1、16 3 Vol.16No.32007 M5 ResourcesandEnvironment intheYangtzeBasin May 2007cI|:1004-8227(2007)03-0391-046?r ur Z T/r c +) ) ) 8 g 陈 逸,黄贤金,彭补拙,濮励杰,张 健( 2v Z S, 2210093)K 1:YV 8 g Baa r 98r “_s,)r Z Tr ic YbTV , Baar iVr(0.110 mg/kg)b6r Z T, Br iK, QsY Baaa Bbr S(0.20 mg/kg)M1, B20%“S, BaasY18.75%a11.11
2、%a9.09%“S,7 B S“b B B ,9 B ( iK,r0.130mg/kg, Q B, i0.126mg/kgb 6,6r Z T,“ , Baar ( i ( ur (0.110 mg/kg)b , B ( iV18%b Vn, r i BYbVr Z T = A, rMs“ Avl,9 lr isM1 ( b 86r Z T =,SMs“ M1 l, is1 ( bV1 gr Z Tr id9(mg/kg)Tab.1 Statistical Results of SoilCdConcentrations UnderDifferent Land UseTypes in Kunsh
3、an Cityr Z T (SMs“ (%)KvKl0.130 0.057 44.089 0.319 0.019 0.300B0.154 0.173 112.410 0.307 0.019 0.288 B0.116 0.031 26.597 0.180 0.081 0.099 B0.141 0.066 46.699 0.307 0.019 0.288 B0.142 0.067 47.161 0.295 0.079 0.216l0.121 0.051 42.251 0.319 0.056 0.2630.124 0.057 45.821 0.319 0.056 0.2630.132 0.048 3
4、5.960 0.229 0.078 0.1510.107 0.036 34.031 0.170 0.076 0.094 g Br i AlbV , B1 A, /,r l ? |F B BbBZ iVSs15GQ B B,7 B “ iVSbm2 r Z Tc Sd9Fig.2 Ratioof Soil SamplesBeyond theBackgroundand theBaselineUnder Different LandUseTypes3.3 r c us+ gT“1 qs1 v(V2),S“ us b 14T, r ( iK,r0.276mg/kg, Q F , ( i0. 151 m
5、g/kg,“S1 sYr80. 00%33.33%;7a F # ( i1 ,sY0.101mg/kga0.099mg/kg0.092mg/kg,i O3 B“ iVSbVS“ us A,a F a r ( iK,7 O B“Sb , F g61 , B(0.141 mg/kg)(0.312mg/kg)(0.124 mg/kg) B(0.116 mg/kg) (0.107 mg/kg)bur Sv(GB15618-1995)B)S(0.20mg/kg)T NS,“ B , r Z T/i iS5, BaaarS qsY20. 00%a18. 75%a9. 09%a11.11%bVS“s A,6
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8、65.11 ,?,. gr r c +J. ,2005,24(7):542 548.12 WuY Y, ChenT, Zhang XX. Pollution ecology ofCd intheZhangshiareaofShenyangJ. ActaEcologicaSinica, 1989,9(1) : 21 26.13 19 b, v, SY,.r # ZEM.: ,2000.315 319.14 y,j. r YJ.S,1995,15(2):142 147.15 1,= , .= J.r ,1998,35(4):461 467.16 ,A, ,.r #Tr.j mid-yieldpad
9、dy field gardenland vegetableland high-yieldpaddy field uncultivatedland. Comparedwithstandard(0.20mg/kg), 20%, 18.75%, 11.11% and9.09% inmid-yieldpaddyfield, low-yieldpad-dyfield, gardenlandandvegetablelandsoilsamples, exceededthestandardlimit. Accordingtothisinves-tigation, industrial activitiesandirrigation of sewage were the causes in the accumulation of soil sampleCd.Key words:landuse; soil; Cd; KunshanCity394 16