1、教科版四年级啊英语上册教案Lesson 6 Qiaoqiao Is Missing.【教材解读】本节课是小学英语 EEC 教材第七册第六课“Qiaoqiao Is Missing.”第一课时。我们所用的教材是 EEC 教材,它的特点是图文并茂,形象生动并且与生活实际联系密切。这样组织内容有助于学生学的英语与客观事物,交际场所联系,真正达到英语作为交际工具的作用,提高教学质量。本节课主要是以去野生动物园以及在野生动物园内的对话为情境,学习对话中的单词和句子,并在此基础上将教学内容进行适当的扩展和延伸,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。【学情分析】小学生知识形成的特点是:通过亲自动手实践,体验感知,形成
3、学磁带、麦克风。【教学目标】(1)知识目标:学习和掌握 “Shall we ?” “Im interersted in ”句式;总结和归纳有关应该做什么的表达。(2)能力目标:通过思考老师提出的问题,养成带着问题学习的好习惯,通过听录音,掌握正确的语音、语调,使学生形成良好的语言习惯;通过学生之间、学生和老师之间的提问和回答,激发学生学习的积极性和主动性。(3)德育目标:通过学习课文内容,对话练习,使学生意识到动物是人类的朋友,培养学生爱护动物,珍惜动物,保护动物的意识。教学重点:Shall I ? Im interested in 及其扩展。教学难点:safari park ,jungle
4、,interested 【教学过程】I.Organization:T:Good morning, everyone!Ss:Good morning, teacher!II.Free talk:T: How are you today?Ss: Fine,thanks.And you?T:Im fine,too.Who can tell me hows the weather today?S:Its cold and sunny.T: What day is it today?Ss: Its . New lesson:T:This weekend, I have a good plan.Im go
5、ing to North Forest Safari Park.(课件呈现北方森林动物园,教授单词并板书。 )T:Do you want to go with me? OK?S:OK.T:Shall we go to the safari park?(Whats meaning?)S:我们要去野生动物园吗?T:Read after me.T:Very good,now,look at the computer.(课件上出现 uncle )S:uncleT:How to read it?(ungle)S:ungleT: How to read it?(jungle)S:jungleT:Jungl
6、e means 丛林。Now read after me.(学习 jungle 并板书)T:There are so many animals in the safari park.Im interested in jungle life.(学生练习此句。one by one)T:Can you give me some other ideas?Shall we go toIm interested in (Ask about ten students.)T:Yes, there are so many places.In the safari park, we can see many an
7、imals.Look! What are these? (课件上出现老虎的图片)Ss:They are tigers.T: Im afraid of them. (TPR)(Practice the word “afraid”)(several animals pictures appear in the computer.Practice Im afraid of )T:But I like pandas. I want to take pictures of them.But I have no camera. Who has a camera?S1:I have a camera.T:
8、Can I borrow your camera?S1: Sure! Anytime!T: Can I borrow your ?S: Sure! Anytime!T: The safari park is very funny. Lets listen to the tape.S: Listen to the tape carefully.T: Are you clear?S: Yes.T: Now, answer my questions.1.Where will they go?2.Who is interested in jungle life?3.Is Jenny afraid of
9、 tigers?4.Who has a camera?5.Whats the meaning of restroom?S: 洗手间;厕所T: Yes. Washroom and bathroom ,both are right.Practice:T: Now,read with the tape.(two times)We have many dreams.Im a teacher. Im interested in teaching students. What about you? Now,talk about your dream with your neighbour. What do
10、 you want to be? What are you interested in?S: Answer in pairs.T: Lets do some exercises. Look at the computer.Exercises:Fill in the blanks:1.go to the safari park?2.Im interested _ jungle life . 3.Oh,tigers! Im afraid _ them.4.I want to pictures of them.5.Can I borrow _ camera ?Sure! Anytime!Make a
11、 sentence with the words:1.safari park/ go to/ shall we/ the2.jungle life/ in/ interested/ Im 3.them/ take pictures/ I/ want to/ of4.borrow/ can/ your camera/ I Reading comprehension:At the amusement park there is a safari park.Xiaoxiaos dad asks, “Shall we go to the safari park?”Qiaoqiao is very ex
12、cited because he is interested in jungle life.In the safari park they see many animals.Jenny is afraid of the tigers.Jim wants to take many pictures of them,but he doesnt have a camera.He asks Xiaoxiao,“Can I borrow your camera?”Xiaoxiao says,“Sure!”After a while,Qiaoqiao has to go to the restroom.H
13、e asks someone,“Excuse me,wheres the restroom?” No one sees Qiaoqiao leave. Choose True or False:1.Theyll go to the post office. ( )2.Qiaoqiao is interested in jungle life. ( )3.Jenny is afraid of the tigers.( )4.Jim has a camera. ( )5. Xiaoxiao has to go to the restroom. ( ).Summary:T: Lets see wha
14、t we have learned today.Shall we go to the safari park ?Im interested in jungle life .I want to take pictures of them .Can I borrow your camera ?Students read after the teacher.T:同学们通过今天的学习,我们懂得了动物是我们人类的朋友,动物能够把我们的世界变的更美好,更和谐,所以我们应该爱护动物,保护动物。In this class, you all did a good job. Thank you.Class is over, good-bye everyone.Blackboard:Lesson 6 (I) Qiaoqiao Is Missing.Shall we go to the safari park ?Im interested in jungle life .I want to take pictures of them .Can I borrow your camera ?