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1、Basic Standards of the Peoples Republic of China on Professional Ethics of Judges 中华人民共和国法官职业道德基本准则Promulgating Institution: Supreme Peoples CourtDocument Number: Fa Fa 2010 No. 53Promulgating Date: 12/06/2010Effective Date:12/06/2010Validity Status: Valid颁布机关: 最高人民法院文 号: 法发201053 号颁布时间: 12/06/2010实

2、施时间: 12/06/2010效力状态: 有效Text正文(Promulgated on October 18, 2001 by Supreme Peoples Court and re-promulgated on December 6, 2010 after revision)Chapter 1 General Provisions (最高人民法院 2001 年 10 月 18 日发布,2010 年 12 月 6 日修订后重新发布) 第一章 总则 Article 1 These Standards have been formulated pursuant to Judges Law of

3、 the Peoples Republic of China and other relevant provisions for the purposes of strengthening the building of professional ethics of judges and ensuring the judges perform their duties properly as entrusted by the law. 第一条 为加强法官职业道德建设,保证法官正确履行法律赋予的职责,根据中华人民共和国法官法和其他相关规定,制定本准则。 Article 2 The core of

4、 professional ethics of judges is justice, integrity and serving the people. The basic requirements are loyalty to the judicial career, assurance of judicial justice, ensuring judicial integrity, upholding justice for the people and safeguarding the judicial image. 第二条 法官职业道德的核心是公正、廉洁、为民。基本要求是忠诚司法事业

5、、保证司法公正、确保司法廉洁、坚持司法为民、维护司法形象。 Article 3 A judge shall conscientiously abide by the professional ethics of judges. He shall demands strictly on himself during his own professional work and activities outside his practice and safeguard the image of the Peoples Court and judicial credibility. 第三条 法官应当自

6、觉遵守法官职业道德,在本职工作和业外活动中严格要求自己,维护人民法院形象和司法公信力。 Chapter 2 Loyalty to Judicial Career 第二章 忠诚司法事业 Article 4 Reinforce the concept of socialist rule by law. Be loyal to the Party, loyal to the country, loyal to the people and loyal to the law. Be a builder and defender of socialist career with Chinese char

7、acteristics. 第四条 牢固树立社会主义法治理念,忠于党、忠于国家、忠于人民、忠于法律,做中国特色社会主义事业建设者和捍卫者。 Article 5 Uphold and safeguard the socialist judicial systems with Chinese characteristics, conscientiously implement the basic general plans and strategies for governing the country lawfully. Honor and believe in the law. Be a rol

8、e model in abiding by the law. Enforce the law strictly. Safeguard the authority and dignity of law conscientiously. 第五条 坚持和维护中国特色社会主义司法制度,认真贯彻落实依法治国基本方略,尊崇和信仰法律,模范遵守法律, 严格执行法律,自觉维护法律的权威和尊严。 Article 6 Be devoted to judicial career and cherish the honor of a judge. Uphold professional conduct. Abide

9、by the conscience of a judge. Reinforce and establish the judicial core value. Devote oneself to safeguard the equality and justice of the society. Conscientiously perform the duties of a judge. 第六条 热爱司法事业,珍惜法官荣誉,坚持职业操守,恪守法官良知,牢固树立司法核心价值观,以维护社会公平正义为己任, 认真履行法官职责。 Article 7 Safeguard the national inte

10、rest. Abide by the political discipline. Guard the States secrets and secrecy in judicial work. Do not engage or get involved in activities which are damaging to the national interest and the judicial authority. Do not express views which are damaging to the national interest and the judicial author

11、ity. 第七条 维护国家利益,遵守政治纪律,保守国家秘密和审判工作秘密,不从事或参与有损国家利益和司法权威的活动,不发表有损国家利益和司法权威的言论。 Chapter 3 Assurance of Judicial Justice 第三章 保证司法公正 Article 8 Uphold and safeguard the principle of the Peoples Court in exercising independent judicial power lawfully. Hear cases objectively and impartially. Think independe

12、ntly and make autonomous judgment during the judicial activities. Have the courage to uphold principles. Do not be subject to the intervention by any administrative organs, social organizations and individuals. Do not be affected by factors such as power and human relationship. 第八条 坚持和维护人民法院依法独立行使审判

13、权的原则,客观公正审理案件,在审判活动中独立思考、自主判断,敢于坚持原则, 不受任何行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉,不受权势、人情等因素的影响。 Article 9 Insist on taking the facts as the basis and the law as the criteria. Endeavor to ascertain the facts of the case. Grasp the spirit of law accurately and apply the law correctly. Exercise prosecutorial discretion reaso

14、nably. Avoid subjective assumption, overstepping ones authority and abuse of authority. Ensure a fair and just adjudication outcome for cases. 第九条 坚持以事实为根据,以法律为准绳,努力查明案件事实,准确把握法律精神,正确适用法律,合理行使裁量权 ,避免主观臆断、超越职权、滥用职权,确保案件裁判结果公平公正。 Article 10 Reinforce the awareness of procedures. Insist on placing equa

15、l emphasis on substantive justice and procedural justice. Law enforcement and case handling shall be carried out strictly according to legal procedures. Adequately protect the litigation right of the parties concerned and other people involving in the proceeding. Avoid random behavior in the course

16、of law enforcement and case handling. 第十条 牢固树立程序意识,坚持实体公正与程序公正并重,严格按照法定程序执法办案,充分保障当事人和其他诉讼参与人的诉讼权利, 避免执法办案中的随意行为。 Article 11 Comply with the statutory time limit for case handling strictly. Increase the efficiency in judicial execution. Resolve disputes promptly. Focus on conservation of judicial re

17、sources. Conducts such as negligence of duties and delay in case handling shall be prohibited. 第十一条 严格遵守法定办案时限,提高审判执行效率,及时化解纠纷,注重节约司法资源,杜绝玩忽职守、拖延办案等行为。 Article 12 Conscientiously implement the principle of judicial openness. Respect the peoples right to know. Consciously accept legal supervision and

18、 social supervision, at the same time, avoid the judicial trial from undue influence from the outside. 第十二条 认真贯彻司法公开原则,尊重人民群众的知情权,自觉接受法律监督和社会监督, 同时避免司法审判受到外界的不当影响。 Article 13 Conscientiously comply with the judicial withdrawal system. Maintain neutral and impartial in trial. Treat the parties and ot

19、her people involving in the proceeding equally. Do not favor or discriminate any one party. Do not privately meet the parties as well as their agents and counsels alone. 第十三条 自觉遵守司法回避制度,审理案件保持中立公正的立场,平等对待当事人和其他诉讼参与人,不偏袒或歧视任何一方当事人, 不私自单独会见当事人及其代理人、辩护人。Article 14 Respect the lawful exercise of judicia

20、l authority of other judges. Other than performance of work responsibilities or going through proper procedures, do not inquire into, interfere or comment on the cases currently under trial by other judges. 第十四条 尊重其他法官对审判职权的依法行使,除履行工作职责或者通过正当程序外,不过问、不干预、不评论其他法官正在审理的案件。 Chapter 4 Ensuring judicial in

21、tegrity 第四章 确保司法廉洁 Article 15 Establish a correct view of power, status and interest. Insist on self respect, self introspection, self vigilance and self motivation. Stand firmly on the bottom line of integrity. Exercise proper judicial power and enforcement power lawfully. The act of obtaining pers

22、onal gain through abuse of power and corruption shall be prohibited. 第十五条 树立正确的权力观、地位观、利益观,坚持自重、自省、自警、自励,坚守廉洁底线,依法正确行使审判权、执行权, 杜绝以权谋私、贪赃枉法行为。 Article 16 Comply strictly with the provisions of judicial integrity. Do not accept the invitation to dinner and gifts from the parties to the case and the re

23、levant personnel. Do not take advantage of the convenience of position or the status of judge to seek improper gain. Do not violate the provisions and carry out improper contact with the parties or other people involving in the proceeding. Do not seek improper personal gain and commit fraudulent act

24、s in the course of enforcement and case handling. 第十六条 严格遵守廉洁司法规定,不接受案件当事人及相关人员的请客送礼,不利用职务便利或者法官身份谋取不正当利益,不违反规定与当事人或者其他诉讼参与人进行不正当交往,不在执法办案中徇私舞弊。 Article 17 Do not engage or get involved in profit-making business activities. Do not serve concurrently as the legal advisor and other position in enterpr

25、ises and other profit-making organizations. In respect of pending cases or re-trial cases, do not offer consultation and opinions to the parties and other people involving in the proceeding. 第十七条 不从事或者参与营利性的经营活动, 不在企业及其他营利性组织中兼任法律顾问等职务,不就未决案件或者再审案件给当事人及其他诉讼参与人提供咨询意见。 Article 18 Handle personal and f

26、amily affairs properly. Do not take advantage of the status of judge to seek special gain. Report relevant personal matters truthfully according to the provisions. Educate and supervise the family members in not making use of the authority and status of judge to seek improper gain. 第十八条 妥善处理个人和家庭事务,

27、不利用法官身份寻求特殊利益。按规定如实报告个人有关事项,教育督促家庭成员不利用法官的职权、地位谋取不正当利益。 Chapter 5 Upholding Justice for the People 第五章 坚持司法为民 Article 19 Reinforce and establish the concept of people-oriented and justice for the people. Strengthen the sense of general public. Pay attention to the appeal from the general public. Be

28、concerned of the feeling of the general public. Conscientiously safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people. 第十九条 牢固树立以人为本、司法为民的理念,强化群众观念,重视群众诉求,关注群众感受,自觉维护人民群众的合法权益。 Article 20 Pay attention to bringing the dynamic role of justice into full play. Actively seek dispute resolution met

29、hods conducive to the resolution and closing of cases and matters. Strive to realize integration in legal effect and social effect. 第二十条 注重发挥司法的能动作用,积极寻求有利于案结事了的纠纷解决办法,努力实现法律效果与社会效果的统一。 Article 21 Conscientiously implement the provisions of bringing convenience to the people during the judicial work

30、. Strive to provide the necessary convenience to the parties and other people involving in the proceeding during the judicial work. Reduce the proceeding costs as far as possible. 第二十一条 认真执行司法便民规定, 努力为当事人和其他诉讼参与人提供必要的诉讼便利,尽可能降低其诉讼成本。 Article 22 Respect the personal dignity of the parties and other p

31、eople involving in the proceeding. Avoid undesirable style of being domineering, indifferent and tyrannizing. Respect the lawyers. Lawfully protect the rights of the lawyers involving in the proceeding activities. 第二十二条 尊重当事人和其他诉讼参与人的人格尊严,避免盛气凌人、 “冷硬横推”等不良作风;尊重律师,依法保障律师参与诉讼活动的权利。 Chapter 6 Safeguard

32、ing the Judicial Image 第六章 维护司法形象 Article 23 Insist on learning, have thorough profressional knowledge, be devoted to the job, handle cases impartially, punish the evil and promote the good, and promote justice. Maintain high spirit and good professional conducts. 第二十三条 坚持学习,精研业务, 忠于职守,秉公办案,惩恶扬善,弘扬正

33、义,保持昂扬的精神状态和良好的职业操守。 Article 24 Uphold civilization in justice. Observe the judicial etiquette. In the course of performing duties, conform to the code of conduct, dress appropriately, speak in civilized manner and stay composed in attitude. Maintain good professional culture and judicial style. 第二十

34、四条 坚持文明司法,遵守司法礼仪, 在履行职责过程中行为规范、着装得体、语言文明、态度平和,保持良好的职业修养和司法作风。 Article 25 Enhance own culture and training. Cultivate a noble ethics and personal integrity, and healthy interest in life. Undesirable hobbies and behaviors which are incompatible with the professional image of judge and in contravention

35、 to the professional ethics of judge shall be prohibited. Observe social ethics and family virtues. Maintain a good personal reputation. 第二十五条 加强自身修养,培育高尚道德操守和健康生活情趣,杜绝与法官职业形象不相称、与法官职业道德相违背的不良嗜好和行为,遵守社会公德和家庭美德,维护良好的个人声誉。 Article 26 After a judge retires, he shall comply with the relevant provisions

36、of the State. Do not exploit his former status and convenient conditions to look into or intervene in enforcement and case handling. Avoid causing adverse effect on the professional image of judge due to inappropriate words and deeds. 第二十六条 法官退休后应当遵守国家相关规定,不利用自己的原有身份和便利条件过问、干预执法办案,避免因个人不当言行对法官职业形象造成

37、不良影响。 Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions 第七章 附则 Article 27 Peoples jury shall abide by these Standards during the period of performing judicial duty according to law. Other personnel of the Peoples Court shall make reference to and implement these Standards. 第二十七条 人民陪审员依法履行审判职责期间,应当遵守本准则。人民法院其他工作人员参

38、照执行本准则。 Article 28 The Peoples Courts at all levels shall be in charge of supervising the implementation of these Standards. In respect of an act in violation of these Standards, admonition and criticism in a circulated notice may be given depending on the circumstance and consequence. Where the cir

39、cumstance is grave and constitutes violation of discipline or violation of law, it shall be dealt with sternly in accordance with the provisions of relevant discipline and law. 第二十八条 各级人民法院负责督促实施本准则,对于违反本准则的行为,视情节后果予以诫勉谈话、批评通报;情节严重构成违纪违法的,依照相关纪律和法律规定予以严肃处理。Article 29 The Supreme Peoples Court is res

40、ponsible for interpretation of these Standards. 第二十九条 本准则由最高人民法院负责解释。 Article 30 These Standards shall take effect on the day it is promulgated. The Basic Standards of the Peoples Republic of China on Professional Ethics of Judges promulgated by the Supreme Peoples Court on October 18, 2001 shall be abolished concurrently. 第三十条 本准则自发布之日起施行。最高人民法院 2001 年 10 月 18 日发布的中华人民共和国法官职业道德基本准则同时废止。 TOP 2007 2011 Thomson Reuters, all rights reserved


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