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1、CONTENTSTable of ContentsPreface vCHAPTER 1Introduction1-1 Introduction1-1-1 Basic Components of a Control System1-l-2 Examples of Control-System Applications1-1-3 Open-Loop Control Systems (Nonfeed-back Systems)1-1-4 Closed-loop Control Systems (Feedback Control Systems)1-2 What is Feedback and Wha

2、t are its Effects?1-2-1 Effect of Feedback on Overall Gain1-2-2 Effect of Feedback on Stability1-2-3 Effect of Feedback on External Disturbance or Noise1-3Types of Feedback Control Systems1-3-1 Linear versus Nonlinear Control Systems1-3-2 Time-Invariant versus Time-Varying Systems1-4 SummaryCHAPTER

3、2Mathematical Foundation2-1 Introduction2-2 Laplace Transform2-2-1 Definition of the Laplace Transform2-2-2 Inverse Laplace Transformation2-2-3 Important Theorems of the Laplace Transform2-3 Inverse Laplace Transform by Partial-Fraction Expansion2-3-1 Partial-Fraction Expansion2-4 Application of the

4、 Laplace Transform to the Solution of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations2-5 Impulse Response and Transfer Functions of Linear Systems2-5-1 Impulse Response2-5-2 Transfer Function (Single-input, Single-Output Systems)2-5-3 Transfer Function (Multivariable Systems)2-6 MATLAB Tools and Case Studies

5、2-6-1 Description and Use of Transfer Function Tool2-7 SummaryCHAPTER3Block Diagrams and Signal-Flow Graphs3-1 Block Diagrams3-1-1 Block Diagrams of Control Systems3-1-2 Block Diagrams and Transfer Functions of Multivariable Systems3-2 Signal-Flow Graphs (SFGs)3-2-1 Basic Elements of an SFG3-2-2 Sum

6、mary of the Basic Properties of SFG3-2-3 Definitions of SFG Terms3-2-4 SFG Algebra3-2-5 SFG of a Feedback Control System3-2-6 Gain Formula for SFG3-2-7 Application of the Gain Formula between Output Nodes and Noninput Nodes3-2-8 Application of the Gain Formula to Block Diagrams3-3 State Diagram3-3-1

7、 From Differential Equations to State Diagram3-3-2 From State Diagram to Transfer Function3-3-3 From State Diagram to State and Output Equations3-4 MATLAB Tools and Case Studies3-5 SummaryCHAPTER 4Modeling of Physical Systems4-1 Introduction4-2 Modeling of Electrical Networks4-3 Modeling of Mechanic

8、al Systems Elements4-3-1 Translational Motion4-3-2 Rotational Motion4-3-3 Conversion Between Translational and Rotational Motions4-3-4 Gear Trains4-3-5 Backlash and Dead Zone (Nonlinear Characteristics)4-4 Equations of Mechanical Systems4-5 Sensors and Encoders in Control Systems4-5-1 Potentiometer4

9、-5-2 Tachometers4-5-3 Incremental Encoder4-6 DC Motors in Control Systems4-6-1 Basic Operational Principles of DC Motnrc4-6-2 Basic Classifications of PM DC Motors4-6-3 Mathematical Modeling of PM DC Motors4-7 Linearization of Nonlinear Systems4-8 Systems with Transportation Lags (Time Delays)4-8-1

10、Approximation of the Time-Delay Function by Rational Functions4-9 A Sun-Seeker System4-9-1 Coordinate System4-9-2 Error Discriminator4-9-3 Op-Amp4-9-4 Servoamplifier4-9-5 Tachometer4-9-6 DC Motor4-10 MATLAB Tools and Case Studies4-11 SummaryCHAPTER 5State Variable Analysis5-1 Introduction5-2 Vector-

11、Matnx Representation of State Equations5-3 State-Transition Matrix5-3-1 Significance of the State-Transition Matrix5-3-2 Properties of the State-Transition Matrix5-4 State-Transition Equation5-4-1 State-Transition Equation Determined from the State Diagram5-5 Relationship between State Equations and

12、 High-Order Differential Equations5-6 Relationship between State Equations and Transfer Functions5-7 Characteristic Equations, Eigenvalues, and Eigenvectors5-7-1 Eigenvalues5-7-2 Eigenvectors5-8 Similarity Transformation5-8-1 Invariance Properties of the Similarity Transformations5-8-2 Controllabili

13、ty Canonical Form (CCF)5-8-3 Observability Canonical Form (OCF)5-8-4 Diagonal Canonical Form(DCF)5-8-5 Jordan Canonical Form (JCF)5-9 Decompositions of Transfer Functions5-9-1 Direct Decomposition5-9-2 Cascade Decomposition5-9-3 Parallel Decomposition5-10 Controllability of Control Systems5-10-1 Gen

14、eral Concept of Controllabilitv5-10-2 Definition of State Controllability5-10-3 Alternate tests on Controllability5-11 Observability of Linear Systems5-11-1 Definition of Observability5-11-2 Alternate Tests on Observability5-12 Relationship Among Controllability, Observability,and Transfer Functions

15、5-13 Invariant Theorems on Controllability and Observability5-14 A Final Illustrative Example: Magnetic-Ball Suspension System5-15 MATLAB Tools and Case Studies5-15-1 Description and Use of the State-Space Analysis Tool5-15-2 Description and Use of tfsym for State-Space Applications5-15-3 Another Ex

16、ample5-16 SummaryCHAPTER 6Stability of Linear Control Systems6-1 Introduction6-2 Bounded-Input, Bounded-Output (BIBO) Stability-Continuous-Data Systems6-2-1 Relationship between Characteristic Equation Roots and Stability6-3 Zero-Input and Asymptotic Stability of Continuous-Data Systems6-4 Methods o

17、f Determining Stability6-5 Routh-Hurwitz Criterion6-5-1 Rouths Tabulation (1)6-5-2 Special Cases When Rouths Tabulation Terminates Prematurely6-6 MATLAB Tools and Case Studies6-7 SummaryCHAPTER 7Time-Domain Analysis of Control Systems7-1 Time Response of Continuous-Data Systems:Introduction7-2 Typic

18、al Test Signals for the Time Response of Control Systems7-3 The Unit-Step Response and Time-Domain Specifications7-4 Steady-State Error7-4-1 Steady-State Error of Linear Continuous-Data Control Systems7-4-2 Steady-State Error Caused by Nonlinear System Elements7-5 Time Response of a First-Order Syst

19、em7-5-1 Speed Control of a DC Motor7-6 Transient Response of7-6 Transient Response of a Prototype Second-Order System7-6-1 Damping Ratio and Damping Factor7-6-2 Natural Undamped Frequency7-6-3 Maximum Overshoot7-6-4 Delay Time and Rise Time7-6-5 Settling Time7-7 Time-Domain Analysis of a Position-Co

20、ntrol System7-7-1 Unit-Step Transient Response7-7-2 The Steady-State Response7-7-3 Time Response to a Unit-Ramp Input7-7-4 Time Response of a Third-Order System7-8 Effects of Adding Poles and Zeros to Transfer Functions7-8-1 Addition of a Pole to the Forward-Path Transfer Function: Unity-Feedback Sy

21、stems7-8-2 Addition of a Pole to the Closed-Loop Transfer Function7-8-3 Addition of a Zero to the Closed-Loop Transfer Function7-8-4 Addition of a Zero to the Forward-Path Transfer Function: Unity-Feedback Systems7-9 Dominant Poles of Transfer Functions7-9-1 The Relative Damping Ratio7-9-2 The Prope

22、r Way of Neglecting the Insignificant Poles with Consideration of the Steady-State Response7-10 The Approximation of High-Order Systems by Low-Order System the Formal Approach7-10-1 Approximation Criterion7-11 MATLAB Tools and Case Studies7-12 SummaryCHAPTER 8Root-Locus Technique8-1 Introduction8-2

23、Basic Properties of the Root Loci (RL)8-3 Properties of the Root Loci8-3-1 K0 and KPoints8-3-2 Number of Branches on the Root Loci8-3-3 Symmetry of the RL8-3-4 Angles of Asymptotes of the RL: Behavior of the RL at|sl8-3-5 Intersect of the Asymptotes (Centroid)8-3-6 Root Loci on the Real Axis8-3-7 An

24、gles of Departure and Angles of Arrival of the RL8-3-8 Intersection of the RL with the Imaginary Axis8-3-9 Breakaway Points (Saddle Points) on the RL8-3-10 The Root Sensitivity 17、18、198-4 Design Aspects of the Root Loci8-4-1 Effects of Adding Poles and Zeros to G(s)H(s)8-5 Root Contours (RC): Multi

25、ple-Parameter Variation8-6 Root Locus with the MATLAB Toolbox8-7 SummaryCHAPTER 9Frequency-Domain Analysis9-1 Introduction9-1-1 Frequency Response of Closed-Loop Systems9-1-2 Frequency-Domain Specifications9-2 Mn Wn and Bandwidth of the Prototype Seco-Order System9-2-1 Resonant Peak and Resonant Fre

26、quency9-2-2 Bandwidth9-3 Effects of Adding a Zero to the Forward-Path Transfer Function9-4 Effects of Adding a Pole to the Forward-Path Transfer Function9-5 Nyquist Stability Criterion: Fundamentals9-5-1 Stability Problem9-5-2 Definition of Encircled and Enclosed9-5-3 Number of Encirclements and Enc

27、losures9-5-4 Principle of the Argument9-5-5 Nyquist Path9-5-6 Nyquist Criterion and the L(s) or the G(s)H(s) plot9-6 Nyquist Criterion for Systems with Minimum-Phase Transfer Functions9-6-1 Application of the Nyquist Criterion to Minimum-Phase Transfer Functions that Are Not Strictly Proper9-7 Relat

28、ion Between the Root Loci and the Nyquist Plot9-8 Illustrative Examples: Nyquist Criterion for Minimum-Phase Transfer Functions9-9 Effects of Addition of Poles and Zeros to L(s) on the Shape of the Nyquist Plot9-10 Relative Stability: Gain Margin and Phase Margin9-10-1 Gain Margin (GM)9-10-2 Phase M

29、argin (PM)9-11 Stability Analysis with the Bode Plot9-11-1 Bode Plots of Systems with Pure Time Delays9-12 Relative Stability Related to the Slope of the Magnitude Curve of the Bode Plot9-12-1 Conditionally Stable Systemxii Table of Contents9-13 Stability Analysis with the Magnitude-Phase Plot9-14 C

30、onstant-M Loci in the Magnitude-Phase Plane: The Nichols Chart9-15 Nichols Chart Applied to Nonunity-Feedback Systems9-16 Sensitivity Studies in the Frequency Domain9-17 MATLAB Tools and Case Studies9-18 SummaryCHAPTER 10Design of Control Systems10-1 Introduction10-1-l Design Specifications10-1-2 Co

31、ntroller Configurations10-1-3 Fundamental Principles of Design10-2 Design with the PD Controller10-2-1 Time-Domain Interpretation of PD Control10-2-2 Frequency-Domain Interpretation of PD Control10-2-3 Summary of Effects of PD Control10-3 Design with the PI Controller10-3-1 Time-Domain Interpretatio

32、n and Design of PI Control10-3-2 Frequency-Domain Interpretation and Design of PI Control10-4 Design with the PID Controller10-5 Design with Phase-Lead Controller10-5-1 Time-Domain Interpretation and Design of Phase-Lead Control10-5-2 Frequency-Domain Interpretation and Design of Phase-Lead Control1

33、0-5-3 Effects of Phase-Lead Compensation10-5-4 Limitations of Single-Stage Phase-Lead Control10-5-5 Multistage Phase-Lead Controller10-5-6 Sensitivity Considerations10-6 Design with Phase-Lag Controller10-6-1 Time-Domain Interpretation and Design of Phase-Lag Control10-6-2 Frequency-Domain Interpret

34、ation and Design of Phase-Lag Control10-6-3 Effects and Limitations of Phase-Lag Control10-7 Design with Lead-Lag Controller10-8 Pole-Zero Cancellation Design: Notch Filter10-8-1 Second-Ordcr Active Filter10-8-2 Frequency-Domain Interpretation and Design10-9 Forward and Feedforward Controllers10-10

35、Design of Robust Control Systems10-11 Minor-Loop Feedback Control10-11-1 Rate-Feedback or Tachometer-Feedback Control10-11-2 Minor-Loop Feedback Control with Active Filter10-12 State-Feedback Control10-13 Pole-Placement Design through State Feedback10-14 State Feedback with Integral Control10-15 MAT

36、LAB Tools and Case Studies10-16 SummaryCHAPTER11The Virtual Lab11-l Introduction11-2 Important Aspects in the Response of a DC Motor11-2-1 Speed Response and the Effects of Inductance and Disturbance-Open Loop Response11-2-2 Speed Control of DC Motors: Closed-Loop Response11-2-3 Position Control11-3

37、 Description of the Virtual Expenmental System11-3-1 Motor11-3-2 Position Sensor or Speed Sensor11-3-3 Power Amplifier11-3-4 Interface11-4 Description of SIMLab and Virtual Lab Software11-5 Simulation and Virtual Experiments11-5-1 Open-Loop Speed11-5-2 Open-Loop Sine Input11-5-3 Speed Control11-5-4

38、Position Control11-6 Design Project11-7 SummaryINDEXAPPENDIX AComplex Variable Theory CD-ROMAPPENDIX BDifferential and Difference Equations CD-ROM APPENDIX CElementary Matrix Theory and Algebra CD-ROM APPENDIX DLaplace Transform Table CD-ROM APPENDIXEOperational Amplifiers CD-ROMAPPENDIX FProperties and Construction of the Root Loci CD-ROMAPPENDIX GFrequency-Domain Plots CD-ROMAPPENDIX HGeneral Nyquist Criterion CD-ROMAPPENDIXI Discrete-Data Control Systems CD-ROMAPPENDIX Jz-Transform Table CD-ROMAPPENDIX KACSYS 2002: Description of the Software CD-ROMANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS CD-ROM


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