1、The pandas used to live in China long time ago.As we know,they pandas eat about 18 kilos of food each day,most of them are bamboos. Becease the panda only live in China,and they are the one of the most endanger species in the world.So they were called as “Chinas national treasure”,The Panda,There ar
2、e about 3 reasons why the pandas are fewer and fewer: 1.The forest forest harvesting 2.Too much hunting 3. Their habitat become smaller and smaller.,Luckily,the Chinese government pays attention to this problem.In 1963,The Chinese government set up the Wolong National Nature Reserve to protect the pandas.,卧龙国家级保护区里的熊猫,At present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. there are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.,Thank you,制作人:Ph,