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1、 s # 1 “沈null 婷null (8 ),张null 琳 ( , n )( Z Y v D 6 D S , Z 200001) m s | : R777. 43null null null null null D S M : Anull null null null null c I | : 1006null2084 ( 2011 ) 04null0556null04null null K 1 :近年来,干眼病的发生率逐年上升b有研究发现, 干眼症患者泪膜脂质成分发生改变,然而,脂质层的异常又进一步加重干眼的症状b了解干眼症患者泪膜中脂质成分的作用及其变化有助于了解干眼症的发病原因b通

2、过改善泪膜脂质层质量可有效缓解干眼症状,为干眼病的治疗提供新的方向b1 o M :干眼病 /角结膜干燥症;泪膜;脂质;睑板腺功能障碍;治疗TheRelationship betweenLipidComposition of theTear Film andDry EyeDiseasenull SHEN Ting,ZHANG Lin. (D epartment of Ophthalmology, RenjiH ospital, School of M edicine, Shanghai Jiaotong Univernullsity, Shanghai 200001, China)Abstrac

3、t: In recent years, the inciden ce of d ry eye syndrom increased year by year. Resent stud iesh ave found th at the lip id composition of the tear film has changed in d ry eye patien ts, w h ich can furth eraggravated the sym ptom s of dry eye. The comp rehen sion of action and changes in the lip id

4、 s compon ent oftear film con tribute to the furth er understand ing of the cause of dry eye synd rom. By im proving th e qualityof the tear film lipid layer can relieve symp tom s of dry eye. It can provide a new d irection of the treatm en tof dry eye syndrom.Key words: Dry eye synd rom /keratocon

5、 junctivitis sicca; T ear film; L ip id s; M eibom ian g land dysnullfun ction; Th erapynull null “ 7 a b # # , 7 S b A C 2 , 9 A 7 y 7 8 b s a A ? T b h s M B h y ,# s r Z E b1null h h 9 2 ( keratoconjunctivitissicca, KCS), A s V , V 7 a B % h b 1 “ 5 V C : a # a a; a a j a j o a j 1 b1995 M S S S

6、s E “- S = B s Z E , N s Z E | s ! A # ! ? V : V “ H l 0 , k l 0 n V I n l b ZE V # a m M “ b g D S 50 ( 90 ) S Odyssey 5 0 5 b , A h , . h b - M 1 , H W Sch irm er k A 9 F b40 ( 75 ) ; “ h bV V A “ 5 , 9 F o V A , , , a r Z E 22b( z : A w557D 8 2011 M 2 17 4 M edical Recapitu late, Feb 2011, Vo.l 1

7、7, N o. 4# A ? 4 B , r h V b , h V A ? i A “ , # E s r , t z A . V T A b z A w V , ? 0s b* ( ( ( , ): , z * ( A V s z r b R z* ( , N , z 5 10 m in , 2 a b6. 2null 0 null # A : K e ZE P A , J 8 a d 6 a 5 u ac M A bc % y 0 A , a 0 b - , A F s V ? bGoto 23 30 4 P c 0. 3% , A F aO V a T b ? 0 3Q a 2 , A

8、 , # H W A 9 F b c d ? V ( 161 91) nm , y 7 ? H W a9 F ah A ? b g P F 3 : F 3 V Y V T ,h d b,V 7 a9 F bSouch ier 24 4 20 f F ? , 10 f b , 6 10 H g v 50 mg, 2Q , 8 b T P v H W A , C20h 65% , B f b! 5 h 25% b% 9 F A s 0 : g - V 9 F A s , g 4 16 m g /Q , 3Q , 2 3 , r N B 25b T P a : * i T P a g = , O A

9、 3 by Q v , “ - “ 5 b7null Z null # f F s c M Y , h # T b “ - V “ 5 4 b “ , / 4 # s 0 V Z _ bC raig 26 P B V 4 , A U , P 4 , , v v 9 F , s ) 4 , 9 4 bM anullssa 27 B P 6 4 A 9 , P 6 4 , , M , s M 9 ? 3 M , B r T V 4 hbY V g 0 9 B V Z E b g , 0 1a3a6 s Y T A s k ; L , T B 28, 29b 6 , # A t s Y b# bY

10、V Y y , V B E ? 3 b I D 1 null C S . V % h M . : 3 , 2003:286null287. 2 null Yam adaM, M ochizuk iH, Kaw aiM, et al. Decreased tear lipocalinconcen tration in p atien tsw ith m e ibom ian gland dysfun ction J. B rJ Ophthalm o,l 2005, 89( 7 ): 803null805. 3 null , , . # h y J. S D , 2009, 17( 2): 129

11、null130. 4 null M oss SE, K lein R, K lein BE. P revalen ce of and risk factors for d ryeye synd rom e J. Arch Oph tH alm o,l 2000, 118( 9 ): 1264null1268. 5 null M cCarty CA, B ansalAK, L ivingston PM, et al. The ep id em io logy ofdry eye in M elbou rne, Australia J. Oph th almo logy, 1998, 105:11

12、14null1119. 6 null H ,$ . # ? Z J. D ,2006, 28 ( 12): 1053null1056. 7 null Butov ich IA, Uch iyam a E, D i Pascuale MA, et al. L iqu id chrom anulltography m ass spectrom etric analysis of lip ids presen t in hum anm eibom ian gland secretions J. L ip ids, 2007, 42( 8): 765null776. 8 null Joffre C,

13、Souch ier M, G rnullgo ire S, et al. D ifferences in m eibom ianfatty acid com position in patientsw ith m eib om ian gland dysfun ctionand aqueousnulld eficient dry eye J. B r JOph thalm o,l 2008, 92( 1 ):116null119. 9 null ,f , R . s 0 ; O A s J. S , 2004, 40 ( 1): 51null52. 10 null H am BM, C ole

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16、c an alysis and stru ctural elu cidation J. J L ip idRes, 2007, 48( 10 ): 2220null2235. 15 null M eCu lley JP, Sh in e W. A com positional based m odel for the tearfilm lip id layer J. TransAm Ophthalm ol Soc, 1997, 95: 79null88. 16 null Bron A J, T iffany JM. Th e con tribution of m eibom ian d ise

17、ase to d ryeye J. O cu l Su r,f 2004, 2 ( 2): 149null165. 17 null Foulks GN, B ron A J. M eibom ian gland dysfunction: a clin icalsch em e for descrip tion, diagnosis, classification, and grad ing J.O cu l Su r,f 2003, 1 ( 3): 107null126. 18 null M ath ersW D. O cular evaporation in m eibom ian glan

18、d dysfun ctionand dry eye J. Ophthalm ology, 1993, 100 ( 3): 347null351. 19 null M ath ersW D, Lane JA. M eibom ian g land lip id, evaporation, andtear film stab ility J. Adv Exp M ed B io,l 1998, 438: 349null360. 20 null C ra ig JP, B lades K, Patel S. T ear lip id layer stru cture and stab ilityfo

19、llow ing exp ression of the m eibom ian glands J. Ophthalm ic558 D 8 2011 M 2 17 4 M ed icalRecap itu late, Feb 2011, Vo.l 17, No. 4PhysiolOp t, 1995, 15( 6 ): 569null574. 21 null K orb DR, Greiner JV. Increase in tear film lip id layer th ickn ess folnulllow ing treatm en t of m eibom ian gland dys

20、function J. Adv ExpM ed B io,l 1994 ( 350): 293null298. 22 null , , Odyssey 5 “ 5 r T 4 J.S = S , 2009, 9( 3): 583null584. 23 null G oto E, Dogru M, Fuk agawa K, et al. Successful tear lip id layertreatm ent for refractory d ry eye in office w ork ers by lownulldose lipidapplication on the fu llnull

21、length eyelid marg in J. Am JOphthalm o,l2006, 142 ( 2): 264null270. 24 null Sou ch ierM, Jofre C, G r6 goire S, et al. C hanges in m eibom ian fattyacid s and clin ical signs in patien tsw ith m eibom ian gland dysfun cnulltion after m inocycline treatm en t J. B r J Oph thalm o,l 2008, 92( 6): 819

22、null822. 25 null l 璠,叶剑.白内障术后干眼的研究进展 J.眼视光学杂 , 2008, 10( 2): 158null160. 26 null C ra ig JP, Purslow C, Mu rphy PJ, et al. E ffect of a liposomal sprayon the p renullocu lar tear film J. C ont Lens An terior Eye, 2010, 33( 2): 83null87. 27 null M anullssa C, Gu illon M, S imm ons P, etal. E ffect of

23、 castor oil em u lsioneyed rops on tear film com position and stab ility J. C ont Len sAnnullterior E ye, 2010, 33( 2 ): 76null82. 28 null C reuzot C, Passem ard M, V iau S, et al. Im provem en t of dry eyesym ptom s w ith polyun saturated fatty acid s J. J Fr Oph talm o,l2006, 29 ( 8): 868null873.

24、29 null Ron cone M, Bartlett H, E perjesi F. E ssential fatty acids for d ryeye: A rev iew J. C ont Len sAn terior E ye, 2010, 33( 2 ): 49null54.l : 2010null12null08null : 2011null01null06y | 1 ? Y Z马立峰,于浩淼null ,杨null 稳null (8 ),郭null 艾 ( , n )( n D S v q D S , 100050) m s | : R681. 7null null null

25、null null D S M : Anull null null null null c I | : 1006null2084 ( 2011 ) 04null0559null03null null K 1 :桡骨远端骨折是老年人的常见病和多发病, 并且这些患者多伴有骨质疏松症b如果骨折复位效果不理想会导致骨折畸形愈合, 畸形愈合是桡骨远端骨折的常见并发症,同时也是影响骨折预后的重要因素b在此简要介绍腕关节的评分方法,并且总结近年来国内外学者在生物力学分析和临床病例随访的研究结果,对桡骨远端短缩a下尺桡骨节不稳等畸形对腕关节功能的影响进行简要综述b1 o M :桡骨远端骨折;腕关节功能;影响R

26、esearch Progress of Effects ofDistalRadius Fracture on Function ofWrist Jointnull MA L inullfeng, YUH aonullmiao, YANG W en, GUO A i. (Department of Orthopedics, Beijing Friendship H ospital Affiliated to CapitalM edical University, Beijing 100050, China)Abstact: D istal rad iu s fractures is a comm

27、 on and frequen tly occurring disease in eld erly peop le, w hoh ave su ffered from osteoporosis. If the result of reduction is not good, ma lun ion w ill occu r. M alun ion is a comnullm on comp lication of distal rad iu s fractu re and p lays an im portan t ro le in fractu re recoverym eanwh ile.

28、Th is arnullticle introduces the m ethod to score w rist join t function b riefly and summ arizes th e research data from aspectsof both b iom echan ical analysis and clin ical fo llownullup stud ies in recent years. A t last, the article rev iew s theeffects ofm alun ion, such as d istal rad ius sh

29、orten ing and d istal rad iou lnar join t instab ility, on w rist jo int fun cnulltional outcom e in brie.fKey words: D istal rad iu s fractu re; Fun ction ofw rist join t; E ffectsnull null y | ? 3 y 1 2. 5 cm = | , ? 3 q | , ? m E ? ; % | i 5 a * ; ( ? | 559D 8 2011 M 2 17 4 M edical Recapitu late, Feb 2011, Vo.l 17, N o. 4


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