1、談如何增進英語寫作能力,尚惠芳 教授 義守大學應用英語系/所,Outline: Comprehensible Input Theory Free-Writing Approach Grammar-Syntax-Organization Approach Conclusion,96/12/19,I. Comprehensible Input Theory,1, 提倡者:Dr. Krashen (1984) 定義:不知不覺中漸漸地獲得(acquire)正確的文法、拼字及寫作格式 目的:在潛移默化中獲得正確的寫作格式及用法,以增進英語寫作能力 方法:多閱讀各種題材的讀物,2,II. Free-Wri
2、ting Approach, 定義:盡可能地寫,不需太注重文法、用字及格式的正確性 目的:以英文來流暢地表達思緒 方法:天天用英文寫日記 (journal writing)但無法學得正確的英文寫作模式!,3,III. Grammar-Syntax-Organization Approach, 定義:注重文法、結構、用字及格式的正確性 目的:了解西方的英文寫作模式及組織架構 方法:須具備基本的英文基礎,如:單字、文法結構、寫作模式等該如何起草文章?,III. Grammar-Syntax-Organization Approach,1. Brainstorming: 與小組成員腦力激盪,討論與主
3、題相關之major points 2. Listing: 將所討論之major points逐條式列出 3. Making an Outline: 用key words,將列出的majorpoints組織於大綱內 4. Freewriting: 根據大綱,盡情地以英文來表達該如何寫出正確的英文寫作格式?,4,5, What Is a Paragraph? consists of one central idea What Does a Paragraph Look Like? give a title indent the first line with 5 spaces capitalize
4、 the first word end each sentence with a period,III. Grammar-Syntax-Organization Approach,6, What Does a Paragraph Progress? begins with a topic (main idea) sentencee.g. Convenience foods are easy to prepare. followed by major points expanded with additional details/examples connected with transitio
5、nal words concluded by a concluding sentence,III. Grammar-Syntax-Organization Approach,topic,controlling idea,7,Automobile accidents occur for a variety of reasons. First, poor weather conditions are often responsible. When the roads are snowy, icy or wet, it is more difficult to control a car. Acci
6、dents can also happen when certain parts of the automobile malfunction. Faulty brakes and defective tires, for example, have been blamed for many mishaps. But the most common cause of accidents is driver error. A careless, sleepy, or drunk driver is not fully alert and runs a high risk of having an
7、accident.,III. Grammar-Syntax-Organization Approach,Topic sentence,Transitional word,Major point 1,example,Major point 2,example,Major point 3,example,Lack a concluding sentence,Transitional word,Transitional word,8, What Is an Essay? a piece of writing with several paragraphs What Does an Essay Con
8、sist of? an introductory paragraph a body a concluding paragraph,III. Grammar-Syntax-Organization Approach,9, Introductory Paragraph A few general statements A thesis statement,III. Grammar-Syntax-Organization Approach,* provide background information * attract readers attention,* like a topic sente
9、nce to give overallplan of the essay* like a map to give directions* usually the last sentence,A person born in the twentieth century has seen a lot of changes take place in almost all areas of human life. Some people are excited by the challenges that these changes offer; others want to return to t
10、he simpler, less automated life style of the past. Living in the twentieth century has certain advantages such as a higher standard of living, but it also has some disadvantages such as a polluted environment, the depersonalization of human relationships, and the weakening of spiritual values.,10,II
11、I. Grammar-Syntax-Organization Approach,General statements,Thesis statement,Major point 1,Major point 2,Major point 3,Major point 4,11, Body Subdivision of the topic Like the major points of a paragraph,III. Grammar-Syntax-Organization Approach,12,PARAGRAPH,ESSAY, Concluding Paragraph A summary of t
12、he major points OR a restatement of the thesis statement in different words Personal comments or opinions,III. Grammar-Syntax-Organization Approach,13,III. Grammar-Syntax-Organization Approach,In conclusion, although the twentieth century has indeed given us a lot of advantages by making us richer,
13、healthier and freer to enjoy our lives, it has, in my opinion, not made us wiser. The twentieth century has also made our earth dirtier, our people less humane, and our spiritual lives poorer. We should continue to enjoy the benefits of technological advancements because they free us to pursue our i
14、nterests and goals. However, we must make a concerted effort to preserve our natural environment for future generations. Moreover, we should take the time now to make our lives more meaningful in an increasingly impersonal, computerized worlds.,14,Transitional word,Restatement of major points,Personal opinions,15,IV. Conclusion,除了多讀、多寫、熟悉組織架構外,寫作時應注意下列幾點: 慎選題目 寫作前的準備 寫作時 修改及更正,寫作前須知讀者是誰、寫作的目的及欲表達的內容,須做筆記、大綱等方式,使思緒合邏輯,有組織,按照大綱,free writing,第一次須修正前後文的一貫性(coherence),第二次才修正文法及用字等,Thanks for your listening,Q & A,