高贵的天性,The Noble Nature by BEN JONSON,高贵的天性,并不因为长得像棵大树, 就可以使人脱俗超凡, 也不因为如橡树般伫立三百年 然后才倒下,变得叶焦枝枯。只开一天的百合花 在五月里越发地鲜艳, 尽管它当晚就会凋谢 但它曾经盛放过绚烂。 在瞬间我们可以领略纯美, 在刹那生命可以精粹。,It is not growing like a tree In bulk, doth make man better be; Or standing long an oak, three hundred year, To fall a log at last, dry, bald, and sear: A lily of a day Is fairer far in May, Although it fall and die that night- It was the plant and flower of Light, In small proportions we just beauties see; And in short measures life may perfect be.,