1、Experiment III Examination of Fecal samples,粪便检查法,1. Place a drop of isotonic saline on a slide. 2.Take a small piece of feces with a toothpick and stir it into the saline.3. Add a coverslip or not, and examinemicroscopically.,一、直接涂片法(Direct Smear ),二、饱和盐水浮卵法(Fecal Flotation),Mix several grams (a te
2、aspoonful) of feces with the flotation solution in a plastic cup. Strain the mixture through a cuprum strainer (60 mesh) into another plastic cup. Allow the flotation to stand for at least 5 minutes. Take a few drops of the surface of the solution with cuprum wire loop on a microscope slide, examine
3、 them under the mecroscope with the 10 lens.,三、沉淀法(Fecal Sedimentation),Mix about 100ml of water with about 10g of feces and place in a plastic cup. Strain the mixture through a cuprum strainer (60 mesh) into another cup. Allow mixture to sit for 10 minutes and then decant the supernatant. Add more
4、water, mix, and repeat the sedimentation procedure until the supernatant will be very clear. Stir remaining mixture and place a few drops on a microscope slide, examine them under the mecroscope with the 10 lens.,家禽体内的寄生虫卵 1.鸡蛔虫卵 2.鸡异刺线虫卵 3.类圆线虫卵 4.孟氏眼线虫卵 5.旋华首线虫卵 6.四棱线虫卵 7.鹅裂口线虫卵 8.毛细线虫卵 9.鸭束首线虫卵 1
5、0.比翼线虫卵 11.卷棘口吸虫卵 12.嗜眼吸虫卵 13.前殖吸虫卵 14.次睾吸虫卵 15.背孔吸虫卵 16.毛毕吸虫卵 17.楔形变带绦虫卵 18.有轮瑞利绦虫卵 19.鸭单睾绦虫卵 20.膜壳绦虫卵 21.矛形剑带绦虫卵 22.片形皱褶绦虫卵 23.鸭多型棘头虫卵,牛体内的寄生虫卵 1. 大片吸虫卵 2.前后盘吸虫卵 3.日本分体吸虫卵 4.双腔吸虫卵 5.胰阔盘吸虫卵 6.鸟毕吸虫卵 7.莫尼茨绦虫卵 8.食道口线虫卵 9.仰口线虫卵 10.吸吮线虫卵 11.指形长刺线虫卵 12.古柏线虫卵 13.犊新蛔虫卵 14.牛艾美球虫卵囊,粪检中镜下常见杂质1.植物导管:梯纹、网纹、孔纹 2
6、.螺纹和环纹 3.管胞 4.植物纤维 5.小麦的颖毛 6.真菌的孢子 7.谷壳的一些部分 8.稻米胚乳 9.植物的薄皮细胞 10.植物的薄皮细胞 11.淀粉粒 12.花粉粒 13. 植物线虫的一些虫卵 14.螨的卵(未发育) 15.螨的卵(已发育),11,直接涂片法,饱和盐水浮卵法,沉淀法,作业: 请列出各种粪检 法中查到的虫卵,1.猪蛔虫卵 2.猪蛔虫卵表面观 3.蛋白质膜脱落的猪蛔虫卵 4.未受精猪蛔虫卵 5.新鲜的刚刺颚口 线虫卵 6.已发育刚刺颚口线虫卵 7.猪毛首线虫卵 8.未成熟圆形似蛔 线虫卵 9.成熟的圆形似蛔 线虫卵 10.六翼泡首线虫卵 11.新鲜的食道口线虫卵 12.已发
7、育食道口线虫卵 13.蛭形巨吻棘头虫 卵,32,猪体内的寄生虫卵,14.新鲜球首线虫卵 15.已发育的球首线虫卵 16.红色猪圆线虫卵 17.鲍杰线虫卵 18.新鲜猪肾虫卵 19. 已发育猪肾虫卵 20. 野猪后圆线虫卵 21.复阴后圆线虫卵 22.兰氏类圆线虫卵 23.华枝睾吸虫卵 24.姜片吸虫卵 25.肝片吸虫卵 26.长膜壳绦虫卵 27.小袋虫滋养体 28.小袋虫包囊 29.猪球虫卵囊 30.猪球虫卵囊 31.猪球虫卵囊 32.截形微口吸虫卵,羊体内的寄生虫卵 1.肝片吸虫卵 2.大片吸虫卵 3.前后盘吸虫卵 4.双腔吸虫卵 5.胰阔盘吸虫卵 6.莫尼茨绦虫卵 7.乳突类圆线虫卵 8.毛首线虫卵 9.钝刺细颈线虫卵 10.奥斯特线虫卵 11.捻转血矛线虫卵 12.马歇尔线虫卵 13.毛圆形线虫卵 14.夏伯特线虫卵 15.食道口线虫卵 16.仰口线虫卵 17. 丝状网尾线虫幼虫 A 前端 B 尾端 18.小型艾美球虫卵囊,