在读证明2017 年/04 月/11 日兹证明马新瑞同学,男,出生于 。护照号码: , 是我校五年级七班的学生。同学计划于 前往美国旅游,此期间为学校放假时间,我校保证学生在美国期间能遵守美国的法律,游览结束后按时回国并回到本校继续学习,学校名称*学校地址* 电话:*传真:*Study CertificateApril.12, 2017This is to certify *, Male/Female, He/she was born on Aug. *,*. The Passport No is *. He/She is the student of *.*is planning to go America for tourism during July.05, 2017- Aug. 25, 2017. He/She will observe the local laws in America. He/She will return to China on time after this tourism. and attend the next semesters courses.School name*School add:*Tel: -*Fax: -*