1、学生初中成绩单Student Transcript*,男/女,*年*月* 日出生, 于*年*月至*年*月在我校就读,将于*年 6月从我校初中部毕业,其初一至初三年级年各学科成绩如下。*, male/female, D.O.B.*. *, has been studying at our school from September * to * * and will graduate from senior high school in * and he/she will get his/her senior high school diploma in July, *. His/Her rec
2、ords from Grade 7 to Grade 9 are as follows. 初一Grade 7初二Grade 8初三Grade 9科目Subject 上学期1st Term上学期1st Term下学期2ndTerm下学期2ndTerm上学期1st Term下学期2ndTerm政 治 Politics语 文 Chinese数 学 Mathematics英 语 English物 理 Physics化 学 Chemistry生 物 Biology历 史 History地 理 Geography体 育 P. E.计 算 机 Computer音乐 Music注:所有学科满分为 100。Note:The full mark is 100 for all courses. 特此证明!Hereby it is certified! 学校名称 * SCHOOL2015 年 03 月 23 日23th Mar 2015