1、 KS P k陈海波(广东产品质量监督检验研究院,广州 510330)l : 2011-05-05Te:Zo( 1978-), 3, =,1Z_ kZEbK 1:该文介绍了灯具泄漏电流的定义和分类,针对目前最新的国家灯具安全标准, 提出如何根据灯具国家标准进行泄漏电流的准确测量b并以一个具体的灯具为例,阐述了测量泄漏电流过程的测试要点b接着介绍了灯具泄漏电流测量仪器的计量和校准办法,最后介绍了灯具泄漏电流测量仪器的维护保养条件,从而协助灯具的设计a生产和测试人员更准确地测试灯具泄漏电流b1oM:灯具;泄漏电流;最新标准;测试ExactMeasurement ofLuminariesLeakag
2、eCurrentofNewestNational StandardChen Haibo(Guangdong Test C enter of P roduct Qua lity Supervision, Guangzhou 510330)Abstract: According to the new est national lum inaries safety stardard, th is paper introduces the definition andclassification of lum inaries leakage curren,t and points out how to
3、 m easure leakage current of lum inariesexactly by this standard. Based on a concrete lam p, this paper introduces the testpoints ofm easuring leakagecurren.t Then, the m easuring and calibrating m ethods for lum inaries leakage current m easuring instrum en,tand the m aintenance cond ition of lum i
4、naries leakage current m easuring instrum ent are introduced. Thepurpose of this paper is to help the designer, producer and m easurer of lum inaries to m easure leakage currentof lum inaries m ore exactly.Keywords: lum inaries; leakage curren;t the new est standard; m easurem ent0 P ?B1S, $ !9a 3 k
5、 b , P VlV8(YV) q bGB /T 17045) 2006( IEC61140: 2001) 5 !Ys6, P l /, V = V b P ZEHq t#pHq/1 3 r ZEb P F:( 8 b P 1 In L= P V ? 8 ,yN ( ,7 8 b 8 8r1aQa# , aQ b P SGB7000. 1) 1996 # /; P , P GB19510. 4) 200511cM11 p,3T b1 kS !1p1. 1 S 1 p P S #GB7000. 1) 200751s:B1 p k6GB /T12113) 20035( 8 ZE6bGB7000.
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