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类型四年级英语上册《unit 1 my classroom》试卷4 (人教pep).doc

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    四年级英语上册《unit 1 my classroom》试卷4 (人教pep).doc

    1、Unit 1 My ClassroomPart A (1)一、你会写这些单词吗?(18 分)1窗户 2.门3图画 4.写字板5教室 6.灯二、你会搭配吗?(42 分)1. 2.( ) ( )3. 4.( ) ( )5. 6.( ) ( )AOpen the door.B Turn on the light.C Clean the window.DPut up the picture.EClean the board.FSweep the floor.三、想一想,选一选。(24 分)( )1.当卡卡龙想知道小天的教室里有什么的时候,它应说:_AWhats in the classroom?B W

    2、hats at the classroom?( )2.当你想说 “这是一盏灯 ”的时候,你应说:_AIts lights. BIts a light.( )3.当 Lily 想让 Lucy 打开灯时,她应说: _ATurn on the light.B Turn off the light.四、你会选吗?(16 分)( )1.There is _ _ in the classroom.Aa board B some doors Cmany chairs( )2.There are many desks and _.Achairs Ba chair Cchair参考答案:Unit 1 My Cl

    3、assroomPart A (2)一、写出下列字母的对应大写或小写形式。(10 分)A e D b C二、开动脑筋,你一定能填上。(30 分)1. 2._at _uck 3. 4._all _pple5. 6._gg c_k_ 三、你会判断吗?(同类的词写“S”,不同类的词写“D” 。)(30 分)( )1.desk bed ant ( )2.boy girl elephant( )3.cake beef egg( )4.cat dog duck( )5.car bike hand( )6.elephant ant ball四、火眼金睛,选一选。(10 分)( )1.ant A 床( )2.c

    4、ar B球( )3.doctor C牛肉( )4.elephant D蚂蚁( )5.bed E医生( )6.hand F大象( )7.beef G男孩( )8.desk H手( )9.boy I书桌( )10.ball J小汽车五、想一想,选一选。(10 分)( )1.“你知道吗? ”应这样说:_ADo you know?B I dont know.( )2.想问 “它们是什么? ”,应这样说:_AWhats this?B What are they?六、慧眼识金。(10 分)( )1.nest(巢)egg( )2.a piece(块)of cake( )3.like a cat on hot bricks(砖块)( )4.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.A储备金B热锅上的蚂蚁C小菜一碟D一天一苹果,医生远离我。参考答案:

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