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    1、Unit 1 business letter writing,下一页,Main Contents,Section 1 Layout of business letter Pretest Section 2(1) styles of a business letter Section 2(2) Envelope Addressing Section 3 Writing principles,返回,pretest:,Senders address: Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Chiwan, Shenzhen, China Reveivers address: Mes

    2、sers. J.Brown & Co. 234 Eastcheap London, E.C.3.,write a business letter according to the following information,返回,感谢你方月日来信 应你方要求,现随信寄送价格表以供参考 根据我方的最后确认书,所有价格均为欧洲主要港口到岸价支付方式为不可撤消的即期信用证 由于我方产品需求量很大,若你方对我方产品有兴趣建议你方电告我方 该信有一附件:价格表; 该信还要抄送发信人各分办公室; 需要在信的正文补充一点:你方月日信函刚刚收到按照要求,我们明天将航空邮寄样品两份,返回,keys,1).let

    3、terhead 2). Date 3).inside name and address 4).salutation or greeting 5).the body of the letter 6).Complimentary Close 7).the signature.,Section 1 Layout of business letter 信函各组成部分(1): Common parts/ Principal parts,返回,Special parts: 1). reference number(参考编号) 2). attention line/ particular address 3

    4、). subject heading or caption(关于,事由): Re 4) “Per Pro.” signature 5) Identification marks/ reference notification 6). Enclosure: Enclosures: , Encl(s) 7). carbon copy notation: c.c. Mr. G well 8).postscript : P.S.,信函各组成部分(2) special parts/ optional parts,返回,Detailed explain(common parts),1.letterhead

    5、 and inside address: 一般包含下列四部分: 注意书写紧凑(见keys) . 1).收信人姓名: 2)门牌号码和街(路)名 3).城市 4).县.州(省)名及邮政编码(post code 或zip code) 5).国名: 因为同一城市名可能有好几个, 即使“London” 这样的大城市也有两个,一个在英国,一个在加拿大. 2. date: 避免月份缩写或尽用数字表示,比如: 3/8/2005 可写为: August 3rd, or August 3, 后者是趋势,如: Mr. Black, Black, Esq., Prof. Becker , Mrs.Green, Mis

    6、s Brown Ms White Messrs John Smith & Co.,返回,Messrs,Messrs. 是Mr. 复数形式在商业信函中,作为对公司的尊称,应用普遍但只有在该公司的名称由人的姓名所组成时,才能使用如: Messrs. John Smith & Co., Messrs. Black & White Co. 但在下列情况下,即使公司名称是由人的姓名所组成,也不应加“Messrs.”:,1). 写给公司中某一个人的信 Mr. Charles Snow Robinson & Co. 2). 非人称的公司名称 China Chemicals Co.,3).公司中名称中已包括其

    7、职衔 Dr. Haris & Co. 4).公司名称前有定冠词“The” The Wells Machinery Co.,返回,3.salutation or greeting:Dear sirs,Dear Sir, Dear Mesdames, Dear Madam,Gentlemen: (使用冒号,不用单数) 若有私交,可用Dear Mr. Sb. Dear Sb. plimentary close:在英国,一般用“Yours faithfully”,在美国,多用“yours truly”或 “sincerely yours”,信的结尾也要同称呼匹配,即: Formal: Dear Sir

    8、(s), Yours faithfully, Gentlemen: Truly Yours, Less formal: Dear Mr Henry, Yours sincerely or sincerely yours,:,返回,5. Signature: 公司信函签名时要签公司名称,以表明是公函,然后再由负责人签名签名应用手签,避免使用图章签名之下多用打字机缮打签字人的姓名及职务严格地说,只有合伙人才有资格为其商行签署但有时因有资格签署的人不在公司,常以授权书(power of attorney)授权一负责的雇员签署在这种情形下,则应写上per procurationem 或per pro.

    9、 或 p.pro.,或甚至只写p.p, 它的意思就是代理例如:per pro. The Asian Trading Co. 现在也有用for 代替p.p的 例如: Yours truly,for The Overseas Co. Ltd(Signature)W. BlackPresident,返回,Detailed explain(special parts),Reference number : Our ref: , Your ref:, Reference No. 或在信的开头引用对方来信的编号,或作为标题,便于对方查对,并确保信件能送至你所要送达的人编号可以用卷宗号,部门代码,签字人首写

    10、字母大写打字人首写字母大写(又称辨认代码) 1). Re:JBD/WM 2) Reference No. 001 3) Your letter dated Aug 3 was just received. Attention line or particular address(注意事项,交由经办人)Attention: Mr. Smith, Attention: The Sales Manager,For the attention of Mr. Smith,返回,Section 2(1) styles of a business letter,Indented style 缩进式 首行缩进

    11、,地址缩进 Blocked style (齐头式、平头式):所有部分顶格写 Semi-blocked style (混合式): Modified block form with indented style 结尾敬语,签名写在右端 4) Simplified form(简化式):称呼,结尾敬语,公司名称签名,均可省,返回,Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Chiwan,Shenzheng,ChinaFax:Your ref: Our ref: 3 May,2003Messers.J.Brown&Co.234 EastcheapLondon,E.C.3.Attention

    12、:Import Dept.Dear Sirs,Oil toolsWe thank you for your letter of April 4. -to be continued-,Keys to pretest(平头式),-2- Messrs.J.Brown& Co. 3 May,2003 In compliance with your request,we are sending you herewith a copy of our latest price list for your reference. All prices are understood to CIF European

    13、 Main Ports, subject to final confirmation.Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/c available by draft at sight. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Wang Da Wei,ManagerEncl. As stated Cc. Our Branch Offices P.S. Your letter of April 22 has just come to hand. As requested, w

    14、e will airmail you two samples tomorrow.,Keys to pretest(混合式),Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Chiwan, Shenzhen, China,Messrs. J.Brown & Co. 234 Eastcheap London, E.C.3.,Your ref: C9246 Our ref:bwbw 3 May,2005,Attention: Import Dept. Dear Sirs,Re: Oil tools We thank you for your letter of April 4. In co

    15、mpliance with your request, we are sending you herewith a copy-to be continued-,-2- Messrs. J.Brown & Co 3 May, 2005of our latest price list for your reference. All prices are understood to be CIF European Main Ports, subject to our final confirmation. Payment is to be made by irrevocable Letter of

    16、Credit available by draft at sight. As there is heavy demand for the goods, we would suggest that you advise us by telex in case of interest.-to be continued-,-3- Messrs. J.Brown & Co 3 May,2005 We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base(Signed)Wang Da W

    17、eiManager Encl. As stated cc. our Branch Offices P.s. Your letter of April 22 has just come to hand. As requested, we will airmail you two samples tomorrow.,续页,商业信函要用plain paper 打印,不可用带横线或格子的纸打印。续页要与第一页纸张相同,有续页时要在末尾加印“to be continued” , 续页上信首加印 “页码”并写上收信人地址与写信日期。例:,Sender Receiver Dear sirs, -to be

    18、continued-,-3- receiver 3 April,-2- receiver 3 April-to be continued-,最后一页要有正文,不能只留结尾敬语和签名在末页,最好重新布局,安排的紧凑些。,Section 2(2) Addressing envelopes,China National Chemicals Import & Export Co., (stamp) Beijing, ChinaOverseas Trading Co. (收信人) 153 Market Street London, E.C.3 Registered,或正面写收信人姓名地址,背面写发信人姓

    19、名地址,或用航空信封 附注一般写在左下角: via air mail, printed matter(印刷品), sample, commercial paper, private(亲启), urgent, confidential, secret, personal(私函), Kindness of Mr. .(托带交), poste restante(留存邮局) 比较: C/O (托转交),返回,C/O,Abbreviation of care of (used in addresses when the person you writing to is staying at someon

    20、e elses home.) Rick Green c/o Sunny John (Rick Green at Sunny Johns house),Section 3 Writing principles,When writing ,pay attention to the following : 7Cs: Clearness 清晰 Conciseness 简洁 Concreteness 具体 Correctness 正确 Courtesy 礼貌 Completeness 完整 Consideration 体谅,返回,Some examples for writing,using short

    21、 sentences,simple words and clear explanations:At this time-now due to the fact that-becauseA draft in the amount of $1000-a draft for 1000 use a phase to replace a sentenceplease dont hesitate to call upon us.Please write us.,3.段落不要太长 4.注意语气,使用否定和争辩性语气时尤其注意比较: We dont feel your qualifications match

    22、 our job needs. Your qualifications are excellent and show that you have assumed greater levels of responsibility throughout your career. The candidate we are looking for, however, will have a stronger marketing background. For this reason,5.以肯定说法代替否定表达。 比较: We are sorry that we cannot ship the good

    23、s until September 8. We are happy to tell you we may ship the goods after September 8. 6.在许多情况下,用“you”代替we/I作主语,以对方的角度和立场来考虑问题。 比较: The large scale of sales of our products will make our company more profitable. You will find that our product will sell rapidly and afford you a profit margin.,Unit 2

    24、establishing business relations,Writing this kind of letters, the following parts are always included: 1.the source of information 2. Your intention 3.self-introduction 4. Reference source 5. Your expectation of cooperation and early reply,Key to exeercises,I. tranlate the following Chinese to Engli

    25、sh. 1. Through the courtesy of Messrs. Freeman & Co., we learn that you are one of the leading importers of light industrial products in your country. 2. We are a state-owned corporation, specializing in the export of textiles and have engaged in this line for many years. Our products have a wonderf

    26、ul favorable reception. 3. We are desirous of establishing business relations with your corporation so as to expand the sales of our products in your area.,4. If you feel much interest in oru business proposal, please send us the samples together with your best terms and conditions. 5. All the items

    27、 in our catalogue enclosed are now kept in our stock and ready for immediate shipment. 6. As to our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai branch.,Unit 3 status enquiries,可以通过多种渠道查询贸易伙伴的资信状况。 查询函中应表明对所得到的信息会保密。 回函中一般会表明所提供的信息仅供参考。 在第一次函件中可以向对方提供自己的开户行信息或资信状况查询的渠道。,keys to excer

    28、cises,Translate the following sentences into English 1. We refer you to the Bank of Switzerland if you wish to make any inquiries on your general financial standing. 2. We will keep any infomation you provided in confidence and you neednt take any responsibility.,3. Any infomation you may give us wi

    29、ll, of course, be treated as strictly confidential. 4. Any statement provided by this bank or any of its officers as to standing of any person, firm or corporation, is given as a mere matter of opinion for which no responsibility, in any way, is to attach to this bank or any of its officers. 5. We h

    30、ave learned the company has not been long established and enjoys good reputation, but is not supposed to be riched.,6. We shall be pleased to render you any further services and we ask you to consider this infomation as given in strict confidence. 7. We regret our inability to tell you anything posi

    31、tive concerning the firmmentioned in your letter dated May 3. 8. We are glad to be working with a company like you enjoying such high reputation. 9. Up to now, our business relations with them has been satisfactory. 10. We have little infomation on this company.,Dear Sirs,Universal House adressing L

    32、awton Street, Liverpool, England wishes to enter into business relations with us. As having little infomation on them, we would be grateful if you could supply us with some infomation about the companys general financial standings according to your experience.It is doubtless that any infomation you

    33、supply will be treated in the strictest confidence and for which you neednt take any responsibilty. Thank you in advance. Yours faithfully,Unit 4 Inquiries,What is enquiry and writing tips General enquiry, a businessman states clearly the information he needs-general information, a catalogue, price

    34、list, etc.Specific enquiry, he points out what product he wants. he may ask for a catalogue, a price list, sample book or ask for an offer.Enquiries be brief, specific, courteous and reasonable. In return, the answers to enquires should be prompt, courteous and helpful.,In such letters ,usually ther

    35、e are the following parts : state your intentions and your interestsWe would like to have your lowest quotation for textiles on the terms and conditions mentioned below . 2. state your requests or ask for an offerPlease quote your lowest prices CIF Singapore for each of the following items, inclusiv

    36、e of our 3% commission. 3. express your expectation,enquires,replies,For reply letters, usually include 3-4 parts:To express your thanks for the enquiry To supply with the detailed information If possible ,you can take the opportunity to promote and introduce your products Expectations.,Keys to Exer

    37、cises 4,Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. We learn from company A that you are exporting light industrial products. There is steady demand here for above-mentioned commodities of high quality at moderate prices. Our user has regular demand for this commodity. Please quote us

    38、 your most favorable price. If you can increase your discount to 10%, we will place an order with you immediately.,4. When you make the offer, please state the discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 1000 dozen of individual items. 5. We will wend you our specific inquir

    39、y if you ca provide us with the required goods and the quality. 6. We are large dealers in chemicals and believe that there is a great demand in our area for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned above.,Letter-writing:write an English letter with the information given below: 1. 请对方就第315号吸尘器(

    40、Vacuum cleaner)报价; 2. 还想了解对方的其他产品,索取商品小册子和价格单。,Unit 5 Offer,when an offer is being made ,it should be made clear that the offer is firm, or non-firm offer.When a firm offer is being made, usually there are two main conditions (1)complete and clear transaction terms, such as goods, price, packing, de

    41、livery and terms of payment etc. (2) specify expiry date of the offer,e.g. 20 metric tons of Shandong Groundnuts, hand-picked and Ungraded at RMB800 per metric ton CIF Hamburg for shipment during October/November,2003. Other terms and conditions same as usual. e.g. we are making you, subject to your

    42、 acceptance reaching us not later than July 30,the following offer:,Firm offer,This offer will remain (be )effective (valid/firm) until This offer is open/ fordays.,Non-firm offer(1),The offerer can cancel and amend the contents of the offer at any time without the agreement of the offeree in advanc

    43、e. Usually, there are the following expressionssuch as : 1. Subject to prior sale 以未售出为准 (有权先售) 2. Subject to goods being unsold以货物未售出为准This offer is subject to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply. 此报盘以我方货物未售出前,收到贵方回函接受为准,Non-firm offer(2),3. subject to change without notice 4. without e

    44、ngagement 5. subject to our final confirmatione.g. At your request ,we are pleased to make you an offer , Subject to our final confirmation.,1. Set a time limit for acceptance, e.g.OFFER SUBJECT REPLY TENTHOFFER SUBJECT REPLY REACHING HERE TENTHOFFER VALID TILL TENTH OUR TIME 2. Fix a period of time

    45、 for acceptance, for example:subject to your reply here by 5 pm our time, Tuesday OFFER VALID THREE DAYSOFFER REPLY IN TEN DAYS 3. State no definite time limit, e.g.OFFERREPLYOFFERPEPLY PROMPTLYOFFER CABLE REPLYOFFER REPLY AS SOON AS POSSOBLE,Duration Stipulation Methods,Keys to exercises,Translate

    46、the following sentences from Chinese to English. In compliance with your request, we make an offer for the undermentioned products as follows, which is subject to our final confirmation. We learn that there is a great demand for apples in your area, and enclose our quotation sheet for your reference

    47、. We are pleased offer you as follows, which is subject to your acceptance by the end of this month.,4. These commodities are excellent in quality and reasonable in price, and soon become in many countries and regions such as USA, Japan and some European countries. 5. This commodity sells fast at pr

    48、esent and the supply falls short of the demand. 6. The superior quality and high standard of craftsmanship of the said commodity will appeal to the most selective buyers.,Unit 6 Counter-offers and acceptance,If a buyer does not agree with any or some of the transaction terms of quotation or a firm o

    49、ffer, he sends a counter offer. In a counter offer, the buyer may show his disagreement to certain terms or terms and his own idea instead.,Wed like to raise the original counterbid slightly as a compromise. In view of our good co-operation over the past few years, we are prepared to accept your pri

    50、ce. To please you as our new client, we may consider making some concessions in our price. In order to encourage business, we are prepared to make a reduction. To get business under way, we agree to take this as an exceptional case. Theres a 10% discount if you order in volume. 10% is out of the question, but we are prepared to offer you 8%.,

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