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    关 键  词:

    1、游泳池使用守則1. 進場人仕,須遵守“游泳池守則”及聽從當值人員之指引.2. 本花園游泳池,祇開放給予持有有效住戶證之本花園住戶及其陪同下持有泳卷之訪客。3. 泳池最高使用人數限額,受到泳池牌照條例限制。額滿時,管業處或當值人員可拒絕超額泳客進場。4. 請遵守游泳池開放時間。泳池關閉時段,請勿進入游池範圍內。5. 凡十二歲以下之兒童必須由成人陪同,才可進場;手抱幼兒,不宜進場。6. 泳客進入泳池前,必須先在濯足池淋洗全身。7. 凡患有皮膚病或傳染病者,不得進入泳池。8. 於泳池範圍內,不准吸煙、飲食、吐痰及亂拋垃圾。9. 泳客必須穿著適當泳衣。凡髮長及肩者,必須戴上泳帽。場內不準穿著拖鞋,皮鞋

    2、及襪等。10. 嚴禁跳水、奔走追逐、推碰及潑水嬉玩。11. 泳客不可塗太陽油下水。12. 泳客不得騷擾或妨礙其他泳客。13. 泳池範圍內請小心地滑。14. 未經管業處許可、不可在泳池內開班授課。15. 請勿進行擾及他人之遊戲比賽,如玩水球、浸人轟水、追逐推撞、尖叫喧嘩等。16. 遇有天文台雷暴警告或狂風暴雨,管業處有權隨時關閉泳池而無須事前通知,而當 8號以上颱風訊號或黑色暴雨警告懸掛時,泳池將不會開放。17. 泳客不可攜帶下列物件進場,尤其貴重及帶有危險性物品:*寵物。*收音機、電視及任何音響器材等。*玻璃器具、尖利鐵器、喉管、浮床、蛙鞋、浪板、潛水鏡及其他可能引致泳客受傷之物品。安全及責任

    3、請遵守訂定及展示之“游泳池守則”業主立案團及管業處恕不負責游泳池內財物之失竊、損毀及任何人身之淹溺、傷害。1. 請泳客注意自己及他人安全。不譜泳術者。不可在水深處習泳,免生危險。2. 請小心使用各項設備,若有損壞,必須負責修理及賠償。3. 於無救生員當值時間內勿進入泳池範圍內游泳或進行其他活動。SWIMMING POOL REGULATIONS1. Swimmers have to follow the“Swimming Pool Regulations” and follow the advice as given by the on duty staffs.2. This is a pri

    4、vate swimming pool which is solely for the enjoyment of the Occupants of Garden holding valid Resident Card. Visitors must accompanied by Occupants of Garden and with a valid swimming ticket.3. The capacity of the swimming pool is limited by the Swimming Pool Licence Ordinance. The Management reserv

    5、es the right to refuse any swimmers once the maximum is reached. The on duty staffs has the right to refuse further entries.4. Please follow the schedule to enter and leave. During closing period please do not enter the pool area.5. Children under the age of twelve must be accompanied by adults. Inf

    6、ants are not recommended to stay into the said area.6. Before entering the swimming pool, all swimmers must pass through the footbath to the swimming pool.7. Persons suffering from any coetaneous or contagious diseases are not allowed to enter the swimming pool.8. No smoking, eating, drinking, spiti

    7、ng and littering are allowed inside the pool area.9. Swimmers must wear proper swimming suits. Long hair swimmers must wear swimming caps. No slippers, shoes and stockings are to be worn inside the pool area.10. Diving pushing, wresting or splash bombing are strictly forbidden.11. Swimmers using sun

    8、tan oil are not permitted to enter the pool.12. The user shall not do anything that may cause nuisance to other users and interfere their normal use of the swimming pool.13. The pool will be slippery when wet. Caution should be taken.14. No swimming classes to be conducted without prior permission f

    9、rom the Management.15. Noisterous games, such as ball games, ducking / bombing chasing / pushing, shouting screaming etc. in and around the pool area are strictly prohibited.16. Management reserves the right to close the swimming pool without prior notice in the case of thunderstorm warning or heavy

    10、 raining. The swimming pool will be closed when No.8 or above typhoon signal or any black storm signal is hoisted.17. Swimmers are not allowed to bring the following items into the swimming pool area, especially valuable items and dangerous articles:* Pet* Radio, Television, Video equipment. etc,* G

    11、lass ware, sharp metal ware pipes, air matures, fins, swimming goggles and those which can cause injuries to swimmers.SAFETY & RESPONSIBILITIESPlease observe the “Swimming Pool Regulations” as laid down and displayed. The Incorporated Owners Committeeand the Management accepts no liabilities for the

    12、ft, damages, injury and drowning of and persons.1. Please pay attention to the safety of yourself and others. Beginners should not approach the deep water area to avoid danger.2. Please be careful when using all facilities persons causing damage to the court facilities will be held responsible for the repair outgoings.3. Please do not enter the pool area at any time when there is no life guard on duty.

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