1、写送别情景的古诗1、骆宾王 于易水送人一绝 此地别燕丹,壮士发冲冠。昔时人已没,今日水犹寒。 崇敬荆轲古今一体,略去枝蔓直入史事,一种激越之情。后两句寓情于景,景中带比,荆轲精神千载犹存,还有诗人对现实环境的深切感受。没有离别的情景也不知所送为谁,纯是抒怀咏志之作,开风气之先。 2、王勃 别薛华 送进多歧路,遑遑独问津。悲凉千里道,凄断百年身。 心事同漂泊,生涯共苦辛。无论去与住,俱是梦中人。 穷和独是传神之笔,迢迢千里唯失意的心来作伴,第三联同情劝慰对方,也用以自慰,双方都会在对方的梦中出现,说明怀友之诚相思之切,不重惜别之情而写悲切的身世之感、政治上的挫折,未能摆脱个人哀伤。 送杜少府之任
2、蜀川 城阙辅三秦,风烟望五津。与君离别意,同是宦游人。 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。无为在歧路,儿女共沾巾。 杜少府上任,俱是客中之别不必伤感,一洗送别的悲酸之态,意境开阔音调爽朗,独标高格。 江亭月夜送别二首其二 乱烟笼碧砌,飞月向南端。寂寞离亭掩,江山此夜寒。 客居巴蜀之间所写,通过对景物的描写,间接地表达送走友人后环顾离亭仰望明月,远眺江山。留连顾望之状,凄凉寂寞之情自然浮现纸上,夜色深沉冷寂。融情入景。寒,着此一字境界全出。 3、孟浩然 留别王维 寂寂竟何待,朝朝空自归。欲寻芳草去,惜与故人违。 当路谁相假,知音世所稀。只应守寂寞,还掩故园扉。 怨怼之中又带有辛酸意味,感情真挚动人,既没有
3、优美的画面,又没有华丽的词藻,语句平淡近乎口语,对偶不工极其自然,言浅意深颇有余味。 4、王昌龄 芙蓉楼送辛渐 寒雨连江夜入吴,平明送客楚山孤。洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶。 首句写萧瑟的秋意,也渲染出离别的黯淡气氛。那寒意不仅在满江风雨中也在离人的心头。次句意境开阔,孤衬心境,即景生情,情蕴景中,令人联想到诗人孤介傲岸,冰清玉洁的形象。含蓄、蕴藉、余味无穷。 送别 下马饮君酒,问君何所之?君言不得意,归卧南山陲。但去莫复向,白云天尽时。 送友人归隐,看似语句平淡无奇,细读来却词浅情深,含有悠然不尽之意。 山中送别 山中相送罢,日暮掩柴扉。春草明年绿,王孙归不归? 不写饯别,匠心独运,与他诗
4、不同。把道别作暗场,而写别后的寂寞之感,怅惘之情,离愁,往往在别后当日的日暮而更浓重、稠密,却只用掩柴扉来表达。从生活中拾取看似平凡的素材,运用朴素自然的语言,来显示浓厚真挚的感情,往往味外有味,令人神远。 送元二使安西 渭城朝雨 轻尘,客舍青青柳色新。劝君更进一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。 友人奉命去安西,在渭城送别,前两句点明时间、地点、环境、气氛,写景色调清新,明朗,这是一场深情的离别,却不黯然销魂,相反,倒是轻快而富于情调。三四句是极丰富内涵的一刹那。 5、李白 闻王昌龄左迁龙标,遥有此寄 杨花落尽子规啼,闻道龙标过五溪。我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西。 首句写景兼时令,杨花子规暗含飘零之感
5、,次句写五溪不着悲痛语而悲痛之意自现,过五溪见迁谪之荒远,道路之艰难。后两句抒情,人隔两地难以相从而明月中天千里可共,所以寄愁于明月随风而致。此两句有三层意思,一自己心中充满愁思无可告诉,无人理解只好托于明月,二是惟有明月分照两地自己和友人都可见到,三是因此也只有依靠她才能将愁心寄到别无他法。通过想象把无情月变成知心人,将自己感情赋予客观事物使之同样具有感情,也就是使之人格化,乃是形象思维所形成的巨大特点和优点之一。当诗人要表现强烈的或深厚的情感时常常使用这种手法来取得预期效果。 赠汪伦 李白乘舟将欲行,忽闻岸上踏歌声。桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。前两句叙事,后两句抒情,以比物的手法形象地
6、表达了真挚纯洁的深情。空灵而有余叹,自然而又情真。 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。 既不同于送杜少府之任蜀川那种少年刚强的离别,也不同于渭城曲那种深情的体贴,这是充满诗意的离别,所以如此,是两位风流潇洒的诗人的离别,还因离别跟一个繁华的时代、繁华的季节、繁华的地区相联系。在愉快的分手中,还带有诗人李白的向往。三月前加烟花,把送别环境中那种诗的气氛涂抹得尤为浓郁,意境优美,文字绮丽。后两句看似写景却包含一个诗意的细节,友人远去依然目送。 渡荆门送别 渡远荆门外,来从楚国游。山随平野尽,江入大荒流。 月下飞天镜,云生接海楼。仍怜故乡水,万里送
7、行舟。 首联交待行踪,次联随和入用语贴切,景中蕴藏诗人开朗喜悦的心情和青春的蓬勃朝气。颈联写了远景和近景,尾联依恋老乡却不说思念,而是说故乡之水恋恋不舍地一路送来,怀着深情,更显出自己思乡的深情。言有尽而意无穷,意境高远,风格雄健,形象奇伟,想象瑰丽。 11、高适 别董大千里黄云白日曛,北风吹雁雪纷纷。莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君。 慷慨悲歌,是出自肺腑的诗作,又以它的真诚情谊,坚强信念,涂上豪放健美的色彩,前两句直写日落之景,纯用白描。 7、韦应物 赋得暮雨送李胄 楚江微雨里,建业暮时钟。漠漠帆来重,冥冥鸟去迟。 海门深不见,浦树远含滋。相送情无限,沾襟比散丝。 虽是送别诗,却重在写景。起
8、句点雨次句点暮切题,暗中还写了送,并且绘出了一个压抑的场面,为后文做铺堑,中间四句构成了一百万幅富有诗意的画面,动中有静,静中有动,深和远又染上一层迷蒙暗淡的色彩,无不染上离愁别绪,形成浓重的压抑的氛围,诗人置身其间情动于衷,不能自已。结尾一联直抒胸臆。8、卢纶 送李端 故关衰草遍,离别自堪悲。路出寒云外,人归暮雨时。 少孤为客早,多难识君迟。掩泪空相向,风尘何处期。 以一个悲字贯穿全篇,首联写送别的环境,从衰草落笔,大大加重了离愁别绪,次句虽平直、刻露却因承上句而无平淡之感,倒为全诗定下了深沉感伤的基调。二联写送别的情景,但仍是紧扣悲字,融入浓重的依依难舍的惜别之情。寒云给人以沉重阴冷之感,
9、烘托了悲凉的心境。三联回忆往事感叹身世仍扣悲字,感情沉郁,将惜别、感世、伤怀合在一起,形成全诗思想发展的高潮。四联仍归到悲字遥望远方掩面而泣,最后一句写出了感情上的余波。 9、柳宗元 重别梦得 二十年来万事同,今朝歧路忽西东。皇恩若许归田去,晚岁当为邻舍翁。 此诗写监岐叙别,情深意长,不着一愁字,而表面的平静中却蕴藏着深沉的激愤和无限的感慨。首道出了二人共同的宦海经历和人世沧桑,现在又共同遭难,感到难以再会,而以安慰的口气与朋友相约,后二句看似平淡却自然流露出讥讽与无奈。此诗以直抒离情构成真挚感人的意境,寓复杂的情绪和深沉的感慨于朴实无华的艺术形式之中。不言悲而悲不自禁不言愤而愤意自现,语似质
10、直而意蕴深婉,情似平淡而低徊郁结。 别舍弟宗一 零落残魂倍黯然,双垂别泪越江边。一身去国六千里,万死投荒十二年。 桂岭瘴来云似墨,洞庭春尽水如天。欲知此后相思梦,长在荆门郢树烟。 全诗苍茫劲健,雄浑阔远,感慨深沉,感情浓烈,抒发了诗人政治上不得志的悲愤之情。首联开篇点题写惜别之情,三联是景语也是情语,用比兴手法把彼此境遇加以渲染和对照。末联说自己处境不好,兄弟又在远方,今后只能寄以相思梦。烟字确实写出了梦境相思的迷离恍惚之态,显得情真意浓,十分真切感人。二联集中表现了诗人长期郁结于心中的愤懑与愁苦。 沧浪诗话中说,唐人好诗,多是征戍、迁谪、行旅、别离之作,往往能感动激发人意。 26、元稹 重赠
11、乐天 休遣玲珑唱我诗,我诗多是别君词。明朝又向江头别,月落潮平是去时。V0W; 首句提到唱诗,把读者引进离筵的环境中。首句休遣,次句解释,筵上唱离歌本已添别恨,何况是自己与友人的赠别之作,不免让人引起回忆,更加伤感。三句从眼前写到明朝,又字上承多字,以别字贯穿上下诗意转折自然,四句是想象中分别的情景,想象具体入微,诗以景结情,余韵不尽。此诗说到分手和分手的时间便结束,通篇只是口头语、眼前景,可谓情无奇景不丽,但读后却有无穷余味,给人留下深刻的印象。 9、杜牧 宣州送裴坦判官往舒州,时牧欲赴官归京 日暖泥融雪半消,行人芳草马声骄。九华山路云遮寺,清弋江村柳拂桥。 君意如鸿高的的,我心悬旆正摇摇。
12、同来不是同归去,故国逢春一寂寥。 写景上很成功,首联色调明快,笔触简捷交代时间、环境、渲染气氛,三四句展示了两幅美景点明地点,富有地方特色和季节特色,透出对远行友人的关切和惜别之情,语言精炼优美,富有韵味。三联写行者与送行者不同的心境,行者乐观开朗,送者空虚无着怅然若失。最后两句写只身回京更加寂寞。诗前半部分的景与后半部分的情形成强烈的对比,使用反衬。10、李商隐 杜工部蜀中离席 人生何处不离存?世路干戈惜暂分。雪岭未归天外使,松州犹胜殿前军。 座中醉宾延醒客,江上晴云杂雨云。美酒成都堪送老,当垆仍是卓文君。 首联点出离席,反问有力除感叹外,还有安慰意。颔联纵笔千里,气象阔大,非常简洁地写出边
13、地隐含的危机,饱含对国事的忧虑。颈联由远而近正写离筵,尾联化用,典故措词深婉,表面上是赞美实是讽刺。此诗采用直赋其事的手法,将抒情与叙事溶合在一起,气势宏大,情韵深厚,笔力雄健,风格苍劲雄迈顿挫有致。1, showed the xiao to send people to take “here dont huizhongli, a strong man hot under the collar. In people already didnt, this day of cold water. -a reverence jing ke ancient and modern, omitting b
14、ranches straight into the detailed, a vehement of love. Two words after house and emotion in scene, with landscape than, jing ke spirit thousand years dwells, and poet of the realistic environment deeply feel. No leaves the scene also dont know who sent by, pure is the intention of volunteer work ar
15、ias, open the fashion. 2, WangBo “dont XueHua“ sent to be more and more HuangHuang alone. Sad Trinidad way, hard to break one hundred body. With the mind wander, career of Michael essien were bitter. Whether to go and live, is all wrong. -poor and alone is the pen that god, everybody is the heart of
16、 frustrated miles to company, part 3 sympathy soothe the each other, it is also used to masturbate, both sides will be on the other side of the dream that conceived the sincere friend of acacia cut, not heavy feeling of farewell party and write mournful life feeling, political setbacks, failed to ge
17、t rid of personal sorrow. The less the mansion of send du shu sichuan “ChengJue auxiliary shall, at WuJin auxiliaries. And the Kings leave Italy, with HuanYou is. But a little place, after all. Be in doing nothing, of children with towel. Du fu-less work, all is in the guest dont need not sad, a was
18、h of the state BeiSuan farewell, artistic conception open bright tone, the elevation of the case. The moonlit night JiangTing farewell two songs of second disorderly smoke cage Bess build by laying bricks or stones, to fly to southern tip on. Lonely mask from the pavilion, jiangshan that night cold.
19、 We got our written-between, through the description of the scenery, indirectly express send to walk away from the pavilion look after friends around the moon and overlook status. Linger GuWangZhi shape, the feeling of loneliness and natural emerge on paper, the night is deep cold. Emotion into the
20、scene. Cold, with the word all the border. 3, meng haoran “LiuBie wang wei“ ji ji have any stay, ChaoChao empty since the return. To find on the go, pity and old countered. When the road is false who, which wants the thin. Should only be keep lonely, economic return yan, oh. -and a bitter resentment
21、 of meaning, feelings are sincere and moving, neither beautiful pictures, and without the magnificent words, almost oral statement insipid, dual dont work very natural, word meaning quite a deep shallow finish. 4 wang changling, the FuRongLou send Michael essien gradually “cold rain LianJiang night
22、into the wu, citizens ChuShan see a solitary. Luoyang relatives and friends such as phase asked, one ice heart in YuHu. Write the bleak first sentence-autumn, also render the parting bleak atmosphere. The chill in the wind and rain ManJiang not only in the minds of a word. Time sentence artistic con
23、ception is open, the solitary-line state of mind, JiJingShengQing, feeling aggregates landscape is associated with solitary poet AoAn interface, Edward Chens image. Implicative, false, rewarding. “Farewell“ off the horse drink wine jun, what do you have? King speech not proud, to lie Chui nanshan. B
24、ut to MoFu to, BaiYunTian do. Friends-for retirement, look be like statement is black and white, but to read the word light feeling, contain and carefree meaning not. “The mountains send-off“ in the mountains of a trumpet; th mensch chaifei sunset mask. ChunCao green next year, WangSun be not to? -d
25、ont write JianBie, alone, and the different. Say goodbye to be dark, and write dont loneliness after feeling, the feeling of lolita, sky, often in the sunset on the day after, dont even more dense, dense, but only to express mensch chaifei mask. Pick up from life seemingly ordinary material, use sim
26、ple and natural language, to show strong sincere feelings, often taste the delicious, a god far. “Send yuan two make xi“ WeiCheng toward the rain light dust, KeShe green LiuSe new. Prince advised more into a glass of wine, west out without resolution. -a friend was instructed to xi, in WeiCheng fare
27、well, the first two sentences illuminate the time, place, environment and atmosphere, describes the tonal and pure and fresh, anacreontic, this is a deep feeling of separation, but not dim and ecstasy, instead, it light and abound emotional appeal. Three or four sentences are extremely abundant conn
28、otation of the moment. 5, li bais ZuoQian wang changling, remote LongBiao smell this send “YangHua fell all ZiGui notes, wen dao LongBiao five creek. I send sorrow heart and bright moon, with king until the yelang west. -first sentence describes and seasonal, YangHua ZiGui implied the feeling of hom
29、elessness, time to write the sentence five no sorrow and grief the meaning of language from now, five creek see Zhe moved far the drought, the difficult way. Two words after lyric, two people to the moon phase and the miles of the can, so send sorrow YuMingYue by the wind. The two words have three l
30、ayers of meaning, a heart filled with his troubles is told, and there is no one to understand “had to YuMingYue, 2 it is but the bright moon points between himself and friends as as, three is therefore only rely on her to will be sent to the sad heart there is no alternative. Through the imagination
31、 on into ruthlessly apart, will give your feelings of the objective things, also has feelings, also be personified, but the thinking in image by the formation of the great one of the characteristics and advantages. When poet to be strong or deep feelings often use this technique to achieve the expec
32、ted effect. The extreme WangLun “LiBaiCheng boat will want to do, suddenly smell song on the shore. Peach blossom water feet deep, and less than WangLun send my feeling. -the first two lines of narrative, two sentences after lyric, with the technique of image than content in expressing the sincere p
33、ure feeling. Empty spirit and abound sigh, natural and feeling really. The yellow crane tower to send the meng haoran GuangLing “of old west yellow crane tower, fireworks yangzhou in March. The far all the blue sky shadow solitary see is the great river, the sky flow. -is different from the house of
34、 the less send du shu sichuan “that young strong departure, also different from the WeiCheng song“, the deep feeling of consideration, this is poetic left, so so, are two romantic natural and unrestrained poets departure, but also because of absence with a prosperous times, busy season, prosperous r
35、egions associated. In good break-up, still contain poet li bai yearning. Before march with the fireworks, the environment of the poem that farewell atmosphere daub is full-bodied, artistic conception is beautiful, beautiful words. After two sentences but contains a seemingly describes the poetic det
36、ails, friends far away still watch. The cross jingmen send-off “crossing the far jingmen, from the chu to swim. As for open fields can do mountain, river flow into the great drought. Next month flying lens, YunSheng meet the sea floor. Hometown frets still water, the boat off. -first league confesse
37、d cover, and the time the united easygoing language appropriate, scene contains poet cheerful feeling of joy and youthful vigor and vitality. GengLian wrote vision and close range, tail league attachment villagers did not say miss, but said the water of hometown from sent all the way, with deep feel
38、ing, more show their affection homesickness. As word and meaning is, the high artistic conception, and heroic style, image forms, rich imagination. 11, GaoShi “dont Chou big“ miles HuangYun Xun by day, the north wind blowing in the snow. Dont worry there was no friend before, the world does not know
39、 who the ruler. -generous elegy, from the bottom of ones heart is poems, and the sincere friendship with it, strong faith, with bold and unconstrained and strong and handsome color, the first two words written sunset scene straight, pure with uncluttered. 7, wei yingwu himself fu sunset to send the
40、rain LiZhou “ChuJiangWei rain, sunset run clock. MoMo the sail and heavy, invisible bird to late. Haimen deep, see not, and PuShuYuan including the AIDS. Send love is infinite, front scattered with than silk. -even though it was a farewell poetry, but is spring. The rain time period ending both to t
41、he point, secretly wrote sent, and map out a depressive scene, for the shop after doing a graben, among four words form one million of poetic of the screen, moving in the static, in a static dynamic, deep and far from a layer of gloom and dark color, all with floating down, form the strong depressiv
42、e atmosphere, in which the poet love to move all applications, not from already. Ending a their poems. 8, LuGuan “send LiDuan“ so close sweet time, since departure can sad. The road outside cold cloud, people to throw it. Less solitary for guest early, general gentleman how late. Their tears at empt
43、y, dusty where period. With a sad words-throughout the total, the first league write farewell environment, write from sweet, greatly increasing the floating down, time is flat, a moment but through bear a naked without the feeling of bland, but for the poem set the tone of the deep sadness. Two leag
44、ue write farewell scene, but is still closely sad words, into the dense love to give the feeling of difficult farewell party. Cold cloud to the person with heavy cold feeling, foil the sad state of mind. Sanlian recall past life still buckle sad words exclamation, feeling depressed, will GanShi, any
45、 bid each other farewell, close together, form the poem thought development climax. Four league return to to the sad words hid ahead in the distance and cry, and finally a wrote the emotional aftermath. 9, liu zong-yuan “heavy dont dream have to“ 20 years with all things, now suddenly be hall. Huang
46、 well if old xu, late years old when his neighbour for last. This poem written out of the prison, XuBie, feeling the profound long, without a sorrow words, and of the surface quiet but contain deep outraged and infinite regrets. The first recognizes two to experience and the imperial world vicissitu
47、des of life, and now common affliction, feel a hard and farewell, and with the tone of comfort with friends meet, two seemingly insipid but after a natural reveals the sarcasm and helpless. This poem to say what LiQing constitute a sincere and moving artistic conception, containing the complex emoti
48、ons and deep feeling in the simplicity of the art form. Silent grief and sadness BuZiJin silent anger and the anger meaning from now, language and meaning of straight like deep wan, feeling like yuli insipid and stagnation. “Dont SheDi Pope a“ residual shattered soul times gloomy, double the vertica
49、l dont tear reaches the river. A suit to six countries across the miles for case of waste twelve years. GuiLing dysentery to cloud inky, spring water as the days as dongting. To realize acacia after this dream, long in jingmen Ying tree smoke. -the whole poem cheng du jin jian boundless, grand broadly far, deep feeling, strong feelings, to express the poet political frustrated the feeling of grief and indignation. The first league start point write the feeling of farewell party, Cambr