1、Appendix I: Index to Video ExamplesAUs and combinations that are illustrated with MPEG video are sorted in AU order in the table below. Each video is cross-referenced to the filename of the video clip, the Manual page containing the scoring commentary, and the sequenceof the clip in the continuous M
2、PEG master video (roughly the order of appearance in the Manual and in the table of scor-ing commentaries). (The digital transfer of the original film examples does not contain the newer examples.) The videoclips are in the Examples/Video directory of the CD ROM. (An identical set of video clips in
3、QuickTime format can befound in the Examples/Video/QT directory.) The continuous MPEG is in the Manual directory. Online viewers can clickthe hyperlinks in the column “Filename of Video Clip” to see the video, and the links in the “Page Number of ScoringCommentary” to see the commentary. AUs Illustr
4、ated 11+21+2+41+2+51+4244+555+766+7 (i)6+7 (ii)6+7+126+12 (i)6+12 (ii)6+156+4E3, 7+43EFilename of VideoClipAU1.mpgAU1_2.mpgAU1_2_4.mpgAU1_2_5.mpgAU1_4.mpgAU2.mpgAU4.mpgAU4_5.mpgAU5.mpgAU5_7.mpgAU6only.mpgAU6_7.mpgAU6.mpgAU67_12AU6_12B.mpgAU6_12o.mpgAU6_15.mpgAU6_7_43.mpgPage Numberof ScoringCommenta
5、rypage 413page 416page 416page 416page 415page 413page 413page 415page 414page 415page 414page 414page 414page 423page 422page 422page 424page 416Sequence inMPEGMaster21112131031849-6-37-4614Facial Action Coding System377Index to Video Examples7 (i)7 (ii)7+128+26 9AU7.mpgAU7only.mpgAU7_12o.mpgAU8_26
6、.mpgAU9.mpgpage 414page 414page 422page 429page 4175-70159+16+25 AU9_16.mpg page 418 209+171010+12+16+25 10+12+25 10+1410+1510+15+1710+16+2510+1710+17+23 10+20+2510+22+25 10+23+25 AU9_17.mpgAU10.mpgAU101216.mpgAU101225.mpgAU10_14.mpgAU10_15.mpgAU101517.mpgAU10_16.mpgAU10_17.mpgAU101723.mpgAU102025.m
7、pgAU102225.mpgAU102325.mpgpage 418page 417page 423page 423page 420page 419page 419page 418page 419page 427page 421page 426page 4262216413931232621246133675311 AU11.mpg page 421 3512 (i)12 (ii)12+15 12+15+17 12+16+25 12+17 12+17+23 12+23 12+24 12+26 12+27 131414+17AU12.mpgAU12only.mpgAU12_15.mpgAU121
8、517.mpgAU121625.mpgAU12_17.mpgAU121723.mpgAU12_23.mpgAU12_24.mpgAU12_26.mpgAU12_27.mpgAU13.mpgAU14.mpgAU14_17.mpgpage 421page 422page 424page 424page 423page 424page 427page 426page 426page 423page 424page 422page 420page 42036-454740446054554243382832Facial Action Coding System37814+23 1515+1715+17
9、+23 15+23 16+20+2516+22+25 16+23+25 16+25 (i)16+25 (ii)1717+23 17+24 18 18+23 192020+23+25 20+2620+2721 22+23+25 22+25 23 23+26 24 28 29303132333435AU14_23.mpgAU15.mpgAU15_17.mpgAU151723.mpgAU15_23.mpgAU162025.mpgAU162225.mpgAU162325.mpgAU16.mpgAU16ii.mpgAU17.mpgAU17_23.mpgAU17_24.mpgAU18.mpgAU18_23
10、.mpgAD19.mpgAU20.mpgAU202325.mpgAU20_26.mpgAU20_27.mpgAU21.mpgAU222325.mpgAU22_24.mpgAU23.mpgAU23_26.mpgAU24.mpgAU28.mpgAD29.mpgAD30.mpgAU31.mpgAD32.mpgAD33.mpgAD34.mpgAD35.mpgpage 426page 417page 419page 427page 428page 421page 429page 429page 418page 418page 417page 427page 427page 425page 428page
11、 429page 419page 428page 420page 420page 429page 428page 425page 425page 428page 425page 425page 430page 430page 430page 430page 430page 431page 431561825576334686919-1758594862-2766293071654950645152-Facial Action Coding System379Index to Video Examples363738; 39 46M55M57M59M60M61M68M69M83AD36.mpgA
12、D37.mpgAU38_39.mpgAU46.mpgM55.mpgM57.mpgM59.mpgM60.mpgM61.mpgM68.mpgM69.mpgM83.mpgpage 431page 431page 431page 415page 432page 432page 433page 433page 433page 432page 432page 432-727-Facial Action Coding System380Appendix II: Scores for ReferenceExample Images and VideosThe example images and videos
13、 portray AUs to illustrate AU descriptions1. Although every attempt was made to useexamples that show only the AUs intended to be represented, this goal was not always achieved because of the difficultyof eliminating all other actions from the performance of the intended AUs. Below are complete FACS
14、 scores for each ofthe example images. These scores contain the intensity score, which is usually not emphasized in the AU descriptions ofSection A, a unilateral prefix if unilateral or an asymmetry score (a scoring option) if asymmetrical. These scores allowthe careful student to determine more pre
15、cisely what causes certain appearances in the example images. An example mayinadvertently contain a score for an AU that has not been previously discussed. If so, focus on the intended AUs and return to the example later when the as yet unfamiliar AU is discussed. The scores for the examples will he
16、lp to under-stand the relevance of the examples for scoring decisions made in practical scoring situations after FACS training is com-plete. The commentaries present the evidence for the AUs scored and the intensity assigned, and discuss why other AUswere not scored. Any difficulties in scoring are
17、highlighted. In the scoring of the video, the scores pertain to the maximum extent of the movement in the clip and include all the actions of significance, regardless of the complexities that might beintroduced by the event scoring in Chapter 11.If you are reading online, click the thumbnail to view
18、 the image in an external viewer, click the page number link to moveto the Manual page containing the image, or click on the “(Get Neutral)” link to see the neutral for the person in an exter-nal viewer.Image Name but there is no 7 in this item. (A 7 would wrinkle the lower eyelid and pull it up ont
19、o the eyeball, causing a bulgeand straightening it much more - see item 7 below.)The upper eyelid is raised to reveal virtually the entire top of theiris, sufficient to score 5B as the top of the iris is covered in neu-tral. Slight flaring and thinning of the nostrils is sufficient to score 38A.Faci
20、al Action Coding System383Scores for Reference Example Images and Videosw5iipage 467(Get Neutral)7page 468(Get Neutral)6page 468(Get Neutral)w7page 468(Get Neutral)5E7CG7D+6C4A+7CThe upper eyelid is raised to reveal sclera in the maximum range,evident on the right side, sufficient to score 5E. Notic
21、e that the maximum 5 has stretched and lifted the lower eyelid a trace, butthere is no action of AU 7 in this item.The lower eyelid is raised markedly and straightened slightly, caus-ing slight bulging, and the narrowing of the eye aperture is markedto pronounced, sufficient to score 7C. No other ac
22、tions are detect-able in this item.The infraorbital triangle is raised markedly, pushing skin below theeye up, slightly deepening the nasolabial furrow, and pulling up theskin of the upper lip a trace. Marked crows feet wrinkles form atthe eye corners as the lateral top of the infraorbital triangle
23、is raised and the lateral part of the eyebrow is lowered slightly,changing the shape of the eye cover fold as the outer ring of orbic-ular muscle constricts. This evidence is sufficient to score 6C. Even though the action of 6 is expected to push up skin below theeye and wrinkle the lower eyelid, th
24、e eyelid in this item is pulledfar up on the eyeball, beyond the effect that 6 alone can produce,causing severe bulging and wrinkling of the lower eyelid and nar-rowing of the eye aperture. Note how the skin of the lower eyelidis drawn markedly to the inner corner of the eye, narrowingseverely the a
25、ngle around the lacrimal gland. The upper eyelid islowered, contributing to the changes in the eye cover fold pro-duced by the action of 6. This evidence is sufficient to score 7D.Both the wrinkling and the narrowing due to 7 are a trace greateron the right, or R1, so the prefix G is assigned. Even
26、though thecorners of the lips are turned up a trace and the nasolabial furrowbeyond the lip corners is pulled laterally a trace, these effects are probably due to the AU 6 pulling, and no AU 12 is scored here,lacking evidence from the movement.The lower lid is raised and straightened markedly on the
27、 eyeball, causing pronounced bulging and narrowing of the eye aperture,sufficient to score 7C. Notice how the skin of the lower eyelid isdrawn in towards the inner eye corners to affect the angle of theeyelid around the lacrimal duct. A trace of vertical wrinklingbetween the eyebrows, a trace of bro
28、w lowering, especially theright, is sufficient to score 4A.Facial Action Coding System384w6page 468(Get Neutral)43ipage 469(Get Neutral)43iipage 469(Get Neutral)43iiipage 469(Get Neutral)7Epage 469(Get Neutral)6C+7D43B43D43E7EThe raise of the infraorbital triangle is pronounced, the deepeningof the
29、nasolabial furrow is marked, and skin of the upper lip israised a trace. Pronounced crows feet wrinkles form at the eye corners as the lateral top of the infraorbital triangle is raised severely, and the infraorbital furrow is deepened severely. This evi-dence is sufficient to score 6C. The action o
30、f 6 pushes up skinbelow the eye, but the eyelid in this item is pulled far up on theeyeball, beyond the effect that 6 alone can produce, causing severebulging and wrinkling of the lower eyelid and severely narrowingthe eye aperture. Note how the skin of the lower eyelid is drawnseverely to the inner
31、 corner of the eye, narrowing the angle aroundthe lacrimal gland. This evidence is sufficient to score 7D. The eyebrows may be lowered a trace, but the 6 can explain this effect.The upper eyelid is relaxed and drooping down slightly, sufficientto score 43B. Note that the shape of the lower eyelid is
32、 littlechanged from neutral and there is no additional wrinkling. Be sure to compare the appearance of relaxing the upper eyelid in 43 tothat resulting from the tensing of the orbicular muscle that isapparent in the 6 and 7 items above.Again, this appearance results from relaxing the upper eyelid, a
33、ndthe eyelids are almost together (closed), but the gap between themcan still be seen, especially in the medial parts and around the lac-rimal gland. This evidence is sufficient to score 43D. Compare this appearance to the next item, which shows the eyelids closed.The eyes are closed in 43E. Notice
34、that when the eyes are closed, you see the upper eyelashes laying on the skin of the lower lid andlittle or nothing of the lower eyelashes. No sclera or mucosa can be seen. No evidence of any other action is present in this example.The lower lid is pulled and stretched maximally on the eyeball, hidi
35、ng most of the iris, and bulging and tensing of the lower eyelid is extreme. This evidence is sufficient to score 7E.Note that without a counteracting tension in the upper lid, the eyewould close and be scored 7E+43E, but the tension in the uppereyelid is always active to keep the eyes open, so ther
36、e is no need toscore AU 5 in such an ordinary situation, and the appearance changes here do not meet any of the guidelines for scoring AU 5.When both 7 and 5 act so that 5 is scored, the appearance is differ-ent from this item, as you can see in the 5+7 item below.Facial Action Coding System385Score
37、s for Reference Example Images and Videos4+5page 470(Get Neutral)w4+5page 470(Get Neutral)5+7page 470(Get Neutral)1+4ipage 470(Get Neutral)1+4iipage 471(Get Neutral)4C+5C4C+5B+38A5D+7C1C+4C+38A1C+4D+38AThe inner parts of the eyebrows are pulled together slightly form-ing slight vertical wrinkling, a
38、nd are pulled down markedly, form-ing slight horizontal wrinkles at the inner corners of the eyebrows,sufficient to score 4C. The upper eyelid is raised and tensed againstthe downward movement of the eye cover fold caused by the low-ered eyebrows, and more sclera shows at the upper, side parts ofthe
39、 iris, indicating AU 5. Because the 5 occurs with 4, the specialintensity guidelines for 5 with 4 are used to score intensity. We cansee that more of the top part of the iris is revealed than in neutral and the harsh stare is at least marked, so 5C is scored.The eyebrows are markedly lowered and mar
40、ked vertical wrinklesform between the eyebrows, sufficient to score 4C. The upper eye-lid appears raised from the increased exposure of sclera around theiris. Tension of the upper lid against the eye cover fold is evidentas AU 4 pushes down and AU 5 pushes up. The eyes have a glarethat is not presen
41、t in the w4 example (cover the eyebrows to com-pare). This evidence is sufficient to score 5B. The marked thinningand flaring of the nostrils is sufficient to score 38A in a still image.The upper eyelid is raised to reveal much more than a hairline ofsclera around the top of the iris, which is parti
42、ally covered in neu-tral. At least a severe amount of sclera beyond the guideline for theB intensity (virtually all of the top of the iris) is revealed, but not a maximum, sufficient to score 5D. The lower eyelid is raised andstraightened markedly on the eyeball forming a marked bulge, andskin is dr
43、awn to the inner eye corner, sufficient to score 7C.The increase in wrinkling in the center of the forehead is marked topronounced, and the raising of the inner corners of the eyebrows ispronounced, sufficient to score 1C. The eyebrows are pulledtogether markedly, and marked vertical wrinkling and b
44、ulgingappears between them. Using the guidelines for AU 4 in the com-bination of 1+4, this evidence is sufficient to score 4C. Notice howstraight the eyebrows are compared to the example for AU 1, inthis table above, because the 4 is pulling down the center of eacheyebrow while the 1 is raising the
45、inner corner, which decreasesthe curvature of the eyebrow. The markedly thinned and flarednostrils are sufficient to score 38A.The same signs are apparent in this items as in the previous, but the actions are more intense. The increase in horizontal wrinkling inthe center of the forehead and the rai
46、sing of the inner corners of theeyebrows are pronounced, about the same as in the previous item.Yet, there is a more bulging, bunched, and knotted appearance tothe center of the forehead because the stronger AU 1 is counter-acted by a stronger AU 4, shown in the severe vertical wrinklingand bulging
47、and wrinkling between the eyebrows, the severe draw-ing together of the eyebrows, and the greater lowering of the eye-brow centers. Also, notice the straightness of the eyebrow and eyecover fold. This evidence is sufficient to score 4D, and the 1remains in the C intensity range. The markedly thinned
48、 and flarednostrils are sufficient to score 38A.Facial Action Coding System386j0page 465(Get Neutral)0 This neutral image serves as a baseline for the j images. Note thepermanent wrinkles in the forehead and at or below the eye cor-ners. Note the greater exposure of the eye cover fold and skin ofthe
49、 upper eyelid, compared to the other faces, that makes changesin the upper eyelid easier to detect. There is also more permanentbulging in the glabella than the other faces seen thus far.j1+4page 471(Get Neutral)1C+4D+L11B The inner corners of the eyebrows are raised slightly, and the hori-zontal wrinkling in the center of the forehead is increased mark-edly, sufficient to score 1C. The eyebrows are markedly to severelypulled together, forming severe vertical wrinkles and bulgingbetween the eyebrows, sufficient to score 4D (barely) using the cri-teria for 4 in the 1+4 combi