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1、Closer to Fun, Knowledge & Culture in Teaching & Learning English,引子,“中文还未搞明白,咋搞翻译?”从今年9月16日的口译考生中最年轻的仅11岁说起(见新民晚报,2007年9月17日),引子,“假如你要用英文写信”题目:父母有没有必要陪读“范文”示例:While the rest of the students think it necessary for our parents to accompany us studying at school, which may let us have more time to spa

2、re for our studies.(见新民晚报,2007年9月13日),引子,一旦主张自由市场的各种得以系统地将自己等同于现代性,从而被人习惯性地理解为现代的,自由市场论者就已经取得了一场关键性的胜利,其意义绝不止于意识形态领域。如果我们只把它视为媒体的胜利,我们就低估了政治斗争向语言和理论术语的移植和错位。问题在于,反对自由市场万能论的人会发现,他们的立场目前在理论术语的领域里像游魂一样无处可去。 (文汇报,5版,2002年8月12日),引子,No Country for Old Men 老无所依We do chicken right.我们做鸡是对的。(见老兄,不是“老无所依”,新民晚报

3、,2008年3月3日 ),引子,She is almost falling out of her dress.(她穿得过分袒胸露肩了。) Cooking is my responsibility. (做饭是我的事。) He did it on his own responsibility. (这事是他自作主张干的。)(见英汉大词典,陆谷孙主编),引子,但文中辛先生有按语称丘吉尔在一战中任海军大臣时,“在他头上还有海军第一大臣”。这是弄错了。英国海军的最高领导是first Lord of Admiralty,简称first Lord,中文译作海军大臣,也译作海相,在海相之下,有first Sea

4、 Lord,中文译作第一海务大臣。在一战战役时,丘吉尔任海相,已是海军系统的最高领导,在他上面只有首相,没有海军第一大臣。(见关于“海军第一大臣”,文汇报,11版,2008年3月3日),当今教育模式简评,今天大学的 一些根本问题,如缺乏教育思想、大学被金钱和权力支配、本科教育空洞化、基础理论尤其是文科基础理论研究萎缩、基本没有道德和修身教育、分数贬值、师生之间缺乏深入的交流甚至没有交流、科研产生大堆的文字垃圾,等等,这些都不是中国大学的“地方病”,而是全球大学的“流行病”。张汝伦(见文汇报2007年12月2日的大学之道和现代大学教育的缺失),当今教育模式简评,托尔斯泰曾讲过,科学是另一事,它不

5、能给我们人生中的大问题提供答案,这个大问题就是我们应该做什么,应该怎样生活。 (摘自人文教育在大学中的位序),当今教育模式简评,历史的发展已经证明自然科学与伦理道德密不可分,将来更会证明艺术与人文素质关系的密切。有中国特色的社会主义,其“特色”两字不是体现在科学技术水平上,而是体现在人文精神上。-季羡林九二华诞所言,当前外语学习状况简评,长期以来,英文教学的弊端,说到底,就是干扰了学生自己读书。学生的感受力在下降,知识面越来越狭窄。,当前外语学习状况简评,投入大产出小,当前外语学习状况简评,该说不会说该写不会写,当前外语学习状况简评,语言环境 对语言的感情 学语言的深度和广度,当前外语水平简评

6、,原因分析上的误区:无外语使用环境,学习方法之我见,兴趣和知识的结合语言和文化的结合,学习方法之我见,“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”( “我们每一个人都是由自己一再重复的行为所铸造的。因而优秀不是一种行为,而是一种习惯。”)-Aristotle,学习方法之我见,以读来创造外语使用环境 以读来提高学习兴趣 以读来扩大知识面 以读来提高人文修养,实例(1),Mother Teresas Crisis of Faith Jesus has a very special love

7、 for you. As for me, the silence and the emptiness is so great that I look and do not see, listen and do not hear. The tongue moves (in prayer) but does not speak. (Christ in our hearts, Christ in the poor we meet, Christ in the smile we give and in the smile we receive.),实例 (2),Mother Teresas Endle

8、ss FightThere have been surely enough of them, a ready supply of emaciated children in her life. She has lived in a sea of sick, a Black Hole of Calcuttas poor.Even now, if she were to distribute every dollar of her $192,000 Nobel Prize, one by one, shed run out of money long before she ran out of p

9、oor in that one teeming city.,实例(3),Chinas Me GenerationSix friends out on a Friday evening, the seafood plentiful, the conversation flowing. Maria Zhang big hoop earrings, tight velvet jacket and a good deal of meticulously applied makeup starts to describe an island that everyone is talking about

10、off the east coast of Thailand.,实例(4),Ten Years On: Why Diana Mattered Ten years on, she is still the worlds most famous Briton. The Peoples Princess had unlocked hearts,reordered values, presided at the triumph of emotional intelligence over cold intellect, of compassion over tradition.,实例(5),When

11、Women Abuse Power, TooIn the past two weeks, Ive been asked repeatedly about my reaction when I first realized that some of the soldiers abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib were women. People want to know what I think may have motivated those young women in the photos to participate in such degrading ac

12、ts. Were they trying to be accepted as “one of the boys”? Was this a way of “fitting in”?,学习方法之我见,阅读的作用长知识开眼界提高素质丰富修养,学习方法之我见,What to read?Read what interests you. Why?Reading with interest helps you recall the facts. Certain things command our attention because they interest us more and are more im

13、portant to us. A person remembers best those things that he finds interesting, examines carefully & thinks about seriously.,学习方法之我见,听的作用提高听力能力 增长知识,学习方法之我见,新闻:VOA; BBC 流行歌曲:旋律、内容和语言,实例(1),VOAs Special English News & Features America today The formation of the country A short story,实例(2),Three thirty

14、 in the morning/Not a soul in sight/The citys lookin like a ghost town/On a moonless summer night/Raindrops on the windshield/Theres a storm moving in/Hes headin back from somewhere/That he never should have been/The thunder rolls/The thunder rolls(“The Thunder Rolls” by Garth Brooks),实例(3),Every ge

15、neration/Blames the one before/And all of their frustrations/Come beating on your door/I know that Im a prisoner/To all my Father held so dear/I know that Im a hostage/To all his hopes and fears/I just wish I could have told him/In the living years(The Living Years by Mike & the Mechanic),实例(4),My c

16、oat of many colors/That my mamma made for me/Made only from rags/But I wore it so proudly/And although we had no money/I was rich as I could be/In my coat of many colors/Mamma made for me(Coat of Many Colors by Dolly Parton),实例(5),Tell me will you hold me/When wrong, will you scold me/When lost will

17、 you find me?/But they told me/A man should be faithful/And walk when not able/And fight till the end/But Im only humanIm so confused will you show to me/Youll be there for me/And care enough to bear me/Hold me/Lead me/Love me and feed me/Kiss me and free me(“Will You Be There” by Michael Jackson),实

18、例(6),实例介绍There was once a King/Who called for the Spring/For his world was still covered in snow/But the spring had not been/For he was wicked and mean/In his winter fields/Nothing would grow/And when a traveller called/Seeking help at the door/Only food and a bed for the night/He ordered his slave/

19、To turn her away/The girl with April in her eyes(“The Girl with April in Her Eyes” by Chris De Burg),学习方法之我见,注重听,注重理解,注重品味,切忌翻译Make noise; make noise. There is no noise but the sound of silence that no one would like to hear. Obama and Clinton (are) in dead heat. Mum is here. She is one of us.,学习方法之

20、我见,要关注语言,要看重simple English和small words,实例(1),In Iraq, yesterday is better than today; today is better than tomorrow. In the arms race, Taiwan is outgunned, outnumbered and outsized. Thats the conflict, each side blaming the other. If it is safe for the artist, it is safe for everyone else.,实例(2),I k

21、now I can. Im in to win. I said so. I made the decision. If anything goes wrong, it comes back to me. The noise of drilling is the sound of money.,学习方法之我见,说和写的背后思想观点语言,学习方法之我见,All the writings are designed to convey messages, which are actually the foremost thing to ensure a good writing. We find it

22、 difficult to write with the reason not in the language but in the message. Write with the words that are small & write with straightforwardness. Write as if you were talking to a friend but talking with enough leisure to present your thoughts concisely & interestingly.,学习方法之我见,“天下文章一大抄” “自说自话”Speak

23、 what you listen to. Write what you read.,学习方法之我见,两种思维模式的交替和转换快速 顺畅 准确,学习方法之我见,对何谓“语言”的再认识Language is an integral part of knowledge & culture. On one hand, language gives people a means of communication with others. On the other hand, language is influenced by knowledge & culture.董桥:文字是肉做的,认识上的误区,词汇

24、和词汇量 中文思维 vs 英文思维 速成法,认识上的误区,China English & Chinglish Living standards for the peoplecontinued to rise. We should take a serious of measures to ensure that It is essential to strengthen the building of national defence.,认识上的误区,China English & Chinglish Singapore will bar Americas popular female pop

25、 star Madonna from staging a show in its territory. Imports of foreign automobiles have declined sharply this year. These practices should be totally abolished.,几点建议,Read whatever interests you. Retell to yourself what youve read. Express your ideas in simple & plain English. Let your thoughts drive

26、 your language but not let your language drive your thoughts.,几点建议,Be patient. (板凳要坐十年冷,文章不写一句空。) Accumulate your knowledge and learn English to understand the value and culture of other peoples and countries. Turn yourself into a person rich in your personalities and youll thus be a human being bot

27、h respectful and respectable.,几点建议,Better your Chinese. Like English simply for the sake of English.,几点建议,语言,是人类最基本的交流工具,充分利用这种工具的能力是一个人综合素质的体现。,Thanks!,Be careful in word-for-word correspondence,轻快 (误:light and fast) 简单地说 (误:simply speaking) 招贴即撕 (误:Sign Pasted (Will Be) Immediately torn.) 他星期天睡得很晚

28、。(误: He sleeps late on Sundays.) 他听到这话心里一跳,脸色也变了。(误:His heart jumped and the color of his face changed.),Be careful in word-for-word correspondence,我们的事业从胜利走向新的胜利。(误:Our cause has won victories one after another.) 汉字在历史上有过不可磨灭的功绩。(误:Chinese characters have made indelible contributions in history.) 宗

29、教不得干预政治。(误:Religion must not interfere with politics.) 楼的质量不好。(误:The quality of the building is poor.),Be careful in word-for-word correspondence,大桥的建成解决了长期困扰奉贤与浦南地区的过江问题。(误:The completion of the bridge has solved the problem of crossing the Huangpu River that bothered the residents in Fengxian and

30、Punan for a long time.) The bridge has solved 在20世纪诸多的音乐传播手段中,无线电广播的发明和发展对音乐的传播起了极为重要的做用。(误:Among the numerous means of music transmission of the 20th century, the creation and development of radio broadcasting played an extremely important role in the industry of music transmission.)Radio broadcast

31、ing with its development ever since its creation ,Be careful in word-for-word correspondence,这山望见那山高。 “大宁河不是三峡,胜似三峡。” “我们决定搞两个开放:一个是对内开放,一个是对外开放。” “使中日友好事业延续到21世纪及今后世世代代。”,Be careful in word-for-word correspondence,领导班子年轻化、知识化、专业化 a younger, better-educated and more professional leadership 现在有许多人在提倡

32、民主化、科学化和大众化。Nowadays, many people are calling for a national, scientific and popular style.,Avoid unnecessary words,The true facts Mutual cooperation Financial revenue and expenditure Hail the meeting is successfully convened. We shall approach the level of the economically developed countries.,Avoi

33、d unnecessary words,Previously we used to overemphasize the need for class struggle. To accelerate the pace of economic reform Following the realization of modernization and electrification of agriculture It is essential to strengthen the building of national defense.,Avoid unnecessary words,进一步简化手续

34、,及时地积极地从国外引进迫切所需的技术,并且认真组织科学技术人员和广大职工做好消化和推广工作。We should simplify procedures and take prompt actions to import urgently needed technologyorganize scientists, technicians and workers to assimilate and popularize imported technology.,Notice collocations,取得成就 (误:make achievements) 学习知识 (误:learn knowled

35、ge) 把中国建设成为 (误:build China into) 犯个人主义的错误 (误:make mistakes of individualism) 我们有过这样的经验 (误:We had the experience that),Notice collocations,实现自给自足 achieve self-sufficiency (*reach) 强硬政策 the strong (*tough) policy 当地政府正在采取措施帮助他们解决温饱问题。to achieve food security. (*to solve the problem of food and clothin

36、g/to meet the need for food and clothing) 这些原则一直是我们民族的精神支柱。These principles have nourished the soul of our nation. (*spiritual pillar) 她的节目不理想。(误:Her performance is not satisfactory./Her performance is not so good as one could wish.),Learn to simplify the 4-character classical phrase and the redupli

37、cated wording,深情厚谊 (profound feelings) 赤手空拳 (bare-handed) 相辅相成 (supplement each other) 移步换景 (a different view with every step) 坦坦荡荡 (honest) 破破烂烂 (ragged) 马马虎虎 (careless) 磨磨蹭蹭 (tardy),Learn to simplify the 4-character classical phrase and the reduplicated wording,态度从容,镇定自若 (calm) 张口结舌,哑口无言 (tongue-t

38、ied)一束束腾空飞起的水花,争着向船上扑来,溅湿了我们的衣裳。(Sprays darted upward and hurled themselves at the boat, splashing over our clothes.) 阡陌纵横,鸡犬相闻,风和日丽,鸟语花香。(A new land with crisscrossed fields, bright sunshine, gentle breeze, cocks crowing, dogs barking, birds singing and flowers blooming.),Learn to simplify the 4-ch

39、aracter classical phrase and the reduplicated wording,势如破竹 顺水推舟 失之交臂 施惠无念,受恩莫忘。 目标的轻重缓急,孰先孰后,是在那里决定的。,Learn to simplify the 4-character classical phrase and the reduplicated wording,我的事现在已经搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。There has been too much publicity about my case. 我产生产的地毯图案新颖、色调雅致、美丽大方、富丽堂皇。The carpets made in ou

40、r factory are beautiful and magnificent for their novel designs and elegant colors.,Learn to simplify the 4-character classical phrase and the reduplicated wording,“满树金花,芳香四溢的金桂;花白入雪、香气扑鼻的银桂;红里透黄、花多味浓的紫砂桂;花色似银、季季有花的四季桂;竞相开放,争妍比美。进入桂林公园,阵阵桂香朴鼻而来。” The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusio

41、n of osmanthus trees. Flowers from these trees in different colors are in full bloom which pervade the whole garden with the fragrance of their blossoms.,Observe the structure of the English language,下雨了。It is raining. 发现了错误,一定要改正。Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered. 总之,是两点而不是一点。In short

42、, there are two aspects, not just one. 弄得不好,就会全功尽弃。If things are not properly handled, our labor will be totally lost.,Observe the structure of the English language,船上的货卸下了。The ship is discharged of its cargos. 到目前为止尚未得出结论。 希望今后上海能够与更多的外国城市结为友好城市。 热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和发展贸易关系。Customers from various

43、 countries and regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop business contacts.,Observe the structure of the English language,要有把握,就要有准备,而且要有充分的准备。To ensure success, one must be prepared, and fully prepared at that.自1983年以来,已经建立了一百多个这样的组织。There have been established more than one hundred organ

44、izations of such kind.,An analysis of the passage translation in the test,The topic: varied; The grade in difficulty: high, if not very high; The number of words: 150-200; The time limit: 30 minutes; The main requirements: expressiveness and accuracy,An analysis of the passage translation in the tes

45、t,金秋10月的黄浦江畔,徐浦、南浦、杨浦、奉浦四座大桥沐浴着金秋阳光,各显神姿,交相辉映,为上海这座充满生机与美丽的国际大都市增添了更加夺目的风采。不久的将来,上海还将建造更多的过江设施,把浦江两岸更紧密地连结在一起。 In the golden autumn of October, the Xupu, Nanpu, Yangpu and Fengpu Bridges on the Huangpu River, bathed in the golden sunshine, show their distinctive features and enhance each others magn

46、ificence, adding more luster to Shanghai, a cosmopolis that is full of charm and vitality. In the near future, Shanghai is going to build more facilities across the river to link both banks of the Huangpu River closer.,An analysis of the passage translation in the test,太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省南部,地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲中心地

47、带。这里气候宜人,物产丰富,风景优美,是中国重点风景旅游城市。与万里长城齐名的古京杭大运河纵贯市区,泛舟河上,能领略水乡的民俗风情。 Cutting through the city is the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, an ancient project equal in fame to the Great Wall. A trip along the river will enable the visitor to get to know the customs and life styles of the local people.,An analy

48、sis of the passage translation in the test,自1990年起中央宣布开放浦东以来,浦东地区的建设日新月异,突飞猛进。高楼大厦如雨后春笋,拔地而起,田园风光和现代建筑交相辉映,浦东正以崭新的面貌跨入新世纪。 Since 1990 when the Central Government announced the opening-up and development of Pudong, the Pudong New Area has seen astonishing progress and rapid changes in construction an

49、d has achieved outstanding success in economic development. High-rises have mushroomed, combing idyllic scenery and modern building, which brings a brand-new Pudong into the new century.,An analysis of the passage translation in the test,十月的上海,阳光明媚,秋高气爽,来自35个国家和地区的1300余名比赛选手参加了在沪举行的本世纪最后一届世界中学生运动会。 The autumn in Shanghai is always the best time of the year in terms of weather. The last World Students Games of this century, which was attended by more than 1300 participants from 35 countries and regions, was held in Shanghai in October 1988.,


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