1、 新概念英语第三册单词表1 / 12新概念英语三册词汇表(L1-L7)1.体形似猫的 cat-like 2.看出,发现 spot3.受重视 be taken seriously 4.有必要做某事 be obliged to do sth.5.声称已经做了某事 claim to have done sth. 6.积累,积聚 accumulate7.人类 human being 8.走投无路 be cornered9.一串的 a trail of 10.抱怨某物 complain of sth.11.相信 be convinced that 12.为 所拥有 be in possession of
2、 sth.13.筹集资金 raise money 14.让人修理教堂的钟 have the church clock repaired15.打点报时 strike the hour 16.突然惊醒 wake up with a start17.借着电筒的光 in the torchlight 18.看见 catch sight of sb./sth.19.不久之前 some time ago 20.享有高度文明 enjoy a high level of civilization21.装饰华丽的墙壁 beautifully decorated wall 22.安装 be equipped wi
3、th23.祭祀祈祷的场所 a place of worship 24.重新拼装碎片 reconstruct the fragments25.结果时,原来是 turn out to be 26.身高 3 英尺 stand three feet high27.拖地长裙 full-length skirt 28.相貌摩登的 modern-looking29.繁荣的 prosperous 30.考古学家 archaeologist31.优雅的 graceful 32.身份 identity33.体力劳动 manual work 34.被称为 be referred to as35.就是因为 for t
4、he simple reason that 36.白领工人 white-collar worker37.人性 human nature 38.愿意做某事 be willing to do sth.39.为 而作牺牲 sacrifice sth. for sth. 40.引起 give rise to sth.41.做某事的殊荣 the privilege of doing sth. 42.清洁工 dustman43.换上工作服 change into overalls 44.损失点钱也值得 be worth the loss of money45.走极端做某事 go to extremes t
5、o do sth. 46.为某人提供某物 provide sb. with sth.47.被指使着做某事 be instructed to do sth. 48.出发做某事 set out to do sth.49.(杂志等)出版 go to press 50.勉强地 reluctantly51.不耐烦的 impatient 52.起初,原先,从前 originally53.高档商店 expensive shop 54.珠宝店主 the owner of a jewellery shop55.在 的背景上 on the background of sth. 56.宁静被打破 The silen
6、ce was broken.57.(车)停了下来 come to a stop 58.留在驾驶座上 stay at the wheel59.铁棒 iron bar 60.被某物砸中 be struck by sth.61.爬行 scramble 62.价值数千英镑的钻石thousands of pounds worth of diamonds63.在某人身上发生 happen to sb. 64.洗衣机 washing machine65.大面值的纸币 a large bank note 66.比白纸还白 whiter than white67.喂狗吃某物 feed sth.to the do
7、g 68.未婚夫 fiance69.经营一家家具店 run a furniture business 70.化为灰烬 be turned to ash新概念英语第三册单词表2 / 1271.妥善保管 safekeeping 72.女发言人 spokeswoman73.残钞鉴别组 mutilated ladies 74.识别,鉴定 identify三册词汇表(L8-L14)1.连接瑞士和意大利 connect Switerland to Italy 2.看家狗 watchdog3.在罗马时代 in Roman times 4.遇到困难 be in difficulty5.被人们游览 be vis
8、ited by people 6.喜欢冬天不太喜欢夏天 prefer winter to summer7.清静,隐居 privacy 8.受到热烈欢迎 receive a warm welcome9.莽撞地,冒失地 rashly 10.复活节 Easter11.总是做某事 never fail to do sth. 12.对某人深情款款的 be affectionate towards sb.13.过着神秘的生活 lead mysterious lives 14.顺从的 submissive15.让某人着迷 fascinate sb. 16.以 为依据 be based on sth.17.对
9、 做研究 make a study of sth. 18.有共同的经历 have one experience in common19.死于震荡 die from shock 20.不缺 there is no shortage of sth.21.训练有素的 well-trained 22.达到的速度 reach speeds of sth.23.伸展四肢 stretch out legs 24.空气阻力 air-resistance25.着地 hit the ground 26.独立性 independence27.从驶向. sail for sp. from sp. 28.庞大的 col
10、ossal29.用现代的标准衡量 by modern standards 30.被认为是永不沉没的 be regarded as unsinkable31.不漏水的 watertight 32.(船舱)进水 be flooded33.大批人员死亡 heavy loss of life 34.瞭望员 lookout35.让某人恐慌的是 to ones horror 36.跳进刺骨的海水 plunge into the icy water37.宽容的 tolerant 38.通过绿色通道 go through the Green Channel39.(在海关)有要申报 have sth. to d
11、eclare 40.有经验的 hardened41.打开手提箱 unlock the suitcase 42.讽刺地 sarcastically43.十分仔细地 with great care 44.乱成一团 in a dreadful mess45.一把抓住某物 pounce on sth. 46.拧开瓶盖 unscrew the cap of the bottle47.怪味迎面袭来 be greeted by an unpleasant smell48.爱管闲事的 officious49.对有的想法 form a picture of sth. 50.荒岛 desert island51.
12、天堂,乐土 paradise 52.恰恰相反 quite the opposite53.饿死 starve to death 54.珊瑚岛 coral island55.严重损坏的船 badly damaged boat 56.橡皮艇 rubber dinghy57.路过的油轮 passing tanker 58.由衷地 genuinely59.上楼 go upstairs 60.化妆舞会 fancy-dress party61.打算做某事 intend to do sth. 62.装扮成鬼的模样 dress up as a ghost新概念英语第三册单词表3 / 1263.迫不及待地做某事
13、be impatient to do sth. 64.由构成 consist of65.大叫一声 let out a cry 66.砰地关门 slam the door67.有明显效果的 effective 68.逃走 flee / fled /fled69.付大笔的钱给 pay large sums of money to 70.以作为交换 in return for sth.71.让某人破产 put sb. out of business 72.保护费 protection money73.现代犯罪 modern crime 74.一队士兵 a band of soldiers75.处于战
14、争年代 be at war 76.在和平时期 in times of peace77.国葬 state funeral 78.用于纪念某人 be dedicated to the memory of sb.79.骁勇无比的战士 valiant soldier 80.贵族歹徒 noble gangster三册词汇表(L15-L20)1.欣赏,感激 appreciate 2.零花钱 pocket money3.被用于交换某物 be exchanged for sth. 4.储蓄罐 money box5.一块巧克力 a bar of chocolate 6.五十便士的麻烦 fifty pence w
15、orth of trouble7.卷起袖子 roll up ones sleeves 8.在胳膊上抹肥皂 rub the arm with soap9.消防员 fire brigade 10.奖励某人某物 reward sb. with sth.11.被卡住 be stuck 12.节俭的 thrifty13.希腊南部 southern Greece 14.珍贵的财产 prize possession15.把某物绑在某处 tie sth. to sp. 16.指责某人做了某事 accuse sb. of doing sth.17.否认做了某事 deny doing sth. 18.对做某事不好
16、意思 be ashamed of doing sth.19.因做了某事向某人道歉 appologize to sb. for 20.很震惊地发现 be astonished to do sth.21.把某物染成黑色 dye sth. black 22.偷窃行为 theft23.驶进纽约港 sail into New York Harbour 24.把描述为 describe sth. as sth.25.宜人的位置 agreeable situation 26.位于某处 be located sp.27.在之间 in the midst of 28.流芳百世 remain immortal29
17、.绝对不 by no means 30.吊桥 suspension bridge31.以 命名 be named after sb. 32.将和连接起来 join sp. to sp.33.桥长英尺 has a span of feet 34.将 列入考虑范围 be taken into account35.深达 100 英尺 a depth of 100 feet 36.高达 700 英尺 a height of 700 feet37.据估计 It is estimated that 38.装满,摆满 be packed with sth.39.1/3 的总承载力 a third of it
18、s total capacity 40.优美别致的 elegant41.现代雕塑 modern sculpture 42.错误的 mistaken43.对某物不感兴趣 take no interest in sth. 44.展出的某物 sth. on display45.所谓的 so-called 46.活动的雕塑 moving sculpture47.造型奇特的 oddly shaped 48.被悬挂在某处 be suspended sp.49.金属球 metal sphere 50.相互吸引或排斥 attract or repel each other新概念英语第三册单词表4 / 1251
19、.不停地 continuously 52.发疯 go mad53.忽明忽暗 on and off 54.电击 electric shock55.老掉牙的,史前的 prehistoric 56.感情的 emotionally57.相当大的 considerable 58.散步 take a short walk59.匿名信 anonymous letter 60.安然无恙 be in safe hands61.价值为的赎金 a ransom of pounds 62.履行诺言 keep ones word63.果不其然 sure enough 64.大为吃惊 be astounded65.绑架者
20、 kidnapper 66.(从银行)取钱 withdraw67.有规律的 orderly 68.富有的,有钱的 wealthy69.价值为的奖励 a prize of 70.做第一次尝试 make the first attempt71.起飞 take off 72.被营救 be picked up by 73.陆上飞行 overland flight 74.先驱 pioneer75.短距离试飞 make a short test flight 76.贵族 lord三册词汇表(L21-L25)1.被称作为 . be known as 2.非常盛行 be very popular3.最引人著名
21、的人物 the most colourful figure 4.制定,草拟 draw up5.当时 in those days 6.在某人的全盛时期 in ones day7.一举成名 rise to fame swiftly 8.吸引某人的注意 attract the attention of sb9.拳坛名将 the most eminent boxer 10.反目为仇 turn against sb11.名声大振 become so successful 12.把大笔赌注下在某人身上 bet a great deal of money on sb13.大笔大笔的钱 enormous su
22、ms of money 14.挥霍无度 be so extravagant15.债台高筑 be in debt 16.还债 pay ones debts17.连续上演好几年 run for years on end 18.倒霉句式 this is unfortunate for sb19.继续重复做某事 go on repeating sth 20.一夜连着一夜 night after night21.一部高度成功的剧目 a highly successful play 22.扮演的角色 be cast in the role of23.把 背的滚瓜烂熟 know sth by heart 2
23、4.情况不总是这样 Yet this is not always the case.25.同某人开玩笑 play a jike on sb 26.将 烂记于心 learn sth by heart27.手里拿着那封珍贵的信 with the precious letter in his hand 28.一张白纸 a blank sheet of paper29.盯着看 stare at sth 30.继续做某事 proceed to do sth31.变得不合理 become quite illogical 32.把 视为 consider sth sth 33.美味佳肴 a great de
24、licacy 34.一道珍奇的名菜 a great luxury35.恶心 find sth repulsive 36.反胃 Stomach turns37.一见到 at the idea of sth 38.普通的做法 the normally accepted practice新概念英语第三册单词表5 / 1239.一辈子都这样 stick to them all our lives 40.有不及其数的人 There are countless people who41.没有引起多大兴趣 Sth never appealed to me very much 42.许许多多蜗牛 a huge
25、 number of snails43.慢悠悠的蠕动 take a stroll 44.心爱的花草 prize plants45.一时冲动 acting on a sudden impulse 46.我不喜欢这个主意 I didnt fancy the idea.47.爬的满厅都是 take complete possession of the hall48.表明上受人尊重的人物或家庭 a seemingly respectable person or family49.对某人隐瞒某事 conceal sth from sb 50.骇人听闻的秘密 terrible secret51.生动的说法
26、 a vivid saying 52.柜中骷髅 a skeleton in the cupboard53.读者感到毛骨悚然 The readers hair stands on end. 54.无可非议句式 It is all very well for such things55.在不同程度上 to varying degrees 56.一位成功的侦探小说作家 a successful writer of detective stories57.让我觉得句式 it gave me the impression that 58.朝我扑来 leap out at me 59.著名的帆船 the
27、most famous sailing ships 60.停在陆地上 stand on dry land61.起到作用 serve as 62.历史上的巨大帆船 the great ships of the past63.一比高低 A matches B 64.持续数月 go on for months65.标志着 It marked 66.新纪元的开始 the beginning of a new era67.取得领先地位 take the lead 68.确信无疑 It seemed certain that69.失去领先地位 lose ones lead 70.左右摇摆 roll fro
28、m side to side71.分秒必争 at tremendous speed 72.毫无疑问 There is no doubt that三册词汇表(L26-L30)1.没有人能够受到影响句式 No one can avoid being influenced by 2.施加潜移默化句式 Sth exerts a subtle influence on sb3.仔细研究人的本性 make a close study of human nature 4.喜欢免费得到东西 love to get sth for nothing5.很少会失败 Sth can rarely go wrong.
29、6.使人可赢得巨额奖金 enable us to win huge sums of money7.使某人做某事成为可能 make it possible for sb to do sth 8.吸引百万人的注意 capture the attention of people9.反响巨大句式 The response to sth was tremendous 10.相隔不一会 a little later11.一个特大无比的饼干 a truly colossal biscuit 12.看来获奖无疑句式 It seemed certain that this would winthe prize.
30、13.据说句式 It has been said that 14.靠 为生 live by doing sth15.依据,按照 in the light of 16.从 方面说来,按照 in terms of 新概念英语第三册单词表6 / 12三册词汇表(L31-L35)1.从不有意引人注意 never deliberately set out to draw attention to 2.增添色彩句式 Add colour to sth3.最有名望的人 the most notable figures 4.精明能干,有钱的商人 A shrewd and wealthy businessman
31、5.痛恨势利小人 dislike snobs intensely 6.一场漂泼大雨 a particularly heavy shower7.浑身带水的样子 a bedraggled condition 8.二话没说 without a word9.置之不理 pay no attention to sb 10.严厉训斥 reprimand sb severely11.策划精心设计的闹剧 stage this elaborate joke12.彻底失败 a complete failure 13.正在返航的路上 Be on its way home17.有时候句式 There are times
32、 when 18.不愿意做 grudge paying19.就像 in the same way that 20.例外 be the only exception to this general rule21.不受愁事所折磨 be free from the thousands of anxiety 22.露天 in the open23.确实需要的时候 in times of real need 24.把 归为乞丐一类 put them in the same class as beggars25.感到羡慕 feel a little envious of sth 26.简朴的生活 thei
33、r simple way of life27.无忧无虑的境况 their freedom from care28.要想不动心是很困难的 It was difficult not to be tempted 29.一 就 no soonerthan30.无意作某事 have no intention of doing sth 31.竭力做某事 go to great lengths to do sth32.留下一道深痕 make a deep impression 33.摆脱 get rid of sth34.看上去不假 It certainly looked genuine. 35.把价降到十
34、英镑 reduce the price to 1036.把笔塞到我手里 thrust the pen into my hands 37.绝妙的讨价还价 wonderful bargain38.很大程度上取决于 largely depends on 39.神秘莫测的联系在一起 be mysteriously bound up with40.民族特点 national characteristics 41.使人笑出眼泪 make sb laugh to tears42.根据/基于 be based on sth 43.喜剧情节 comic situations44.滑稽情节 funny situa
35、tions 45.普遍的效果 a universal appeal46.起源于 stem from 47.流行 come into fashion48.悲剧情节 tragic situations 49.振作精神 take heart50.辞职 give up ones job 51.这件事已成公认的事实 it became an accepted fact that52.一个尽心尽责的鬼 a conscientious ghost 53.但事实上确有此人 This was indeed the case.54.不是别人正是 none other than 55.揭露秘密 reveal a s
36、ecret56.当逃兵 desert ones regiment 57.阵亡 be killed in action58.一点也不知道 quite unaware of the fact 59.保守秘密 keep the secret新概念英语第三册单词表7 / 1214.再作尝试 make another attempt 15.一批珍贵的金条 a precious cargo of gold bullion16.以为,认为 be under the impression 17.私有财物 personal belongs18.毫无价值的东西 nothing of value 19.极大的兴趣
37、of great interest20.被搞清,弄清楚 come to light 21. 护航 in a convoy to22.都曾经历过 We have all experienced days 23.事事不顺心 everything goes wrong24.失去控制 get out of control 25.经常 invariably26.许许多多的事情 a great number of things 27.在同一时刻 at precisely the same moment28.一连串的连锁反应 a chain of reactions 29.一连串意想不到的灾难 an unf
38、oreseen series of catastrophes30.有时乱子会闹很大 Things can go wrong on a big scale 31.唇枪舌战 angry argument32.排成长龙 pile up33.特殊魅力 a peculiar fascination 34.防止灰尘 be free from dust35.令人望而却步的地方 a forbidding place 36.鼓起勇气 muster up courage to37.不太装腔作势的古玩店 a less pretentious antique shop 38.专心致志于 be bent on doin
39、g sth39.抱有希望句式 cherish the hope that 40.难以掩饰兴奋句式 could hardly conceal his excitement41.伸张正义 Justice was done. 42.毫无疑问/确凿证据 beyond doubt43.复杂的法律机器 the complex machinery of the law 44.走一条崎岖的道路 undertake an arduous journey45.在个别情况下 There are rare instances that 46.罪有应得 it serves him right47.抵制诱惑 resist
40、 the temptation to do sth 48.闷声闷气的叫声 a muffled cry49.解救某人 free sb by dong sth 50.被卡住 got stuck in三册词汇表(L36-L40)1.给结尾 bringto a conclusion by doing sth 2.一系列巧合 a series of coincidences3.一个低贱的女佣 an obscure maidservant 4.一位长久失散的兄弟 a long- lost brother5.策划暗算 plot to bring about sth 6.确实会出现巧合 do sometime
41、s conspire to bring about coincidences7.除外,正是 anyone but 8.一次徒步旅行 on a walking tour9.评论说 comment on 10.讥笑 pour scorn on 11.阵亡 be killed in action 12.非常熟悉,知道 be fully acquainted with13.百万分之一的可能性 there was a chance in a million 14.不用说,当然 needless to say15.步行回到 make ones way back toon foot 16.定居 settle
42、 down新概念英语第三册单词表8 / 1217.习惯于相信 have learnt to expect that 18.产生一个不可动摇的信念 develop an unshakable faith19.列车时刻表 railway timetable 20.不加思索的责备 It is all too easy to blame 21.查看列车时刻表 consulting railway timetable 22.上车 board the train23.利用快车之便 take advantage of this excellent service 24.我突然明白 It suddenly d
43、awned on me that25.申诉,提意见 lodge a complaint 26.一种胜利者的调子 a note of triumph27.白纸黑字 in black and white 28.列车暂停运营 This service has been suspended.29.独一无二,别具一格的地位 in a unique position 30.我们的这段历史 the history of our times31.庞大的材料 great mass of evidence 32.依靠,依赖 rely on33.令人眼花缭乱的信息 The bewildering amount of
44、 information 34.可以说 as it were35.身临其境 in action 36.微不足道的遗物 insignificant remains37.解释,使清楚地现出来 shed light on 38.产生,形成 come into being39.农业的问世 the advent of agriculture 40.面对,面临 be faced with41.世界各地 in various parts of the world 42.令人费解的代码 this difficult code43.最原始的日历 a primitive type of calendar 44.大
45、家早就知道 it has long been known that45.一种艺术表现形式 a form of artistic expression 46.确定的联系 a definite relation47.高低不平的道路 the rough road 48.劝说做 get sb to do sth49.不是而是 It was not thatbut 50.危险感 sense of danger51.尘土飞扬的道路 the dusty truck 52.掘起 scoop up53.迟早 sooner or later 54.汽油和机油的痕迹 a trail of oil and petro
46、l55.为 所代替 give ones way to 56.长长松了口气 what a relief57.再次央求 renewed pleadings 58.挂上慢档 go into a low gear59.一片潜水塘 a shallow pool of water 60.车子嘎吱一声停住 the car came to a grinding halt.61.刺眼的发光 flash angrily62.喜欢恶作剧 enjoy practical jokes 63.专门从事,擅长 specialize in64.低级骗局 a crude form of deception 65.沉没于 ind
47、ulge in66.把它当回事 take sth seriously 67.预先通报的情况 this piece of advance information68.用武力威胁做某事 threaten to do by force 69.规劝某人 remonstrate with70.讥讽的说 point out ironically 71.已经逮捕 be under arrest72.打一个电话 make a phone call 73.一个投币电话 a pay phone74.一场骗局的受害者 the victims of a hoax 新概念英语三册词汇表( L40-L47)新概念英语第三
48、册单词表9 / 121.欺骗 deception 2.自重的 self-respecting3.自尊 self-respect/self-esteem 4.沉迷于 indulge in5.讽刺地 ironically 6.请求某人许可 . ask sb for permission7.专门研究 specialize in 8.严肃对待某事 /某人 take sth/sb seriously9.因为某事感谢某人 be grateful to sb for sth 10.到达现场 arrive on the scene11.幻想 illusion 12.田园风光 pastoral scene13.
49、有教养的孩子 a well-bred child 14.优于某人/某事 be superior to sb/sth15.特权 privilege 16.和某人熟悉 be acquainted with17.住在城里的人 city dweller 18.奇装异服 exotic clothes19.引诱某人做某事 lure sb to do sth 20.预言 foretell21.生意兴隆 Business is booming 22.使面临 confront23.达到的深度 extend to a depth of 24.跳入湖中 plunge into the lake25.保险公司 insurance company 26.公认地 admittedly27.购买力 purchase power 28.垂直地 vertically29.以防 in the event of 30.是件是常有的事 it is not uncommon to hear that31.滑回水里 slide back into the