1、-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-Module 1 Unit 3 What can you feel?Objective:Vocabulary: donkey, sharp, blunt, opposite, this/theseStructure: Feel/Put/ Mix/ Show /CollectIs it?What is it? Whose is this?Function: Giving and responding to simple instructionsAsking and describing how thin
2、gs feelIdentifying objects by touchIdentifying and matching oppositesAsking and answering questions about the location of objects Saying the sound -ssPeriod 1Language focus: Using imperatives to give instructions.Teaching aids: Cassette player, word cards, multi-media.PROCEDURE CONTENT METHODS PURPO
3、SE-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-PROCEDURE CONTENT METHODS PURPOSE1. Warm-up: Sing a song Head, shoulders, knees and toes(Cassette player)Pupils sing and act.歌曲能激发学生学习英语的兴趣,同时自然地引出Quick response的内容。2. Quick response(Pictures: Parts of the body of the animals)Look at the pictures as q
4、uickly as possible.看看说说,帮助学生回忆已学过的且和本节课有关的单词。I. Pre-task preparation3. Spell shell, paw, clawSpell the words on the word cards.拓宽词汇教学领域,丰富并扩大学生的词汇量。-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-PROCEDURE CONTENT METHODS PURPOSE1. Make the donkey completePut some missing parts of the donkey on the c
5、omputer screen to make it complete.教师借助多媒体边说边做,学生边听边看,在生活实景中明确:“Putin/on”的句意。II. While-taskprocedure2. Imitation Ask pupils to mime your actions.Put in/on学生通过机械性模仿熟悉新句型的基本结构和表达方式。-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-PROCEDURE CONTENT METHODS PURPOSE3. Quick response: Happy or Sad(Multi-med
6、ia: Some animals and plants with some missing parts)P1: Put in/on Ps: Happy! (If P1 is right)Sad! (If P1 is wrong)帮助这些小动物及植物找到缺少的部分,一方面考考学生眼力,另一方面激起学生爱心,并教育他们要保护动植物。4. Make sentences(Some pictures about the poor animals which need help)Ask pupils to work in pairs to make sentences with Putin/no帮助一些粗
7、心的动物找回丢失的身体部分,更好地培养学生运用语言的能力。-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-PROCEDURE CONTENT METHODS PURPOSE5. Passing game(Pictures on the wall)The first pupil of a group can see the picture, then he/she passes the sentence about the picture to another pupil in the group. The last pupil should put
8、 the right part on the right animal.游戏能激发学生的兴趣,以此唤醒学生运用新授语言的意识,让更的多学生积极主动地参与语言活动。-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-PROCEDURE CONTENT METHODS PURPOSEIII. Post-task activityArrange the classroomAsk pupils to put the things in the classroom in order.为学生提供自主学习的空间,让他们对教室进行整理或用自带的物品进行重新布置,主动运
9、用所学进行表达。IV. AssignmentArrange your room verbally, make it neater or more beautiful.巩固课堂学习内容。【教案设计说明】课堂教学的最终目的是为了体现语言的活力,即能在生活中运用所学语言进行交际,因此教师在教学活动设计中应最大化地体现语言材料的可操作性,努力创设尽可能逼真的生活化情景,使语言在生活化的情景中被理解被运用,无疑是追求语言活力的有效途径。-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-本课通过复习 head, shoulder, knee, toe 等身体部位
10、单词,并在课堂教学中拓展 shell, paw , claw 等单词,丰富地扩充了对句型 Putin/on的教学。教学中努力体现两大特点:努力做到让学生在仿生活化的课堂教学实践中理解句意。如教师利用多媒体,边说边操作,把身体各个部位组合成一个完整的动物驴。新授语言知识通过动作,声音有机结合而成的生活实景呈现于学生面前。此时学生对 Putin/on语言功能已相当明确,即把某物放到另一物时面或上面。无疑,正确理解句意都是在教师的仿生活实景的课堂教学法实践中完成的。努力创设生活化情景,让学生在具体生活实践中运用语言,教学活动中教师设计一些残缺的需要帮助的小动物及植物,请学生在规定的时间内把它们缺少的部位放到正确位置。这些残缺的小动物和花草,充分激发了学生的爱心,让学生在动手操作中操练语言,说、做同步。又如,请学生整理教室,把教室安排布置得更整齐更美,这样就激活了语言材料,做到“学中用,用中学” ,使 Putin/on这一句型得到有效真实的运用。新授语言知识在仿生活实景的教学实践中被理解,在具体生活实践中被运用才能开出活力之花,这样的课堂教学才是行之有效的。-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-