1、,1.在第三届国际钢琴比赛中30多个杰出的小提琴手获得了奖品. 2.他在游历欧洲之前就会讲两种外语 3.我怎样才能变得出名而且富有呢?举办艺术展听起来是一个好主意. 4. 她喜欢 写文章和与人交流,所以她长大了要当个记者. 5.五年后我要上大学并且主修管理学.,6.那个叫刘翔的运动员在22岁时成了赛跑冠军. 7.明年在我们城市将会有更多的高楼. 8.吉姆 的新年决定是游遍中国和学习演奏一种乐器. 9.那个职业高尔夫球选手没有参加比赛因为他的胃疼的厉害. 10.那两位著名的科学家将在乡村的某个美丽的地方退休.,1.More than 30 outstanding pianists won the
2、 prizes in the 3rd International competition. 2.He could speak two languages before he travelled to Europe. 3.How can I become famous and rich?It sounds like a good idea to hold art exhibitions. 4.She likes writing articles and communicating with people, so she wants to be a reporter when he grows u
3、p. 5. Im going to university and Im going to major in management in 5 years,6.The athlete called Liu Xing became a running champion at the age of 22 7.There are going to be more buildings in our city next year. 8.Jims New Years resolutions are to travel all over China and learn to play an instrument. 9.The professional golf player didnt take part in the match because he had a bad stomachache. 10.The two famous scientists will retire somewhere interesting in the countryside.,