1、Welcome to English Corner !,Hosting Party: C4, BE13,Fashionable life.?,Firstly, lets have a look at some photos about Fashion items,香奈儿,路易威登,范思哲,迪奥,普拉达,computer,Mobile phone,Digital camera,car,Movies !,Movie !,Sex and The city,Raising Helen,Confessions of a Shopaholic,The Devil Wears Prada,The House
2、 Bunny,Legally Blonde,New York Minute,All About Women,Talking time,After watching these photos,what do you think the meaning of fashion products or movies to our life? Any volunteer ?,There is no doubt that such occupations is a part of the fashionable life.Now, please enjoy the following pictures a
3、nd guess what professions they indicate,Part 2 Funny Time!,代孕母亲,蛋糕品尝者,职业代练,职业砍价师,Q: As a college student ,what occupation (s) are you interested in after graduation? Why?,Section 3: Your Time to Talk,Q2: Traveling is regarded as a fashionable entertainment of life.,Please appreciate the pictures of
4、places of interest.,心灵圣地在西藏-西藏,黄山归来不看山-安徽黄山,桂林漓江独秀美-广西桂林,见证历史兵马俑-陕西咸阳,锦绣丽江如仙境-云南丽江,九寨归来不看水-四川九寨沟,人间天堂是杭州-浙江杭州,苏州园林甲天下-江苏苏州,心驰神往张家界-湖南张家界,万里长城,Now , its your time to Speak out Your favorite tourist spot (s)? Meanwhile, do not forget to tell us Why,Topic Talking,Section 4 : Its time to enjoy some food
5、s of fashion,Now, shall we share something about our diet habit?1 : How often do you have fast food? 2 : What food do you like best?,Talking time,Game time !,Game 1: I am good at memorizing ! We will show several groups of words . Then each time will need a volunteer to recite them. If you can recit
6、e them all , you are the winner.,desktop smart phone Laptop computer hand-held computer Web browser,1 :,trademark profic retail storeoccount budget,2 :,Slogan Brand name Net sales Supplier check,3:,Client Sales tax Manager Industry export,4:,Phone contract Business class Digital camera Search engine
7、s Media player,5:,Game 2:Word guessingWe will show you several groups of letters , and then a volunteer will be needed to guess out a word that is made up by these letters.,1 : s.t.i.l.l.a.n o.r.w.d.s.s.a.p d.p.u.e.t.a2: w.f.t.a.e.r.o.s l.i.t.r.f.e e.s.e.u.r.c3 : t.o.n.o.i.m.r o.d.a.r.b.e.y.k p.r.r.
8、a.m.s.h.o.n.e4 : r.g.o.r.p.a.m s.w.e.r.o.r.b l.o.a.d.d.o.n.w,答案:1 : install password update :software filter secure:monitor keyboard smartphone:program broswer download,Game 3: Tongue twisterWe need a volunteer each time . lets check how quickly does your tongue act.,1:A noise annoys an oyster , but
9、 a noisy noise annoys an oyster more !2 : Please prepare the paired pared pears near the unprepared pears near the pool.3 : Big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue blood.4 : I would rather lather father than father lather me , when father lathers,he lathers rather free.5 : Few free fruit off the ruffians. Four oafs fall flat on the floor,and the rest flee in fear.,How time flies, we are gonna say goodbye. Thank you so much for your coming !,Thank you !,lets take some photos together !,