1、XXX 项目架构设计文档版本 x.x文档信息作者:创建日期(yyyy-mm-dd):审核者:审核日期(yyyy-mm-dd):最后修订者:最后修订日期(yyyy-mm-dd):文档类型: 项目交付件文档修订历史版本号 修订日期 修订者 修订内容签字页以下是对 XX 项目系统架构设计文档的签字确认:角色 部门 签字 日期审阅批准目 录1 概述/INTRODUCTION71.1 目的/PURPOSE71.2 范围/SCOPE71.2.1 涵盖的主题和内容 /Included Topics71.2.2 不包含的主题和内容 /Excluded Topics71.3 定义、术语和缩略语/DEFINITI
3、on102.3.2 应用逻辑部署设计 /Application Logical Deployment Design102.3.3 应用框架方案简述 /Applicable Framework Solution Introduction102.3.4 系统用户管理 /System User Management102.3.5 与周边系统集成 /Integrated with Circumjacent Systems102.4 开放标准遵循/OPEN STANDARD CONFORMANCE1102.5 特殊解决方案/SPECIFIC SOLUTIONS112.6 潜在可重用性/POTENTIAL
4、 REUSABILITY112.6.1 集成服务接口的可重用性 /Integrated Service Interface Reused by Project112.6.2 项目重用已有的部件和框架 /Components and Frameworks Reused by Project112.6.3 项目重用 Web 服务 (Web Service)/Web Service Reused by Project112.6.4 项目重用 COTS 模板 /COTS Templates Reused by Project122.6.5 项目创建的可重用的组件和框架 /Reusable Compon
5、ents and Frameworks Created by Project122.6.6 项目创建的可重用的 Web 服务 /Reusable Web Service Created by Project122.6.7 项目创建的可重用的 COTS 模板 /Reusable COTS Templates Created by Project122.6.8 创建或重用的设计模式 /Design Patterns Reused or Created123 用例视图/USE-CASE VIEW133.1 用例实现/USE-CASE REALIZATION134 系统架构逻辑视图描述/LOGICAL
6、 VIEW154.1 子系统视图/SUBSYSTEM OVERVIEW154.2 层视图/LAYERED OVERVIEW164.3 系统业务模块划分或 COTS 模块/SYSTEM BUSINESS MODULES DIVISION OR COTS MODULES164.3.1 业务模块划分原则 /Business Modules Division Principles164.3.1 业务模块划分 /Business Modules Division164.4 包结构/PACKAGE HIERARCHY174.5 创建的设计模式或 COTS 模板的逻辑视图/LOGICAL VIEW OF C
7、REATED DESIGN PATTERN OR COTS TEMPLATES185 流程视图/PROCESS VIEW196 部署视图/DEPLOYMENT VIEW206.1 逻辑部署图/LOGICAL DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAM206.2 物理部署图/PHYSICAL DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAM206.3 服务支持/SUPPORTING SERVICE216.3.1 命名 /目录 |Naming/Directory216.3.2 安全 /Security216.3.3 系统监控 /System Monitoring226.3.4 系统日志 /System Monito
8、ring227 实现视图/IMPLEMENTATION VIEW237.1 包/组件|PACKAGE/COMPONENTS238 数据视图/DATA VIEW248.1 以行为为核心的项目/BEHAVIOUR CENTRIC PROJECT248.1.1 存储机制 /Persistence Mechanism248.1.2 封装 /Encapsulation248.1.3 结构化数据信息的管理 /Structured Data Information Management248.1.4 非结构化数据信息的管理 /Non-Structured Data Information Managemen
9、t258.1.5 连接器和 EAI 适配器 /Connector and Enterprise Application Integration Adapters258.2 以数据为核心的项目/DATA CENTRIC PROJECT258.2.1 数据仓库项目 /Data Warehouse Projects258.2.2 构造交易 /业务数据库 | Transactional/Operational Projects Database Construction259 容量和性能规划设计/SIZE AND PERFORMANCE269.1 高可用性和扩展性设计/HIGH AVAILABILIT
10、Y AND SCALABILITY269.2 反应时间/RESPONSE TIME269.3 带宽要求/BANDWIDTH CONSUMPTION2610 质量/QUALITY2711 架构原型/ARCHITECTURAL PROTOTYPE281 概述/Introduction本章目的:本节对系统的架构设计做总的概述。应当包括文档目的、系统范围、定义、术语和缩略语以及相关参考文献The introduction of the Architectural Design provides an overview of the entire architectural design. It inc
11、ludes the purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, references and overview of the architectural design.1.1 目的/Purpose本节目的:描述系统架构设计文档的目的以及在所有项目文档中所起的作用,简单介绍该文档的结构This section defines the role or purpose of the Architectural Design in the overall project documentation, and briefly describ
12、es the structure of the document.本文档主要描述了 XX 系统总体架构(Architecture Overview),并通过不同的架构设计视角对系统的各个方面加以描述。该文档作为系统设计阶段的指导性文件,读者对象主要有 XXX 等This document provides a comprehensive architectural overview of xx system, using some different architectural views to depict different aspects of the system.This docum
13、ent should be guiding document for system design phase. The main readers include XX.1.2 范围/Scope1.2.1 涵盖的主题和内容/Included Topics本节目的:列出本文档涵盖的主题和内容A brief description of topics to be included in this document1.2.2 不包含的主题和内容/Excluded Topics本节目的:列出本文档所不包含的主题和内容A list of topics excluded from this document
14、1.3 定义、术语和缩略语/Definitions,Acronyms and Abbreviations本节目的:列出解释架构设计时所用到的术语定义和缩写等,可以用一张术语表列出Provide definitions of all terms, acronyms and abbreviations required to interpret the Architectural Design. This information may be provided as a reference to the projects glossary.1.4 参考文献/References本节目的:列出在架构
15、设计时参考的相关文档或文献,比如系统需求文档等Provide a complete list of all documents referenced elsewhere in the Architectural Design, e.g. System Requirement Specification1.5 标注/Notation本节目的:说明本文档中描述架构视图时使用的建模语言,比如 UML(2.0),如果使用其他建模语言请予以详细说明Describe what diagrammatic notation has been used in this document to represent
16、 the architectural views. Use of the Unified Modelling Language (UML2.0) is required. If UML2.0 is not used then please provide a detailed legend in this section for all symbols and semantics.2 系统总体架构设计/Architectural Representation2.1 架构设计目标和约束/Architectural Goals and Constraints本节目的:确定该系统架构设计的目标和上汽
17、现有的环境约束Specify the goals and SAIC Motor existing environmental constraints of the system architectural design2.2 系统架构设计业务需求/Architectural Design Business Requirements本节目的:描述基于该架构设计的系统所能实现的业务功能Describe required business functions of the system based on this architectural design2.3 总体架构视图/Architecture
18、 Overview Diagram本节目的:在此用架构图描述系统的整体架构设计,可参考以下的视图样例Using an architectural overview diagram to describe architectural design of the system. The diagrams below are simples for referenceG l o b a l B O M S y s t e m S e r v e r F a r mW e b S p h e r e A p p l i c a t i o n S e r v e rW e b S p h e r e
19、P r o c e s s S e r v e rL o a d B a l a n c e S e r v e rD a t a b a s e S e r v e rF i l e S e r v e r接入层 应用层 数据层整合层用户层L D A P S e r v e rE n t e r p r i s e S e r v i c e B u sT C - B O MS A P W o r k f l o w E n g e i n eM B O M R e l e a s eB a s e B O M I n f oB O M S t r u c t u r eE C R / M
20、C R/ T C RE W O / M W O B r e a k P o i n tM e m b e r I n f oI n t e r f a c e M o d u l eA p p l i c a t i o n F r a m e w o r k & C o m m o n S e r v i c eB u s i n e s s D a t aW P S D B2.3.1 系统架构介绍/System Architecture Introduction2.3.2 应用逻辑部署设计/Application Logical Deployment Design2.3.3 应用框架方案简
21、述/Applicable Framework Solution Introduction2.3.4 系统用户管理/System User Management2.3.5 与周边系统集成/Integrated with Circumjacent Systems本节可选,如无定义则标注 N/A。2.4 开放标准遵循/Open Standard Conformance1本节目的:列出本架构遵循的 xxxIT 技术标准及其版本号List SAIC Motor IT technical standards and the version numbers to which this architectur
22、al conforms2.5 特殊解决方案/Specific Solutions本节目的:列出本架构中标准之外特殊的和/ 或单独的协议以及使用的 APIList any specific and/or proprietary protocols and APIs used in this architecture.2.6 潜在可重用性/Potential Reusability本节目的:系统如果包括组件开发或者面向服务(service-oriented) 的开发,本节应当对于一些潜在的可重用性进行概述,这些可重用性包括组件、框架、Web 服务和设计模式等。确定开发或者购买的重用性部分所对应的功
23、能或业务块。如某项无可重用性则标注 N/AIf component or service-oriented development is included then give a brief overview on how incorporating Reusable Assets (components, frameworks, web services and design patterns) are expected to benefit the project. Identify the functional areas or business components for which
24、 Reusable Assets may be developed or purchased. Notation for N/A if no reusability for the item.2.6.1 集成服务接口的可重用性/Integrated Service Interface Reused by Project本节目的:说明本系统与周边系统集成服务的接口的可重用性List the interface reused by project for the system integrating with other circumjacent systems2.6.2 项目重用已有的部件和框架
25、/Components and Frameworks Reused by ProjectReused Componentsor FrameworkSupplier Benefits List Repository Source名称和版本Name and VersionVender,其他项目,开源等Benefit for Project 可以找到可重用部件和框架信息的网址链接等URL to find info on the reused components/framework2.6.3 项目重用 Web 服务(Web Service)/Web Service Reused by Project
26、Reused Web Service Supplier Benefits List Repository Source名称和版本Name and VersionVender,其他项目,开源等Benefit for Project 可以找到可重用 Web 服务的网址链接等URL to find info on the reused web service2.6.4 项目重用 COTS 模板/COTS Templates Reused by ProjectReused COTS TemplateSupplier Benefits List Repository Source名称和版本Name an
27、d VersionVender,其他项目,开源等Benefit for Project 可以找到可重用 COTS 模板的网址链接等URL to find info on the reused COTS template2.6.5 项目创建的可重用的组件和框架/Reusable Components and Frameworks Created by Project2.6.6 项目创建的可重用的 Web 服务/Reusable Web Service Created by Project2.6.7 项目创建的可重用的 COTS 模板/Reusable COTS Templates Created
28、 by Project2.6.8 创建或重用的设计模式/Design Patterns Reused or Created3 用例视图/Use-Case View本节目的:选择系统中具有核心功能或者对本架构有较大覆盖的用例,以用例视图的方式来表现本架构设计。用例视图需要使用 UML2.0 表示。可参考下面的视图样例List those use cases or scenarios from the use-case model (created as part of the System Requirements Specification) that represent some signi
29、ficant, central functionality of the final system, or if they have a large architectural coverage. The required notation for the Use-Case View is UML2.0. Refer to the simple belowQC&A Global Use Case DiagrmSerialized Unit TrckigMGC or SAPQuality & Reliabilty Mnger/Suprvisor Aplication dministrtr GSC
30、 User External Warehous/ProcesorBulk MaterialTrckingContaiment MgtShiping MangemtBuild SchelingExternal PlantRacking MngemtReportingTrackingConfiguratioRacking ConfigurationPLC*ShipingConfiguratioQuality & Reliabilty UserVehicle AsemblyScheduleConfigrationGSCAdministratorTimeQuality GatesBuild Matri
31、x MangemntPLC* * PLC actor eprsentd twice on diagrmUse se with Ylo bakgru re nw.Serialized Unit GnlogyBulk MaterialGenlogy3.1 用例实现/Use-Case Realization本节目的:详细描述以上选择的用例,以解释本架构如何实现用例描述功能Show how the software actually works by giving a few selected use-case (or scenario) realizations. Explain how the c
32、onfiguration for the architecture enables the use cases to be achieved.4 系统架构逻辑视图描述/Logical View本章目的:描述整个应用系统的功能组成块,具有相似功能的应用方面可以集成为一个子系统并描述子系统之间的约束Describe the functional decomposition of the entire application based on a logical ordering of the applications requirements. The aspects of the applica
33、tion with similar functionality should be aggregated into a subsystem and then subsystems organized to depict the dependencies between subsystems. 4.1 子系统视图/Subsystem Overview本节目的:如果系统可以根据功能分成几个子系统,则用子系统视图来表示,并且对子系统实现方式进行简要说明。参考下面的子系统视图样例Show the subsystem overview if the system can be divided into
34、a few functional subsystems, then give a brief introduction to these subsystems implementation. Refer to subsystem diagram simple below4.2 层视图/Layered Overview本节目的:描述系统架构的层级结构。参考下面的层视图样例Give a layered description of the system architecture design. Refer to the simple below系统总体上分为三层:用户界面层,业务逻辑层,数据及服务
35、访问层;分别对应上图中的中间三种颜色层级。4.3 系统业务模块划分或 COTS 模块/System Business Modules Division or COTS Modules4.3.1 业务模块划分原则/Business Modules Division Principles4.3.1 业务模块划分/Business Modules Division4.3.1.1 /名称/Name描述/Description相关接口/Interface Description相关依赖/Dependencies实现方式概述/Implementation Overview4.3.1.2 /名称/Name描
36、述/Description相关接口/Interface Description相关依赖/Dependencies实现方式概述/Implementation Overview4.4 包结构/Package Hierarchy本节目的:如果系统包含组件或者面向对象开发,本节用包结构视图来描述项目的组件或者服务包结构。包之间的关系应该用 UML2.0 标注,并且需要说明包的命名规则。可参考下面的包结构视图样例If component or service-oriented development is included, then show the projects components/servi
37、ces package hierarchy. Relationships and containment between packages should be shown in UML2.0 notations The naming convention for packages should be described. Refer to the simple below4.5 创建的设计模式或 COTS 模板的逻辑视图/Logical View of Created Design Pattern or COTS Templates5 流程视图/Process View本节目的:用流程图描述子
38、系统主要部件之间的访问序列关系。参考下面的视图样例Using the process view to describe the accessing order for major components of the subsystems. Refer to the simple below工作流D B S e r v i c eS e c u r i t y M a n a g e r S A I C A u t h e n t i c a t e C e n t e rS p r i n g F r a m e w o r k P O J O B i z C o m p o n e n t
39、F i l e S e r v i c eE n d U s e rH t t p R e q u e s tH t t p R e s p o n s eS e c u r i t y C h e c kA u t h e n t i c a t i o nA u t h e n t i c a t i o n S u c c e s sA u t h o r i z a t i o nA c c e s s C o n t r o lB u s i n e s s M e t h o dD B A c c e s sD B D a t aA t t a c h m e n t M a n
40、a g eF i l e D a t aT a s k O p e r a t i o nT a s k I n f oB u s i n e s s D a t a6 部署视图/Deployment View6.1 逻辑部署图/Logical Deployment Diagram本节目的:逻辑部署图需要明确系统应用如何部署在生产环境中。参考下面的视图样例Purpose of this section: Logical deployment diagram show how the system application is deployed into production environme
41、nt. Refer to the simple below6.2 物理部署图/Physical Deployment Diagram本节目的:描述部署本系统的物理平台及配置。如果系统在多点部署,则针对每个不同的部署点都必须有部署图。对于每个部署点的系统配置说明则至少应包括 CPU、内存等物理参数以及该部署点与其他点的相互通信设施(BUS、LAN 、WAN 等)。参考下面的部署视图样例Describe the physical platform configurations (processor/storage/COTS) for the system. If the system is to
42、be deployed at multiple sites, provide a deployment view for each different site.At a minimum for each configuration it should indicate the physical nodes (e.g., computers, CPUs, memory) and their interconnections (e.g., bus, LAN topology, point-to-point, WAN topology).Refer to the simple below外 围 系
43、 统英 国 用 户 区国 内 用 户 区 双 向 O r a c l e H A C M PW P S C l u s t e rW A S C l u s t e r + H A C M P f o r N F S七层交换机七层交换机A p p S e r v e r 0 1A I X 5 . 2P 5 3 0 2 C P U / 4 GW e b S p h e r e N D v 6 . 1N F SA p p S e r v e r 0 2A I X 5 . 2P 5 3 0 2 C P U / 4 GW e b S p h e r e N D v 6 . 1N F SP r o c
44、e s s S e r v e r 0 1A I X 5 . 2P 5 5 0 2 C P U / 4 GW P S v 6 . 1P r o c e s s S e r v e r 0 2A I X 5 . 2P 5 5 0 2 C P U / 4 GW P S v 6 . 1D a t a b a s e S e r v e rA I X 5 . 2P 5 5 0 4 C P U / 8 GO r a c l e 1 0 g业务数据库D a t a b a s e S e r v e rA I X 5 . 2P 5 5 0 4 C P U / 8 GO r a c l e 1 0 gW P
45、 S D a t a b a s e1 G S w i t c hW A S N D M a n a g e m e n tW i n d o w s 2 0 0 32 C P U / 2 GW A S N e t w o r k D e p l o y m e n t1 G S w i t c hL D A P S e r v e rE S B S e r v e rT C B O MS A P 仪征S A P 临港E M C 存储服务器6.3 服务支持/Supporting Service6.3.1 命名/目录|Naming/Directory本节目的:说明命名和目录服务应用的架构配置(L
46、DAP,JNDI 等),以及该配置如何应用于上汽整个基础架构Indicate the architectural configuration for the naming/directory service (LDAP, JNDI, etc.) and how it will inter-operate with SMCs overall infrastructure.6.3.2 安全/Security本节目的:说明安全服务应用的架构配置以及该配置如何应用于上汽整个基础架构,并且说明系统权限认证机制Indicate the architectural configuration for the
47、 security service and how it will inter-operate with SAIC Motor overall infrastructure.6.3.3 系统监控/System Monitoring本节目的:说明在集成测试和生产过程中如何对基础设施和应用系统进行监控Indicate the approach taken to provide infrastructure and application monitoring services (events, alerts, filtering, etc.) during integrated testing a
48、nd production.6.3.4 系统日志/System Monitoring本节目的:说明在集成测试和生产过程中如何对基础设施和应用系统提供日志服务Indicate the approach taken to provide infrastructure and application logging services (logging alerts, etc.) during integrated testing and production.7 实现视图/Implementation View7.1 包/组件|Package/Components本节目的:如果系统包含组件或者面向服
49、务的开发,描述包或者组件的装配结构。参考下面的视图样例If component or service-oriented development is included then for each implementation package or component, describe how to assemble these components or packages. Refer to the simple below.8 数据视图/Data View本节目的:描述系统永久数据的存储策略。在此之前必须首先明确本项目属于以行为为核心的项目还是以数据为核心的项目Provide description of the persistent data storage perspective of the system. This section may be considered not applicable if there is little or no persistent data or the translation between t