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Dance Rules机器人跳舞比赛(2006).doc

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1、Dance Rules 机器人跳舞比赛(2006) by Ian Maud, Jeffrey Johnson, Eduardo Pinto, Amy Eguchi最新解译 : 参考青少年机械人世界杯 中文网站 编译: 黄嘉麟 Leonard,Vong Ka-Lon - 青少年机械人世界杯 国际委员会中国代表1. Stage. 舞台1.1. Size. 大小1.1.1. The dance stage will be a flat area of approximately 10m x 5m. Robots will be required to perform within a marked

2、rectangular area of 6 X 4m, the 6m side to face the judging panel. Human performers may be outside this marked area.舞蹈场地是 10m x 5m 的平坦区域。 要求机器人在标明的 6 X 4m 的矩形区域内表演,其中 6m 线是面向评审团的。操纵者可在此标明的区域以外。The boundary of this area will be marked with a 50mm white and black tape line. 此区域的边界将由 50 毫米粗的黑白相间的线带标示。T

3、he floor provided shall be made of unpainted MDF (compressed wood fibre). Teams are encouraged to practice on the same flooring type to reduce set-up time at the International competition. While floor joints will be taped to make them as smooth as possible, Robots must be prepared for irregularities

4、 of up to 3 mm in the floor.赛场提供的地面是无漆面的压缩木纤维地板(MDF)。鼓励各队使用同种地板进行练习以便节省在国际比赛中的准备时间。尽管我们将会对地面材料的接合处进行包裹以使其尽量平坦,但机器人需准备应对地面至多 3 mm 的不规则。1.2. Lighting. 照明1.2.1. The organisers may make spotlights available, but teams should not expect the performance area to be able to be darkened, with direct, intense

5、 spotlights available.主办者将提供聚光灯。在场地使用直射强光的聚光灯的情况下,各队不可期望能够让表演区域变暗。Hint: It is recommended that teams design their robots to cope with variations in lighting conditions, as lighting naturally varies from venue to venue. If necessary, teams should come prepared to calibrate their robots based on the l

6、ighting conditions at the venue. 提示:源于不同赛场的自然照明会产生变化,建议各队在设计机器人时要能适应灯光的各种变化。如需要,各队应做好到场后调试机器人适应比赛场地照明条件的准备。1.3. Scenery. 布景1.3.1. Teams are permitted to provide their own scenery.允许各队设置自己的布景。2. Robots. 机器人2.1. Size. 大小2.1.1. Robots may be of any size. 机器人不限尺寸2.2. Team. 队伍2.2.1. There may be any numb

7、er of robots on a team. 各队机器人数量不限。2.2.2. Each team may perform one and only one routine.各队可表演而且只能表演一轮。2.3. Control. 控制2.3.1. Robots must be controlled autonomously. 机器人必须是自主控制的。 2.3.2. Robots may be started by humans, either manually or with remote control. (See also 6.1.3)机器人可由人启动,启动方式可为手动或是遥控。2.4.

8、 Costumes. 服装2.4.1. Costumes for robots and/or human performers are encouraged.鼓励机器人和/或操纵者使用服装道具。3. Routine. 程序3.1. Duration. 比赛时间3.1.1. Each team will have a total of 5 minutes for their actuation. NOTE that this time includes the time for set-up, a possible and encouraged introduction and the perf

9、ormance.每队总获时 5 分钟。注意:这 5 分钟包括了准备环节,介绍环节,以及表演环节的时间,其中鼓励尽可能有介绍环节。3.1.2. The duration of a performance routine is no more than two (2) minutes and no less than one (1) minute.其中表演环节的持续时间不得超过 2 分钟,同时也不能低于 1 分钟。3.1.3. If a team exceeds the time limits explained in 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 in any way by reasons t

10、hat are their only fault, it will be penalized in assessment for Entertainment category.如有队伍超过 3.1.1 和 3.1.2 中所述的时间限制,无论是何种方式超过,只要错在该队自身,都将在评分表中的娱乐这项中扣分。3.2. Music. 音乐3.2.1. Teams must provide their own audio source in a Compact Disc (CD-R, CD-RW) in one of the following formats:- Audio track;- MP3

11、file;These will be the only accepted audio sources with one (and only one!) file or audio track for the entire routine.各队必须准备自己的音源, 必须是如下其中一种格式的光盘:- 音频音轨- MP3 文件; 我们仅接受以上格式的光盘作为各队音源,而且只容许其中收录一个(并且是独此一个)文件或音轨使用于整个表演过程中。3.2.2. Teams are strongly encouraged to bring a good quality audio source, since t

12、heir evaluation depends also on the music quality.音效也关系到各队的评分,因此大力提倡各队提供优质的音源。3.2.3. The music should commence at the beginning of the audio source, after a silent leader of a few seconds. 音乐必须在音频数据启动后,经过几秒无声的前奏开始。3.2.4. The audio source should be clearly labelled with the teams name. 音频数据必须清晰地标上各队的

13、名称。3.3. Humans. 队员3.3.1. Human team members may perform along with their robots. 队员可以和他们的机器人一起表演。3.3.2. However, human team members must not touch the robots (except to start them). 然而,(除了启动机器人外,) 队员不能接触其机器人。3.4. Start of Routine. 程序的开始3.4.1. An official will start the music for the routine. 工作人员播放程

14、序的音乐。3.4.2. One human team member will start each robot, either by hand or remote control.一名队员启动其机器人,可采取手动或遥控方式启动。Hint: Teams are very strongly encouraged to program their robot to begin the routine a few seconds after the music starts. This is because it is extremely difficult to judge precisely wh

15、en the music will sound after the audio source is started, and it is hard to time the robots choreography without knowing exactly when the music will begin. Also, depending on the configuration of the dance stage and the sound system at the venue, it is possible that the human starting the robot wil

16、l not be able to see the official starting the audio source; and vice versa. Teams should come prepared for these conditions.提示:强烈建议各队在音乐播放几秒钟以后才启动其机器人。这是因为很难准确判断音源播放后何时音乐会响起,而在这种音乐响起时间无法确定的情况下,要使得机器人与音乐合拍难度很大。 而且,基于舞蹈场地的结构,现场影响环境等因素,启动机器人的队员和播放音频数据的工作人员很可能是相互间看不见对方(动作)的。因此各队必须准备好适应这些情况。3.5. Re-star

17、ts and repeats. 重新启动和重复3.5.1. Teams are allowed to restart their routine if necessary, at the discretion of the officials.以工作人员判断为准,如有必要,各队可重新启动程序。3.5.2. Teams are allowed to repeat their routine, at the discretion of the officials. 以工作人员判断为准,各队可重新启动程序。3.6. Security. 安全3.6.1. In order to avoid hazar

18、dous situations such as routines including explosions, smoke or flame, each team whose routine includes any situation that could be deemed hazardous must submit a report to the chief judge before the competition, outlining the content of their dance routine. At his/her discretion, the Chief Judge co

19、uld request a demonstration of the activity. Teams not conforming to this request may not be allowed to present their routine, at the discretion of the Chief Judge.为避免发生危险情况,比如一些含有爆炸烟雾火焰场景的程序, 其程序中包含任何可视为危险情况的各队在赛前必须向裁判长提交报告,简述其舞蹈程序。裁判长根据自己的判断,可要求其作出该动作的示范。不按要求作出示范的队伍,裁判长有权拒绝其表演。 4. Judging. 评判4.1.A

20、ll teams will be assessed through an interview, and performance of a dance routine.各队均通过面试和舞蹈表演的程序进行评分。4.2 Officials. 工作人员4.2.1. Routines will be judged by a panel of five officials , two of whom will judge all routines. This panel may be different to that assessing the interviews.程序由五人小组进行评判,其中两人评判

21、所有的程序。此小组与评判面试环节的小组不同。4.2.2. The five officials will be designated prior to the tournament.赛前指定此五人裁判小组成员。4.2.3. The officials shall not have any close relationship with any of the teams entered in the tournament.裁判不应与参赛队伍有任何密切关系。4.3. Categories. 评分标准4.3.1. Performances will be judged according to th

22、e following categories: 表演评分标准如下 A. Programming (e.g.,use of loops, jumps, sub-routines, type of programming language used, etc.)程序编制(例如:使用循环,跳转,子程序,编程语言类型等。) B. Construction (e.g., robots should be of sound construction, components should not fall off, appropriate use of gearing, smooth and reliabl

23、e operation, interesting movements, effective use of mechanics to achieve a purpose, etc.)结构 (例如:机器人结构稳固, 组件不掉落,传动装置使用恰当,操作平稳可靠,动作有趣,技巧使用有效达到目的等等) C. Using Sensors effectively (e.g., to trigger different parts of the program, for detection of boundary line, etc. This category also includes other tec

24、hnologies apart from sensors.)有效使用传感器(例如:用于触发程序的不同部分,用于探测边界线等。 此标准还包括处传感器外的其它技术。) D. Choreography (e.g., robots to move in time with music, and change actions as music changes tempo or rhythm. Choreography of humans and robots will be scored separately, etc.)舞蹈编排 (例如:机器人合拍起舞,并随音乐节拍的变化变换动作。机器人和队员的舞蹈编

25、排分开评分等。 ) E. Costume (Costume of humans and robots will be scored separately)服装 (机器人和参赛队员的着装分开评分) F. Entertainment Value (e.g., How much does the performance entertain or delight the audience? Originality and creativity of the presentation, etc.)表演娱乐价值 (例如:该表演娱乐观众的程度,表演的原创性和创新性等。 )4.3.2. Each sectio

26、n will be judged out of a maximum score possible of 10 points.每项得分满分为 10 分。4.3.3. A standard scoresheet will be used for judging the interviews and dance routines: see appendix for scoresheets.面试和舞蹈程序将使用标准的评分表: 评分表见附录。4.4. Awards. 奖项4.4.1. Awards will be made to individual teams that achieve the hig

27、hest total score in the respective categories for:- Programming;- Construction;- Using sensors;- Chorography;- Costume;- Entertainment Value;奖赏将会授予分别在以下各个评判标准中取得最高分数的队伍: - 编程;- 结构;- 感应器使用;- 舞蹈编排;- 服饰;- 娱乐价值There will be also some specials awards for the following categories:- Collegiality; - Best po

28、ster or best electronic demonstration;- Best placed international team. The RCJ Committee encourages the formation of such teams that are the result of a co-operative project between two or more schools from different countries. The team must have students from each school/country present in the tea

29、m and at the competition, to be eligible to win this special award.另外以下评分标准也将设有特别奖项:- 协作性;- 最佳海报或最佳电子示范;- 最佳组合国际队。RCJ 委员会鼓励来自不同国家的两所或多所学校的队伍因项目合作而组建国际队。这种国际队必须让来自不同学校/国家的学生们随队并参与竞赛才有获取该奖的资格。4.4.2. There will be an overall winner for the primary section, and an overall winner for the secondary sectio

30、n. These can be either a pair of single teams or a pair of groups, according to the new competitions organization model that will be announced in due time. In any case, the winner for each of these two sections is the team or group that achieves the highest total score summing performance in all cat

31、egories: (Programming, Construction, Using sensors, Chorography, Costume and Entertainment Value).小学组和中学组分别有其总冠军。总冠军可为单支队伍或者是一组团队,由日后宣布的新的竞赛组织模式决定。无论如何,这两个组别的总冠军将是各个标准得分总和最高的队伍或团队:(程序 ; 搭建; 传感器使用; 舞蹈编排; 服装和娱乐价值)4.4.3. Winning teams will be presented with a award, and a certificate of commendation fo

32、r their school. In addition, each member of the winning team will receive a medallion. Any further awards are at the discretion of the organising committee.得胜队伍将获得奖励,其所在学校获荣誉证书。此外,得胜队伍的成员每人授予奖牌。其它奖项由组委会判断授予。 4.4.4. Ties are allowed.可存在并列现象。4.5. Collegiality. 分享权利4.5.1 Each participating team will ha

33、ve one vote to nominate the team that displayed the greatest cooperative interaction with other teams. The score will be calculated by the following equation:score = 10 x (number of votes received)/(number of participating teams)每个参赛的队伍将各有一票的权利投票推荐一支与其它队伍合作交流表现最好的队伍。得分标准见以下公式:得分 = 10 x(推荐票数) /(参赛的队伍

34、数量)5. Creativity. 创新5.1.The Dance challenge is intended to be very open-ended!跳舞挑战项目表现形式不限,开放自由。5.2.Show off your creative side! 展示各队创造才能。6. Code of Conduct. 操行6.1. Fair Play. 公平竞赛(Eliminated rule 6.1.1, from last year)(删除去年的 6.1.1 条例)6.1.1. Humans in any way that cause deliberate interference with

35、robots or damage to the stage will be disqualified, if part of a team. If not part of a team they will be ask to leave the venue.任何人为故意干扰其它机器人或是故意损坏比赛场地的情况,该肇事者若为参赛队伍成员,将失去其比赛资格;若为其它人员,则驱逐出场。 6.1.2. The team is responsible for removing all debris left from their routine that may interfere with the p

36、erformance of subsequent activities.各队均有责任清理场地以免影响随后的表演活动。6.1.3. No wireless or infrared (IR) communication devices should be brought into the tournament hall, with the exception of devices used by one member of a team to start their performance. At all other times such devices should be made inoper

37、able.除了每队有一人携带工具用于启动表演外,其它任何无线或红外线通讯工具均不许带入比赛大厅。其它任何时候,此类通讯工具均须关闭。6.1.4. It is expected that the aim of all teams is to participate in a fair and clean competition.期望所有参赛队伍的目标皆为公平环保的比赛。6.1.5. Remember: “Help those in need, as tomorrow it could be your team needing help!“铭记:助人者,人将助他(勿吝惜援助之手)。6.2. Beh

38、aviour. 行为6.2.1. All movement and behaviour is to be of a subdued nature within the tournament venue. 所有的行为活动必须服从赛场的管辖。6.2.2. Competitors are not to enter set-up areas of other leagues or other teams, unless expressly invited to do so by team members.未经该队允许,外队成员不得进入该队/团体的调试区域。6.2.3. Participants who

39、 misbehave may be asked to leave the building and risk being disqualified from the tournament. 行为不端的参赛队员将被驱逐出场或取消比赛资格。6.2.4. These rules will be enforced at the discretion of the referees, officials, conference organizers and local law enforcement authorities. 以上规则由裁判,工作人员,大会主办方和当地执法机构强制执行。6.3. Ment

40、ors. 教练6.3.1. Mentors (teachers, parents, chaperones and other adult team-members) are not allowed in the student work area. 教练 ( 教师,父母,陪人和其它的成人成员) 不允许驻足于学生工作区域。6.3.2. Sufficient seating will be supplied for Mentors to remain in a supervisory capacity around the student work area. 在学生工作区周围将提供足够座位给教练

41、,以起监护作用。6.3.3. Mentors are not to repair robots or be involved in programming of students robots.不允许教练修复机器人或是参与编写程序。6.3.4. Mentor interference with robots or judges decisions will result in a warning in the first instance. If this recurs, the team will risk being disqualified. 教练干扰机器人或裁判决定,首犯给予警告处理,

42、 再犯则可取消该队比赛资格。6.4. Sharing. 分享6.4.1. An understanding that has been a part of World RoboCup Competitions is that any technological and curricular developments should be shared with other participants after the competition.作为世界 RoboCup 比赛的一部分,大家已达成共识,即赛后参赛者共享技术进步和课程开展情况。6.4.2. Any developments may be

43、 published on the RoboCup Junior Web site after the event. 所有的进展情况赛后均可公布于 RoboCup Junior 的网站上。6.4.3. This furthers the mission of RoboCup Junior as an educational initiative. 提倡分享的做法进一步加强了 RoboCup Junior 作为一项具有教育意义的公开化活动。6.5. Spirit. 精神6.5.1. It is expected that all participants, students and mentor

44、s, will respect the RoboCup Junior mission. 期望所有的参与者、学生和教练能尊重 RoboCup Junior 的宗旨。6.5.2. The referees and officials will act within the spirit of the event.裁判和工作人员的行为应遵守 RoboCup Junior 的活动精神。6.5.3. It is not whether you win or lose, but how much you learn that counts. You will really lose if you dont

45、 take this opportunity to fraternize with students and mentors from all over the world. Remember this is a unique moment!无论输赢,重在学习。如果不能抓紧时机与来自全球各地的师生友善交往相互切磋,那你将会是不折不扣的大输家。谨记千载难逢!7. Documentation. 文件7.1.All teams must bring written documentation describing their preparation efforts. This documentati

46、on must be present during the interview.所有队伍必须准备描述其备战过程的文件。该文件在面试环节中呈上。7.2.Teams will be given some public space to display their materials on a poster board. Since the space available could be limited by the local organisers, teams are encouraged as an alternative to bring some kind of electronic p

47、resentation in PowerPoint format that will be displayed in the venue. The organisers will provide screening equipment.各队将在指定公共场所用展板展示其材料。鉴于展示空间可能受到当地组织者的限制,另一选择是,鼓励各队携带 PowerPoint 格式的电子展示文文件数据,用以在赛场演示。组织者提供放映仪器。7.3.Officials will review the documentation and may discuss the contents with team member

48、s. A prize will be awarded to the team with the overall most outstanding presentation.官员将察看文件而且可能与队伍成员进行交流。展示整体表现最杰出的队伍将获得奖项。7.4.Teams are encouraged to visit each others posters.鼓励各队参观其它参赛队伍的宣传海报。7.5.Teams are encouraged to have a Web site where they describe their projects to the RCJ community.鼓励各队建立自己的网站,向 RCJ 描述他们的项目。


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