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2、-59. 13 ,: ,. 3ggr#T J .T , 2005, 6:8-9. 14 f , XS,. 3g T ur 3Y J . r , 2005, 19(2):92-95. 15 ., ,. 3g ?Zr 3g J .Sr g , 2006, (4):1-5. 16 f, 7.FAMEEs gI N jhr r BrT J .S j S, 2003, 36 (8):922-927.Development status and prospect of microbial organic fertilizer in ChinaSHEN De-long, CAO Feng-ming, LI
3、Li (Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning CAAS, Beijing 100081)Abstract:In this article, the concept, the development and the application status of microbial organic fertilizer were summa-rized, it included the enterprises quantities, technical of manufacturing, kinds of microbe
4、used, production quality, effect of ap-plication and mechanism.At the same time, some problems that existed and the corresponding solving advices was pointed out,the prospect of microbial organic fertilizer in the future are put forward also.Key words:microbial organic fertilizer;development status;
5、efficiency mechanism;advice, prospect.2008 M j0 g本刊主要内容:重点宣传国家的政策法规;报道科技、经济、市场动态;探讨营销新理念、新模式;发布供求信息;推广新产品、新技术、新成果;传播实用农业技术以及农作物病虫害防治的新经验、新方法;介绍农药知识及加工使用知识等;评述农药行业现状及前景;反映农药行业热点及难点。本刊自办发行,半月刊,全年24期,大16开本,约90页(含广告),全铜版纸印刷,全年订价 200元(含邮寄咨询费);新订户如需索取样刊,我们接到来函来电即赠送近期刊物一份,并可免费试登一次供求信息。地址:江苏南通市姚港路35号农药市场信息编
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