1、Lesson 61.Uncle Bookys story timeStudent Book page 36Tell the children to open their books at page 36. Draw their attention to the pictures first. Ask them if they know the story. In Chinese have them talk about the story.Say, “Now we are going to listen to the story.”Play the tape, ask the children
2、 to listen to the story with their books closed.Have the children open their books, and look at the pictures.Ask them to look for familiar words in the story.Have children read the story silently, encouraging them to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.It doesnt matter if they dont know the words.
3、 The requirement for this part is to understand the story.2.Is it cold?Use this game to review some of this Units core vocabulary (rice, hamburger, lemon, soup, ice cream, hot, cold, sweet, fresh, and sour) and the structures “Is it (cold)?”, “Yes, it is.”, and“No, it isnt.” The game is best played
4、in pairs.Ask the children to take out the following cards: rice, hamburger, lemon, soup, and ice cream.Review the vocabulary and structures in a class drill before beginning the game.Put the children in pairs and each pair prepare a set of the five cards. Have the children spread the cards face down
5、 on a table.Explain to the children that in this game they will take turns picking up the cards, one at a time. Their partner must then try to guess which card they are holding. Tell them that there are only five possible answers. It is important that the childs partner does not see his or her card.
6、Child A should say, “Is it (hot)?”each time he or she makes a guess. Child B should then answer either “Yes, it is.” or “No, it isnt.”Child A should continue to ask questions until he or she has guessed the correct word. “Is it (cold)? Is it (sweet)? . (ice cream)!” Have the children change roles wh
7、en Child A has guessed the correct answer.The children should continue the game until there are no cards left.3.BingoUse this game to review the vocabulary introduced from Units 7 through 9.Have the children take out their cards for this Unit, and get ready for the game.See Unit 7, page 24, for the
8、rules and procedure.4.Snap!This game reviews the vocabulary introduced from Units 7 through 9. It is best played in pairs.Ask the children to take out their small flashcards for Units 79.See Unit 8, page 50, for the rules and procedure.5.Self-assessmentStudent Book page 37Ask children if they know a
9、ll the food in the first activity. Then point the picture of soup and ask, “Is it (hot)?” Elicit the correct answer from the children. Put children in pairs and use the same procedure with other pictures.Tell children that its time for dinner. Ask them what do they want. Have children tell their par
10、tners in pairs. Then say, “Lets write out what we said just now.” Have children finish the sentences below the pictures. Check in whole class.6.I canStudent Book page 37In the third part, explain to the children that they have covered 3 units so far and now its the time to assess themselves. Have th
11、e children evaluate themselves according to the items listed on the left column. Then complete the statements on the right column. Stick a sticker on the childs book after you have checked his/herself? assessment (Stickers are provided at the back of Teachers Resource Book). You can also set this part as homework