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Lecture 15-1 (William Golding) 威廉 戈尔丁.ppt

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1、William Golding (19111993),What man is, whatever man is under the eye of heaven, that I burn to know and that-I do not say this lightly-I would endure knowing. William Golding,Main works:Lord of the Flies, (1st novel,1954)The Inheritors (1955) Pincher Martin(1956)Free Fall (1959),The Spire (1964), B

2、rass Butterfly (1958),ect,Features of Goldings works rich in imagination In many novels Golding has revealed the dark places of human heart, when isolated individuals or small groups are pushed into extreme situations. His work is characterized by exploration of the “darkness of mans heart”, deep sp

3、iritual and ethical questions. He preached moral sermons by using fables, metaphors, symbolism, and citing the Bible and mythologies,The Lord of the Flies,蝇王来源于希伯来语,原词为 “Belzebub or Baalzebub”(又有 说此词出自阿拉伯语)。在英语中,“蝇王”则是粪便与丑恶之王(或污物之王),在圣经中,“Baal”被当作“万恶之首”。在小说里,蝇王不只是象征着丑恶的悬挂着的猪头,更代表的是人性最深层的黑暗面,是无法避免的劣根

4、性。,Plot,Ralph(拉尔夫 Piggy(猪崽子)Simon(西蒙) Jack (杰克),Ralph Piggy Simon,Jack ,rational,cruel,vs.,Several deaths Piggy Simon,Plot- main characters Ralph(拉尔夫 ) he is the most civilized character throughout the novel, calm and rational, with sound judgment and a strong moral sensibility.With his strong commi

5、tment to justice and equality, Ralph represents the political tradition of liberal democracy.,Jack Merridew (杰克 ) cruel and sadistic (施虐狂的), preoccupied with hunting and killing pigs. Jack exemplifies militarism as it borders on authoritarianism. Jack represents anarchy. His rejection of Ralphs impo

6、sed order and the bloody results of this act indicate the danger inherent in an anarchic system based only on self-interest.,Piggy(猪崽子) the intellectual on the island. Intellectual, sensitive, and conscientious, Piggy represents culture within the democratic system embodied by Ralph. Piggys nickname

7、 symbolically connects him to the pigs on the island, who quickly become the targets of Jacks and his hunters bloodlust-an association that foreshadows his murder.Simon(西蒙) : enlightened, spiritual, prophet,Symbolism:,Characters conch-power Ralph also found a conch(海螺) earlier and the boys view it a

8、s a symbol of authority. Whenever the conch is blown, the boys meet together and only the boy holding the conch may talk while all others must listen and wait for their turn when the conch is passed to them,Irony,Children: (kind vs evil) Initially the boys listen to their consciences and act accordi

9、ng to the moral code they were taught during their upbringing. They set rules, allocate jobs, and democratically elect a leader. As time goes by, boys such as the elected leader Ralph, the rational Piggy and the kind Simon manage to remain disciplined, but others indulge and let their morals decay l

10、ittle by little, particularly the proud Jack and his group of hunters.,The theme,William Golding: “the theme (of the book) is an attempt to trace back the defects of society to the defects of human nature.The moral is that the shape of society must depend on the ethical nature of the individual and

11、not on any political system.“ It is a commentary on the darkness that exists in all mankind. The evil in every soul that seeps (渗出,渗漏) through when humans are unsupervised, uncivilized and driven to madness.,From this view of human nature Golding draws deep implications for society. He believes that

12、 because of the fundamental potential in every person to commit evil acts there will always be criminals and wrong doers in society no matter how well intentioned a societys ideologies. Therefore a society without laws and law enforcement will inevitably fail.,1. They set offalong the sand: 他们列队沿着海滩

13、出发了。拉尔夫走在前面,脚有点儿跛,肩上扛着长矛。他透过闪光的沙滩上颤抖着的热气和自己披散的长发,越过手臂上的伤痕,没有彻底看清前面的东西。走在拉尔夫后面的是双胞胎,眼下有一点儿担忧,但仍生机勃勃。他们往前走着,不常说话,只是把木头长矛的柄拖在地上;猪崽子发现,低头看着地上,使自己已经疲劳的眼睛避开阳光,他能看见长矛柄沿着沙滩往前移动。(叙述者用了军事性的术语,孩子和军事行动、暴力构成了反讽。特别是双胞胎显示出来的鲜嫩生命,更是对邪恶人性的反讽。在基督教传统中,炙热的太阳可以象征上帝对人类的惩罚),2. four plate-like shadows dancing and mingling

14、beneath them (the boys): The narration implies that the sun is very high and hot. Ralph group has four boys. 3. The sky and the mountain were at an immense distance, shimmering in the heat; and the reef was lifted by mirage, floating in a kind of silver pool half-way up the sky.天空和山岭离得远远的,在暑热中闪着微光;礁

15、石被蜃景抬高了,好象是飘浮在半空中一汪银光闪闪的水潭中。,4. The charred sticks:烧焦的枝条。Char: partially burn (an object) so as to blacken its surface. 5. The densest on the islandbefore them:他们的左面是岛上丛林最密的部分,黑色的、绿色的,弯曲盘缠的根茎长满一地,简直无法穿越;他们面前摇曳着的是高高的野草。(这种自然景色描写烘托了孩子们的紧张心情),6. Here was the crushed grass where they had all lain when h

16、e had gone to prospect. There was the neck of land, the ledge skirting the rock, up there were the red pinnacles:这儿有被压得乱糟糟的野草,那一次拉尔夫前去探查时,他们全都躺在这儿。那儿有一块狭长的地带,岩石周围有些突出的部分,上方则是一个个红色的尖石块。Prospect: skirt: go round or past the edge of; be situated along or around of the edge of.,7. He stepped through the

17、 screen of grass on to the little open space that led to the narrow neck. 他穿过象屏幕似的野草,走到了通向狭长地带的小空地上。 8. Piggy peered anxiously into the luminous veil that hung between him and the world:猪崽子不安地向前看着,有一道发光的帷幕似乎在他面前,把他和世界隔开。,9. Then the sea sucked down, revealing a red, weedy square forty feet beneath R

18、alphs left arm:那时海水退落了下去,在拉尔夫左下方四十英尺光景,一块长满海藻的红色的方礁石露了出来。 10an imitation war-cry: 好像是喊杀声。imitation: seemly. 11. His first words were a gasp, but audible:他气吁吁地开口说着,可还算听得见。,12. Freed by the paint, they had tied their hair back and were more comfortable than he was. Ralph made a resolution to tie his o

19、wn back afterwards. Indeed he felt like telling them to wait and doing it there and then; but that was impossible. The savages sniggered a bit and one gestured at Ralph with his spear. High above, Roger took his hands off the lever14 and leaned out to see what was going on. The boys on the neck stoo

20、d in a pool of their own shadow, diminished to shaggy heads. Piggy crouched, his back shapeless as a sack.,他们 (野蛮人) 涂得五颜六色,头发朝后扎着,显得比拉尔夫自在。拉尔夫作出把自己的头发也朝后扎起来的决定。他感到很想叫他们等着,但马上就扎好自己的头发;那是不可能的。野蛮人吃吃地笑起来,有一个用长矛作着瞄准拉尔夫的架势。罗杰双手松开了杠杆,在岩石高处朝外倾着身子想看看情况怎么样。隘口处的几个孩子站在自己的阴影里面,看上去只是几个蓬头散发的脑袋。猪崽子失去了原来的形状,背弓着蜷缩成一团

21、,象个麻袋似的。,13. Roger took up a small stone and flung it between the twins, aiming to miss. They started and Sam only just kept his footing.罗杰向双胞胎中间扔去一块小石头,可没投中。他们都开始扔石头了,而萨姆还站在那儿。 14. The group in front of him shifted and laughter shivered outwards from among them, light, excited laughter that went ec

22、hoing among the tall rocks.拉尔夫前面的人群在格格的笑声中晃动着,高高的山岩上回荡着轻快而兴奋的笑声。,15. The twins made a bolt past Ralph and got between him and then entry. He turned quickly.一个箭步双胞胎俩冲过拉尔夫来,站到拉尔夫和入口处中间。拉尔夫很快地回过身去。 16. With ludicrous care he embraced the rock, pressing himself to it above the sucking sea. The sniggerin

23、g of the savages became a loud derisive jeer.下面是一起一落的大海,让人提心吊胆,因此他紧紧地抱住岩石,这个样子也很可笑。野蛮人的耻笑声变成了大叫大嚷的嘲笑声。 17. The blood was flowing in his cheeks and the bunged-up eye throbbed.热血涌上他的面颊,受伤的眼睛眨动着。,18. Ralph sensed the position of the weapon from the glimpse he caught of Jacks arm and put the thrust asid

24、e with his own butt. Then he brought the end round and caught Jack a stinger across the ear. They were chest to chest, breathing fiercely, pushing and glaring.拉尔夫因为瞥见了杰克的手臂,察觉到他的武器的位置,刺过来的矛尖被自己的矛柄给挡住。接着拉尔夫转过长矛朝杰克一刺,矛尖擦过了对方的耳朵。他们俩怒目相视,推推搡搡地大口喘着粗气,现在胸对着胸。,19. Jack wrenched free and swung at Ralph with

25、 his spear. By common consent they were using the spears as sabres now, no longer daring the lethal points. The blow struck Ralphs spear and slid down, to fall agonizingly on his fingers. Then they were apart once more, their positions reversed, Jack towards the castle Rock and Ralph on the outside

26、towards the island.杰克挣脱出来挥舞着长矛朝向拉尔夫。这会儿两人心照不宣地不再用会致命的矛尖,而拿长矛当军刀砍来砍去。杰克的长矛打到拉尔夫的长矛上,往下一滑,他的手被打得生疼。随即他们又一次分开,杰克背朝着城堡岩,而拉尔夫则站在外围,背向海岛,此刻他们俩互换了位置。,20. Truculently they squared up to each other but kept just out of fighting distance.他们双方虽然都摆出一副恶狠狠的进攻架势,但却保持着距离,刚好彼此都打不到。 Truculently:凶残地,野蛮地。 square up: (打

27、斗等时)摆好架势。 21. He relaxed his fighting muscles, stood easily and grounded the butt of his spear. Jack watched him inscrutably through his paint. Ralph glanced up at the pinnacles, then towards the group of savages. 他将格斗时紧张的肌肉放松下来,随便地站着,将长矛柄拄在地上。杰克似乎透过涂在脸上的涂料莫名其妙地看着他。拉尔夫昂首瞥了瞥尖顶岩石,随后看着面前的这群野蛮人。 inscrut

28、able: impossible to understand or interpret.,22. Ive been saying it ever since we dropped in.自从咱们落到这岛上以来我一直在说这件事。 23. The shivering, silver, unreal laughter of the savages sprayed out and echoed away. A gust of rage shook Ralph. His voice cracked.在这里回荡着野蛮人爆发出的一阵颤抖的、清脆的、虚假的哄笑。拉尔夫怒不可遏,他嗓门嘶哑了。 24. And

29、then you, playing at hunting而你们呢,却以打猎寻开心 25. He pointed past them to where the trickle of smoke dispersed in the pearly air.他指着他们身后,澄澈的天空中一缕烟飘散开去。 pearly: 浅蓝灰色的,26. He paused, defeated by the silence and the painted anonymity of the group guarding the entry. The chief opened a pink mouth and address

30、ed Samnneric who were between him and his tribe.拉尔夫停住了,这一群涂成花脸的、不知名的人守卫在入口处,他们一声不吭,使他处于下风。 27. Once more the silvery laughter scattered.又响起了一阵清脆的哄笑声。 28. Samneric protested out of the heart of civilization.萨姆纳里克以礼貌的口吻抗议 29. Ralph cried out hopelessly against the black and green mask.拉尔夫朝着脸涂成黑色和绿色的人绝

31、望地喊道,30. Now the painted group felt the otherness of Samneric, felt the power in their own hands. They felled the twins clumsily and excitedly. Jack was inspired. He knew that Ralph would attempt a rescue. He struck in a humming circle behind him and Ralph only just parried the blow. Beyond them the

32、 tribe and the twins were a loud and writhing heap. Piggy crouched again. Then the twins lay, astonished, and the tribe stood round them.,现在涂脸的人群觉得已经把萨姆纳里克征服了,也感觉到了自己手中的力量。双胞胎被他们笨拙而兴奋地打翻在地。杰克知道拉尔夫会试图营救他们,因此很受鼓舞返身用长矛嗡嗡地挥舞了一圈,拉尔夫刚来得及避开打击。那一伙人在他们上面和双胞胎大叫大嚷,滚做一团。猪崽子又蹲伏下去。双胞胎在地上受惊地躺着,他们俩被那一伙人围着。,31. He n

33、umbered them through his fringe, glimpsed the ineffectual smoke.拉尔夫透过额前的长发点着他们的人数,又瞥见了已熄灭的烟。 32. Jack, knowing this was the crisis, charged too. They met with a jolt and bounced apart. Jack swung with his fist at Ralph and caught him on the ear. Ralph hit Jack in the stomach and made him grunt. Then

34、 they were facing each other again, panting and furious, but unnerved by each others ferocity. They became aware of the noise that was the background to this fight, the steady shrill cheering of the tribe behind them.,杰克明白这是关键时刻,也向前冲去。他们俩突然相撞,又跳了开来。杰克给拉尔夫一拳,打中了他的耳朵。拉尔夫一拳正中杰克的肚子,打得他发出哼哼声。接着他们俩又正面相对,气

35、喘吁吁,怒不可遏,双方并没有被彼此的凶狠所吓倒。在打架时那伙人持续不断的、快活的尖叫声被他们觉察到。,33as the tribe saw his intention the shrill cheer changed to a steady booing.当那一伙人看到猪崽子想讲话时,刺耳的喝彩声变成了轻蔑的哄笑声。 34. Silence and pause; but in the silence a curious air-noise, close by Ralphs head.一阵沉默和停顿,但是在寂静之中一种奇怪的声音,贴着拉尔夫的脑袋旁响起了。 35. Ralph shouted a

36、gainst the noise. “Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?”拉尔夫不顾喧哗声,叫喊道:“哪一个好一些?是法律和得救好呢?还是打猎和破坏好呢?”,杰克背靠着他那一伙人,长矛林立,连成一气,充满了威胁之意。他们在准备着要酝酿发起一场将隘口一扫而清的冲击。拉尔夫把长矛准备好,面对他们站着,稍偏向一侧。在他身边站着的是猪崽子,仍伸着那只护身符易碎的、闪亮而美丽的贝壳。暴风雨般的骂声朝他们俩袭来,这是一种仇恨的诅咒。罗杰在他们俩头上高高的地方极度兴奋地、恣意地把全身的重量压在撬杠上。早在看到



39、得更开了。一头砍掉脑袋的野母猪被他一眼看到,及时地一跃而过。随后他噼里啪啦地穿过簇叶和小树枝,隐没到森林之中。,The hangmans horror clung round him.一种刽子手般的令人恐怖的感觉散布在罗杰周围。 The Chief snatched one of the few spears that were left and poked Sam in the ribs.萨姆的肋骨被头领从留下几根长矛中的一根戳了戳。,The prodding became rhythmic. Sam yelled. “Thats not the way.” Roger edged past

40、 the Chief, only just avoiding pushing him with his shoulder. The yelling ceased, and Samneric lay looking up in quiet terror. Roger advanced upon them as one wielding a nameless authority.,矛尖有节奏地一戳一戳。痛得萨姆大叫。 “别这样。” 罗杰从头领的身旁慢慢地挨过去,只是留心不让自己的肩膀碰着他。叫嚷声停了下去,萨姆纳里克躺在地上,不声不响,惊恐万状。罗杰朝他们走去,象在行使不可名状的权威。 wield: have and be able to use (power or influence),


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