1、新视界大学英语综合教程第四单元课文翻译及练习答案Active Reading逃脱者想象一下二月里一个寒冷的日子,你在瑞士苏黎世湖边钓着鱼。你刚把鱼线投到水里,耐心等着鱼儿上钩。突然,鱼杆弯曲了,你意识到可能已经逮到了一条相当大的鱼或什么东西。你与这条鱼对抗了十分钟,终于拖出了一条重达十公斤的梭鱼一种长了很多牙的巨型鱼。按照不怎么科学的说法,即长得越丑的鱼越好吃,你接下来会做什么呢?你猜对了!2009 年,当这一切发生在瑞士的一位钓鱼人身上时,他邀请了一帮朋友到一家当地餐馆,享受了一顿美味的午餐。后来他向当地报纸吹嘘他花了多长时间才把那条鱼拖上岸来。可是,这是一个极大的错误。瑞士拥有一些世界上最
3、08 年,瑞士通过了一项法律,详细描述了各种动物应有的生存条件。然而,瑞士其他 25 个联邦州不像苏黎世州那样有动物权利律师。瑞士实行直接民主制,公民可以质疑新法律,或者在有足够多民众支持的情况下,可以投票修改新法律。2010 年 3 月,一群动物权利支持者要求进行一次投票,来决定是否所有的动物都应该像苏黎世的那样,享有国家出资聘请的法律代表。农民们反对这项提议。对于所饲养的牲畜,他们小心翼翼地维护着它们的尊严。但是他们的本职工作饲养牲畜本身,也冒着被指控犯罪的危险。连联邦政府也反对这项提议,有两个原因。第一,瑞士各州已经设有一家保护动物的特别机构。第二,这些律师需要由纳税人来支付其薪酬。最后
4、,这项提议以 70%的反对票被否决。动物权利和动物福利并非现代问题。早在 17 世纪的英国和爱尔兰,就通过了法律保护动物。18 世纪时,关于动物是否具有情感的问题就有过很多讨论。19 世纪,英国和美国成立了动物保护团体。而后,在 20 世纪,动物权利运动因采取直接行动反对一切形式的狩猎,反对科研机构用动物做实验而为人们所知。然而,反对的观点认为权利也意味着义务。尽管我们可以让动物拥有一定的权利,却无法指望它们对我们履行任何义务。此外,一般说来大量的科学研究,特别是一些重要的医学研究,都需要在动物身上进行试验。不仅要通过法律保护动物,还要为它们提供法律代表,这当然是动物权利争论中最极端的立场。至
5、少,这场争论表明了对文明世界中动物的总体福利问题的一种更合理的关注。那条鱼和那位钓鱼人结果怎么样了呢?苏黎世州的那位律师败诉了,虽然这种情况不常见,但这回那位钓鱼人成了逃脱者。Dealing with Unfamiliar Words Match the words with their meanings in the context of the passage.1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. b Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.You ma
6、y need to make other changes.1. patiently; dignity 2. democracy 3. In a federal system 4. obligation; species 5. boasted 6. implies Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. 1. imagine 2. civilized 3. have accused 4. counter 5. demonstrate 6. represent 7. voted 8. contested
7、 Language in Use Look at the sentence1. While hunting is banned in some places, in others it is not. 2. While some people think that there are too many laws, others dont. 3. While pigs are social animals, cats are not. 4. While you may not agree with me, lots of people do. 5. While that law may be a
8、ll right for Switzerland, it is not for this country. Look at the sentence from the passage and answer the questions.1. I go fishing not just to relax but also to save money on food bills. 2. Laws exist not just to give rights but also to promote responsibilities. 3. We moved to the country not just
9、 to get away from the city but to live a more healthy lifestyle. 4. She took the job not just to do research but to achieve her lifes dream. 5. Id like to go there not just to take photographs but to write a book. Collocation Choose the correct preposition or adverb to complete the sentences.d, a, c
10、, b, d, c, a Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions in Activity 3.1. respect for 2. accused of 3. tested on 4. take action against5. subjected to 6. based on 7. specialize in Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the box. Sometimes more th
11、an one collocation is possible.1. lengthy argument 2. proposal 3. collective support 4. core principles 5. support base Translate the sentences into Chinese.1. 瑞士拥有一些世界上最严厉的动物福利法规,专为保护动物免受人类虐待而设。2. 2010 年 3 月,一群动物权利支持者要求进行一次投票,来决定是否所有的动物都应该像苏黎世的那样,享有国家出资聘请的法律代表。3. 而后,在 20 世纪,动物权利运动因采取直接行动反对一切形式的狩猎,反
12、对科研机构用动物做实验而为人们所知。4. 不仅要通过法律保护动物,还要为它们提供法律代表,这当然是动物权利争论中最极端的立场。5. 至少,这场争论表明了对文明世界中动物的总体福利问题的一种更合理的关注。 Translate the sentences into English.1. We should take immediate action against illegal hunting.2. While the government has enacted laws to protect endangered animals, some of them are still being h
13、unted and killed. 3. The organization is established not just to protect animal rights, but also to make knowledge of wild animal protection known. 4. Even today, much medical research is still tested on animals.5. He lived in the forest for several months, running the risk of being bitten by snakes
14、, and collected a lot of first-hand data. Further reading雾中猩猩“我相信,正是在这一刻,有颗种子植入了我的脑中, ()将来的某一天,我会回到非洲,研究山里的大猩猩, ”著名的美国动物研究者黛安弗西在她的雾中猩猩一书中这样写道。住在肯塔基州的一个农场的时候,弗西就开始梦想着多看看这个世界,还有世界上的野生动物,她尤其被非洲所吸引着。终于,在 1963 年,借助于一笔贷款和她所有的积蓄,她来到了肯尼亚。正是在这里,她遇到了全球知名的路易斯 利基博士,他正在通过研究化石来探究人类进化问题。利基把对当地山地大猩猩的最新的研究情况告诉了弗西。弗西
15、来到乌干达的山区,离大猩猩的栖息地很近。她同几位野生动物摄影师一起,在他们的帮助下第一次亲眼见到了这些动物。弗西与大猩猩的第一次相遇就在它们的尖叫声中和捶胸的动作中开始了。她透过茂密的绿叶和丛林植物,注视着 50 英尺外的一群大猩猩,大猩猩们也注视着她。当一位摄影师架好器材要拍摄时,那些大猩猩观察起摄影师和弗西来。每只猩猩都显得既害羞,又热切希望他们注意到自己,好像想确定人类研究者们会有什么反应。大猩猩们的行为深深吸引着弗西,在她不得不离开时,她下定决心有一天要再回来。回到肯塔基州,弗西这样描述她的梦想:“我没办法向我的狗、朋友或者父母解释,我是多么强烈地想要回到非洲,对大猩猩进行一次长期的研
16、究。 ”她学习当地的斯瓦希里语,研读有关大猩猩的书籍。然后在 1966 年 12 月回到了非洲。弗西独自一人在刚果的大山里扎营,开始追踪大猩猩。起初,它们一看见她就会躲起来,但她渐渐地取得了大猩猩们的信任。她能够通过鼻纹在一群大猩猩中辨认出其中的每一只来鼻纹是它们脸上特有的线条图案并且,她对它们的行为作了详细记录。但是这一地区的政治局势变得很危险,弗西不得不离开了。几个月后,在朋友的帮助下,她在卢旺达的山区建起了新的营地。由于卢旺达的大猩猩比刚果的更焦虑,弗西花了一些时间才让它们对她的出现不以为奇。她在地上爬行靠近它们,以表明她不会伤害它们。一天,终于有了突破性的进展,一只被她称作“花生”的雄
17、性猩猩过来摸了摸她,她将这次经历形容为难以抗拒。渐渐地,它们都变得信任她了,并习惯和她近距离接触。一只名叫马丘的成年母猩猩常会走过来盯着弗西的眼睛看。一只小雄猩猩迪吉特常常玩弄她的头发,还会用叶子轻轻拍她。有一次,天下着雨,弗西出去看望她的猩猩朋友们。她独自一人在雾里坐着,感到又冷又孤独,一只猩猩走过来拥抱了她。抬头看时,她遇上了迪吉特温暖、柔和的目光。迪吉特轻轻地拍拍她的头,在她身边坐下。在给利基的信中她这样写道:“每次离它们只有一二英尺近时,我都高兴得快受不了了。 ”与此同时,弗西越来越意识到那些偷猎人给大猩猩带来的危险,他们捕杀动物,并用陷阱捕捉大猩猩。为了保护大猩猩的生存环境,她不顾个
18、人安危,对任何威胁报以反击。她的行为被称作积极保护,她认为自己的行为合理,因为她坚信不这么做大猩猩会被全部捕杀掉。她甚至雇佣了保安来保护大猩猩。令人悲痛的是,1978 年 12 月 31 日,迪吉特被偷猎者杀害了。弗西向偷猎者宣战,开始为保护大猩猩募捐。随着她的工作引来越来越多的关注,她的公众知名度越来越高。1983 年,她的雾中猩猩一书出版了,后来又被拍成了电影。至今都仍然颇受欢迎。弗西于 1983 年回到卢旺达,却在两年后被残暴地杀害了。凶手一直没有找到,她的死因至今仍是个谜。她被葬在她深爱的迪吉特墓旁。弗西最后一则日记写道:“当你意识到所有生命的价值时,你就不会对过去耿耿于怀,而是会全身
19、心地去珍惜未来。 ”Reading and Understanding Number the events in the order they happened.Answer: 5 , 1 , 2 , 9 , 10 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 Choose the best answer to the questions.C, a, b, d, d, c, cDealng with unfamiliar words 1. a loan 2. gazed 3. respond 4. compelled to 5. uneasy6. appoint 7. regardless of 8
20、. dense 9. fascinated1. reacting 2. preserve 3. conviction 4. acquainted 5. penetrate6. justify 7. roused 8. profile 9. mysteryGuided Writing Match the functions with the sentences from the second story of the passage in Reading across cultures.Answer: 1-c; 2-d; 3-a; 4-b Number the parts of the fabl
21、e in the correct order.Answer: 2 1 5 4 3 Write a A fable with animal characters and a moralA fable with animal characters and a moralOne day a tortoise and a hare decided to have a race. The tortoise could not possibly run as fast as the hare. The hare looked at the slow tortoise and knew it would b
22、e very easy to win. He started running very fast. After a moment, he looked back. The tortoise was far behind. It hardly seemed to be moving. The hare decided to take a rest. Clearly there was plenty of time to spare. So the hare lay down and was soon fast asleep. The tortoise never stopped and pass
23、ed the sleeping hare and went slowly on until he reached the finishing line and won. Being slow but steady is better than being fast and flashy.Extra writingDirections:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Students Selecting Their Lecturers. You should writ
24、e at least 120 words following the outline given below:1. 有些大学允许学生自由选择某些课程的任课老师;2. 学生选择教师时所考虑的主要因素;3. 学生自选任课教师的益处和可能产生的问题。注:本题为 2006 年 6 月四级考试真题Nowadays, there arises a kind of education reform trial in some universitiesto allow students to choose their favorite lecturers for some specific courses.
25、The motivation is to offer college students a more flexible and efficient way of learning as well as providing a more competitive environment for teachers. Generally speaking, there are two factors for students to consider when choosing their favorite lectures. First and foremost is the teachers aca
26、demic ability, as the students hope to get more knowledge in a specific field. Secondly, the teachers personality is also taken into account. If the teacher is kind, charming and humorous, the students will be more likely to enjoy the classes they attend and learn a lot from the good example the tea
27、cher setsNevertheless, attention should be paid to the measure of free choosing lecturers because it has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it encourages the students to choose their ideal lecturers and take active part in classes. This in turn exerts pressure on the lecturers as they all want to be “the chosen one” and thus will improve their own teaching. On the other hand, some excellent but serious and strict lecturers may be ignored and have no classes to teach because they dont know how to please the students.