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类型三年级英语上册 unit 1 教案设计3' 北师大版.doc

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    三年级英语上册 unit 1 教案设计3' 北师大版.doc

    1、Unit1 dont walk 教学设计第三课时【教学目标】1. review the core words in this Unit.2encourage the children to study the English in high spirit【学情分析】学生已经掌握了 dont./no.句型【教学准备】录音机 磁带 教学挂图 多媒体【教学过程设计】Review the story1. Ask the students to take out their cards for this Unit.2. Say, “no food” Have the pupils hold up the

    2、 matching card. Repeat for other cards.3. Hold up each of the cards in turn. Elicit the structures of No food and Dont touch.Act out1. Review 2.2. Practice the structures, Stand up, Dont stand up, Sit down, Dont sit down.3. Ask the pupils to hold up their left hand.4. Write the word left on the boar

    3、d and have the pupils read it5. Repeat the procedure for the right hand.6. Say, “Simon says, look left. Simon says, look right.” Say ”Chinese book ,close left eye ,close right eye”Talk together1. open books,ask the students what they can see for this picture.2. play the media, show the cartoon. then

    4、 ask students what can they know form the cartoon.3. show again, pausing after each part, elicit the structures of Dont make noise and Dont hit other children and Dont litter and Dont climb the trees and Dont be late4. read with tape once time, then divide the class into two groups to be Ann and Moc

    5、ky. Play the tape again. Have each group join in with the tape when their character speaksListen and number1. Talk about the pictures2. Play each sentence on the tape one at a time, and have the pupils matching picture.3. Read out the sentences in a class drill.设计意图:从歌谣中引出指令练习较好有利于学生理解。Draw lines to match1. Point the words in the first box at the top and read, “No bikes.” Have the pupils repeat it.2. Look at the pictures in the middle and point to the picture that matches the sentence.3. . Draw lines between the phrases and the matching pictures.4. Read the phrases in a class drill.

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