1、Writing to Explain, Describe and Inform,Lesson 2,7th January 2008 LESSON OBJECTIVE,To understand how to create a character. To use similes and metaphors to enhance their descriptive writing.,Success Criteria:You MUST recognise the rules for creating a character.You SHOULD create a piece of descripti
2、ve writing using an image. You COULD evaluate how well you have done using the assessment criteria.,What is a METAPHOR ?,What is a SIMILE ?,The night is a dark blanket covering the buildings,The night is like a dark blanket covering the sky,Extreme heat Extreme cold Extreme loneliness,Create a metap
3、hor and a simile for,Creating A Character,Use adjectives,metaphors and similes,Similes, Metaphors and Adjectives,This man was slim and wiry and he played football. On the football field he wore white running shorts and white gym shoes and short white socks. His legs were as hard and as thin as rams
4、legs and the skin around his calves was almost exactly the colour of mutton fat. The hair on his head was not ginger. It was a brilliant dark vermilion, like a ripe orange, and it was plastered back with immense quantities of brilliantine in the same fashion as the Headmasters. The parting in his ha
5、ir was a white line straight down the middle of the scalp so straight it could only have been made with a ruler. On either side of the parting you could see the comb tracks running back through the greasy orange hair like tram lines. Captain Hardcastle was never still. His orange head twitched and j
6、erked perpetually from side to side in the most alarming fashion, and each twitch was accompanied by a little grunt that came out of the nostrils.,Annotate the text you have been given how has this character been created?,Creating a Character,Face eyes, nose, mouth, hair, skin . . . Body size, shape
7、, clothing, movement, (shuffled, staggered ) . . . Personality likes, dislikes, qualities (e.g. kind, thoughtful), friends, job . . . Tone of voice volume, laughter, accent . . .,Think of a favourite character from TV or film, how does this relate to them?,How does this woman feel?Why does she feel
8、this way?Where has she come from?,Give this lady a character,Think about these questions:1. Who is this lady? 2. Where does she live? In the countryside, in the city? Where? 3. What kind of house does she live in? Is it big, small, old, modern, warm, comfortable, cold? 4. How old is she? Is she fair
9、ly young, old, very old? 5. Has she got any family? Does she have a husband? Any children? Any grandchildren? Does anyone live with her? 6. Has she got any pets? 7. What does she do all day? Does she have a job, have any hobbies? 8. What is she thinking about? Is she happy, sad? Why?,Look at the picture of an old woman you have been given and the answers to the questions that you gave yesterday.Lets share some of your descriptions with the class,Please see Stone Cold lesson 1, and continue,