1、选词1.This book contains all the information you need. 2.The government restricts the number of foreign cars that could be imported. 3.As a teacher you should not show preference towards any of your students. 4.Traffic is regulated by police at every intersection. 5.How much do you charge for this pai
2、r of shoes. 6.We can leave off now and return to work in the morning.7.That matter can be left alone until our next meeting. 8.I learned that he was on sick leave from a government office. 9.It was one of the most beautiful sights that I had ever set eyes on. 10.Each week he tried to set aside a few
3、 dollars of his salary. 1.All this ceremony is just for show it doesnt mean a thing. 2. Bill is afraid to show his face since Tom threatens to beat him up. 3.She has been behaving foolishly; I hope you will bring her to her senses.4.The classroom is 30 feet in length and 20 feet in breadth 5.Im leav
4、ing this job because Im tired of being pushed around. 6.After the rain, the orchard seems to have burst into blossom overnight. 7.The two men stood glaring at each other, while the crowd looked on with amusement.8.When you have any problems in your studies, you can always look to John for help. 1.Th
5、eodore Roosevelt was a versatile man; he was successful as a statesman, soldier, sportsman, explorer, and author. 2.The small town has undergone many changes during last 10 years.3.The old farmer survived his wife ,living until 105 years of age. 4.Poor eyesight is a handicap to many students. 5.The
6、wheat crop will be decimated without strong spring rains.6.The various parts of the essays do not adequately interrelate.7.Hot weather multiplies the bacteria in the milk rapidly. 8.If something very substantial is not done next month, he cannot retain his office.9.We sent him an invitation but he d
7、eclined. 10.The lifeguard pulled the inanimate body out of the pool. 1.If you are to be accepted as a member of the club you must abide by its rules.2.Even if you dislike ancient monuments,Warrick Castle is worth a visit. 3.The cities were to be deflated and the population distributed in villages. 4
8、.He gave a distorted account of what has happened. 5.His speech fermented trouble among the workers. 6.The criminal was told he would be immune from punishment if he said what he knew about the murder. 7.If you strain the elastic band any more, it will break. 8.The Egyptians inhabit an area equal to
9、 France and Spain combined.9.He is by no means considered to be a great explorer. 10.It was a long time before scientists could penetrate the mystery of the atom.1.The speaker was a long way off the track. 2.The new government tried to defuse the growing discontent of the people. 3.The catch is how
10、to grow rice in a dry area. 4.They were surprised to see the efficiency of the well-oiled military machine of that country. 5.He was upset to learn that he had been left out of the basketball team. 6.It is fortunate when a young mans career goals coincide with what his parents wish for him 7.If the
11、body is robbed this way for too long ,vital organs break down. 8.If your car conks out on a turnpike, wait for assistance. 9.My pencil is worn down to a stump. 10.The waterfall has worn a hole in the stone. 11.Anna did what she could to keep the marriage from falling apart. 12.His wife becomes more
12、and more preoccupied with children. 1.Artificial light is not to be compared with daylight for general use. 2.To retrieve some data, one has to consult a computer. 3.When the car hit the wall, the impact broke the windscreen. 4.The problem is closely involved with the management of pastures. 5.If yo
13、u travel by jet plane ,Tokyo and Shanghai are virtually neighbors. 6.There is no tangible evidence that the diplomatic relations will be restored to normal between these two countries.7.After 10 years efforts ,the farmers have turned the waste land into paddy fields.8.He traveled with some British d
14、octors who took short-term jobs abroad.9.Utter weariness overtook me one hour later. 10.Farmers will have a bumper harvest, assuming that the weather is favorable.11.Stocks may boom today, but droop tomorrow. 12.The mountains peak is dominant on the horizon.翻译Unit One一种真正的市场型管理模式很快成为可能。在信息空间,我们将能够检验
15、并完善所需要的管理制度知识产权制度、服务内容与使用权的控制制度、个人隐私权与自由言论制度等。有些群体允许任何人加入,而有些则只允许符合这样或那样条件的人加入。能够自持的群体会兴旺发展(或许也会因为志趣与身份日趋特殊,而发展成为几个分支) 。有些群体或因为成员失去兴趣,或因为成员被吓跑而不能幸存下来,它们将渐渐萎缩消亡。Unit Two一旦问题得到理解,情况自然有所改善。那些通常因丈夫不倾听或不谈论每天发生的事情而感到被遗弃、感到丧失生活乐趣的女性会高兴地发现,她们的丈夫一旦知道了不起眼的谈话在女性关系中的地位后,正努力地在适应。如果丈夫不适应,妻子仍然能够得到安慰,因为她知道,对男人来说,这不
16、是不亲密的表现。当妻子接受了男女存在区别这一事实后,便会去找自己的朋友或家人说一说话。那些不能够给予妻子谈话快乐的丈夫,也不应该觉得妻子提出了无理要求。仍然会有一些夫妻决定离婚,但起码他们的决定是建立在比较现实的期望基础上的。Unit Three1. 在形成的初期,地球上很可能没有我们今天称之为海洋和大气层之类的东西。2. 在 20 亿到 30 亿年前期间,一部分地球表面的水在太阳能的作用下,形成了结构复杂的化合物,这些化合物灵活多变,足以形成我们称之为“生命”的东西。3. 整个星球是一种由无机部分和各种各样的有机生命构成的生命形式 (正如我们自己身体那样,既是由各种各样的有机部分构成,又是由
17、骨骼中的无机晶体和血液中的无机水分所构成)。4. 同样从全地球的规模考虑,砍掉一整片森林不会在总体上对地球生命构成威胁,但是这样做会对该地区的生态形式造成严重的影响,甚至会造成水的流失,因此引起地质结构的细微变化。5. 如果排除外界干扰,食肉动物和被吃动物都保持一个适当的数量,这样对双方都有好处。6. 目前世界人口的急剧增长率使人类可以被称为生态恶性肿瘤。这种恶性肿瘤肯定会摧毁生态环境,正如普通的癌细胞会摧毁人的肌体一样。Unit Four新词汇、新习语、甚至新发音都以无法抗拒的势力源源不断传入东方。从前我们常常借用很多英语词或短语,但现在很少这样做。但英语却吸纳我们创造的词,我们创造有多快,
18、其吸纳的速度几乎就有多快。我认为,美国电影固然对这一变化起了很大作用,但毫无疑问,还有更深刻的原因。英语依然有点太严格、有点僵硬,且过于矫揉造作。而美语的发展却像伊丽莎白时代一样繁荣。所有那些在英国莎士比亚时代应用的构词方法,现在依然在美国应用着,新词源源不断地产生。如果莎翁健在,这些新词一定会使他欣喜若狂,就像他所生活的时代产生的新词曾使他欣喜若狂一样。Unit Five1. 其目的是弄清世界的运行机制,寻求其间可能存在的规律,洞察事物之间的联系从构成一切物质的亚核粒子,到生物有机体,人类社会群体,以至整个宇宙。2. 世界上每一文化群体都以这样或那样的方式提出过这些问题。所提供的答案几乎都带
19、有“就这么回事”的性质,而试图做的解释总是脱离实验,甚至没有经过细心的比较观察。3. 要透彻地领悟一件事物,哪怕是一桩小事比如惠特曼所说的一片草叶,也会经历一种喜悦,这种喜悦,在整个世界的所有生灵中只有人类才能感受到。4. 有时我们听到一些科学家发表的宣言,他们充满信心地宣称,每一件值得弄清的事物将很快会为大家所知,或者说有些已经众所周知。他们描绘的是狄奥尼修斯和波利尼西亚时代的图画,在这些画中,人们对知识探索的热情已经衰退,取而代之的是一种被征服的怠惰,成了饮用发酵椰子汁和其他一些温和迷幻剂的安逸度日者。5. 如果我们可以缩小身体进入这个水晶的世界,我们可以看见一排排原子形成有序的点阵,呈一
20、种有规律的交替结构钠原子、氯原子、氯化钠原子,这些点阵结构详细地勾画出我们所站的这一层原子以及在我们头上、头下的所有原子层的示意图。Unit 6杰克正想入非非时,瞥见绿灯亮了,他只顾开动汽车,盯了一眼那些有固定工作的人,以示再见。当他扭过头来,面对前方时,已经晚了一秒钟。他猛地一下踩住刹车,调转方向,以避免撞上前面那辆车上小小的刹车红灯,但还是砰然一声撞上了。如果他动作再快一秒钟,也许只会离这辆车很近,不会撞上。而如果再晚一秒钟,他的车就会爬上这辆丰田车的行李箱。实际上,他好像没有把前面的车撞坏,而后面的车撞上了他车后部的保险杠,那一撞却严重多了。Unit 71 就在这同一天,我的车又坏了,
21、电冰箱不制冷了;而且我还得知我的右后臼齿牙根管需要镶补。2 如果我们突然看到油漆又跃回旧楼房的墙面,我们准会感到有问题。如果我们看到一个鸡蛋自己拼凑在一起又跳回蛋壳,我们准会开怀大笑,就像看一组倒放的电影镜头那样。3 婚姻中很容易出现熵,当伴侣们过于忙于自己的事而忽视了弥补小小裂痕时,几乎可以肯定他们的婚姻要破裂。4 这个分子在任何一点上朝冰箱方向运动的概率都正好是 50;它朝背离冰箱方向运动的概率也是 50。但是如果数十亿个冷热空气分子混合在一起,那么所有冷空气分子朝冰箱方向运动,同时所有热空气分子背离冰箱运动的概率实际上是零。5 如果在厨房里只有十几个的空气分子,那么我等上一年左右,或许在
22、某个时刻 6 个最冷的分子会聚集在冰箱里。但是,这一等式中的变量越多、参加这一游戏的角色越多,那么他们的路径井然有序地相互吻合的可能性就越小。Unit 81. 第一次浪潮涉及有形产品硬件,它与构成软件的计算机程序相对而言。本世纪六七十年代,圣何塞和旧金山地带的圣克拉拉谷的一些公司为计算机生产出存储器硅芯片,于是便有了“硅谷”的名字。接着他们又生产了用以指令计算机操作的逻辑硅芯片。2. 财富形成的第二次浪潮涉及软件包括人们用于工作或娱乐的“应用”软件,就像文字处理程序或者计算机游戏之类,以及用于管理业务和计算机网络自身运行的“系统”软件。3. 但是无论是硬件革命还是软件革命,与现在因特网上所发生
23、的情况相比,其财富创造的影响力都显得非常缓慢。短短数年之前,在日内瓦 CERN 研究中心工作的英国物理学家 Tim Berners Lee 发明了一种方案,用以连接与某一主题或一系列主题相关的数据,这些数据贮存在各地各种不同的计算机内。4.E-Bay 网点的在线拍卖同样有利可图,因为它每拍卖一次都要向买卖双方收取一定的佣金。但是如今大多数国际互联网公司都承受着重大的短期损失,证券市场投资者通常认为这种损失会在商业计划里某个似乎永远不会到来的“第三年”中转为盈利。5. 尽管上述这些获利的基本模式最终将证明是站不住脚的,但到目前为之,它们却足以使很多人十分富有。实际上所有这些财富都是由技术公司股组
24、成的,在今后 10 年中,其中的一些股份或大多数股份会逐渐散失。Unit 9“我们很容易把这样的悲剧归罪于他人同行的竞争压力、紧张的职业、毒贩子,以及除了我们自己以外的所有其他人。但是,这类问题多数起源于家里,也就是在我们把孩子抚养成人的时候。承认这一点对我来说很不容易,我没有能够在帕特里克身上培养面对生活所需要的自尊。无论他做得多么好,他都觉得自己失败了。他吸毒,是因为毒品能使他摆脱这种失败感。当我们明白并且接受这一原因时,也许我们会为解决这个问题做点什么。 ”Unit 10虽然他知道自己走过上千次,可就是辨认不出这里的任何特征。这条路对他来说陌生得就好像是在西伯利亚。到了夜晚,情况就更复杂
25、了。我们平常闲逛时,总是像飞行员那样(尽管是不自觉地) ,凭借熟知的信号塔或海角来调整方向。我们只有在完全迷失道路时,才会体会到大自然的广袤与奇特。直到我们迷失道路,换句话说,直到我们失却外物,才开始找回自己,才会认识到自己的位置。完形Unit1 even, as, that, won, annually, by, they, virtual, because, simply, across, still, exactly, concern, response, access, to, led, between, place Unit2 viewed, almost, even, lower,
26、 means, reality become, like, grow, proving, status, afford, faced, necessarily, disciplined, longer, own, schedule, talking, until.Unit3 been, raise, spread out, dying of, began, caused, According to, up to, as, unusual, be linked to, of course, however, came into, ranging. Unit4 former, among, pur
27、pose, for, serves, strengthened, official, majority, heavily, similar, extends, through, limits, adds, familiar, ways, and, ability, as, means. Unit5 quantitatively, make up, at least, unlikely, even if, greater than, common-sense, turn out to be, increases, in the direction of, complains, the Theor
28、y of Relativity, close to, so far as, not onlyUnit6 reading, knowledge, because, to, came, imagine, taken, gazed, with, when, Once, in, and, used, thinking, memory, that, no, truly, humour. Unit7 having to, means, without, yet, insists on, believing in, spends, to say, In a sense, while, implies, de
29、nies, hard, take up, was urged. Unit8 be depicted, marvel at, suffering, beneath, as, when, enjoy, Nearly, from, before, so long, have not respected, used, than, announcing.Unit9so,presence,Furthermore,attend,signs,with,just,though,at,green,for,read,raised,sometimes,state,what,expected,refers,whereas,divorcedUnit10 1.promptly,2.only,3.one,4.till,5.worth,6.among,7.served,8.transferred,9.in which,10.pass,11.desolate12.Because of,13.survive,14.dealt with,15.to,16.that,17.but,18.When,19.ended,20.containing