference, administration office and etc 各图书馆根据自己的情况将两种部门有选择地进行组配,形成本馆的机构设置A library could select from and combine the two kinds of departments to set up its own organization,对组织重组的理论方面的研究 Theoretical research,机构设置的理想
24、模式 Ideal models of organization (2/3)“二分法”Two divisions - only setting up two departments in a library 信息存取部,包含编目、技术和参考咨询的功能Information access department: including cataloging, technique and reference services for all kinds of materials 信息传递部,包含采访和流通的功能Information transmitting department: including
25、acquisition and circulation for all kinds of materials,对组织重组的理论方面的研究 Theoretical research,机构设置的理想模式 Ideal models of organization (3/3) “三分法” Three divisions - only setting up three departments in a library 信息资源与服务部,负责资源建设、公共服务和技术服务Information resource and service department: in charge of resource de
26、velopment, and public and technical services 知识管理中心,负责开发知识工具、支持教育与培训、研究集成网络资源等Knowledge management center: in charge of developing knowledge tools, supporting education and training, and studying how to integrate network resources 互动式学习实验室,负责与各院系合作设计和协调专门的课程Inter-study lab: in charge of designing an
27、d cooperating some special courses with teachers of other colleges,组织机构重组的实践探索 Practice in reorganization,高校图书馆重组组织机构的三个制约因素Three factors restricting reorganization in academic libraries 调整纸质文献的业务流程会涉及调整纸质文献的布局,要大量搬动图书To adjust work flow of printed materials needs to move huge amount of books 不同学科的用
28、户对文献的需求不同Users in different subject fields have different information needs 不同层次的读者对文献的需求不同Users in different knowledge levels have different information needs图书馆在重组机构时,往往采用多种模式的复合体,兼顾着各方面的要求Generally, library reorganization combines multiple models of organization and gives consideration to the dem
29、ands from various aspects,组织机构重组的实践探索 Practice in reorganization,“三部一室”的最简结构 A simplest structure - three departments and an administrative office 文献资源建设部门,负责文献信息资源的采集、加工、整序、资源整合等业务Literature resource developing department: in charge of acquisition, cataloging and resource integration for all types
30、of literature 读者服务部门,提供集成化的文献信息服务,不再按文献载体类型区分服务部门Reader service department: providing integrated information services related to all types of information media 技术支持部门,负责计算机技术平台的硬软件建设和维护,为全馆的业务工作提供技术支持Technical support department: in charge of construction and maintenance of computer platforms 如:佛山大学
31、、南京航空航天大学图书馆e.g. Foshan University library, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Library,组织机构重组的实践探索 Practice in reorganization,“四部一室”的可行模式 A feasible model - four departments and an administrative office 文献资源建设部门Literature resource developing department 读者服务部门,负责纸质文献的流通阅览工作Reader serv
32、ice department: only for printed materials 信息服务部门 ,负责参考咨询、读者培训等相关工作,以电子文献为主Information service department: Mainly for electronic materials 技术支持部门Technical support department 如:清华大学图书馆,采访与编目部、流通阅览部、信息参考与读者教育部、系统部四个部、办公室e.g. Tsinghua University Library: Acquisition & Cataloging Dept., Circulation Dept
33、., Information Reference & Reader Training Dept., System Dept., Administrative Office,组织机构重组的实践探索 Practice in reorganization,设立专项工作组 Setting up work teams针对某一特别的工作事项设立跨部门的专项工作组,是在目前通行的层级式组织结构之下解决部门之间联系和协调问题的有效办法,在各高校图书馆得到普遍采用Setting up cross-department work teams is an effective method to improve th
34、e connection and cooperation between departments in hierarchical structure 需要解决多头领导的问题The problem is that one might face several bosses 如:武汉大学图书馆:电子文献订购工作组、集成系统参数控制工作组、网上资源整合工作组、门户建设工作组,并有特别的规定e.g. Wuhan University Library have some work teams and make some special regulation to solve the problem,组织
35、机构重组的实践探索 Practice in reorganization,按学科专业设立分馆或部门Setting up branch libraries or departments by subject fields 电子文献的迅速普及,使得按文献载体的管理和服务来划分业务部门的传统做法备受批评,按学科专业设立分馆或部门得到普遍的认同Along with the popularization of electronic literature, dividing departments by types of literature is criticized, and setting up b
36、ranch libraries or departments by subject fields is recognized generally 按学科专业设立分馆或部门,有利于把文献资源建设、文献管理、文献服务和文献队伍建设有机地结合起来,提高文献资源建设和文献服务的质量和水平It is of benefit to promoting the quality and level of resource development and information services 如:北京大学,设立分馆办公室,成立学科分馆e.g. Peking University Library: set up
37、 subject branch libraries,组织机构重组的实践探索 Practice in reorganization,设立专门的数字化工作部门Setting up digitization departments一些高校图书馆组建了专门处理数字化文献的部门Some academic libraries have set up digitization departments to deal with digitized literature 北京市20所高校中,有35%的馆设有专门的数字化部门Among 20 academic libraries in Peking, 35% ha
38、ve digitization departments 对设置数字化部门的评价褒贬不一The comments upon it are either positive or negative,组织机构重组的实践探索 Practice in reorganization,宏观的组织机构重组Macroscopic reorganization 图书馆联盟对图书馆的业务流程和组织机构重组具有深远的影响Library consortia affect the BPR and reorganization of libraries CALIS建立了全国高校图书馆文献资源共建共享的工作机制CALIS ha
39、s created nation-wide information resource sharing mechanism CALIS省级中心推进本地区高校文献共享系统的建设Province centers of CALIS are promoting the construction of local information sharing systems 各成员图书馆需要建立与CALIS系统的接口,建立新的工作制度CALIS member libraries have to create the interface with CALIS, and the new work rules and
40、 regulations,组织机构重组的实践探索 Practice in reorganization,高校图书馆的业务流程和组织机构重组包括三个层面BPR and reorganization of academic libraries include three levels图书馆内部业务流程和组织机构的重组BPR and reorganization in a library 在学校范围内图书馆与学校其他信息设施和信息服务机构之间的业务工作的整合Integrating infrastructure and information services between library and
41、related institutes in an university 行业及地区图书馆之间的合作组织及其业务流程的建立Creating professional and local cooperative organizations between libraries and their business process,结 语 Conclusion,图书馆的持续发展有赖于积极有效的组织机构重组Sustainable development of libraries relies on active and effective reorganization 由于高校图书馆的文献资源类型和读者
42、需求的多样性,高校图书馆组织机构的设置是多种模式的复合体For the variety of literature resources and user needs, the organization structure of academic libraries is a combination of multiple models 成功的组织机构重组取决于各个图书馆对自身条件、读者需求、工作规律和内外部环境的把握Successful reorganization depends on that each library masters its own conditions, user needs, work regulation and environment 按学科专业设立分馆或部门是值得高校图书馆关注的发展方向Setting up branch libraries or departments by subject fields is a notable trend for academic libraries,谢 谢 THANK YOU,