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类型2016年春小学英语六年级下册:module1 unit 1 i want a hot dog, please课件(2) 外研版.ppt

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    2016年春小学英语六年级下册:module1 unit 1 i want a hot dog please课件(2) 外研版.ppt

    1、Module1Unit1 I want a hot dog, please.,KFC 肯德基,MacDonald 麦当劳,Fast Food Restaurant(快餐店),麦当劳,fast food (快餐),hamburger,cola,hot dog,dollar,cent,看图连线,1. hot dog,2. cent,3.cola,4.hamburger,5.dollar,A.,E.,B.,C.,D.,击鼓传礼物盒,音乐响起开始传递礼物盒,音乐声停,拿到盒子的学生从盒中抽取一张图片描述图片内容。,A: What do you want?,B: I want a hamburger/.

    2、,5(5dollars),10(10dollars),15(15yuan),How much is the cola/.? Its five/. dollars/yuan.,How much is the hamburger?,three dollars and seventy-five cents,3.75,Its three dollars and seventy-five cents.,one dollar and twenty-five cents,1.25,How much is the cola?,Its one dollar and twenty-five cents.,W,1.

    3、Where are they?,Theyre at the fast food restaurant.,2. Who is the girl in red?,Shes the waitress(女服务员).,waiter 男服务员,听到关键词hot dog, hamburger(s), cola(s)请拍手。,听录音做动作,1.What does Daming want ?,2.What does Simon want ?,He wants a hot dog and a cola.,He wants a hamburger and a cola.,读课文回答问题。,3.What does S

    4、imons Dad want ?,He wants a hamburger and a cola.,Listen to the tape and follow it, then read it together.(听录音跟读课文并齐读),小组合作:角色扮演,A(服务员):Can I help you? What do you want?B(顾客): I want a hot dog/., please.C(顾客): And I want a hamburger/.D(顾客):A hamburger/. for me, too.A(服务员):And to drink?B(顾客):I want a cola.C(顾客): A cola for me, too.D(顾客):Three colas,please.A(服务员):Thats two hamburgers/., a hot dog. and three colas/.D(顾客):How much is it ?A(服务员):Its thirteen/. dollars and five/. cents.D(顾客):Here you are.A(服务员):Thank you. Enjoy your meal.,Homework自编一段快餐店点餐的对话,

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    本文标题:2016年春小学英语六年级下册:module1 unit 1 i want a hot dog, please课件(2) 外研版.ppt
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